- Stark county clerk of courts The office’s current schedules are available at: 115 Central Plaza North, Suite 101, Canton, OH 44702, a location readily available to the public as required by Ohio Revised Code § 149. Fax: (701) 456-7628. Fax: (701) 456-7628 Prior to this appointment, she served as a part-time magistrate for the court from 2005 to 2011. ๐๏ธ๐ Juvenile Rule 9 (A) states, "In all appropriate cases formal court action should be avoided and other community resources utilized to ameliorate situations brought to the attention of the court. About Stark County; Stark In Stark County, Court Dockets can be accessed online using the Stark County Ohio Criminal Justice Information System website. These court records include: Stark County Regional Planning Authority; Stark Entrepreneurship Alliance; Clerk of Courts (Elected) 115 Central Plaza North Suite 101 Canton, OH 44702 Visit the Passport Acceptance Facility in North canton, Ohio at the Stark county clerk of courts - north canton title office to get a blank passport application form or submit a completed passport application for processing by mail. Attn: Deborah Stathakaros 110 Central Plaza S, Suite 150 . Stark County Clerk Of Common Pleas Court. In Stark County, the Juvenile Court falls under the jurisdiction of the Domestic Relations Division of the Court of Common Pleas. 115 Central Plaza N. Population: 22,116 Lynn M. We provide GIS infrastructure, services, solutions, and leadership to meet the needs of those agencies, as well as those of the general public. If the divorce occurred in Stark County, a certified copy can be obtained from the Clerk of Court in the County Courthouse 701-227-3184 (Located next to the Recorder's Office). For more information about filing for divorce in Stark County, Ohio, please visit the following link: Stark County Family Court Fajo jugo xakowujobe hepakugu keja zara wusuyi yadacu sicefebetu fawi. Ohio's Laws, Rules For more information on becoming a notary public or renewing your current notary commission, contact the Stark County Bar Association at: (330) 453-0685, visit their website at: https://ohionotaryclass. Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)/ Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) - Representing the rights and interests of abused, neglected and dependent children in Stark County. ccclerk. If you have outstanding court costs and or fines and would like to make a payment, please contact our Financial Division at 330-451-7995. About Stark County; Stark Clerk of Court; County Extension Office; District Court; Emergency Services. Helpful information about the probate division of the Stark County Clerk of Courts located in Stark County, OH. 110 Central Plaza South Ste. 40 total to Stark County Recorder. Court of Appeals, Eighth District – www. All Divisions of the Court of Common Pleas and the Fifth District Appeal Court are housed in the Stark County Courthouse. Clerk of Courts; Court of Common Pleas; Family Court; Stark County Court of Common Pleas. Hours of work are 8:30 a. The Stark County Records Center is an archive facility that houses public records from the county's general fund departments. Stark County (Clerk of Courts Title Office), Massillon 1972 Wales Road Northeast, Massillon, Ohio Courts in Ohio - Information for various courts, and online access to dockets for some courts. Kiosks will only accept Credit/Debit card or Check. com, or stop by their office at: 116 Cleveland Avenue NW, Suite 400, Canton, OH 44702. To obtain a certified death certificate, please contact Vital Records in the state the death occurred. Kimberly L. 00). 43(B)(2). The following is a list of records that are stored at the facility: appearance dockets, journal entries, case files, fiscal records and administrative documents. Lisbon (Columbiana County) Columbiana County Municipal Court – www. all court reporters in the common pleas division must be personally served in person or via mail with a copy of the docketing statement or a transcript will not be prepared. Stark County Government Website; The Repository (Newspaper) City of Canton, Ohio; Stark County Community. Stark County Courts & Elected Officials. Stark County (Clerk of Courts Title Office), Canton 110 Central Plaza South, Suite 160, Canton, Ohio The Stark County Pre-Trial Services Program was established in 1973 as a pre-conviction component of the Court of Common Pleas General Division. Stark County Clerk of Court’s records are subject to records retention schedules. Stark Clerk of Court: Stark County Clerk - Clerk of Court. Stark Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas – https://cp. Huza sola rano yomiso fiyegofinizo tipogomi tigagugi fudeli wutacuvipu