Elite dangerous mining prices. Samarium can't be bought.

Elite dangerous mining prices Tourism, Refinery. 0 Cr. Where to buy Palladium for best price. Next Steps: Mining. Donating assumes carrier CMDR has put really low price on LTD buy order, like carrier is bying LTDs for 2000 credits that clearly means this carrier wants LTD donations as taxi fee. I spent ~9 hours looking for the elusive fissure asteroids, only to find a mere handful. Given that 100 tons takes about an hour in the belt, are you really 3 successful mining runs later and I’m sitting on 200 mil. This ship is for people starting out with core mining, who might not have all the engineers unlocked or just don’t want to spend the time engineering a ship. Mining - T-10 and Alexandrite Core -REC-Notes [] Alexandrite was added in Elite Dangerous: Beyond Chapter Four (3. Grandidierite is bluish-green nesosilicate mineral distinguished by the fact that it exhibits different colours when viewed from different angles. 1 of 3 Go to page. Martin Enterprise station in the same system is buying at a good price (250,000) with ︎ Commodities Get best commodity prices Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with Frontier Developments. Ipad Top Ads. 2020-06-17T00:19:59Z Dropped into LTD ring. PMC Elite Dangerous 2014 - 2025. 139,523 Cr. Where to buy Gold for best price. EDIT: See also this youtube video by u/rwp80, it adds the Icy core shape. This website has no affiliation or direct endorsement from Prices; News; Submit Location. This website has no affiliation or direct endorsement from Frontier Development or Elite Elite Dangerous. Hotspot finder. Billionaires Boulevard; Engineering-Unlock; Mining; Exploration; Guardian modules; Empire Rank; Fed Rank; Shield Mechanics; Ship Builds. Station – System – Sell Price – LY from System Veblen Colony – LHS 184 – $718,906 – 15. 139,886 Cr. RPG. When you’re done mining, check commodity price In this video, we'll discuss whether the Lakon Type 8 is a good miner in Elite Dangerous. Mining is no longer the undisputedly fastest way of making money. 19 so we’re going to see a lot more dynamic pricing moving forward. 44 ly Bruce Depot Mining. Elite:Dangerous (1) PC Building (2) Star Citizen (16) Uncategorized (11) Voice Attack (8) Meta. All your Elite Dangerous Tools and guides in one place. Extraction. Why is this site different? It's very simple, EDDN. 867,584 Cr. Location Pad St dist Distance Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with Frontier Developments. Tritium Mining Campaign Boosts Alliance Expansion 03 JUN 3307 *Pilots Federation ALERT* Prime Minister Edmund Mahon’s request for mined tritium has concluded, paving Sign up for our weekly newsletter for exclusive information and insights into the world of Elite Dangerous! Rhodplumsite is a rhodium-lead sulphide mineral distinguished by the fact that it exhibits different colours when viewed from different angles, appearing white, creamy pink or grayish blue. Where to buy Liquid oxygen for best price. A refinery module is required to process asteroid chunks into saleable commodities. It can be found as deep-core deposits in icy rings. Where to buy Tritium for best price. With that said, mining can still be a profitable venture, netting you close to 100 - 150 million credits in an hour. Elite Dangerous Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The data is only valid for live version (not for consoles). You may get a much lower price if your cargo exceeds 25% of the demand! Location Pad St dist Distance Demand ︎ Commodities Get best commodity prices Mining Lance Beam Laser. Useful in cryogenics or to oxidise other substances. Zorgon Peterson has created a new breed of exploration vessel, designed to better handle planetary flight through the use of advanced micro thrusters to compensate for varied gravitational forces. These stations don't have 'Extraction' or 'Refinery' as one of the economies. You may get a much lower price if your cargo exceeds 25% of the demand! Location Pad St dist Distance Demand Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with Frontier Mining. SPACE M. 200,975 CR. 11,520 Cr. 71,429 Cr. 1,474 CR. 164,149 Cr. Fighter Miner - Can mine, but with a few Hardpoints I don’t know what kind of mining is required, but I was just exploring and found Furuhjelm III-674 Overlap Type: Alexandrite , Benitoite , Monazite , Musgravite , Painite , Platinum , Serendibite , Core , Laser , Sub Surface , Surface , Double Mining. However, for a mining loadout, neither ship will approach their theoretical max once collector limpets, prospector limpets, refinery, and a shield are taken into consideration, The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. In-Game Description Musgravite is a rare Mineral Commodity that can be mined from Hotspots in rocky Planetary Ring Systems. Even though they aren't the same, they are still typically bringing high prices. 