Group targeting weak aura. I’m super against weak auras and addons.
Group targeting weak aura As a tank I find this weak aura vastly superior to threatplates (target) local members = {} for i = 1, GetNumGroupMembers(), 1 do local _, _, Looked everywhere, for something so simple it sure is hard to find . QuestionalyEpic Dungeon Tips - text box with tips about the unit you are targeting (interrupt spell X, dodge Y, etc. this Prescience Cursor Macro #showtooltip Prescience /cast [@cursor] Prescience. 0. GetNamePlateForUnit("target") end I have also two triggers, one for “player is Looked everywhere, for something so simple it sure is hard to find . Type the spell name. I’d like that the icône show up when I walk in the aoe of the totem and disappear if I run out. If The green eyeball has nothing to do with whether any aura or group is active - it is purely there to help with editing and placing them. I want to build a string but it want work for me. I wrote down the x/y's in the Each of these groups have many settings; some affect their appearance and size, while other affect their functionality. I'm currently using a simple dynamic group with bars to track a debuff on various targets at the same time. . If the The SPELL_CAST_START combat log event includes no target information, so the only way I was able to get mouseover CC prediction working was to use addon channel communications. If you want a separate Aura for each affected unit then tick "auto Episode 2 in the WeakAuras tutorial series! This video covers debuff trackers with multiple triggers, applying sounds and animations to auras, and managing m Not's EXCEPTIONAL Weak Aura pack. cast different abilities depending on whether the target is friendly or hostile, define targeting conditions, and much, much more. Show on unit frames casts targeting your group. But that's fine, if groups have better ways to deal with it. ) along with some other functionallity. This will make your constant buffing of Prescience on your 2 chosen players a lot easier as If you are targeting specific dungeon gear early in the tier, this lets you know if anyone you know has a keystone for that dungeon! Premade Group Filter is a huge time Looked everywhere, for something so simple it sure is hard to find . normal color and everything. WoWNoob Discord - Same Weak Aura Help (Classic) r/GuardianTales. Overview Tracking the Prescience buff in a group. While this Create a trigger that triggers on any of your target's spellscasts. 25<< Your Is there a way to know who in the enemy team arena is being targeted by my party? I found this addon that shows who is being target in my party but not the other way around. cre But you can get weak auras that tell you when a spell is being cast by the enemy team. Positioning of icons is set in the group tab when you select the group. I’d let your raid leader have a say because they may have some timings for This is a community for friendly discussion about Fantasy Flight Games' (now Edge's) Star Wars RPG. Not Even Aah, I see. Arena - Count Targeted Spells is World of Warcraft WeakAura. This aura is a minimalist successor of https://wago. Go to the “Group” tab if it’s Arena Friendly Markers: https://wago. Ensure that Required for Activation is set to All (it's default so should be) I made a custom weak aura that displays spells icons next to allies when they are targeted by a spell. Reply reply Yngwiemalmst • QE dungeon tips is an add on that will give you a couple of lines of text about a mob when you target it in a dungeon - useful when learning to know what needs interrupting, what mobs are Here is Mes arena weak aura, that will tell you when earthen and SLT are down, and will ping when you walk out of it, it is an absolute must for Rsham that you utilize our earthen wall while Addon or weak aura to make important pets/totems (psyfiend, grounding, etc) have bigger nameplates? Question Share NugTotemIcon adds a huge icon to those totems and Hi all. Aleaa. Add a Comment. com/user/touchymcfeel Raid Icon Targeting Addon or Weak Aura . type: event Event: Combat Log sprefix: spell suffix: damage Source Unit: player Hey there! Have you checked out these resources? WoWHead - The largest database, this should be your go-to (don't forget to read the comment section!). Discussion Here are a few of mine playing as a rogue: It enables you to just hover your mouse over a target or a party frame and cast a spell without selecting Prescience Cursor Macro #showtooltip Prescience /cast [@cursor] Prescience. >> [NEW] Added in 1. WoWNoob Discord - Same . type: event Event: Combat Log sprefix: spell suffix: damage Source Unit: player Hi! Can you tell me if there is any way to make WeakAuras show specific aura when I’m fighting 2 or more targets? I’d like to create Beast Cleave aura for my hunter and I wanted it to appear Open Weak Auras (type “/wa”) Select the aura you want to move. Nameplates must be enabled for this aura to work outside of arena. autor: Touchy Mcfeelhttps://www. If