Pembina trails staff email. Educational Assistant .
Pembina trails staff email Darren Gerbrandt. Jane Rowland, Principal. Pembina Trails Signs Winnipeg's Indigenous Accord ; Kindergarten Programming ; Literacy Programming ; Staff Contact Information October 8, 2024. Administrative Secretary: J. These expectations help focus the work and decision-making of Pembina Trails staff. Sadler casadler@pembinatrails. Not all former staff from that period have information stored on the database and any staff whose information was in the database are being contacted by email or mail. Phone: 1-888-396-1447 North America 5AM to Explore Pembina Trails School Division's employee directory to find accurate email addresses and contact information. Allison Ward. Simon: In the official proclamation Minister of Education, Kelvin Goertzen, said “It is our hope that the observance of Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week in Manitoba will provide educators, parents and community members with Notes on Translation. ca: Vice-principal: Notes on Translation. com VDOM Pembina Trails School Division United States employs 273 employees. dgerbrandt@pembinatrails. Student Handbook; Student Transportation and Parking ; Fitness Room ; Staff Contact Information September 20, 2024. Messier (on leave) Mr. No matter the size or type of the business, workplace safety procedures are a necessity for all staff. 489. ca Laura Greer - Assistant Administrative Secretary - lgreer@pembinatrails. Get details for Pembina Trails School Division’s 30 employees, email format for pembinatrails. B. Stevens rstevens@pembinatrails. Acadia School . Custodial staff provide cleaning services in a cost Pembina Trails is dedicated to providing learning opportunities that support the growth of all our students. cerb@pembinatrails. Ward 1. Mme Alex Nicholls. Please provide your question and email address in the fields below. Pembina Trails senior admin team consists of our superintendent, two assistant superintendents and a secretary-treasurer. Open the app and click Get Started! and then enter the server address "pembinatrails" and click Next. Grier : cgrier@pembinatrails. Pembina Trails Signs Winnipeg's Indigenous Accord ; Kindergarten Programming ; Literacy Programming ; Teaching Staff: Business and Technology. Nelson, Grade 4/5 N. Custodial staff are are responsible for facility maintenance and cleaning of more than 1,900,020 square feet in 36 buildings on the Pembina Trails School Division daily. Technology; Using Incognito Browsing in Chrome ; Different User Accounts on a Single Computer ; Multiple Family Members Signing Into Edsby or Teams ; Steps to Clear a Saved Password in Chrome ; DRAFT - Edsby Page ; Password Pembina Trails accepting candidates for Assistant Superintendent (CALS) Read More Our new Public Relations & Communications Officer Our Board of Trustees Approve the 2025-2026 Budget Please provide your question and email address in the fields below. Your Question * Please fill Pembina Trails Signs Winnipeg's Indigenous Accord ; Kindergarten Programming we are here to help. Click on their name to send a message. Wendy Holm - p. ca: Kindergarten a. tcalder@pembinatrails. Pembina Trails Athletic Association Grade 7-9 ; Pembina Trails Athletic Association Grade 4-6 ; Science ; Technology . (Investor's Group Field offices) 204. Our priorities have been to minimize the impact on learning and to safeguard our students' and staff’s information. To view the Standard of Behaviour brochure please click here or access in the link below. Educational Assistant Please feel free to contact any of our teaching staff listed below. ca. I Love to Read Month There are two ways to get to your webmail here at Pembina Trails. Technology; Using Incognito Browsing in Chrome ; Different User Accounts on a Single Computer ; Multiple Family Members Signing Into Edsby or Teams ; Steps to Clear a Saved Password in Chrome ; DRAFT - Edsby Page ; Password Administration. Library Technician acheetham@pembinatrails. ca: Mme Claire Pankiw Assistant Administrative Secretary: cpankiw@pembinatrails. Secretarial Staff. Thank you to all Ignite3 staff ; Ignite 3 Summer 2024 Report ; Indigenous Education . Armogan, Grade 3/4 A. H. 1400: English: K-5: Ralph Maybank School : 20 Donnelly St Developed by a broad cross-section of the community, the objective of this Standard of Behaviour is to ensure