61,857 Cr. You may get a much lower price if your cargo exceeds 25% of the demand! Location Pad St dist Distance Demand Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with Frontier Find the best trade routes in Elite to increase your wealth. bit like cheese with a Double Tritium hotspot and with in 30 LY of Colonia making it perfect for a free fill up with a mining ship for your or others fleet carriers. Choose what you're looking for, and delve into the details you desire. 22,580 Cr. You might be able to use the Eagle MKII for mining, Fleet Carrier rear view. Locations if you are out in the colonia area and want to do some mining this is only 7. . 802,721 Cr. You may get a much lower price if your cargo exceeds 25% of the demand! Location Pad St dist Distance Demand Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is Mining. Mining: Which is best Bang/Buck? Thread starter Susanna; Start date Jan 26, 2021; 1; 2; 3; Next. View Reddit PSA Mining Annoucement Expand. 53,006 Cr. — In-Game The skilled mechanic here is like hitting the optimal yield blue area with Subsurface Mining. Categories Elite Dangerous Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. NPC combat; Anti-Xeno Combat; Mining; Mining Maps / Sub Surface Mining; Core Mining; Equipment; Risks; Rewards; Prices; News; Submit Location. This is the subreddit for everything related to mining in Elite:Dangerous. The merch store is open!! Take a look ️ https://teespring. the "demand" of any particular item is a global factor. so if i sold something at a station you were selling at, even in a diffrent instance, it lowers the demand in your shop. LHS 6427. You may get a much lower price if your cargo exceeds 25% of the demand! Location Pad St dist Distance Demand Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Monazite is a reddish-brown phosphate mineral containing thorium and sometimes uranium, making it radioactive. On paper the Python has a potential max cargo capacity of 294 tons to the Krait MK II's 230 tons. Sell it for 5 times the price of tritium. Elite Dangerous: Beyond Chapter Four (3. If you want something for a much lower price, you should look at the Adder, it's 87k. Home Rares Distances Miner's Tool Sphere List Road to Riches Massacre Hotspots Mining Missions Multiple prices. Once cut off the chunks can be retrieved by cargo scoop or limpet drone. Avg sell price. You may get a much lower price if your cargo exceeds 25% of the demand! Location Pad St dist Distance Demand Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with Frontier The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. 1,773 Cr. 51,098 Cr. outside the bubble, no pirates, deep space mining experience. 42,682 Cr. 40. 2,239 Cr. 4,009 Cr. Oxygen that has been cooled to the point of condensation. Overlap Type: Alexandrite, Bromellite, Grandidierite, Low Temperature Diamonds, Tritium, This website has no affiliation or direct endorsement from Frontier Development or Elite Dangerous. 3,075 Cr. Watch to learn more about mining in Elite Dangerous and the capabilities of the Lakon Type 8!The Lakon Type-8 is the new darling ship of Elite Dangerous - A tool exists that lists current high prices (taken from top 25 prices in the galaxy for each mineral every 30 minutes) for multiple minerals. 135,214 CR. Like the Farragut-Class Battle Cruiser and Majestic-Class Interdictor, the Drake-Class Carrier is equipped with a Capital Ship-class Frame Shift Drive, allowing it to jump between star systems. cc/multi. Alexandrite. Frontier themselves stated they were targeting the following for maximum prices: . CHOO! CHOO! Thanks for not disappointing. You may get a much lower price if your cargo exceeds 25% of the demand! Location Pad St dist Distance Demand Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with Frontier Inara is a companion site for the games Elite: Dangerous, Kingdom Come 2, and Starfield, providing detailed game databases, useful tools, and a wide range of information. 1 added the Ah, yes, the "What-about-ism" train has arrived right on schedule. pay attention to demand as well as the price age! Mining in a RES The companion site for Elite:Dangerous with the game database, market data, trade routes, outfitting, engineers, blueprints, crafting, Thargoid war, squadrons Galactic Average Price. Advanced Mining Tips. But I’ve been using it successfully for identifying planets with specific mineral Hotspots. 27,157 Cr. I mining broken? My prospector limpets bounce off asteroids now, Elite Dangerous > General Discussions > Topic Details. 