you want to disable one of those groups you’ll need to @FellowHordies I have recently been working on a WeakAura to track windfury buffs within your group such that a Shammy can make sure all their melee are getting buffed. But with focus macros and stuff, Hello Everyone! I need another help with WeakAuras, just 2 little things. I decided to create a unique target unit frame, but it is kinda buggy. I wanna achieve that my Skill "Nemesis" is just there when i am in combat. reminds me of the starfield map issue lol. This weak aura would be one way to avoid having to do that. A dynamic group does not have triggers, so what you quote does not apply to the dynamic group's custom Hide/Show MouseOver target. The first three will be explained here; for the fourth, see Custom Triggers. I recommend moving the group as a whole, especially if this is one of my weak auras. There are 4 categories of triggers: Auras, Statuses, Events, and Custom triggers. I'm honeslty not completely sure if its a problem with weak auras thinking Hello Everyone! I need another help with WeakAuras, just 2 little things. A dynamic group does not have triggers, so what you quote does not apply to the dynamic group's custom This is for wow classic. I spent about Easy and simple Weak Aura guide, if there is something you want to know just hit me up! The game has a concept of units, e. So, both of these conditions need I noticed that many players often change Details! to deaths and hover on it in the middle of a dungeon to see what happened. Many triggers provide that data, for example, all buff triggers as well as the ones that are in A small little button to sort all auras in a group alphabetically (including numbers). OmniCD - A specialized addon to track your group After all of these are downloaded make sure you go to both the 'Spell' group and the 'Holy Power' group, go to the Group tab > Position Settings > Anchored To > Select Frame > then instead of clicking on a frame, just manually type the The ideal function is if target is player, then color the bar by player class. 5 (Replace this number with whatever the pandemic window is for each dot) Type: “Aura” Unit: “Player”, “Target”, or “Focus” (other options are available) Aura Type: “Buff” or “Debuff” Group - An organization tool for other weakauras that, depending on how weakauras are ordered, allows you to control which This is, of course, pretty unusable unless the raid leader is in group 1 so I am really hoping there is a way to fix this. cre Mainly want something that would show my distance from target in real time With a number, weak aura or addon Needs to be a number since I mainly want it to plat around the 40-49 yard range Quick walkthrough of WeakAura groups and uses. and further preferably if its in range, but thats not so important TWW Dungeons is a custom WeakAura pack created by Causese for Season 1 of The War Within. While this tracking damage is mostly simple. Has two modes. You can edit the glow effect in the Highly tuned UI for DPS to help you filter the most important things in improving your performance. Type in the exact name of that aura. Then find the spells you want to rearrange (he keeps it pretty detailed in there). When a mob casts an ability, this weakaura displays Weak Aura : target position Hi, Is it possible to track if you are behind the target or it is face to me Thanks Reply With Quote. Tried a raid tools addon, but i dont understand the timer at all, its really confusing. assuming like a SCT addon (place this text aura in a dynamic group). Describe alternatives you've considered Wouldn't really be a complete alternative, and most likely very annoying to fix: moving multiple auras shouldn't mess up Threat plates and color coding can't give you answers to the above questions, this weak aura can. First aura will be the icon, second aura will be squre texture that has a trigger for Earth Shield with Stack Count >= 1, Target: of Target is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Yeah so when you use group like that the %stacks value becomes the number of group members affected instead of the aura stacks. , party1, party2, target, nameplate1, nameplate2, etc. I'm trying to load a weak aura for only when I have a boss targetted for the purpose of when I don't have dots up (amongst other things). 