Awaiting preliminary decision. 30 awaiting decision approval.

Awaiting preliminary decision. The following … Now, it shows Awaiting Decision.

Awaiting preliminary decision Follow edited May awaiting EIC decision -激动人心的时刻。 等待主编的决定。一般3-4天。 如果communication的话,就没有第4和第5步。 decision 分为五挡 1-Accept sci状态 稿件已经显示 Awaiting Decision 了为啥又变成 Under Review? 解: 一般情况下,每篇稿件分发给2-3个审稿专家外审,当他们的反馈意见严重相左时,编辑需要提出额外意 4楼: Originally posted by paperhunter at 2017-09-07 10:11:35 可能责编邀请的审稿人个数多余做决定所需要的审稿意见份数,比如只要2份审稿意见就可以给出结论,但责编邀请了3个审稿人, 2024. 09 awaiting ed preliminary decision awaiting ed preliminary decisionห้องสมุดไป่ตู้译为:等待ed的初步决定。 A preliminary decision is a subjective decision that is made before a final decision After revising and resubmit an article (the first peer review result was "minor revisions"), the status changed after 3 weeks to "Awaiting Decision". Awaiting allocation: The paper has been assigned to the Editor but has not yet been sent to reviewers (however, the Editor may have assigned the manuscript to an Associate Editor – Assuming the paper hasn't undergone peer review yet, "awaiting PE decision" may mean that the AE/ME has had a look at the paper and for various reasons decided not to send I submitted my manuscript to a journal from 1 month ago in scholar one. Share. 投IEEE EDL 审稿才过十天 1 . This could be another 投稿Decision阶段是许多研究者们最关心的部分。简单来说,这个阶段就像是拆“盲盒”,研究者们的投稿结果究竟如何,在本阶段可以知道结果。 本期视频中,Elsevier Researcher Support 去年11月,我在老师的建议下投了一篇TMECH的文章,中间经过漫长的审稿、拒稿/大修,改稿、润色,最后到今天把大修的论文 9. ” Select a recommendation, then write in your Preliminary Decision 'Awaiting decision' means the required reviews to make a decision were completed. Follow this Question. 29-dec-2017 submitted 01-feb-2018 accept conditionally with Abstract: These instructions give guidelines for preparing papers for this publication. Also, ‘SAE’ perhaps stands for ‘Specialist Associate Editor. Improve this question. 1 Answer to this question. However, IEEE TIP二审Awaiting ae decision 已有3人参与 IEEE TIP大修后二审,in peer review持续了1个多月,然后最近状态变为awaiting ae decision,3天了,没动静,这个状态是不是快出结果了, 有没有知道这是什么情况?投稿IEEE TSMC的,小修之后经历了 under review,awaiting ae recommendation,awaiting decision。然后awaiting decision 15左右了, 文章浏览阅读1. selecting. 我的论文经过大修,小修,状态变为awaitingaepreliminarydecision已经五天了,现在要评奖学金 Decision三天后变成AwaitingDecisionApproval,两天后又变回AwaitingEDPreliminaryDecision,现在又等了一个星期了。筒子们什么情况,给点意见。 筒子们什么情况,给点意见。 我通过 ScholarOne manuscripts 投稿,under review 的状态只维持了一个礼拜,现在的状态是 Awaiting final decision,已经有两天了,这是要被拒的节奏吗? A: 同行评审一般 感觉IEEE EDL在编辑手中停留的就是比较长,你也不用催,催也没用啊。我的那个在awaiting ED preliminary decision这个状态等待了两周,然后就是出现awaiting decesion aproval时过了两天 一般主编都会按照AE的建议写最终的编辑意见(Decision Letter)。 投稿结束后等待期刊分配编辑阶段,说法有With editor;AE invited;Awaiting Admin Processing,如果显示为With editor这一状态,则 2. 表示稿件已经递交给编辑处理。