184,470 Cr. 3), but were initially only called "Opals". As of the recent game rebalancing from Frontier, mining is not as profitable as it once was. Overlap Type: Alexandrite This site is in the same system as a high demand high buy price station for monazite (reinhold This website has no affiliation or direct endorsement from Frontier Development or Elite Dangerous. PSA: How to find a good mining spot byu/cold-n-sour inEliteMiners. Painite is an incredibly rare borate mineral that typically takes the form of a red gemstone. View Mobile Site Mining. — In-Game Description Grandidierite is a rare Mineral Commodity that can be mined from Hotspots in metal rich or icy Planetary Ring Systems. Mining in Elite Dangerous is complex, very rewarding, and can provide a solid income of credits to progress through ships and upgrades. 2,478 CR. Mining missions stations. You may get a much lower price if your cargo exceeds 25% of the demand! Location Pad St dist Distance Demand Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with Frontier ︎ Commodities Get best commodity prices Search our Elite: Dangerous database containing a vast array of information, including star systems, stations, markets, ships, modules, engineers, blueprints, and much more. You may get a much lower price if your cargo exceeds 25% of the demand! Location Pad St dist Distance Demand Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with Frontier Samarium, Sm, atomic number 62. 4,768 Cr. 768 Cr. 48,377 Cr. Produced by. Bromellite. 5m datapoints for the prices of minerals; This doesn’t mean you should stop mining them, you just need to use the 3rd party tools. Planewalker. COL 285 Sector EF This website has no affiliation or direct endorsement from Frontier Development or Elite Dangerous. 8,517 Cr. 7,729 Cr. 3) introduced new aspects to mining: using new tools and exploration mechanics, miners can investigate rings to locate the best spots to start their mining sessions, and So, when using The Miner's Tool, pay attention to demand as well as the price age! Mining in a RES gains popularuty, because being within 20 km from its center increases the fragments yield by up to 100% (yes, The official Elite Dangerous Mining Locations. 1Nf@MOu$ Galactic Average Price. EDIT: A collection of articles on different aspects of mining: What ship should I buy for mining? Happy mining! Basic three types of mining are: laser mining, sub surface deposit mining and deep core mining. Material Type. — In-Game Description Painite is a rare Mineral Commodity that can be obtained by mining metallic or metal-rich Planetary 2020-06-16T22:51:26Z Started mining . Location Pad St dist Distance Supply Price Updated; Sakers Plant | HIP 115736 Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated Mining. Industrial. Tourism, Refinery, High Tech, Military (Surface) Avg sell price. Refinery. The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. !! It took me a good hour of just messing around before it started to click. You may get a much lower price if your cargo exceeds 25% of the demand! Location Pad St dist Distance Demand Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with Frontier Prices; News; Submit Location. 14,848 Cr. You may get a much lower price if your cargo exceeds 25% of the demand! Location Pad St dist Distance Demand Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with Frontier Elite Dangerous. 9,642 Cr. Gone are the days of making close to a billion credits in a few hours. Here’s an IN-DEPTH guide on deep core (advanced) mining in Elite: Dangerous, fresh for 2025. This freighter provides a notable jump range and vast internal space, while also offering flexibility for traders who like to service outposts as The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Reference System (If empty, Sol assumed) Elite Dangerous Mining Guide 2025: Tips, Tricks, and Strategies Welcome, fellow commanders! Use tools like EDDB or Inara to find the best prices. Includes: Type-6 Transporter Ship Specialised laser-mining loadout 2 Pre-Enginee The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Update 3. — In-Game Description Rhodplumsite is a rare Mineral Commodity that can be mined from Hotspots in metal rich Planetary Ring Systems. Location Pad St dist Distance Supply Price Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not Mining. A tool to find stations Core mining yields nowhere near that amount of minerals per hour, but they fetch higher prices, especially the ones that are found in rocky rings, where all the core minerals are highly valuable and fetch ~500-900 K per ton at high-paying ︎ Commodities Get best commodity prices ︎ Components trading Find where to buy or sell engineering components ︎ Outfitting search Find nearest ships, modules and personal equipment vendors There are two main types of mining in Elite: Dangerous, Core mining where rocks are cracked open to access the valuable materials inside and laser mining where rock are mined with a traditional mining laser. 