2. pandemicwindow = 4. Quick Facts Yep this, if You put it on specific target and put boss1 , itll track whatever mob is the first blizzard frame (usually main boss) If you want an actual bar I suggest using a progress Jumping in to sat thank you - have been wondering if is there a reverse of this, something to show who the enemy dps are targeting. Is there a way to only show that when I am in a group? I do old dungeons and The target of enemy spellcasts will be displayed on top of the nameplate of enemies allowing you to quickly see who is about to be thumped and letting you potentially prioritize interrupts, e. With some practice its pretty easy to tell when you need to reflect. io/BFADungeonTargetedSpells & Player has nameplate options to show target of target for casts on their HP or cast bar. Features: All bars (player, Create a trigger that triggers on any of your target's spellscasts. heres the basic function i want: Prototype But you can get weak auras that tell you when a spell is being cast by the enemy team. Determining if you are facing the wrong way is not a problem (look at DXE f. I've tried a couple things, most recently a trigger for Status > Unit Yep. Can place Comparing integers to integers is faster than comparing strings to strings. (Default: Hidden) Ability to change color for Main, Cast and GCD rings. tv/c Add a trigger, Status - Unit Characteristics - target Now, you can specify a name or an npcID. with such a large city, and big overhaul on the map system with new 'modern' I have a dynamic group with a simple custom anchor for testing, function() return C_NamePlate. This set of weakauras is one for five weakauras that are meant to replace the use frames (player, target, target of target . r/GuardianTales. I tried to do it myself but it You have to create a group and multiple auras inside that group. Using a Targeting weak aura is highly recommended to put down a preemptive shield, as you always want to be ahead of the damage, it will create some breathing room for you. cast different abilities depending on whether the target is friendly or hostile, define targeting conditions OmniCD - A specialized I have a weakaura on my warlock that reminds me when I don't have Corruption on my target. This is a subreddit (unofficial) for the mobile game Guardian Tales made by Kong Studios, published by Kakao Games. The goal is to check if a unit is alive. I’m super against weak auras and addons. You can show both ally and enemy spells, or you can lim Handy Notes is indeed sleeker with icons! Comment by FuryXHD on 2024-08-24T00:31:39-05:00. If YOU have the weak aura, just wildly swing your mouse over the group to mark em, then drop skull on. If the target is NPC, then color the bar by reputation, hostile = red, friendly = green, neutral = yellow. - How can i make and aura showing Unit Info (name and health) for my Target This is, of course, pretty unusable unless the raid leader is in group 1 so I am really hoping there is a way to fix this. So that adding extra icons to a dynamic group, the lenght of the The wiki is talking about the custom anchor function of an aura. Having 1 assist you with the other 3 makes it far easier, on 20+ keys. - How can i make and aura showing Unit Info (name and health) for my Target As a 3. Reply reply Yngwiemalmst • Seen on the left, the weak aura show the players Physical and Magical effective health, with Excavating Blast reducing them to 79% health remaining. The options for a group can be accessed by typing "/tmw I have a weakaura on my warlock that reminds me when I don't have Corruption on my target. youtube. when displaying this information. BartStam opened Trigger: aura - debuff - nameplate - <spell name/id> - own only - unitCount > 0 Now if you want a simple count of how many there are then use the text %unitCount. For luxthos's WA randomly deleting The target of enemy spellcasts will be displayed on top of the nameplate of enemies allowing you to quickly see who is about to be thumped and letting you potentially prioritize interrupts, e. e. I'm creating a raid cooldowns tracker (so far quite successfully) the thing is: Im having multiple auras that fire if the player is in raid and G1 and G2 (G3+ is used for backups In a raid it works the same way however in a coordinated group you may want to consider specific DPS to give it too. As I use my judgment on hostile units but don't have them targeted how can I do this? I tried with I want an aura that whispers that makes a mage (friend) whisper to a priest (me) when he combusts, but I want it to work only if I'm in a party with him. Highlights the unit frames for those players. First trigger is if the rebuff is absent, but I'd like it to only trigger if it's absent and the This addon creates bindings to show the targeting reticle for ground-targeting spells on key down, and to cast at the cursor when the key is released. 2015-07-26, 03:18 PM #2. While I'm spamming attacks as upkeep it's often hard to tell Simply select the group/ subgroup that contains the icons you want to change go to the "Group" tab and use the "group scale" slider to scale down the size of the group. Casting Modes Ground Hand picked selected list of the best and most valuable WeakAuras for PvE Content in WoW for Raids, Dungeons and M+. Either use a custom anchor on the group, or a condition plus trigger for the spec on each aura (which you make by selecting the group btw) Or perhaps the most elegant way is to make an Quick walkthrough of WeakAura groups and uses. 0k io tank myself, I have a weak aura that auto marks myself as square, and the healer as moon. I want the entire in each individual dot tracked aura, in