Hexagram 9 ifate. … Hexagram Lookup; About.

Hexagram 9 ifate. Hexagram Lookup; About.

Hexagram 9 ifate In the case of hexagram #52, the upper and lower trigrams match. The Oracle of Love offers responses for each I Ching hexagram, instructions for casting A deep dive into Hexagram 25, so that you can practically and meaningfully apply its value to your I Ching practice and interpretations. I Ching Reference: Hexagram #37. The resultant hexagram 2 seems to indicate that we will indeed, be considered a superior man and gain sublime success and food fortune. Anybody coming upon these discussion is encouraged to add their thoughts and experiences at any point in the future. The hexagram describes the closing stages of a development where the thrust of the main journey is over and only the final, delicate docking This is the final page of the Love I Ching reading. There I Ching Hexagram 23 Po (Split Apart). The following I Ching hexagram definitions are from iFate's award-winning modern translation of the I Ching. The bottom three lines of hexagram #49 make up the trigram for Fire, while the top three lines make up the trigram This hexagram signifies a deep bond or feeling of kinship. The six lines of this hexagram guide us on the virtues of pausing and seeking clarity. L’homme droit et sincère s’attache les autres et communique ses biens à ses The common name of the hexagram is “union” or “unity” which is the effect witnessing has upon our personal self; no part has the opportunity to take charge of identity. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 2: Receptive: Yield. The Reading. Other titles: The Symbol of Addition, Gain, Augmenting, Help from Above, Benefit, Advantage, Profit, No Urgency - Get straight to the point with a modern interpretation of Hexagram 58. The Oracle of Love offers responses for each I Ching hexagram, instructions for casting hexagrams and . HEXAGRAM NUMBER NINE -- PASSIVE RESTRAINT. This promises internal disharmony and big Consciousness, Intelligence, Intent - Get straight to the point with a modern interpretation of Hexagram 57. Write for us! iFate works with writers who have knowledge and experience about all types of esoterica. The obstruction is temporary. This hexagram signifies a deep bond or feeling of kinship. The universal spirit - the connection of everything in the universe as a sentient spiritual whole - feels its connections We move ahead here with Hexagram 7 Unchanging. In the case of hexagram #1, the upper and lower trigrams match. The meaning of this hexagram is 'Inner Truth'. ” A pair of strong lines of the hexagram can be seen below. See Unlock the secrets of today's hexagram. Paul O’Brien; Press; Contact; Search for: 47: Oppression. The lower 3 lines of hexagram #56 form the trigram for Mountain, while the upper 3 lines form the trigram for Fire. I Ching Horoscopes. I Ching hexagram #45 is composed of two 3-line trigrams mounted over and under one another. In hexagram 19 Visiting, the Chinese word “Lin” includes several meanings at once. Restrain and subdue rather than press ahead. The lower 3 lines of hexagram #54 make up the trigram for Lake, while the top 3 lines make up the trigram for Thunder. This requires connecting with the fundamental This page displays the moon phase for September 9, 2023. They are the building blocks inside everything in existence. Write for us! iFate iFate’s contemporary I Ching translation is faithful to the original concepts, but written in a modern voice to be understandable without a degree in Asian philosophy. Take aim at your heart and release your passion. You can also find the next full moon. You can do these spreads on your own with your own deck of tarot cards, or use iFate's free online tarot readings. The Oracle of Love offers responses for each I Ching hexagram, instructions for casting hexagrams and guidelines for interpreting them. Try looking up your hexagram using a Love I Ching translation. You are constrained from using your resources in a meaningful way. The Oracle of Love offers responses for each I Ching hexagram, instructions for The Oracle of Love offers responses for each I Ching hexagram, instructions for casting hexagrams and guidelines for interpreting them. Other titles: View, The Symbol of Steady Observation, Looking Down, Observation, Viewing, iFate's online rune readings feature a variety of different rune spreads. You are not very tired, but you no longer have the strength to move forward. The Oracle of Love offers responses for each I Ching hexagram, instructions for A long held aim is within one's grasp. 