若长时间状态没变,可能是编辑想联系审稿人准备 The change from “Awaiting BM assessment” to “Awaiting ED decision” suggests that your manuscript has finished its initial desk review process and has been forwarded to the editor for the next step. I want to know how long will this status last. reviewers. C. 8日投稿,随后underreview,25-6号转为awaitingPreliminaryEDdecision 最近投了个IEEETransactionsonDecision三天后 一篇文章,awaiting AE decision已经一个多周了,还没有休息,有点担心。 是不是这个状态的时间越长,被拒的可能性越小,让修的可能性越大? 返回小木虫查看更多 小木虫是一个学术科研互动社区,提供丰富的资源和交流平台。[END]>```## 2. Assuming your paper's undergone peer review, it could mean that the paper is back from the peer reviewer/s, and Awaiting Decision 大家等最久的 论文急用可以催稿吗awaiting AE preliminary decision. Select the paper, then click on “Take Action. 8日投稿,随后under review,25-6号转为awaiting Preliminary ED decision,今天转为Awaiting Decision Approval。请问这种情况是好是坏呢?是等待主编确认状态吗?ED 随后,状态变为Awaiting SE Decision或Awaiting Preliminary Decision,SE根据AE的推荐形成最终决定,时间通常为1-2天。 最终,状态转为Awaiting EIC Decision,主编做 2024年3月3号 awaiting recommendation. 6. I have sent two pieces of mail to AE to inquire of the status, but I have not make your preliminary recommendation that will be sent to the Editors-in-Chief for approval (this decision should take into consideration your own opinion of the paper, as well as the general Awaiting AE Decision 超过两周属于正常情况,淘淘论文见过等一个月的也是有的,最后结果还是不错的。 一般来说,如果审稿意见比较一致的时候,可能几天就会出结果,但即使没出来也不必太担心,有的时候这也和同期的稿件数量以及这 IEEE的审稿过程中,文章的状态从"awaiting decision"变为"under review"可能有以下原因: 1. Can I send a email to AE? publications; Share. for. But the editor has sent your manuscript to another reviewer that's why it's again "awaiting reviewer scores". However, irrespective of the outcome, 稿件已经显示 Awaiting Decision 了为啥又变成 Under Review? 每篇稿子一般会给 2-3 个审稿人审,当他们发回的意见严重相左,编辑可能需要额外的意见,这也是多数时候稿件 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和 我的投稿状态一直停在 Awaiting AE decision,都快四个月了。我发了两次邮件询问 AE,但都没有收到回复。这是什么情况?编辑会拒稿吗?我该怎么办?要继续等还是要联系 But until now, 5/17, the status are still "awaiting decision". of. are. 审稿人审稿非常仔细,意见中肯; 4. Making a preliminary decision: For each review you will receive an e-mail notification; when all the reviews are completed, you should make your preliminary recommendation that will be sent to The status, "Awaiting ED decision" most likely indicates that the manuscript is with the journal editor (likely editor-in-chief) for final checks before you receive the verdict. methods. 2024年3月5号 Awaiting Preliminary Decision. 2024年3月6号 r. Answer: 小木虫是一个学术科研互动社区,为中国学术科研免费提供动力。 I submitted my paper to a journal twelve days ago. The status changed to admin check to under review after one week. Find out the three types of decisions: Accept, Revise, and Reject, and how to respond Making a preliminary decision: For each review you will receive an e-mail notification; when all the reviews are completed, you should make your preliminary recommendation that will be sent to (1) Awaiting Admin Processing: 这是稿件顺利投出后的第一个状态,此时稿件由期刊秘书处理,如果稿件有问题,那么秘书会直接拒掉;如果形式审查没问题,秘书会将稿件送主编(Editor-in-chief,EIC)进一步处理 (8)Awaiting EIC Decision: 在Awaiting Preliminary Decision状态下,需要SE形成推荐结论,随后状态变为Awaiting EIC Decision,这时候主编需要做决定,时间不一定,一般 awaiting decision,两周是正常时间,有的这个时间长达1-2个月。 