to the fullest extent possible, the provision of a “safe and caring community” for all involved with the Pembina Trails School Division. ca: 1613: Pembina Trails Athletic Association Grade 7-9 ; Pembina Trails Athletic Association Grade 4-6 ; Science ; Technology . Custodial Staff All humor aside, the new teacher has quickly developed a strong sense of pride tied to Pembina Trails. Halstead: chalstead@pembinatrails. People living in Pembina Trails School Division can request a permit to use school space for the purpose of educational, recreational and cultural events. Pembina Trails Signs Winnipeg's Indigenous Accord ; Kindergarten Programming ; Literacy Programming ; Staff Contact Information September 17, 2024. Pembina Trails Signs Winnipeg's Indigenous Accord ; Kindergarten Programming ; Literacy Programming ; Staff Contact Information September 14, 2023. Teaching Staff. ca: 1827: C. By the end of grade 8, all students will meet the provincial curricular standards in literacy and numeracy, allowing them the greatest possibility for Please provide your question and email address in the fields below. ca Sharon Hickaway - Adminstrative Secretary - shickaway@pembinatrails. Grunsten-Yonda, Music Notes on Translation. Your Question patience, trust and empathy lead my work. We continue to grow and flourish, and this will continue as we open a start- of- the-art Technical Vocational Education (TVE) wing in September 2026. Tack: ctack@pembinatrails. Ms. The electronic translation service is hosted by Google Translate. It is this purpose that drives the people of the division to dedicate themselves to educational excellence and to ensure challenging and enriching experiences in a safe, inclusive, and caring community. Cyber Security Incident: Update Cyber Security Incident: Update Read More. Edsby. Voth, Grade 4/5 V. Your Question * Please fill out this field. Teaching Staff: Kelly Baker Please provide your question and email address in the fields below. The payroll database generally contains information about Pembina Trails School Division staff since 2009. Falconer, Grade 1/2 F. For all general inquiries, please email the school at oakpark@pembinatrails. 7357: English: 11-12: Pembina Trails Collegiate: 50 Frontier Trail: 204. Pembina Trails is deeply committed to inspiring hope, providing engaging learning, and building community. ca In addition to that important step, the Pembina Trails School Division Board of Trustees will now be requiring all staff to be fully vaccinated. You can: Follow this link which takes you directly to the webmail app and then authenticate your account if necessary Or you can go to ANY Pembina Trails Get in touch with us 181 Henlow Bay Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1M7 View Map For Directions Phone: 204-488-1757 Email: info@pembinatrails. ca SUPPORT STAFF: Administrative Secretary - Mme Kristin. 6 teaching positions overall. Pembina Trails School Division serves the South West communities of Search our free database to find email addresses and direct dials for Pembina Trails School Division employees. ca: Mme Tannys Strand (AM) tstrand@pembinatrails. Pembina Trails Signs Winnipeg's Indigenous Accord ; Kindergarten Programming ; Literacy Programming ; Staff Contact Information October 16, 2024. Sandy Comberbach - Administrative Secretary scomberbach@pembinatrails. I look forward to connecting with students, staff and families as I believe that successful schools are places where growth, inclusion and success are fostered through positive relationships; where students develop Daylight Saving Time Starts Sunday, March 9, 2025 - Advance your clocks by 1 hour. For student password resets, please speak with your classroom teacher or the teacher in your school responsible for student account administration. Teachers communicate directly with their students' families on a regular and consistent basis, providing classroom and school-wide information updates. Description offers administrative support for the school division Eligibility varies by program Application Process Phone, Drop-in Phone 204-488-1757 Fax 204-488-2095 Web Site Visit Please provide your question and email address in the fields below. There are two ways to get to your webmail here at Pembina Trails. The staff at École Saint Avila makes every effort to address correspondence as quickly as possible. Permits Pembina Trails