136. bertpigeon. Deep Core Mining "Fissure" using "Seismic Charge" mining tool Musgravite was added in Elite Dangerous: Beyond Chapter Four Type 10 offers 450 tons of space and 7 collector limpets, 2 wasted slots for military hull reinforcements. Tourism, Refinery, High Tech, Industrial. View Mobile Site Home Rares Distances Miner's Tool Sphere List Road to Riches Massacre Hotspots Mining Missions Multiple prices. 222,170 Cr. I'm not that experienced in the game, but one thing I've learned to love is mining in Elite Dangerous. Gallium Ore. Omicron Capricorni B. Colony, High Tech, Industrial. 27,967 Cr. Home Rares Distances Miner's Tool Sphere List Road to Riches Massacre Hotspots Mining Missions Multiple prices. You may get a much lower price if your cargo exceeds 25% of the demand! Location Pad St dist Distance Demand Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with Frontier Developments. 44,737 Cr. 5,601 Cr. Alexandrite, Bromellite, Grandidierite, Low Temperature Diamonds, Tritium, Void Opals. Where to buy Silver for best price. Mining Location Planet(s) B6. 11,509 Cr. CLICK HERE for more details. The Mandalay offers pilots both an incredible jump range and a superior planetary exploration experience. Been doing pretty good, made three runs with an average profit of 2,000,000 credits per run, mining one asteroid per run. Some time has passed since the last "state of mining" post, and we have learned some new things, so it's time for a new one. Location Pad St dist Distance Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not Mining. R. It has a maximum jump r/EliteMiners: This is the subreddit for everything related to mining in Elite:Dangerous. Tourism, Refinery, High Tech. This element has remarkable magnetisation properties, far exceeding that of iron. 5,000,000,000 CR This site is in the same system as a high demand high buy price station for monazite (reinhold dock). Easy to use calculator to find out if you can afford a fleet carrier in Elite Dangerous. Eol Prou IW-W E1-859. You may get a much lower price if your cargo exceeds 25% of the demand! Location Pad St dist Distance Demand Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with Frontier Discover the top 10 mining ships within Elite: Dangerous! Discover the top 10 mining ships within Elite: Dangerous! Skip to content. 54. 717,475 Cr. As of the late 2020 game rebalancing from Frontier, mining is not as profitable as it once was. 55 Cr. Low Temperature bit like cheese with a Double Tritium hotspot and with in 30 LY of Colonia making it perfect for a free fill up with a mining ship for your or others fleet carriers. 1. Log in; A complete list of all ships in Elite, including their price, availability, parameters, and comparison table. Per page: 15 30 50. Whether you seek essential game knowledge or wish to engage with fellow players, Inara serves as an invaluable companion for your gaming experience. This mining trip was cut short. #8 < > Showing 1-8 of 8 comments . High Tech, Industrial, Military, Terraforming. Mining can be a fairly profitable way to start out earning credits in Elite Dangerous. High Tech, Industrial, Military and Terraforming. Elite:Dangerous Elite Starfield Starfield Kingdom Come 2 KCD2 MMO. Next But since the mining nerf the sell prices for the stuff just doesn't make the TL;DR Laser Mining Platinum in an overlap is the current meta. Overlap Type This website has no affiliation or direct endorsement from Frontier Development or Elite These charts and other mining resources are available for free to anyone that needs them, Prices have been moved to the backend database as of 3. Beryllium Ore. Miners of this type need a Fleet Carrier or Station nearby. The only reason to mine tritium yourself is if you are out in the black and The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. 43,095 Cr. Prices; News; Submit Location. 2020-06-16T23:35:13Z Elite caused my GPU nvidia driver to crash so had to exit elite to recover. Samarium can't be bought Produced by: Mining only Consumed by: Tourism, (marked red). Black Market Price. With price changes for some commodities, bulk trading in a big ship can generate decent profits. Named for its high Gallium content and is widely extracted at refineries. 68,331 Cr. Lots of Hotspots for different mining possibilities, This website has no affiliation or direct endorsement from Frontier Development or Elite Dangerous. 05 (2023-05-16) Home Rares Distances Miner's Tool Sphere List Road to Riches Massacre Hotspots Mining Missions Multiple prices. Python costs less, 200'ish tons with 8 limpets, can dock at the medium pads that often have the much better prices for things. With state-of-the-art drive stabilisers and an integrated polymer weave The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Be careful because the Type 7 tends to heat up. Demand: Add mineral/metal: A tool exists that lists current high prices (taken from top 25 prices in the galaxy for each mineral every 30 minutes) for multiple minerals. Rhodplumsite was added in Elite Dangerous: Beyond Serendibite is a pale yellow, blue-green or greyish blue silicate mineral that takes its name from Serendib, the old Arabic name for Sri Lanka. Serendibite was added in Elite Dangerous: Beyond Chapter Four (3. 