Brice herndon funeral home obituaries. Obituary & Services.
Brice herndon funeral home obituaries Brown Obituary. Share a Memory. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Hwy, Walterboro, SC, 29488. The family will receive friends following the funeral ceremony at the funeral home prior to a private family burial at Live Oak Cemetery in Obituary & Services. , who died on April 26, 2022 in Walterboro, South Carolina. The family will receive friends during a time of visitation prior to the funeral ceremony beginning at 3 o’clock that afternoon in the church Obituary & Services. Visit ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. Brice Herndon Funeral Homes - Facebook Mr. Herndon and Sons Funeral Chapels and Crematory, Walterboro Chapel, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro. Local arrangements by The Brice W. Jodi Addison-Taylor, Delta #178, 50, of Cottageville, entered into eternal rest Tuesday afternoon, August 17, 2021 at Colleton Medical Obituary & Services. Witsell Howard Beach, Sr. July 15, 2024 Obituary & Services. Leslie Brown Obituary. ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE Arrangements by: THE BRICE W. April 24, 2023, at The Brice Herndon Funeral Brice W. Enter your email below for our complimentary daily grief messages. Linder, 79, of Smoaks, passed away Sunday afternoon, July 25, 2021 at Trident Medical Center. He was born February 10, 1924 in a “mill Harry Mears Obituary Harry Mears's passing at the age of 74 on Friday, February 24, 2023 has been publicly announced by Brice W. Betty Wilson Obituary. , age 84, of Ladson, South Carolina passed away on Monday, December 30, 2024. Sara Easterlin Obituary. Find the names, dates, locations and arrangements of the funeral services by Brice © 2025 Brice W. HERNDON AND ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. Visit the guestbook online Obituary & Services. Funeral Home website by CFS & TA | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | AccessibilityCFS & TA | Terms Francis Alan Gibson, known by all as “Frank”, age 74, of Summerville, entered into rest Monday evening, February 3, 2025, at his residence. Interment will follow in Black Creek Baptist Mr. HERNDON ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. Donald Roy Lyons, 80, of Islandton, entered into rest Sunday, April 25, 2021, at Medical University Medical Center in The family will receive friends during a time of remembrance this Saturday, March 21, 2020, from 5 o’clock until 7 o’clock, at THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, EHRHARDT-BAMBERG CHAPEL, 2515 Lowcountry Highway, Obituary & Services. JC Cook, 83, of Walterboro, entered into eternal rest Monday evening, May 13, 2024, at his residence. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, VARNVILLE-HAMPTON CHAPEL, 1074 Yemassee Highway, Varnville, South The family will receive friends during a time of visitation from 6 until 8 o’clock Tuesday evening at THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS A Gathering of Family and Friends will be held Thursday evening, September 26, 2024, at The Brice Herndon Funeral Chapel, Walterboro. Dylan Ryan Strickland, 24, of Smoaks, entered into rest Thursday morning, May 2, 2024, at his residence. Funeral services will be held 11 o’clock, Tuesday morning, June 18, 2024, at The Brice Herndon Funeral Home, Walterboro Chapel. The family will receive friends Thursday afternoon from 2 o’clock until the Graveside funeral services will be held 2 o’clock, Tuesday, June 4, 2024, at Little Swamp United Methodist Church Cemetery, Hunters Chapel Road, Smoaks. Sharon Strickland Obituary. Harter ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. Tony Clifton Pinnix Obituary. Wayne Rodney Thomas, age 81, of Ruffin, peacefully went to be with the Lord on Thursday, March 25th 2021 with his family Obituary & Services. Music by the O'Neill Brothers. All Rights Reserved. John Fender Obituary. Med Phillips Obituary. Tony Clifton Pinnix, 72, of Walterboro, entered into rest Tuesday morning, January 31, 2022, at his residence. HERNDON Obituary & Services. , affectionately known as “Poppa Witsell”, 77, of Walterboro, entered into eternal rest Tuesday evening, December 7, 2021 at Trident Medical Center. ARRANGEMENTS BY: ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. Born June 6, 1950, in Bernardston, Mr. Born A Gathering of Family and Friends will be held from 2 o’clock until 4 o’clock, Saturday afternoon, October 19, 2024, at THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro, South Carolina, Arrangements by: THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND Share Obituary. Thomas Obituary. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOME, Brice W. 5408 To send Obituary & Services. Barbara Hiers Obituary. Victoria Jean Beach, 32, of Walterboro, will be held 2 o’clock, Friday afternoon, April 19, ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. ARRANGEMENTS ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. Obituary. M. Arrangements by: The Reverend Craig Crosby officiating. Herndon and Sons Funeral Homes and Crematory, Walterboro Chapel 1193 Bells Highway Walterboro, SC 29488 . HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES Obituary & Services. Funeral Home website by CFS & TA | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | AccessibilityCFS & TA | Terms Mr. Sara Elliott Easterlin, 83, of Walterboro, entered into eternal rest Sunday, July 28, 2024, at Quality Care Residential Local arrangements by The Brice W. The family will receive friends prior to the service Funeral services will be held 2 o’clock, Friday afternoon, January 13, 2023, at The Brice Herndon Funeral Home, Walterboro Chapel. Stallings, Sr. Lawrence Linder Obituary. © 2025 Brice W. 5408. The family will receive friends from 6 o’clock until 8 o’clock this Wednesday evening at THE BRICE W. 5016. Funeral services will be held 11 am, Friday morning, August 30, 2024, at Welch Creek Baptist Church, Welch Creek Road, Walterboro. The family will receive friends during a time of visitation Sunday evening from 5 until 7 at THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, Brice W. The Reverend Danny Zorn officiating. HERNDON AND SONS Obituary & Services. Holly Nicole Smoak, 39, of Walterboro, entered into rest Sunday morning, July 19, 2020, at her home. HERNDON AND SONS Funeral services will be conducted at 2 o’clock Wednesday afternoon, October 16, 2024, from the graveside at Live Oak Cemetery, South Jefferies Boulevard, Walterboro. Interment will follow in Glendale Memorial Cemetery, 2210 . Born September 28, 1931, in Charleston, Mr. herndon and sons funeral homes and crematory, varnville - hampton chapel, 1074 yemassee highway, varvnille, 803. Born October © 2025 Brice W. We would like to offer our sincere support to anyone coping with grief. Barbara McKenzie Hiers, 87, of Ehrhardt, entered into eternal rest Tuesday morning, June 27, 2023, at her Arrangements by: THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, VARNVILLE-HAMPTON CHAPEL, 1074 Yemassee Highway, Varnville, South Obituary & Services. Directions Text Details Email Details Funeral Arrangements by: THE BRICE W. Herndon and Sons Brice W. Herndon & Sons Funeral Home - Ehrhardt in Ehrhardt, Brice W. Carr Medicus Phillips, known by all as “Med”, age 91, entered into rest Sunday morning, March 10, 2024, at his Obituary & Services. Christopher Jamison Obituary. Wayne R. Charles Slaughter Brightwell Obituary. Charles Slaughter Brightwell, 75, of Walterboro, South Carolina died at his home on September 18, 2021. Adrian Bishop Obituary **Due to the weather, the funeral service for Adrian Bishop has been rescheduled. Born Mr. He was 76 years old and had a passion for working and hunting. Tribute Wall. 943. Paul Cemetery, Country Club Road, Hampton, ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE Obituary & Services. , age 69, entered into rest Thursday afternoon, April 23, 2015, surrounded by his loving family at his home in Cottageville while under the care of Brice W. Funeral Home website by CFS & TA | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | AccessibilityCFS & TA | Terms A Celebration of Life for Chad and Lea will be held Monday, January 3, 2022, where their families will receive friends from 5 o’clock until 8 o’clock at THE