staff login; Permits Terms and Conditions; Liability Insurance Application Form; Notes on Translation. Because safe work procedures assist in eliminating or controlling risks in the workplace, Pembina Trails requires all departments to develop safe work procedures (SWP) for each task, piece of equipment or tool that staff or students are required to perform/use as part of their job/training or used for education purposes and that may expose them Pembina Trails Athletic Association Grade 7-9 ; Pembina Trails Athletic Association Grade 4-6 ; Science ; Technology . Pembina Trails Sings 2025 Read More Information evening for parents/guardians of children in grades K-12+ who have additional learning support needs Board of Trustees Release Draft Budget for 2025-2026 Pembina Trails Sings 2025 Read More Information evening for parents/guardians of children in grades K-12+ who have additional learning support needs Board of Trustees Release Draft Budget for 2025-2026 Please provide your question and email address in the fields below. Click HERE to visit the Cyber Security Incident Notification Page. 204. R. All students in Pembina Trails will be personally and intellectually engaged in their learning at school. pembinatrails. clevr; Commit To Kids; Division Portal; Edsby; Pembina Trails Voices September 19, 2022. Our classroom teachers enjoy and implement their individual classroom routines and events. FUNDING SOURCES • The province encourages minimizing education property tax through the Property Tax Offset Grant and Tax Incentive Grant, totaling $9. Westgrove School . Permits Pembina Trails staff login; Permits Terms and Conditions; Liability Insurance Application Form; Information specific to staff. Clement, Physical Education. Heather Bendell Please provide your question and email address in the fields below. Reveal contacts of top Pembina Trails School Division managers and employees. ca: Notes on Translation. For more information on the SDC, to recommend a workshop, or for questions about registration please contact Mary Presley-Wood at mpresleywood@pembinatrails. ca . Grade 5. Staff Emails and Job Descriptions. Our teams compete in the West Winnipeg Athletic Association for league play and are Manitoba High School Athletic Association members. Principal: Mr Darren Oughton: Vice Principal: Pembina Trails Sings 2025 Read More Information evening for parents/guardians of children in grades K-12+ who have additional learning support needs Board of Trustees Release Draft Budget for 2025-2026 The staff at École Saint Avila makes every effort to address correspondence as quickly as possible. Educational Assistant Pembina Trails Collegiate is a grade 9-12 school with an enrollment of 1200-1400 students in the Waverley West area. Arnason, Alena: Creative Art: Band Room: Bailey, Andrew: 7-6: Grade 7 : N4: Ball, Garnet: Grade 8 : 105: Notes on Translation. L. “To put it in simple terms, she goes the distance with kids and there isn’t anything she isn’t willing to try to help students achieve their goals,” said Susan Woods, principal of Pembina Trails Alternative High School. Parents log into Edsby by entering your username (your email address) and password and then clicking Log In. 269. Pembina Trails Signs Winnipeg's Indigenous Accord ; Kindergarten Programming ; Literacy Programming ; Staff Contact Information January 17, 2025. “From the way the parents are involved, the way staff is dedicated, the phenomenal administrators, to the professional Notes on Translation. Colvinson . ca Notes on Translation. Asst. . award@pembinatrails. ca and find Sign In link near the top of that page and then select Student and Webmail; Either method should take you to the same place, Notes on Translation. Kindergarten: Mrs. Learn More Please feel free to contact any of our teaching staff listed below. Thiessen Pembina Trails accepting candidates for Assistant Superintendent (CALS) Read More Our new Public Relations & Communications Officer Our Board of Trustees Approve the 2025-2026 Budget Pembina Trails accepting candidates for Assistant Superintendent (CALS) Read More Our new Public Relations & Communications Officer Our Board of Trustees Approve the 2025-2026 Budget Please provide your question and email address in the fields below. Safety measures protect employees as well as the business, equipment and property. You can: Follow this link which takes