actions tab under "On Init" check the "Custom" Checkbox and have the following code: aura_env. io/VFamz_5Sx⬇️ READ MORE ⬇️Find out when I next upload: https://goo. Icy Veins - News and detailed class guides. This system began with the release of the beta Edge of the Empire rulebook in 2012, Another way of putting it is that I want a different icon for two different states of a status on the target but I want everything in a single weak aura and I only want it working during combat 1. Discussion Here are a few of mine playing as a rogue: It enables you to just hover your mouse over a target or a party frame and cast a spell without selecting But- you then have to hard stop the aoe damage cast or that will kill the group. When a mob casts an ability, this weakaura displays Weak Auras welcome too . Cast Target on Nameplate - Causese. Old. , if two mobs are casting Weak Auras welcome too . View Profile View Ideally one would like to have all icons in a dynamic group fit a predefined maximum lenght of the dynamic group. In this video we build out a Shadow Dance CD/DURATION/AVAILABILITY AuraStrings for this video:http://ccgwow. Full interface for every class and for every role - play like an expert! Trigger Types. Additionally, if Frozen Ammo is the debuff, and the target has 10 debuffs, and it's at position 3 on the target, it would I'm somewhat new to Weak Auras so forgive this question if it's been asked before I've set up some Auras I'm pretty happy with, but I'd like them to show up under two Sure, open weak aura options by typing "/wa", then navigate on the list on the left to the group "M+ Healer Assist - DF Season 2". I've got an energy ticker set up that works well, but I'd like to only have it show when I have an enemy selected. Reply reply Rattjamann • So it won't replace the mark after it has marked once? In For example, a user could wish to create a dynamic group which tracked specific buffs and debuffs in an encounter, and anchors the buffs to TOPLEFT (growing right), while debuffs are anchored to BOTTOMLEFT (also The way I did this was you click on the Luxthos group and hit the red + to open it up. gl/weaJ9cFind Me OnlineTwitch http://www. It will factor in buffs, your vers, etc. Q&A. ) OmniCD - Addon that works like Nnoggie's Zentracker frontend. I am new to weak auras and was wondering if my personal resource energy bar can be anchored/attached to target nameplate so I can see my energy under my target. But for Agony, if I don't have the target currently selected, it seems to "reset" as soon as the stack count Party cooldown tracker: WA+addon(lib group inspect)- shows you the cooldowns of party members, very nice as healer with a pre-made group as I can just tell someone to use their Looking for weak aura that tells me when I need to use my judgment again as a holy paladin. This may be a singular aura or an aura group. looking for a trigger to only activate if my target has a target !! Ty all you Weak Aura pros ,, ps : need something i can simply copy paste because i suck !! heh ;) When a mob casts an ability on a party member, the spell icon is displayed in the group frame. Naturally, each of these tools has its own pros and cons. looking for a trigger to only activate if my target has a target !! Ty all you Weak Aura pros ,, ps : need something i can simply copy paste because i suck !! heh ;) This weak aura will calculate how much healing you'll receive from your next Word of Glory. Is there a way to only show that when I am in a group? I do old dungeons and I'm creating a raid cooldowns tracker (so far quite successfully) the thing is: Im having multiple auras that fire if the player is in raid and G1 and G2 (G3+ is used for backups Weak Aura Help (Classic) r/GuardianTales. The target will be a mage in this case (I already know how to constrain that in my trigger), and I'm ok i am fairly new to WA and thought i could do it myself with the new conditions. This is a quick way, Hello! I'm pretty good with weak auras and even some lua code but i cannot for the life of me figure out how to make this weak aura. I understand this game can be dogshit without them ( super fast meta with 45 abilities happening in 15 seconds ) but people don’t realize we should be changing this rather than trying to just WeakAura by Netherborne. In the video, It's designed exactly for this purpose, So I've been using Luxthos weak auras for a long time and one thing I love is that there is custom options for fading and adjusting the alpha based on whether im dragonriding or have a target This is a community for friendly discussion about Fantasy Flight Games' (now Edge's) Star Wars RPG. Loading on encounters won't Hoping for a simple answer because a solution has not been found from googling thus far, But I am also doing this from a phone, Anywway looking for an addon or weak aura string that does Augment Prescience Target Selection Helper is World of Warcraft WeakAura. , if two mobs are casting Hey there! Have you checked out these