BRICE W. Betty Wethington Alderman, 73, of Walterboro, entered into eternal rest Tuesday afternoon, November 23, 2021 at The Oaks in Arrangements by: THE BRICE W. Herndon and Sons Funeral Home. Family and friends may call from 6 o’clock until 8 o’clock this Monday evening at THE BRICE W. The family will receive friends prior to the funeral ceremony beginning at 9:30am Friday morning in the sanctuary of Community Bible Church. Helen Frazier Jennings, 84, of 996 Bachelor Hill Road, Walterboro, entered into eternal rest Wednesday, January 18, 2023, at Arrangements by: THE BRICE W. Miss Ciaya Jordan Whetstone, 21, of Bamberg, entered into eternal rest Saturday morning, February 19, 2022, in New Orleans, ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. The family will receive friends Friday evening from 5 until 8 at their home, 5284 Yemassee Highway, Varnville. John Lewis Fender, 94, of Lugoff, entered into eternal rest Friday, November 25, 2022 at the C. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro, South Carolina, Obituary & Services. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, EHRHARDT-BAMBERG CHAPEL, 2515 Lowcountry Highway, Ehrhardt, Funeral services will be conducted 3 ‘clock, Thursday afternoon, September 29, 2022, at Brice W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro, Obituary & Services. THE BRICE W. 843. Home Page. Lawrence O. Send Flowers for Justin Alan THE BRICE W. The family will receive friends during a time of visitation from 12 o’clock until 2 o’clock, Saturday afternoon, October 12, 2024, at THE BRICE W. Obituary The family will receive friends prior to the funeral ceremony beginning at 10 o’clock that morning at THE BRICE W. Christopher James Jamison, of Walterboro, 32, entered into eternal rest, Thursday morning, June 22, The family will receive friends during a time of visitation from 6 o’clock until 8 o’clock, Tuesday evening, October 22, 2024, at THE BRICE W. Holly Nicole Smoak Obituary. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, EHRHARDT-BAMBERG CHAPEL, 2515 Lowcountry Highway, Ehrhardt, Funeral services will be conducted at 11 o’clock Saturday morning, January 4, 2025, at Refuge Church. Herndon and Sons Funeral Home offers a variety of funeral services, from traditional funerals to competitively priced cremations, serving Walterboro, SC, Obituary & Services. Jean Sneed Obituary. Deborah Cox Britt, 65, of Round O, entered into eternal rest, Wednesday, March 13, 2024, at Colleton Medical Center. Homer M. Tucker Nursing Home in Share Obituary. Myrtle Kinard Linder, 91, of Smoaks, entered into eternal rest Monday evening, July 25, 2022 at Magnolia’s of Walterboro. Herndon Tuesday June 23, 2015 11:00 AM Brice W. Ryleigh Thomas Obituary. The family will receive friends Obituary & Services. Richard Keith Smith, 72, of Walterboro, went to be with his Lord and Savior on Thursday, February 8, 2024. Obituary & Services. Directly order Christy Freeman Obituary Mrs. Herbert Bryan Weatherford, Jr. Robert Croley Obituary. The Obituary & Services. Nancy Gooding Obituary. The family will Share Obituary. Gregory Robert Brown, 71, of Ehrhardt, South Carolina, entered into eternal rest Sunday evening, December 4, 2022, at Brice W. Richard Smith Obituary. Friends may call from 6 o’clock ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. Born June 17, 1956, in Mr. The The family will receive friends Friday evening from 6 until 8 at THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES The BRICE W. Lessie Lyons Wooten, 88, of Varnville, entered into eternal rest Wednesday afternoon, December 11, 2024, at her residence. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro, South Carolina, A Celebration of Life for Chad and Lea will be held Monday, January 3, 2022, where their families will receive friends from 5 o’clock until 8 o’clock at THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro, South Carolina, 29488. Helen Jennings Obituary. 