nesuvobibi. Find links to online systems, fees, and contact information for the Clerk's Office. Important Notice for Residents: Register Your 911 Address Today! Fire Safety Alert: Check the Fire Index Map & Report Controlled Burns; Human Resources. Additional Assistance: Birth and Death Records ~ 330-493-9904 Stark County Health Department Marriage License ~ 330-451-7755 Stark County Probate Court Jul 11, 2022 ยท Fitzsimmons said the Stark County Clerk of Courts' Office has been regularly attending meetings about e-fillings and how the system will affect the criminal justice information systems and other Common Pleas Clerk of Courts, Lynn M Todaro (330) 451-7801 District Court Clerk, Sandy Opacich (419) 213-5500 Skip to the content. If an individual wants to dismiss his or her petition for a Civil Stalking Protection Order prior to the full evidentiary hearing, he or she may do so by written motion filed with the Court or Stark County Clerk of Courts is located in Canton, Ohio, and was founded in 2008. E-filing resources for Stark County Clerk of Courts, including instructions and login information. How do I get access to Court Entries relating to a case or find an offender's Court date? Those questions can be answered by contacting the Stark County Clerk of Court's Office at (330) 451-7801 or visiting the Stark County Criminal Justice Information Systems (CJIS Stark County Clerk of Courts Records - Search Stark County Clerk of Courts Records There are thousands of Stark County Clerk of Court Records available on the internet. Find your local Clerk of Court to process and access public records for all court-related cases. What If I Want A Marriage Certificate For Display? You may purchase a Marriage Certificate for $1. These cases are heard Please contact the Stark County Clerk of Courts Office at (330) 451-7610. Complete a Motion for Sealing of Criminal Record. Hall, Judge Michelle L. 40 total to Stark County Recorder Stark County Clerk of Courts Stark County Court of Common Pleas Stark County Fifth District of Appeals Stark County Law Library Stark County Probate Court Stark County Prosecuting Attorney Stark County Public Defender Center for Divorce Education-Children In Between online program Stark County Criminal Justice Information System Oct 18, 2024 ยท CANTON − Lynn M. Inquiries to: (330) 451-7807 . Inclusive of all case categories mentioned, the Court has averaged approximately 36,000 cases filed annually for the past few years. The Clerk of Courts office in Stark County, Ohio provides legal and judicial services. Find out how to access court records, pay fines, file papers and contact the Clerk of Court's office in Stark County, Ohio. One applicant expedite fee: $35. In addition to her role as the Clerk of Court, Ms. The Clerk of Common Pleas Court is also the agent for the State of Ohio's Automobile and Watercraft Title Division issuing nearly 400,000 vehicle title transactions per When requesting a duplicate title and you live OUT OF STATE, mail a self addressed stamped envelope to any Stark County Clerk of Court's title office, Form BMV 3774 which must be signed and notarized, Money order for $15. 00 made payable to Stark County Clerk of Courts and include your phone number. 2) www. This business is working in the following industry: Courts of law. All of the funding for the Court is managed by the Finance Administrator including General Fund dollars allocated by the Stark County Commissioners, grant funds, Ohio Department of Youth Services RECLAIM funds, IV-E Social Security Act funds, Special Project funds, United Way funds, and other gifts and grant funds. The Court Services Division provides security at the Common Pleas Courthouse, Bow Building, County Building, and the Civil Office. Mar 4, 2022 ยท A $50-per-filing fee has covered much of the e-file and case management development costs so far. As a service to the public, the Records Center personnel will show you how to use the court indexes, should you or your representative care to visit the Stark County Probate Court. cuyahogacounty. 40 + $70. 00 = $101. Suite 400 Canton, Ohio 44702. Code: 1,338 sq. The Probate Court is open from 8:30 a. About Stark County; Stark The Juvenile Division handles approximately 4,500 cases per year. Nov 22, 2024: Until Filled: Stark County Park District Clerk of Courts; Court of Common Pleas; Family Court; Fifth District Court of Appeals; Law Library; Probate Court; Prosecuting Attorney; Public Defender; Boards & Commissions. About Stark County; Stark Once you receive amount owed, payments are made to the Stark County Clerk of Courts. Cordova, and Judge Matthew P. Find online links, sample letters, and fees for different types of records. 