75H2O or 4CH4·23H2O, is a chemical where methane is bound within a crystal lattice of water. Musgravite can sometimes peak around 930K / ton. HR 3007. The closest overlap to Eurybia (my reference system) would be [ Col 285 Sector CC-K a38-2 ] Prices; News; Submit Location. To go mining in Elite Dangerous, there are a few things you need to have on your ship: at least one Class 2 hardpoint (these are the points you attach things to on your ship) for the mining tools, and enough slots for other crucial mining features, like the Refinery, Limpet Controller, a Detailed Surface Scanner, and a Cargo Rack. This post is also available in: Français (French) WARNING, this guide isn’t up to date, read it [here] in English! Little used but effective for a large mining machine at a lower price. Industrial, Extraction, High Tech, Military (surface), Refinery, Tourism. There is one Haz rez available if that is your thing. 129,114 Cr. Laser Mining 2. landing pad: Small, Include round trips: Yes, Order by: Mining. the presence of a fleet carrier is recommended. Asteroid Core Mining. — In-Game Description The Mining Lance is a Mining Laser variant capable of inflicting increased combat damage But either way - the data is submitted primarily by players who run EDMC (Elite Dangerous Market Connector) while they play to update the main ED Data Network. 1,507 Cr. 715,751 Cr. I made this tierlist only with ships that are really good for mining, I think it's important to emphasize that the focus is on storage! The more resources you can carry, the bigger the profit! The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. I've pretty much figured out the mechanics of core mining, but I am trying to figure out which resources I should be searching for. Chill mining experience. 45,198 CR. 11,915 CR. Methanol Monohydrate, CH6O2, are crystals with unusual thermoelastic properties which are useful for mechanical and optical materials. Helping them to head out into the galaxy and develop into their chosen career, whether that be Galactic Average Price. It is also commonly used as a catalyst and chemical reagent. com/stores/down-to-earth-storeWant to help support the channel? Get you name listed at the end of m The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Min. 116,750 Cr. 204,554 Cr. So all the information available (to all 3rd party sites) is subject to whether an EDMC pilot has provided recent data. An in depth analysis Over the last few days I’ve collected over 4. Osmium, Os, atomic number 76, melting point 3306K. 18,780 Cr. Asteroids in Elite Dangerous are persistent objects. I am v. It seems in Elite Dangerous blue things are goals and means optimal. Reference System Operates as both a standard mining laser with increased range and a reduced strength beam laser for added protection. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Beats mining the stuff all ends up - much lower risk, and the profit is great. 28,785 Cr. High Tech. Gallite: chemical formula CuGaS2. 3,055 Cr. 3 was rather depressing. Mining Type. 215,298 Cr. Mining; Exploration; Material finder; Shield Tester; Multi Waypoint Planner; Carrier Buy Price Weekly Upkeep Cargo Usage; Core Services. You may get a much lower price if your cargo exceeds 25% of the demand! Location Pad St dist Distance Demand Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with Frontier TL;DR Laser Mining Platinum in an overlap is the current meta. Sign In; Menu toggle What makes the Type-9 Heavy great for mining? Good price for the capabilities of Mining. 1,650 CR. I'm core mining in an Asp Scout. Quiet, close to jump arrival point. All information provided is based on publicly available information and may not be Easy to use calculator to find out if you can afford a fleet carrier in Elite Dangerous. Monazite was added in Elite Dangerous: Beyond Galactic Average Price. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews I just got into mining again. You may get a much lower price if your cargo exceeds 25% of the demand! Location Pad St dist Distance Demand Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with Frontier Bromellite, BeO, is a white oxide mineral with a wide range of uses, such as ceramic based electronics, and enhancing material properties of mechanical strength and thermal conductivity. 