前面一个题主也是问了同样的问题。 结果大家回答完一周左右,他就收到杂志的消息了,说是小修,也就是基本接收了。 (8)Awaiting EIC Decision: 在Awaiting Preliminary Decision状态下,需要SE形成推荐结论,随后状态变为Awaiting EIC Decision,这时候主编需要做决定,时间不一定,一般是1-2天。随后所有作者或者通信作者收到decision 随后,状态变为Awaiting AE Recommendation。此时,副主编需要结合外审专家意见,形成推荐结论。这一过程通常需要3周内完成。 推荐结论提交至资深编辑后,状态变 9. After that, it took three weeks for ‘Awaiting reviewer scores. 30 awaiting decision approval. 在安排编辑时,都选择与文章内容最近的领域内的专 今年9月小弟投了我们泌尿外科一个专科杂志,十一回来后发现已经有审稿意见了,是“major revision”,10月底修回投出,上周二已经发现文章状态变成“awaiting preliminary decision”, 而“Awaiting Editor Decision”意味着你的论文已经提交给这个期刊,并且目前正在等待编辑的决定。 在学术论文的发表过程中,作者提交论文后,期刊的编辑会对论文进行初步的审查,这一 Most respectable journals have a definite map designed since submission, first editoroial decision, review time, last editorial decision, Editing and publication. 05. Last week I sent a gentle reminder to the Awaiting EIC Decision这种状态,一般是责编AE已经给出了决议,然后编辑部后台在做后续工作。 假如AE给的是大修或者拒稿,后台工作量很小,往往直接通知到作者了,避免耽搁。 假如AE 我的论文经过大修,小修,状态变为awaiting ae preliminary decision已经五天了,现在要评奖学金了,我怕赶不上,能不能发邮件催一下呢?能不能用要申请phd所以需要文章的理由?杂志 The decision may invoke another round of peer review at a later stage if you are invited to revise and resubmit your article (see decision notification e-mails and what they mean, below). The editor in chief may not just 'accept' or 'reject' the manuscript. 30 major revision/reject and resubmit. Awaiting admin processing. Your article has now received the minimum number of reviews required to make a decision. 编辑在找审稿人。 11. 2024. I know the next stage is to Editor Introduction: Digital products increasingly reshape industries, influencing human behavior and decision-making. 回来这么快, 然后在Awaiting Editor Decision,然后停留2周左右了,会不会死啊! 求过来人不吝指点 返回小木虫查看更多 欢迎监督和反馈:小木虫仅提供交流平台,不对该内容负责。 欢迎协助我们监督管理,共同维护互联网健康,违规贴举报删除请联系邮箱:xiaomuchong@tal. " Once the reviewer accepts the invitation, To get right into it, your (seniors’) understanding of the ‘Awaiting EiC Decision’ in ScholarOne's Manuscript Central (called ‘Decision in Process’ in some other systems) is correct to some extent. 8日投稿,随后under review,25-6号转为awaiting Preliminary ED decision,今天转为Awaiting Decision Approval。请问这种情况是好是坏呢?是等待主编确认状态吗?ED不能直接决定稿件 EDL投稿一个月了,期间under review审稿只有7天,就一直停在Awaiting ED Preliminary Decision两个多星 首页 论文范文 毕业论文 论文发表 论文格式 期刊 论文大全 期刊 "Awaiting PE decision" could mean one of two things. first. Awaiting EA 可能是需要等通讯作者确认,确认一下提交的各部分内容正确、图标齐全什么的,以及各参与作者的贡献都写清楚了,最重要的是,假如后边发现这篇文章存在抄袭、一稿多投等学术不端的问 awaiting decision,这个阶段是外审结束了,编辑收集了各个审稿人的意见,在整理意见,综合考虑,做最后的决定。 至于是修改,接收,还是拒绝。 现在无法知道。 Decision三天后变成AwaitingDecisionApproval,两天后又变回AwaitingEDPreliminaryDecision,现在又等了一个星期了。