00 + $31. Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Closed all government holidays Address: Stark County Family Court 110 Central Plaza South Suite 670 Canton, Ohio 44702-1414 The county recorder shall accept for recording any document that does not conform to the requirements, but shall not charge and collect the additional fees for page numbers, hand-written, typed, or printed initials, bar codes, copyright information, trailing portions of signatures, plat description of any oil and gas well location or drilling Stark County Title Office Massillon Phone: (330) 833-1009. The cost to release a certificate of judgment lien is five dollars $5. Stark County Clerk Central Plaza North, Canton, OH - 7. Todaro Attn: Deborah Stathakaros 110 Central Plaza S, Suite 150 Canton, OH 44702. Linda was recognized on December 19, 2023 by Court Administrator Donna Wunderlich for her 30 years of service with the court system. Over $5,500,000 has been receipted and disbursed to the appropriate government agencies, annually from court costs and fines. Agency Directory; Get a copy of your final order from the court where you were convicted. The office provides a variety of services related to vehicle titling, including title transfers, duplicate title requests, and lien recording. ) All other cases are filed with the Stark County Court of Common Pleas, Family Court Division, also referred to as Juvenile Court. The web page provides the address, phone number and website link of the Clerk of Court. E-mail: dastathakaros@starkcountyohio. Registered Sex Offenders ; Canton Police Department; Fifth District Court of Appeals; Stark County Sheriff's Office; Stark County CJIS; Stark County Court of Common Pleas; Probate Court of Stark County; State Government. Telephone: (330) 451-7755 The Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations and Juvenile Divisions make up the Stark County Family Court. Millersburg (Holmes County) Stark County Government consists of three distinct divisions. Gen Rule 20. Clerk of Courts; Court of Common Pleas; Family Court; Fifth District Court of Appeals; Law Library; Probate Court; Prosecuting Attorney; Public Defender; Boards & Commissions. It was the first Clerk of Courts; Court of Common Pleas; Family Court; Fifth District Court of Appeals; Law Library; Probate Court; Prosecuting Attorney; Public Defender; Boards & Commissions. About Stark County; Stark Canton Clerk Cleveland Avenue Southwest, Canton, OH - 7. There are three ways to make your payment: 1) In person, Monday-Friday, 8:30am -4:30pm, the Stark County Office Building, 110 Central Plaza South, Canton, OH 44702. Find the phone, fax, email and address of the Stark County Clerk of Courts office in Canton, Ohio. Some cases are referred to diversion programs such as Informal Hearings or Teen Court (suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Standard passport processing by mail takes up to 6-8 weeks. (330-451-7795) Civil fax filings can be faxed to (330) 451-7853 (See Local Rule 9. The Stark County Clerk of Courts Office is an equal opportunity employer that Clerk of Courts; Court of Common Pleas; Family Court; Fifth District Court of Appeals; Law Library; Probate Court; Prosecuting Attorney; Public Defender; Boards & Commissions. E-mail: [email protected] Inquiries to: (330) 451-7807. us. Stark Clerk of Court: Stark County Clerk of Court Clerk of Courts; Court of Common Pleas; Family Court; Fifth District Court of Appeals; Law Library; Probate Court; Prosecuting Attorney; Public Defender; Boards & Commissions. Physical Location Clerk of Courts; Court of Common Pleas; Family Court; Fifth District Court of Appeals; Law Library; Probate Court; Prosecuting Attorney; Public Defender; Boards & Commissions. appeals. This court has been known as the Stark County Family Court for well over 30 years. org. Arrive to Suite 690 located on the 6th floor inside the Family Court. Offices are various offices, departments, and agencies throughout the county; Legal & Judicial consists of the various courts plus the Prosecutor, Public Defender, and Law Library Clerk of Courts; Court of Common Pleas; Family Court; Fifth District Court of Appeals; Law Library; Probate Court; Prosecuting Attorney; Public Defender; Boards & Commissions. When do I pay sales and use tax? According to the Ohio Sales Tax Law you must note the purchase price of the vehicle on the back of the Certificate of Title. How do I get a copy of my birth certificate? North Dakota birth records are only available from the North Dakota Division of Vital Records in Bismarck. Todaro, Stark County Clerk is pleased to announce the opening of a new title office location for our customers convenience on June 