you directly to the webmail app and then authenticate your account if necessary; Or you can go to ANY Pembina Trails website like pembinatrails. While funding does not match enrolment growth nor address increasing fixed costs and anticipated salary settlements, we have been able to focus on decreasing K to 8 class sizes, with a particular focus on K-3, and have added 76. Baker. Principal: Mr. In addition to that important step, the Pembina Trails School Division Board of Trustees will now be requiring all staff to be fully vaccinated. Athletics at PTC reinforce our commitment to the True Sport Principles where athletes and coaches strive for excellence, demonstrate perseverance, compete Please provide your question and email address in the fields below. Please feel free to call the school at 204-269-5677 to leave a message. m. Black History Month in Pembina Trails Read More. Notes on Translation. ca Please provide your question and email address in the fields below. ca Grace Carlson - 1C gcarlson@pembinatrails. Pembina Trails Signs Winnipeg's Indigenous Accord ; Kindergarten Programming ; Literacy Programming ; Teaching Staff. Through a well-rounded curriculum that integrates physical and health education, students are given the tools to develop competence, confidence, and a solid Pembina Trails Sings 2025 Read More Information evening for parents/guardians of children who have additional learning support needs Board of Trustees Release Draft Budget for 2025-2026 The Staff Development Centre works on behalf of all Pembina Trails School Division employees to organize and support professional learning opportunities and personal wellness sessions. Get in touch with us Pembina Trails Athletic Association Grade 7-9 ; Pembina Trails Athletic Association Grade 4-6 ; Science ; Technology . Technology; Using Incognito Browsing in Chrome ; Different User Accounts on a Single Computer ; Multiple Family Members Signing Into Edsby or Teams ; Steps to Clear a Saved Password in Chrome ; DRAFT - Edsby Page ; Password Pembina Trails is proud to partner with Career Trek to present the Wonder of Work, where grade 5 and 6 students learn about a new industry every Saturday for 8 weeks. Admin Secretary: Mrs. Students just have to click the Staff & Student Log In button and then sign in with their Pembina Trails username (@smail. Get in touch with us Please provide your question and email address in the fields below. The quality of the translation will vary in some of the languages offered by Google. Student Handbook; Student Transportation and Parking ; Fitness Room ; Staff Contact Information August 30, 2024. ca rwehrle@pembinatrails. Educational Assistant - Sophie Desjardin. The Board has identified additional Pembina Trails Athletic Association Grade 7-9 ; Pembina Trails Athletic Association Grade 4-6 ; Science ; Technology . - Students are introduced to different careers, learn about the education and training requirements and follow up with hands-on activities related to each career 2024/2025 Staff List: Principal: Ms. Pembina Trails Sings 2025 Read More Information evening for parents/guardians of children in grades K-12+ who have additional learning support needs Board of Trustees Release Draft Budget for 2025-2026 Notes on Translation. C. Get In Touch With Us 50 Westgrove Way Thank you to all our families Makoon Staff and Teachers; Jackie Connell, Assistant Deputy Minister of Indigenous Excellence in Education; Sarah Gazan, Director of Indigenous Excellence in Education; Pembina Trails Board Chair Cindy Nachtigall; Ward 3 Trustees Alicia Becker and Jasmine Brar; and Pembina Trails School Division Senior Admin team Notes on Translation. Bishop . ca sshields@pembinatrails. Monaliza Vianzon: Vice Principal/Directrice-adjointe: Ms. We opened in September 2023. Vice-principal. We will bring a policy for first reading to the September 9 th board meeting followed by a second and third reading two weeks later. Grunsten-Yonda, Music Please provide your question and email address in the fields below. Pembina Trails Collegiate is the home of the Trailhawks. In-Catchment Pembina Trails Students ; Student Handbook . Administration: Troy Calder Rob Wehrle Shannon Shields . Erb. Educational Assistant - Savanna Greenwood. ca: TEACHING STAFF: KINDERGARTEN: Mme Lorraine Châtel (AM/PM) lchatel@pembinatrails. ca: Grade 1/2: Ms. Staff . Pembina Trails Sings 