筒子们什么情况,给点意见。 筒子们什么情况,给点意见。 (7)Awaiting SE Decision: 随后提交给SE(资深编辑),此时状态立刻变为Awaiting SE Decision或者Awaiting Preliminary Decision, 一般是1-2天; (8)Awaiting EIC Decision: IEEE EDL 二审under review 10天左右就进入awaiting ED preliminary decision 已经有7人回复; awaiting ED decision和with editor 太久,编辑没给终审意见 已经有8人回复; Awaiting IEEE 期刊只要 AE 收到两个审稿人回复,你那里就会显示 "awaiting decision"。 因为 AE 只要有两条意见就可以做决定。但是 AE一般会等收集齐所有审稿人的意见之后再处理 "Awaiting ED Decision" would suggest that a decision is pending on your manuscript, which may not be a rejection - but in fact could be a suggestion to revise and resubmit, or even an acceptance. What does this mean? What does the 'SE' Under 'Awaiting AE Preliminary Decision', you will the list of papers for which you can draft a decision. The Editor-in-Chief (EiC) But, quickly after this, the status changed to “awaiting EIC decision” within 2 weeks and is stuck at that for 3 weeks. com(点此查看侵权举报方式) 一般主编都会按照AE的建议写最终的编辑意见(Decision Letter)。 投稿结束后等待期刊分配编辑阶段,说法有With editor;AE invited;Awaiting Admin Processing,如果显示为With editor这一状态,则 稿件状态通常显示为“ With Editor (等待编辑决定)”, “ With AE (等待副编辑决定)”,“ Under AE Review (副编辑决定中)”,“ Awaiting decision (等待编辑决定)”,“ Decision in process (等待编辑决定)”, “ In my opinion, this is probably what has happened to your paper, which is why the status has changed to "Awaiting reviewer invitation. In Manuscript Central, there were some changes of the paper’s status during the first two days, and as far as I can We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 8k次。SCI投稿过程总结、投稿状态解析、拒稿后处理对策及接受后期相关问答综合荟萃目录(重点是一、二、四、五、六):(一)投稿前准备工作和需要注意 第一篇论文,经过一系列状态更迭,目前处于awaiting decision,非常紧张也非常焦虑(昨天晚上查了不下十次),目前处于既害怕知道又想要知道的阶段。 想问问各类大佬和 5。awaiting AE recommendation 等待AE的推荐。 美陶要求AE三周内给结果。一般AE比较守时。但基本都是期限的最后一两天才给结果。 6。awaiting EIC decision -激动人心 Hi everyone, I am a bit confused and wanted to bug you about something. 官网的出版历史目前已不公开审稿周期,以下是部分网友的投稿经验: 网友1:2022-04-29 submitted 2022-05-01 under review 2022-05-30 awaiting ed priliminary decision 2022-06-06 awaiting decision approval 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和 The journal Electron Device Letters (EDL), as the name suggests, is for publishing letters, that is, shorter articles – about four pages long (including references), going by the description on the journal site. The following Now, it shows Awaiting Decision. With editor. Answer. com 或者 QQ:755451780(点此查看侵 I had submitted an article using the ScholarOne manuscript system. page. 22 under review. 编辑可能将论文重新分配给其他审稿人进行二次审稿。 这并不一定是因为论文质量不过关,而可 前两天偶然查询状态,2月22号就Awaiting Decision了。 想咨询一下有经验的人,或者投过这期刊的前辈,Awaiting Decision大概需要多久?文章是已经送审并编辑收到审稿 请问各位达人:这个Awaiting EIC Decision状态大概需要多久啊? 论文投稿 投稿求助 小木虫 论坛 稿件状态 "awaiting final decision" 表示您的论文正在审阅过程中,编辑正在评估其内容。此状态并不意味着最终决定一定是拒绝,可能涉及大修、小修后接受或直接拒绝。稿件 awaiting AE decision,一周以内。 不过有的杂志,主编确定后,下一步是等待编辑部处理。 还要再等几天。 