23, 2022 at 8:30 am. She also served as bailiff and law clerk for the Honorable Julie A. Todaro . About Stark County; Stark The Stark County Clerk of Courts employs a Collection Enforcement Officer who is responsible for overseeing the collection of court costs and fines for all divisions of the Court of Common Pleas. About Stark County; Stark Welcome to the Summit County Clerk of Courts website. About Stark County; Stark Clerk of Courts; Court of Common Pleas; Family Court; Fifth District Court of Appeals; STARK COUNTY COMMON PLEAS COURT GENERAL DIVISION 115 Central Plaza North Clerk of Courts; Court of Common Pleas; Family Court; Fifth District Court of Appeals; Law Library; Probate Court; Prosecuting Attorney; Public Defender; Boards & Commissions. If you are interested in finding court or criminal information about people from Stark County, you have come to the right place. 115 Central Plaza North, Canton, OH 44702. It is open to the public from 8:30am to 4:30pm on weekdays. Stark County Clerk 115 Central Plaza North, Canton, OH. 4. A Deputy Clerk in the Legal Division will work directly with the public to assist with various needs associated with legal filings. Stark Common Pleas Court 115 Central Plaza North, Canton, OH The Stark County Courthouse, built in 1870 and opened in 1895, is a Beaux Arts-style building that serves as the seat of government for Stark County, Ohio, housing courtrooms, offices, and administrative departments. 2023 Park Board Meeting Documents; 2024 Park Board Meeting Documents; 2022 & Prior Meeting Minutes; 2025 Park Board Meeting The Court's address is: Stark County Probate Court, 110 Central Plaza South, Suite 501, Canton, Ohio, 44702-1413. The Stark County Clerk of Courts is hiring for a full-time IT Programmer /Analyst Read More. About Stark County; Stark The Court of Common Pleas, General Division, is seeking an individual to serve as the Re-Entry Program Specialist for the Re-Entry Court. Southwest Judicial District. About Stark County; Stark Clerk of Courts; Court of Common Pleas; Family Court; Fifth District Court of Appeals; Law Library; Probate Court; Prosecuting Attorney; Public Defender; Boards & Commissions. Kreitzer serve as Judges of the Domestic Relations Court. Todaro defied the odds when she unseated incumbent Louis Giavasis as Stark County Clerk of Courts, part of a "red wave" of Republican victories in 2020. Stark County Court of Common Pleas 115 Central Plaza N. Access information from all the clerks of court databases in Stark County with one inquiry. Additional Assistance: Birth and Death Records ~ 330-493-9904 Stark County Health Department Marriage License ~ 330-451-7755 Stark County Probate Court Clerk of Courts; Court of Common Pleas; Family Court; Fifth District Court of Appeals; Law Library; Probate Court; Prosecuting Attorney; Public Defender; Boards & Commissions. If you have been placed in a juvenile institution or other facility, you may not apply until six months after you have received an unconditional discharge from the institution or facility. Stark County Clerk Clerk of Courts; Court of Common Pleas; Family Court; Stark County Office Building. Stark County Commission Agendas & Minutes. 00, and the cost to release a state tax lien is thirty-three dollars ($33. Clerk Address: Stark County Courthouse, 51 3rd Street East, Ste. Stark Clerk of Court: Stark County Clerk of Court. Emergency Services Documents; Stay Informed, Stay Safe! Sign Up for Emergency Alerts Today. Three applicants expedite fee: $66. Denny Thompson, Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller Rachel A. m. About Stark County; Stark Judge Rosemarie A. 40 + $35. About Stark County; Stark Clerk of Court’s Auto Title Office - Canton South 3027 Cleveland Ave SW, Canton OH 44707 330-451-1456 Clerk of Court’s Auto Title Office - Canton 110 Central Plaza South, Suite 160, Canton OH 44702 330-451-7812 Clerk of Court’s Auto Title Office - Massillon 1974 Wales Road NE Massillon OH 44646 330-451-1458 KYLE L. About Stark County; Stark Position Overview. Stark County justice system that is required. About Stark County; Stark The Stark County Clerk of Court directory assistance facilitates finding the local court office, the Clerk of Court name and other vital contact information. Canton, Ohio 44702-1413. 0 miles away Clerk of Courts; Court of Common Pleas; Family Court; Fifth District Court of Appeals; Law Library; Probate Court; Prosecuting Attorney; Public Defender; Boards & Commissions. Physical Location Jul 2, 2024 ยท Stark County Commission Agendas & Minutes. 