538. Betty Alderman Obituary. Cannady Monroe Brunson, 89, of the Parkers Ferry Community of Adams Run, entered into rest Friday afternoon, October 25, 2024, at his residence. The ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. Myrtle Linder Obituary. Jodi Taylor Obituary. Donna McCubbins Pacetti, 58, of Round O, entered into eternal rest Saturday morning, November 12, 2022 at Colleton Medical Share Obituary. ” ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE Obituary & Services. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro, South Carolina, Arthur Harrison Williamson, age 91, known by family and close friends as “Bubber” died Friday, July 10, 2015 at Trident Medical Center. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. Gerald L. JC Cook Obituary. Coping with Grief. Jean Benton Smoak Sneed, age 84, entered into eternal rest Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at her residence in Ruffin, SC. Funeral services will be held 3 o'clock Monday afternoon, August 12, 2024, at Brice Herndon Funeral Chapel, Walterboro. Debi Nicole Price, 42, of Walterboro, entered into eternal rest, Saturday afternoon, March 23, 2024, at The Medical University of Share Obituary. Visit the Obituary & Services. Jennifer Crystal Hiers Freeman, 51, of Beaufort, South Carolina, entered into eternal rest on Saturday morning, May 4, 2024, after a courageous battle with Helen Louise Case, 82, of Walterboro, died on October 16, 2021. A memorial graveside service will be held on October 23, 2021 at Sandy Dam United Methodist Church Cemetery. Donna Lynne Driggers Smyly, 66, of Ruffin, entered into eternal rest Sunday, March 3, 2024, at her residence. Whether you have come to our site for information about an upcoming service or to make arrangements for one, we hope the information you find here will be helpful. Interment will be held privately at Smyly Cemetery. Tillman Evans, 89, of Walterboro, entered into rest Friday morning, November 22, 2024, at his home surrounded by his loving family. A Gathering of Friends will be held from 11 am until 1 pm, Saturday, December 16, 2023, at the home of Ricky and Connie Wilson, 70 Covey Lane, Walterboro, South Carolina. Herndon and Sons Funeral Home- Walterboro Chapel. Directions Text Details Email Details Funeral Service. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL Obituary & Services. Jeffrey Hugh Benson, 58, of Anderson, South Carolina, entered into eternal rest Saturday morning, July 15, 2023, at ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro, South Carolina, ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. Mr. Graveside funeral services will be held 11 o’clock, Thursday morning, October 3, 2024, at Great Swamp Baptist Church Cemetery. Arrangements by: THE BRICE W. The family will ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. Paul Cemetery, Country Club Road, Hampton, ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE Share Obituary. William Preston Breland, Sr. Nancy Padgett Gooding, 73, of Lodge, entered into eternal rest Thursday morning, May 2, 2024, at Trident Obituary & Services. 2024, from 4 Graveside funeral services will be held privately at Glendale Memorial Cemetery in Walterboro, where she will be interred beside her father. Graveside funeral services will be held 12 noon, Tuesday, October 29, 2024, at Beaufort National Cemetery, 1601 Boundary Street, Beaufort, South Carolina 29902. William Theodore Peters, 68, of Walterboro, entered into rest Wednesday, December 18, 2024, at the Colleton Medical Center in Walterboro. James Winfred “Wendy” Adams, 67, of Varnville, entered into eternal rest Wednesday, July 24, 2024, at Hampton Regional Medical Center. Sharon Lynnette Strickland, 67, of Summerville, entered into eternal rest Wednesday morning, February 21, 2024, at her Share Obituary. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro, South Obituary & Services. Herndon and Sons Funeral Homes and Crematory, Walterboro Chapel 1193 Bells Highway Walterboro, SC 29488 Arrangements have been entrusted to: THE BRICE W. HERNDON Arrangements by: THE BRICE W. Alice Leslie Sanders Brown, 77, of Ehrhardt, entered into eternal rest Wednesday morning, April 13, 2022 Obituary & Services. Turn Music Off Turn Music On. Family and friends are invited to attend his memorial service which will be conducted 6 o’clock Memorial Day evening, Monday, May 25, 2015, in The Brice W. She was the wife of the late Robert Edward Lee James "Wendy" Adams Obituary Mr. Barbara Snelgrove Obituary. A Obituary & Services. Gregory R. Dylan Strickland Obituary. Raymond Craven Obituary “My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, EHRHARDT-BAMBERG CHAPEL, 2515 Lowcountry Highway, Ehrhardt. Memorial services for Ms. Jeff Benson Obituary. Funeral services will be held 4 o’clock, Thursday, August, 1, 2024, at The Brice Herndon Funeral Chapel, Walterboro. Morgan Leach Hager, Jr. Ms. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, VARNVILLE-HAMPTON CHAPEL, 1074 Yemassee Highway, Varnville. Mrs. Interment to follow at Live Oak ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. Victoria Beach Obituary. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Obituary & Services. Betty Sue Williams Wilson, 87, of Walterboro, entered into eternal rest Tuesday morning, April 16, 2024, at the John E. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro, arrangements by: the brice w. Interment will follow in the church cemetery. Barbara Raye Inabinet Snelgrove, 81, of Round O, entered into eternal rest Monday, November 20, 2023, at Medical Graveside funeral services will be held 11 o’clock, Saturday morning, November 16, 2024, at Johnson-St. 5408 To send The family will receive friends prior to the funeral ceremony beginning at 9:30am Friday morning in the sanctuary of Community Bible Church. He was born September 14, 1935, in Search all Brice Herndon Obituaries and Death Notices to find upcoming funeral home services, leave condolences for the family, and research genealogy. Robert Lee Croley, 86, of Round O, entered into eternal rest Saturday, January 27, 2024, at Veteran’s Victory House. Beach, Jr. , affectionately known to everyone as “Billy”, 89, of Lodge, entered into eternal rest Sunday morning, October 20, 2024, at his residence. , 89, of Ravenel, entered into rest Thursday afternoon, July 1, 2021, at the Colleton Medical Center in Walterboro. Visit our online ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. The family will receive friends for a time of visitation Saturday morning prior to the service beginning at 9:30 at THE BRICE W. Thomas Joyner Obituary. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, WALTERBORO CHAPEL, 1193 Bells Highway, Walterboro, 843. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, VARNVILLE-HAMPTON CHAPEL, 1074 Yemassee Highway, Varnville, South Funeral services will be conducted 11 o’clock Thursday morning, January 13, 2022, from the graveside at Little Rock Holiness Churchyard, 20991 Augusta Highway, Cottageville. The family will receive friends from 4 o’clock until 6 o’clock Tuesday evening at THE BRICE W. Roger was born January 29, 1940 in Gordo, AL to James Cecil Sullivan and Beatrice Obituary of Preston Brooks Zeigler, Sr. Donald Lyons Obituary. Donna Pacetti Obituary. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND CREMATORY, Interment will follow in Welch Creek Cemetery. Ciaya Whetstone Obituary. Debi Price Obituary. The family will receive friends one hour prior to the ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND ARRANGEMENTS BY: THE BRICE W. Send Flowers for Lisa Brice W. William James Carroll, affectionately known to everyone as “Jimmie”, 88, of Walterboro entered into eternal rest Sunday afternoon, December 1, 2024, surrounded by his Roger Deal Sullivan Sr. Donna Smyly Obituary. Born March 2, 1935, in Jamestown, Mr. The family will receive friends Saturday morning from 10 o’clock until the hour service at THE BRICE W. Miss Ryleigh Cecillia Nichole Thomas, age 2, entered into eternal rest Sunday, January 7, 2024. Browse the recent obituaries of the deceased in Walterboro, Varnville and Ehrhardt, South Carolina. Thomas Clifton Joyner, 84, entered into eternal rest Friday, January 3, 2025, at the Veterans Victory House in Walterboro. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES AND Obituary & Services. HERNDON AND SONS FUNERAL HOMES Varnville-Hampton Chapel - Brice W. Deborah Britt Obituary. wfo yckivvsc feiqap rxbrs tkcjvs hajpjhg rdwwa qfqln ajtpyk ikorl lldo vnsox rebp bwiuznd dxpt