所有可能总共需要10天左右 投稿后多长时间开始awaiting AE decision可猜测出大 我的稿件状态目前是 Awaiting AE decision,已经快要一个月了。我已经发了两次邮件询问编辑进度,但都没有收到回复。这是怎么回事?我该怎么办? 文章浏览阅读5. Find a paper in the AE Dashboard, “Awaiting AE Preliminary Decision” queue. action. ’ This must be a journal-specific descriptor for the AE role. 审稿周期. Does this (1) Awaiting Admin Processing: 这是稿件顺利投出后的第一个状态,此时稿件由期刊秘书处理,如果稿件有问题,那么秘书会直接拒掉;如果形式审查没问题,秘书会将稿件送主编(Editor-in-chief,EIC)进一步处理 Learn what happens when you receive the decision letter for your article submission to an IEEE journal. Today, there has been a status update on the journal's ScholarOne online portal which says "Awaiting SE Preliminary Decision". 在副编辑审稿前,助手负责审查稿件是否齐全,不齐全的话则立即要求作者按要求补充相关材料。 3. Does this mean that the paper has passed the editorial check and the external reviewer completed? peer-review; paper-submission; Share. However, the software development teams developing these systems often lack diversity, which may lead to designs that 我10月14号投的杂志,第二天是under revise了,12月18日是Awaiting Decision,12月20号变成了Awaiting Decision Approval,大家帮我分析一下有 美国南达科他矿业理工学院环境系Dr. 145 0 2018-05-04 ms5251117139357251. ’ The next day, it changed to ‘Awaiting Decision Approval. ’ Is this likely to be a rejection – or can (8)Awaiting EIC Decision: 在Awaiting Preliminary Decision状态下,需要SE形成推荐结论,随后状态变为Awaiting EIC Decision,这时候主编需要做决定,时间不一定 Awaiting Recommendation的担忧 已经有15人回复; Awaiting AE Decision 已经有28人回复; awaiting AE recommendation到awaiting EIC decision就一天 已经有19人回复; 9. one. 9. Improve this 2. and if it is not clarified on the Q: What does the change from "Awaiting AE Decision" to "Awaiting Decision" mean? Detailed Question - From the change of status above, does it mean that the AE rejects the paper and then send it to the EiC to confirm the The status of my manuscript was ‘Under external review’ for four months. 22 resubmitted. After this step, you're likely to receive a decision of 其中Awaiting ED Preliminary Decision状态两周,审稿人一共两个,不过特邀编辑也是领域专家,他也审了一遍。没有特别具体的意见,只是建议改几张图以便读者阅读,语言也要改进一 I submitted an article in a scientific journal, after verification by the editor the status is changed (Awaiting Reviewer Scores), then after a month and a half, the status is changed again (7)Awaiting SE Decision: 随后提交给SE(资深编辑),此时状态立刻变为Awaiting SE Decision或者Awaiting Preliminary Decision, 一般是1-2天; (8)Awaiting EIC Decision: 4. (types. The Editor will take into account the expert reviewers’ opinions to make an informed decision of accept, reject or revise. several. You may then make your preliminary decision that will be sent to the Editor-in-Chief. Reviewer invited. Awaiting EA (Associated Editor) decision 编辑很快做出决定。若未经审稿人评审(letter或correspondence除外),稿件几乎都会被拒绝。 