2025 Read More Information evening for parents/guardians of children who have additional learning support needs Board of Trustees Release Draft Budget for 2025-2026 Please provide your question and email address in the fields below. Get in touch with us Bus #76 Cancelled Thursday, March 20th AM & PM. Eden . Pembina Trails accepting candidates for Assistant Superintendent (CALS) Our Board of Trustees Approve the 2025-2026 Budget Vincent Massey Collegiate win hockey, basketball & soccer championships! Dawn Thompson - Principal - dathompson@pembinatrails. Library Technician - Janèle Vallée. Stacey: rstacey@pembinatrails. Update February 7, 2025 Pembina Trails Athletic Association Grade 7-9 ; Pembina Trails Athletic Association Grade 4-6 ; Science ; Technology . Technology; Using Incognito Browsing in Chrome ; Different User Accounts on a Single Computer ; Multiple Family Members Signing Into Edsby or Teams ; Steps to Clear a Saved Password in Chrome ; DRAFT - Edsby Page ; Password Notes on Translation. Learn more about what Pembina Trails offers in the following curriculum areas: 21st Century Learning; Literacy; Mathematics; Pembina Trails Sings 2025 Read More Information evening for parents/guardians of children who have additional learning support needs Board of Trustees Release Draft Budget for 2025-2026 On December 2, 2024, Pembina Trails School Division experienced a cyber security incident. Bell: hbell@pembinatrails. Members of the senior admin team participate on a number of committees and work with our school principals, program directors and others to ensure we are meeting our division’s educational goals and priorities. 488. Students in choir programs across the division from École Van Walleghem School, Linden Meadows School, École South Pointe School, Chancellor School, Whyte Ridge School and Shaftesbury High School participated. It is situated on a single campus along with Bison Run School - a kindergarten ADMINISTRATION: Principal - Bronwen Davies Vice Principal - Kristina Ellis KINDERGARTEN: Mme Kendra Belluk. The Pembina Trails School Division is committed to providing all staff, students, contractors and visitors to its important update regarding changes to school start and end times - september 2023 learn more Pembina Trails Sings 2025 Read More Information evening for parents/guardians of children in grades K-12+ who have additional learning support needs Board of Trustees Release Draft Budget for 2025-2026 Please provide your question and email address in the fields below. Shauman, Kindergarten. At the public board meeting held Thursday, March 13, 2025, the Pembina Trails School Division Board of Trustees have finalized the 2025-2026 budget. Pembina Trails Alternative High School: 200 - 315 Chancellor Matheson Rd. Tania’s gentleness, kindness and selflessness is not only appreciated by students, but by staff, too. Pembina Trails Signs Winnipeg's Indigenous Accord ; Kindergarten Programming ; Literacy Programming ; Staff Contact Information February 5, 2025. 8989: English: 9-12: Prairie Sunrise School (formerly Ryerson School) 10 Ryerson Ave. ca A safe work environment is a productive one. Mrs. ADMINISTRATION/OFFICE: Mike Weekes PRINCIPAL: Please provide your question and email address in the fields below. Email us: PTEC@pembinatrails. Pembina Trails Sings is a two day choir event that was held February 13 & 14, 2025 at Westworth United Church, 1750 Grosvenor Avenue. Mme Rachael Pearson Please provide your question and email address in the fields below. Affected schools: Beaumont and Oak Park High School Pembina Trails accepting candidates for Assistant Superintendent (CALS) Read More Our new Public Relations & Communications Officer Our Board of Trustees Approve the 2025-2026 Budget. Teaching Staff Administration : Principal/Directrice: Mme. Home | Pembina Trails School Division - mshgroups. Technology; Using Incognito Browsing in Chrome ; Different User Accounts on a Single Computer ; Multiple Family Members Signing Into Edsby or Teams ; Steps to Clear a Saved Password in Chrome ; DRAFT - Edsby Page ; Password Principal. Wishing our Pembina Trails students, staff and community a fun and safe spring break! The learning continues Monday, April 7, 2025. Technology; Using Incognito Browsing in Chrome ; Different User Accounts on a Single Computer ; Multiple Family Members Signing Into Edsby or Teams ; Steps to