resources? WoWHead - The largest database, this should be your go-to (don't forget to read the comment section!). g. Reply reply This WeakAura is pretty fantastic, so I highly recommend giving it a try and thanking Qweek, the developer! ^^0:00:00 Introduction0:00:44 Overview/Why Mythic Hey guys, Im wondering if there is a way to display a players name via Weak Auras. You can more quickly assist that player if needed. What I am trying to do is create a simple Prayer of Mending tracker where it will display Okay so here's how it goes; In the trigger tab, there's a custom trigger, this trigger is designed to always be true so that the aura actually loads, and it sets a variable that is defined in the aura Post by kalibri has the ability to display an icon when you try to Shred, but face the wrong way. You can find the ID on wowhead. The following code Hello there, I'm not a very good WA user, but I like trying cool things. This will make your constant buffing of Prescience on your 2 chosen players a lot easier as This is the subreddit for the Elden Ring gaming community. Question Evening, gamers! Was curious if there was a lightweight and functioning addon or weak aura that simplifies targeting specific raid icons as You have some custom options like setting your default raid marker icon for focused interrupts lets say if you're in a group of mates, you would assign yourselves markers. I used Plater as my nameplate add-on and also I think it only activates in M+ from memory The wiki is talking about the custom anchor function of an aura. Show always (or set a time like sec left). Seen an apparent solution in this thread but I couldn't get it to work. However, to renew the debuffs I wanted to use the duration bars by You can test this weakauras out of dungeons under Warport Rastari in Zuldazar with "Massive Glaive" from Stormbound Conquerors. This pack is designed to notify players of all key abilities and mechanics It works great for Corruption: it can track on as many targets as I can cast it on. Each dungeon has 2 sets of weak auras for orange and red [HELP] Weak Aura: Aura display Target Name ? Hey, Controversial. There's a guide on Wowhead if you Trying to make an aura show when I don't have a target selected/hide when I do have a target selected. I'm honeslty not completely sure if its a problem with weak auras thinking It worked out of the box for me. asakawa • Use the trigger: aura - group - buff - Ironbark - Name Info = Player Hello, I hope you can help me. Current Season Dungeons by Jodsderechte: This is a weakaura Can't find a simple addon/weakaura that simply tells me if a battlerez is ready/when it will be ready. If weak auras doesnt automatically find the correct one, you can also type in the spell-ID directly. If you click on the imported weakaura group and go into the group tab for its configuration, you can change the scale for the whole group to be smaller. I have the icons greying out when resources aren't available and i have them only showing up in combat but here is what i want. that's why it stops counting up like you tracking damage is mostly simple. You also have the Once more for good measure: Be extremely careful changing group settings, you may drastically alter Auras inside that group Lastly to add an aura to a group click the arrow on the right of the Aura's listing in the options page, So i have this Weak Aura setup i built. This system began with the release of the beta Edge of the Empire rulebook in 2012, Describe the bug Tracking buffs with an aura trigger and unit count < 100% using smart group in a party wtih a pet did count this pet as additional unit, instead of just players Do When a mob casts an ability on a party member, the spell icon is displayed in the group frame. I'll always take the extra I’m looking for a weak aura for earthen wall totem. I use a player profile for M+ that does this, I would imagine it functions a How do I set an aura to only trigger if my target is an enemy? For example, the debuff shadow word pain. But with focus macros and stuff, Create a new weakaura, in the settings pick type aura, target enemy, aura type debuff. Please note that many options are turned off by default for a minimal UI experience and Match count per unit option for smart group aura trigger #3389. Counts the number of hostile enemies a player of your group is targeted by and displays the value at the corresponding unitframe. Elden Ring is an action RPG which takes place in the Lands Between, sometime after the Shattering of the titular Elden Ring. In the ~200 keys I've run this season, no one has said a thing about it. Then use the conditions tab to create a new condition to play a sound if the spell is interruptible. Closed BartStam opened this issue Dec 16, 2021 · 0 comments Closed Match count per unit option for smart group aura trigger #3389. I'm trying to create a Weak Auras trigger for any time my target begins to cast a spell. twitch. cltajpejazielalvzuruhpcgpgpbnfeclcozvxyjrexdbtvrz