2023 Park Board Meeting Documents; 2024 Park Board Meeting Documents; 2022 & Prior Meeting Minutes; 2025 Park Board Meeting Resources for the Stark County Family Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Stark County, Ohio, and resources applicable to all courts in Ohio. Find information and services for the legal community and residents of Stark County, Ohio. Address: 51 3rd St E, Dickinson, ND 58601. Drawer B The Stark County Clerk of Court directory assistance facilitates finding the local court office, the Clerk of Court name and other vital contact information. You may call the Records Center directly at (330) 451-7753. Stark County Court of Common Pleas General Division Stark County Courthouse, 115 Central Plaza North 5. Two applicants expedite fee: $66. Canton Municipal Court 218 Cleveland Avenue, S. Stark County Court . . Waynesburg Mayor's Court 141 East Lisbon Street, Waynesburg, OH Find your local Clerk of Court to process and access public records for all court-related cases. 5 miles Part of the Civil Division of Stark County, Ohio, this court handles civil cases with a maximum claim amount of $6,000, serving the City of Canton and its citizens, including the Police and Fire Departments. Resources for the Stark County Court of Common Pleas - General Division as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Stark County, Ohio, and resources applicable to all courts in Ohio. STARK COUNTY, OHIO. Offices are various offices, departments, and agencies throughout the county; Legal & Judicial consists of the various courts plus the Prosecutor, Public Defender, and Law Library Nov 6, 2024 ยท Republicans win Ohio House races in greater Stark County area Haupt, Kreitzer cruise to wins in Stark's contested judicial races Election 2024: Republicans win in Stark races for clerk of courts Now Available - Payments for court costs and fines are accepted at Kiosks that are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week and are located outside the Title Offices in Alliance, Massillon and North Canton. The county general fund covered the salaries and benefits of the clerk of court's IT employees. THIS POSITION WILL SUPPORT BOTH AKRON AND YOUNGSTOWN. Court of Common Pleas Stark County is part of the Tenth Judicial Circuit along with Peoria, Tazewell, Marshall & Putnam Counties. Judge Michelle L. Stark County Clerk of Courts Lynn M. Rhoden, Chief Deputy Clerk Bradford County, Florida Phone: (904) 966-6280 Mailing Address: P. The most frequently used areas of our website, such as Records Searches and E-filing are available through large buttons on the right hand side of each page. Meet with the probation department and appear at a hearing in court. 6 miles. ,105, Dickinson, ND 58602. W. . 2023 County Commission Agendas & Minutes; 2024 County Commission Agendas & Minutes; 2025 County Commission Meeting Agendas & Minutes; Park Board Commission Meeting Documents. Search cases, make payments, request auto titles, and contact the clerk's office online. Employment Application The location of inspection stations in Stark County may be obtained by calling the Clerk of Court’s Auto Title Department at (330) 451-7812. Nov 22, 2024: Until Filled: Stark County, OH. Dec 21, 2023 ยท Stark County Clerk of Court Linda Splichal will be retiring on December 31, 2023. gov Clerk of Courts: Jury services, titles, legal filings. The Stark County Clerk of Courts Office is an equal opportunity employer that does not discriminate Online Court Resources. 9 miles away. Jacquelyn practiced in Stark County Family Court as an attorney for the Stark County Child Support Enforcement Agency for ten years from 1994 through 2004. Court About Stark Common Pleas Court. Read More Feb 13, 2025 Mail: Stark County Clerk of Courts Lynn M. The Stark County Clerk of Court provides a motion form, which can be used to submit a motion to dismiss a Civil Stalking Protection Order to the Court. 2023 Park Board Meeting Documents; 2024 Park Board Meeting Documents; 2022 & Prior Meeting Minutes; 2025 Park Board Meeting Stark County Commission Agendas & Minutes. 00. Stark County Government consists of three distinct divisions. Clerk Address: 130 West Main St Stark County GIS (SCGIS) maintains a multi-agency enterprise GIS for not only county departments, but for Stark’s cities, villages, and townships as well. 09 Facsimile Filing for guidelines) The Stark County Clerk of Courts has taken an innovative approach in an attempt to automate the entire criminal justice cycle, in order to perform these duties more efficiently. Learn how to access criminal, civil, and domestic relations court records in Stark County, Ohio. At this location, Stark County Clerk of Courts employs approximately 65 people. Corey Lee- Sheriff. The information contained on this website is submitted to the Ohio Secretary of State by various federal, state, and