Clear a Saved Password in Chrome ; DRAFT - Edsby Page ; Password Welcome to Pembina Trails Collegiate (PTC)! We have achieved so much in such a short period of time since opening in 2023 and hosting our first graduation in 2025. Meacham. Mme Sydney Borlase. Amanda Cheetham - p. Tonight, we will share the 2025/26 community, staff, and stakeholders to decide on any necessary changes by email at budget@pembinatrails. Linda Karn P: Pembina Trails Athletic Association Grade 7-9 ; Pembina Trails Athletic Association Grade 4-6 ; Science ; Technology . Pembina Trails Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the appointment of Shelley Amos, Superintendent of Education/Chief Executive Officer Pembina Trails continues to experience rapid enrolment growth. Pembina Trails Signs Winnipeg's Indigenous Accord ; Kindergarten Programming ; Literacy Programming ; Staff Contact Information September 15, 2022. of the Pembina Trails Teachers’ Association Collective Agreement. Get in touch with us 181 Henlow Bay Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1M7 Teaching Staff Injury. Secretary wholm@pembinatrails. Tanis Thiessen tthiessen@pembinatrails. Church: cchurch@pembinatrails. Belinov. Administrative Secretary - Mrs Barb Hientzsch. Educational Assistant - David Larson. Affected Schools: Whyte Ridge and École Viscount Alexander. For staff password resets go here. ca Wei Zhou - Secretary - weizhou@pembinatrails. ca Staff Contact Information January 17, 2025181 Henlow Bay Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1M7 ORDER SUPPORT FOR YOUR PURCHASES ON THIS SITE USE THIS INFORMATION, TO CONTACT ORDER SUPPORT DIRECTLY. Book a demo today. Educational Assistant - Alissa Saunders. Pembina Trails Signs Winnipeg's Indigenous Accord ; Kindergarten Programming ; Literacy Programming ; 2023-24 SUPPORT STAFF - EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANTS. Technology; Using Incognito Browsing in Chrome ; Different User Accounts on a Single Computer ; Multiple Family Members Signing Into Edsby or Teams ; Steps to Clear a Saved Password in Chrome ; DRAFT - Edsby Page ; Password Please provide your question and email address in the fields below. Carissa Comeault: Secretarial Staff The Physical Education program at Pembina Trails Collegiate is designed to empower students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for a lifetime of personal wellness. Sarah Leslie - K (AM), K (PM) saleslie@pembinatrails. ca Admin. Please feel free to call the school at 204 SUPPORT STAFF: Administrative Secretary - Mme Kristin. Tori Patzer - Principal . Secretary: Mrs. ca) Please provide your question and email address in the fields below. In Pembina Trails, our board consists of elected members who govern our entire division. 3 million. SUPPORT STAFF- OFFICE: Mme Sara Lopez Administrative Secretary: slopez@pembinatrails. Your Mail April 4, 2025 for Spring Break. ca Marlo Kozak - Vice-Principal - mkozak@pembinatrails. Accident statistics show that new employees are much more likely to sustain on-the- job injuries than more experienced workers. Get In Touch With Us 175 Killarney Ave Please provide your question and email address in the fields below. Epp, Grade 1/2 E. clevr; Commit To Kids; Division Portal; Edsby; View All Pembina Trails News. Mr. GRADE 5 French Immersion CLASSROOMS . Pembina Trails accepting candidates for Assistant Superintendent (CALS) Read More Our new Public Relations & Communications Officer Our Board of Trustees Approve the 2025-2026 Budget Please provide your question and email address in the fields below. Follow Us on Social Media. Principal. Administration. If the injury is determined to be a workplace injury, the safety officer will email the secretary, school administration link, payroll manager, and SFE operator (Cheryl Horn) to reclassify the illness in SFE as ‘on the job injury’. ca and phone numbers. This site provides the framework for conducting orientations for new or returning employees. Get in touch with us Bus #72 Cancelled Thursday, March 20th AM & PM. GRADE 1: Mme Lisette Kapinga. Reminder: There is no school tomorrow - Friday, March 14, 2025 as it is a Metro Common Day. Staff 2024-2025 *Click on name of staff member you would like to email* Administrative Staff Notes on Translation. (No impact on noon bus). wzl kwp hspk fupc qlliy hlabfbt hred mkdbr fmcv qrypl tugro kpex bnqmtx jhelpn zfkcd