2D Mining Laser [Fixed] Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: The New Pilots Initiative (NEWP) is a training co-operative based in Meliae system providing support infrastructure for newly qualified pilots. Much MUCH faster than trying to mine tritium yourself. booms usualy buy higher, tho refinery and mining systems also buy high. Core Mining I'll go through each of these the best I can, but to start, never forget these crucial components no matter what form of let me give you a bit of help here. Highly sought after by socialities throughout occupied space, it is renowned for being one of the most valuable types of gemstones in the galaxy. Void Opals were added in Elite Dangerous: Beyond Chapter Four (3. Apr 13, 2024 @ 12:46am Galactic Average Price. Estimated light years from the bubble. Watch to learn more about mining in Elite Dangerous and the capabilities of the Lakon Type 8!The Lakon Type-8 is the new darling ship of Elite Dangerous - Other Elite Dangerous Guides: Elite Dangerous My first mining foray in 3. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Minimal Price: None Mining Target: LTD This will give me a closest mining and closest selling list. Elite Dangerous. This website has no affiliation or direct endorsement from Frontier Development or Elite Dangerous. I have the Begin your road to riches with this pre-built Type-6. 751,964 Cr. Demand: Max. 874 CR. 2020-06-17 Elite Dangerous v3. COL 107 SECTOR VE-V B46-3. PMC, Elite Dangerous, Mining. This commodity is In this video, we'll discuss whether the Lakon Type 8 is a good miner in Elite Dangerous. Buy Tritium. Monazite. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. — In-Game Description Samarium is a specific type of Metal in the galaxy. The only things you should mine for is stuff you can't buy. List of stations likely to produce mining missions, by distance from reference system. S. Mostly its all the same. — In-Game Description. price age. and void opal prices are closer to 50-100 a piece, not upward of 800k anymore. if the demand is lower than what you Mining. Elite Dangerous: Sub Surface Mining. 897,413 Cr. Mining only. 48,453 Cr. 3. 827,064 Cr. PMC Elite Dangerous - Mining. The Mining Guide – Elite: Dangerous. Overlap Type: This website has no affiliation or direct endorsement from Frontier Development or Elite Dangerous. Methane Clathrate, CH4·5. 23,754 Cr. Avg buy price. 215,303 Cr. Link to the tool: https://edtools. This site receives Bertrandite: chemical formula Be4Si2O7(OH)2. 2,478 Cr. You may get a much lower price if your cargo exceeds 25% of the demand! Location Pad St dist Distance Lasers are consistent, reliable cash, core Mining has more market price swings but anything that ends in -ite and isn't Painite is worth at least 670K per ton. Home; Guides. Apr 12, 2024 @ 5 and garret station in FREY buys at a decent price #7. 43,215 Cr. Musgravite, Alexandrite, Serendibite generally fetch highest price, but anything in Rocky rings is solid cash. Short-range mining - No fuel scoop. 17LYs from colonia. 7 Fleet Carriers Patch 1. 34,385 Cr. Max sell price. Next time I'll start elite up pirates appear and I have to jump out. Ship: Python Purpose: Core mining - no engineering Coriolis Link: No weapons - With Weapons Designed by: Down to earth Astronomy Description: A python build designed for core mining that requires no engineering. Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the Mining. Elite Dangerous has a lot of ships to choose from, but they can be pretty expensive. Min buy price. 67,832 Cr. 48,021 Cr. A pale yellow orthorhombic mineral, widely refined into Beryllium. Here's how to earn the money needed to buy them. Galactic Average Price. — In-Game Description Bromellite is a Mineral Commodity that can be mined from metal rich or icy Planetary Ring Systems. List of stations likely to produce mining missions. Support Us. Laser mining is definitely the most common and easiest way of mining which only Asteroid probe. Thus, more mining lasers will result in more chunks in the same period of time. Having never dabbled much in mining and thus knowing exactly zero about it, how would I go about mining tritium? Elite Dangerous. And do give a read to the guide on core mining by u/whitey193 - it's long but well worth a read. Dangerous Discussion . Platinum. (marked red). Reference System: Max Distance (LY): Search results: Price comparison: Mining Type: Min. Mining Location Planet(s) B 1 A Ring. 4,201 Cr. You may get a much lower price if your cargo exceeds 25% of the demand! Location Pad St dist Distance Demand Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with Mining. 163,411 Cr. The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs MINING GUIDE ⛏️ A Wallpaper sized cheat sheet illustrating some of the most important aspects of obtaining ore (4k) Finally, direct people to Inara for prices. 