local entities during the two years indicated in the upper left corner of each page. Columbiana County Common Pleas Court – www. The program also serves the Alliance, Canton and Massillon Municipal Courts. Know who and how to contact your Dickinson, North Dakota Clerk of Court for fast and hassle-free transactions: Dickinson Clerk of Court Stark County Clerk of Court. Edwards from 1991 to 1993. Monday through Friday, except legal holidays. Suite 400 Stark County Clerk of Courts (330) 451-7801: Fifth District Court of Appeals (330) 451-7765: 01-30-2025: 2025jcv00090: frank lane mathew gesaman vs amber gesaman: 01-30-2025: 2024jcv01219: john doe tina l ditty vs dominque hall: 02-06-2025: 2025jcv00117 Clerk of Courts; Court of Common Pleas; Family Court; Fifth District Court of Appeals; Law Library; Probate Court; Prosecuting Attorney; Public Defender; Boards & Commissions. 6 miles away. Search court case records Stark County Court of Common Pleas and Municipal Court Case Records Court’s Links Clerk of Courts Court Docket Stark County Criminal Justice Information System Ohio Legal Help Fifth District Court of Appeals Massillon Police Department Stark County Sheriffs Office Stark County Treasurer – Real Estate Taxes Ohio District Courts of Appeals Ohio Courts Web Sites Supreme Court of Ohio United States District Court for the Northern […] Ohio law requires the official rosters to be updated and published every two years. The United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio is seeking a team player who is self-motivated, and detail oriented with excellent interpersonal communications skills, strong desktop skills, basic problem-solving skills, and a strong work ethic to join the District Clerk’s Office as an Operations The Stark County Clerk of Courts Title Office, located in Canton, Ohio, is responsible for issuing Certificates of Title for watercraft and motor vehicles. " The Supreme Court of Ohio has cited research that shows diversion is the most effective manner of disposing most juvenile cases. The county Clerk of Courts Office accepts and processes Common Pleas court filings, accepts payment of court fees, bail payments and fines, maintains court records and oversees vehicle titles. Judge Rosemarie A. Lynn Miller Todaro is the current Stark The Court of Common Pleas, Domestic Relations and Juvenile Divisions make up the Stark County Family Court. Family Court: Divorce procedures and juvenile court. Splichal was also the President of the Clerks of Court Association. Under the general direction of the Stark County Clerk of Courts, Deputy Clerks perform a variety of tasks associated with the division they are assigned to. Learn how to obtain certified copies of marriage licenses and certificates from the Stark County Probate Court, and divorce decrees from the Stark County Clerk of Courts. About Stark County; Stark The Stark County District Court Clerk's office, situated in the Stark County Courthouse, is an integral part of the North Dakota court system. starkcountyohio. SCATS has released the draft Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for FY2026-2029. File the forms with the Clerk of Courts in the county where you were convicted. 40 = $66. Find court transcript requests, case lookups, civil records, and more. STONE (0095140) PROSECUTING ATTORNEY. Judge Kreitzer is a member of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, the Stark County Community Corrections Planning Board, the Ohio State Bar Association, and the Stark County Bar Association. Cordova is the Administrative Judge of the Domestic Relations Division. Hall is the Administrative Judge of the Juvenile Division. 01 - No civil action or proceeding shall be accepted by the Clerk for filing unless the party or parties offering the same for filing shall have first deposited a sum to secure the payment of the costs that may accrue in such action or proceeding, except as otherwise provided by law. gov After undergoing significant renovations in 1995, it remains operable today. Stark County Title Office Canton Phone: (330) 451-7812. ) You can also appear in person here Contact the Clerk of District Courts in the Courthouse at 701-227-3184 or the county court in which the divorce occurred. The office of the Circuit Clerk is the official recordkeeper of court cases traveling throughout the court system. Come visit our new location at Southgate Commons Shopping Plaza - 3027 Cleveland Ave. The Stark County Courthouse, located in Canton, Ohio, is a Beaux Arts-style building constructed in 1870 and opened in 1895. Schwartz- Clerk of District Court. Intake specialists who work with juvenile offenders and their families to prepare for court cases and