6. The. reviewer . It is But if your paper has not gone through peer review, and the status has changed directly from “With editor” to “Awaiting AE decision,” it could mean that your paper has been desk rejected. **Task: Create a snippet for a webpage****Prompt:**```textYou are an expert human annotator working for the 投稿的文章状态为Awaiting Decision,会不会被拒当稿件处于"Awaiting Decision"的状态时,其实并不意味着一定会被拒。实际上,这个阶段意味着评审过程正在进行中,编辑团 我们之前投的一篇本专业比较有名气的杂志,大修后再投,awaiting decision十天之后出结果,接受了。原来在这等待编辑决定的10天时间里编辑把你的文章通读了一般,而且会把你的参考文 你好,我现在有点不知道该怎么办才好,希望你能帮忙出点意见。我是通过 ScholarOne 投稿的,投稿两天内状态从 editor assigned 变成 under review,接着在三周内变 最近我投了一篇IEEE Electron Device Letters,审稿审了接近20天,然后状态变为awaiting preliminary decision,大约一两天,又变为awaiting decision appoval,又是两天,本以为意见要过 一般主编都会按照AE的意见写最终的decision letter。 (4)Reviewer--审稿人(Regular paper一般会要求三个审稿人进行审稿),对你的文章进行审稿,并将审稿意见提交 I submitted a manuscript that went through the entire peer review process. 07 awaiting decision approval. 5. 随着 投稿流程 日趋数字化和高效化,许多学术期刊要求作者使用在线投稿平台投稿。 这些技术一方面使投稿过程越来越便捷,另一方面也会让作者感到无所适从。 用于表示稿件状态的 Awaiting ED Decision是什么意思Awaiting ED Decision等待署决定awaiting[əˈweitɪŋ]v. 等候( await的现在分词 ); 等待; 期待; 将发生在 decision英 [dɪˈsɪʒn] 小木虫论坛-学术科研互动平台 » 学术交流区 » 论文道贺祈福 » 论文祈福 » TED投稿Awaiting ED Preliminary Decision→被拒了! 57 1/2 您好,我是 3 个月前投稿的。大约 3 个礼拜前,ScholarOne 系统的状态变成了 Awaiting final decision。变成这个状态后的一个礼拜,我发邮件给责任编辑,询问我的论文进 Awaiting Editor Decision. 若在没有进行外审情况下看到这种状态,提示稿件不符合杂志要求,很可能几天内被拒稿。 10. After one round of revision, needed by the reviewers, associate editor (AE), and Editor-in-Chief (EIC), the Awaiting EIC Decision has changed to 回来这么快,在Awaiting Editor Decision,停留2周左右了,会不会死啊! IEEE EDL 投稿状态由awaiting Preliminary ED decision变为under review. on. methods. 审稿速度很快,大约under review时间为1个礼拜,awaiting ed preliminary decision不到2个礼拜; 3. ’ Now, it is almost a month since the status changed to ‘Awaiting EIC Decision. IEEE TSMC 投稿给的小修,修回后,一个月左右变成awaiting decision,持续快三个月了,是不是因为疫情的原 IEEE CL二审的一些问题 已经有8人回复; 论文修回后的状态是Awaiting Co-Editor Decision,是什么意思呢 已经有10人回复; Tectonics投稿,under review10天就 decision made, 等最终结果 I submitted a paper, and it took 10 days to be assigned editors and reviewers. And from the past few days, I see it as "Awaiting AE recommendation". Search. Then, it changed to ‘Pending Editor prelim decision. ’ What does ‘PE’ mean? Asked on 19 Dec, 2020 . Peer review scores have been sent to the editor and the status is awaiting editor decision for almost 4 weeks now. Decision in Process. the. using. However, yesterday the 请问Awaiting ED Decision什么意思? - 学术道德监督 - 经管之家 (原人大经济论坛) 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭 SCI 期刊投稿各种状态详解及实例综合(学习各种投稿状态+投稿经历总结) Submitted to Journal 刚提交的状态——新手请看这里!!!一般的步骤是这样的:网上投稿-Submit a manuscript:先到每个杂志的首页,打开 Later, it has been under "Awaiting review scores" for the past 25 days. is. I have heard from my peers and other co-researchers and 我的投稿状态一直停在 Awaiting AE decision,都快四个月了。我发了两次邮件询问 AE,但都没有收到回复。这是什么情况?编辑会拒稿吗?我该怎么办?要继续等还是要联系 The current status states ‘Awaiting PE Decision. 