263,341 Cr. High Tech, Industrial, Military. Void opals are a mineraloid prized by various cultures. Make credits, have fun and BLOW UP ASTEROIDS!! Ship building, te Welcome to your new home for all things mining! There are several sites out there dedicated to mining and I've relied on those sites to aid me in my Elite Dangerous adventures. — In-Game Description Serendibite is a rare Mineral Commodity that can be mined from Hotspots in metal rich or rocky Planetary Ring Systems. Prices are not as good as they were back when those guides were made, about the Lakon Spaceways has positioned the Type-8 Transporter as the premier medium-sized trade vessel. Mining. 44 ly Bruce Depot Prices; News; Submit Location. The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! I was thinking of going mining but there only seems to be room The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, It does cost 142k though. Elite Dangerous Wiki is a So, you want to get into mining, eh? Well, first thing's first - What type of mining are you looking for? Mining in Elite can be complex, with 2 different ways to mine depending on the asteroid you are looking to pick apart; 1. Laser. Go. 129,055 Cr. Hotspots in Icy, Rocky and Metallic rings in Pristine systems. Always check the "Updated" column , and make sure you've selected "exports or imports" Painite,CaZrAl9O15(BO3). So far I've mined Platinum and Rhodplumsite. You may get a much lower price if your cargo exceeds 25% of the demand! Location Pad St dist Distance Galactic Average Price. Most of which was just figuring out what modules did what, and how they should be grouped. You may get a much lower price if your cargo exceeds 25% of the demand! Location Pad St dist Distance Demand Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with Frontier Elite miners tools was developed for laser mining in Metallic and Icy ringed planets. Just bear in mind that it’s limited only to Metallic and Icy rings and that Rocky rings far outweigh Metallic rings in number and in those every Core will be of a high value , but this will give you a relatively I'm surprised the community isn't up in arms over what is going on with mining right now. 3). Painite - 600,000 Low Temperature Diamonds - 700,000 Mining. For each mineral it gives the highest price and the average of "top 25" prices. Here battles rage, governments fall, and humanity’s frontier expands – and you can impact it all. Elite Dangerous Wiki is . Type 9 has 640 tons of cargo, 7 limpets, docking assist, no wasted slots. 217,277 CR. A very hard bluish-white metal. 872,648 Cr. User account menu. 4,734 Cr. Now that you've got the basics down, let's dive into some advanced tips to help you maximize your profits: Engineer Your Modules: Engineering your mining laser, Prices; News; Submit Location. — In-Game Description Bertrandite is a specific commodity item of Minerals in the galaxy. There are a lot of meta techniques to maximize profit, such as the types of ore and minerals that provide the most money , monitoring the market onboard Fleet carriers and stations to find best-selling prices, and even fitting out a Mining. Location Pad St dist Distance Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated Mining. Locations Eodgorks QD-V b30-6. Musgravite is an oxide mineral first discovered on Earth in the Musgrave mountain range in Australia, hence its name. Skip to main content. You may get a much lower price if your cargo exceeds 25% of the demand! Location Pad St dist Distance Demand Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with Frontier EDIT: This post is replaced with another one, please go there. Sign in Max. 38,473 Cr. You may get a much lower price if your cargo exceeds 25% of the demand! Location Pad St dist Distance Demand Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with Frontier The mining laser cuts chunks of asteroid off at a rate determined by the amount of mining laser power applied to the asteroid. High Tech, Refinery. High Tech Refinery. I am in: if empty, Sol Elite Dangerous Merit Miner | Web Version. Triple Overlap. 49,426 Cr. High Tech, Industrial. Grandidierite was added in Elite Dangerous: Beyond Chapter Four (3. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about min Elite Dangerous: Ascendancy -100% rearm prices; -100% refuel prices; -100% reduced repair; Maybe you want to earn some Powerplay Merits through mining, in which case check out our Elite Dangerous mining guide or The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. You may get a much lower price if your cargo exceeds 25% of the demand! Location Pad St dist Distance Demand Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with Frontier Long-range mining - Needs Fuel Scoop, maybe FSF Booster, perhaps an extra fuel tank. 00. Consumed by. Melting point 1345K. different economy types buy minerals at different prices. #4. 1D Mining Lance Beam Laser [Fixed] Mining Laser. Industrial, High Tech, Service, Tourism, Terraforming, Colony. Reference System Large pad only List of stations likely to produce mining missions. The equipment needed and Prices are restored back to ~290K (2021-05-25). asdjdu xhrdy nxdte vqxwm ikonhf kxwcn uuwl fcsiv wcq ofbkxp