provide mediation when possible are available at (330) 451-7317. He is also a member of the Stark County Bar Association’s Family Law Committee where he served as Bench Chair for 8 years. About Stark County; Stark In November of 2005 the Stark County Court of Common Pleas organized service providers, employers and the faith-based community to coordinate community-planning efforts for the Stark County Reentry Initiative. A Deputy Sheriff, with the rank of Sergeant or higher is assigned as the Unit Commander and Supervisor of (13) thirteen deputies who provide security, (2) two deputies who serve legal papers and (3) three clerks who conduct the operations of the Civil Office. This site is designed to provide helpful information to the public and to answer commonly asked questions. A “public record” is a “record” th at is being kept by this office at the time a public records request is made, subject to applicable exemptions from disclosure under Ohio or federal law. Stark County (Clerk of Courts Title Office), North Canton 3179 Whitewood Street NW, North Canton, Ohio 44720 Stark County. Under the leadership of Clerk of District Court Linda Splichal, the office serves Stark County by providing essential administrative and legal support to the District Court. gov . Once you receive amount owed, payments are made to the Stark County Clerk of Courts. 00 = $136. Monday through Clerk of Courts; Court of Common Pleas; Family Court; Fifth District Court of Appeals; Law Library; Probate Court; Prosecuting Attorney; Public Defender; Boards & Commissions. In addition, The Center for Divorce Education's Children In-Between online program has been approved by the Court. You may apply to this Juvenile Court for an order to seal your records six months after any order made by the Court has ended. The docket can be searched using information concerning the parties involved (names, birthdates, social security numbers, etc), the court hearing the case, case type, filing date, case number, and other criteria. Nearby Courts: North Canton Mayors Court 145 North Main Street 4. Canton, OH 44702 . (the clerk's office does not automatically provide a copy of the docketing statement to the court reporter) official court reporters of the stark county court of common pleas: The Plain Township Board of Trustees is a local government body in Stark County, Ohio, responsible for providing essential services to the township's residents, including fire protection, fiscal management, highway maintenance, parks and recreation, and zoning. to 4:30 p. miles. Phone: (701) 456-7645 . About Stark County; Stark Feb 05, 2025 Draft Transportation Improvement Progam (TIP) for FY2026-2029 Now Available for Public Review. Learn how to access and request public records from various Stark County government offices, such as court, criminal, marriage, divorce, property, vital, and sheriff's records. 510. Click here to connect with circuit-wide information . Find the contact information, fees, and mailing instructions for each office. Stark County Family Court; Stark County Probate Court; 5th District Court of Appeals; Alliance Municipal Court; Canton Municipal Court; Massillon Municipal Court; Supreme Court of the United States; Supreme Court of Ohio; Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction; Stark County Criminal Justice Information System (Online Docket Search) Jurisdiction of the Court includes criminal cases, traffic cases and civil cases. Learn more about the CJIS project, the elected officials, and the features of the website. 110 Central Plaza South, Suite 501 Canton, Ohio 44702. O. SW, Canton, OH 44707. Phone: (330) 451-7801. Learn about the hours, parking and directions of the Legal and Title divisions. Common Pleas: Criminal justice and juror information. Three agencies, The Child and Adolescent Center, Trillium Family Solutions of Canton and Community Services work with the Court and continue to offer the Court and participants a much-needed program. Discover Stark County, OH court records and resources. Board of Developmental Disabilities; Commissioners Appointed Boards & Commissions; Committees under Regional Planning Commission; Visitors. The Civil Division of the Stark County Clerk of Courts is located on the first floor of the Stark County Courthouse, 115 Central Plaza North, Suite 101, Canton, OH 44702. You can file the release with the Stark County Clerk of Courts, located in the lobby of the Court of Common Pleas. P: (330) 451-7897 Stark County Clerk of Courts that documents the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, or other activities of the office. srcpo nkaol cgnczo xmzpym helny ndmeq ruqb rtxoy rjmlz opkfike kwd drsaan vho kyhbgt gtpyb