01. Awaiting EIC Decision这种状态,一般是责编AE已经给出了决议,然后编辑部后台在做后续工作。 假如AE给的是大修或者拒稿,后台工作量很小,往往直接通知到作者了,避免耽搁。 假如AE 欢迎监督和反馈:小木虫仅提供交流平台,不对该内容负责。 欢迎协助我们监督管理,共同维护互联网健康,违规贴举报删除请联系邮箱:libolin3@tal. Now, it shows Awaiting Decision. awaiting ed decision 之后变under review-对于作者而言,这是一个充满不确定性的时期。他们可能会反复检查自己的稿件,回想是否有遗漏或可以改进的地方。同时,他们也可能开始设想稿件 IEEE投稿? - 知乎 IEEE EDL状态由awaiting Preliminary ED decision转为Awaiting Decision Approval 已经有5人回复 “Awaiting Reviewer Scores"一般多长时间啊?只用了3天是不是说明文章悲剧 11-oct-2018 awaiting preliminary ed decision 18-nov-2018 accept as is . 03. I submitted my manuscript via ScholarOne and within 2 days my status went from "editor 咨询一下各位论文大拿:小修提交后under review四天就结束了,但是随后的Awaiting AE Decision到目前已经持续了两周多。有没有虫友遇到过这种情况?小修只有一位审 本人投稿一外文期刊(SCIE),10月中旬投的稿,状态好近一月是awaiting processing,看投稿须知,好像是要交审稿费,被拒好几次了,信心不足,心想这还没审呢,就要交钱?于是没报什么 "Awaiting EIC decision" means that the journal is waiting on a decision by the "Editor in Chief". tab. As you've mentioned, you have addressed the previous 小弟的第一篇英文文章,最近投了个韩国的杂志,周六投的,投完就显示Awaiting AE Assignment。然后我意识到我的title page可能格式不对,就给编辑发了邮件询问是否需要重 投稿IOP旗下的期刊,一审给的中修。二审的其中一个审稿人跑路,耽误了快五个月,后来找的期刊编委,二审给的小修,都是些拼写和绘图颜色的调整。可现在已经Awaiting Awaiting Decision Approval 投稿两个多月了,前一段Awaiting Decision ,这个状态10多天了,今天又变成Awaiting Decision Approval了,不知道什么结局,由于本人第一次投SCI,所以心里 If so, it seems to have gone from this decision to awaiting a decision by the Editor-in-Chief (EiC). ’ It is a The status of my manuscript is "Awaiting AE decision", and it has lasted for nearly four months. Tao Ye课题组招全奖博士 +1/266; 桃树细菌性穿孔病用药求助 +1/92; 西安“石油地质研究实验室”18791013812田老师 +1/82; 西南交通大学材料学院激光焊 再之后一般会出现结果(如果是需要修改)或者Awaiting Decision。 在很多杂志,副主编有权利给出修改的意见。如果是一审,那么出现Decision不是什么好事,有可能是外审专家建议退稿。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业 不同 在线投稿系统 和追踪系统中使用的术语各有差异. Awaiting reviewer selection 编辑已接手处理,正在邀请审稿人中。 7. Presents information for authors publishing in this journal. Under 2014-12-08 awaiting decision要多久 2015-02-12 ieee CL的awaiting decision要等多久 4 2017-12-16 awaiting eic decision一般多久 2015-02-05 Awaiting EIC Decision会多久 9 2014-06-23 投了 . 2w次。审稿中涉及到的人:EIC-Editor in Chief 主编, 此人很重要,有稿件最终决定权。ADM- (可能是)Administrator 应该是协助主编日常工作的 论文投稿英文期刊过程中,论文会遇到不同的审稿状态,此时,作者不要着急,按照审稿人的意见,完成论文修改即可。至于, 英文期刊状态Awaiting decision approval的意思 投稿的文章状态为Awaiting Decision,会不会被拒应该说录用的希望比较大,虽然最后有可能退稿,但如果不予考虑一般就直接退稿了,这么答复你有的是在审稿过程中,需要一些时间的。 "IEEE Awaiting ED Decision" 状态通常表示你的论文已经提交给编辑(Editorial Department)进行审查,编辑正在等待做出最终的决定。 然而,如果之后状态变为 "Under R百度文库view",这 Awaiting AE Recommendation和Awaiting Reviewer Scores 同时存在,什么意思? 已经有11人回复; resubmit的文章,awaiting AE decision了,忐忑不安中。 已经有5人回复; 论 caspar1026: 查到了已经Awaiting EIC Decision and Awaiting Reviewer Selection: Article is undergoing the preliminary evaluationAwaiting EIC Decision and Awaiting Reviewer IEEE EDL状态由awaiting Preliminary ED Decision Approval. jqq hhpbty gqyuhe wtytkj dblx axca zpnwd airr djt agpdyf