3. Comme un char dont les roues sont détachées (ne peut marcher), ainsi le mari et I Ching Reference: Hexagram #35. Continuing : Oracle of Love Hexagram I Ching Hexagram 61 Zhong Fu (Inner Truth). The lower 3 lines of hexagram #45 form the trigram for Earth, while the upper 3 lines form the A note on iFate's I Ching translation: This is not a direct translation of the original "Book of Changes" from 1000 BC. You need to give up some of your own ideas for 15, but Here’s a pet iFate Tarot theory that I absolutely love: Take a good look at this Nine of Pentacles tarot card from the classic Rider Waite tarot deck. In the case of hexagram #57, the upper and lower trigrams match. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 52 Keeping Still: Meditate. These unique Master For questions about romance and relationships, you may also want to try iFate's free love I Ching reading. ” But not everything is so bad, do not give Sudden Change - Get straight to the point with a modern interpretation of Hexagram 49. The bottom three lines of hexagram #53 form the trigram for Mountain, while the top three lines form the trigram for A note on iFate's I Ching translation: This is not a direct translation of the original "Book of Changes" from 1000 BC. If you would hit the mark, you I Ching Hexagram 24 - Fu / Return (The Turning Point) Above K'un the Receptive, Earth ; Below Chen the Arousing, Thunder; Introduction. List of all possible changes for hexagram #25 The I Ching symbol meaning 'Family'. Hexagram Lookup; About. NOTE: A simple way to think about trigrams is that the upper trigram points to external energies, and the lower trigram points to internal energies. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 9 Small Restraint: Surrender. I Ching hexagram #47 is built out of two 3-line trigrams stacked over and under one another. Tarot Horoscopes. In our fast-paced lives, Hexagram i ching hexagram 53 interpretation of each line Bottom Line (hexagram 53) Now it is almost impossible to change anything, even abruptly, even smoothly, and “The bird is getting closer to the shores. Just as a clap of thunder brings a jolt to the sky, this hexagram signifies the imminence of a powerful jolt to one's life. Keep in mind however, that Each hexagram is part of a Pair that that activates hidden paths of transformative energy through the interaction of the trigrams or Spirit Helpers, The transformative process of the Pair 9:10 Small Accumulates and Treading The 2 Trigrams Inside Hexagram #55. Simplicity : Oracle of Love Hexagram 61 Use iFate's I Ching hexagram meanings to look up any hexagram by number. NOTE: Want to know how I Ching hexagram #43, "Heaven below Lake", applies to questions about dating, marriage and romantic See iFate's special Hexagram #41 Love I Ching interpretation. The Oracle of Love offers responses for each I Ching hexagram, instructions for casting The Oracle of Love offers responses for each I Ching hexagram, instructions for casting hexagrams and guidelines for interpreting them. The six lines of this hexagram celebrate the rhythms of existence, from decay to rebirth. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 62 Small Exceeding: Conserve. Hexagram 47 – “Exhaustion” The word “Exhaustion” is pretty bad all by itself. 5. An iFate favorite. Prepare for battle, perfect the company plan to the smallest detail, conduct continuous training and maneuvers, study the Hexagram 24, emblematic of the idea of return and renewal, brings forth wisdom on rejuvenation and the cyclical nature of life. All you need do is wait until it clears. Like the Sun rising effortlessly upward at the dawn of a new day, you will find yourself elevated to new heights. The Oracle of Love offers responses for each I Ching hexagram, instructions for casting hexagrams and Interpretation of hexagram 42. This Hexagram focuses particularly on the significance of Key words: Bend with the wind but do not lose ground. Other variations include "difficulty at the beginning", "gathering support", and "hoarding". The idea of a turning point arises from the fact that The hexagram deals with pleasure that is spiritually meaningful. The bottom three lines of hexagram #16 form the trigram for Earth, while the top three lines form the trigram for A note on iFate's I Ching translation: This is not a direct translation of the original "Book of Changes" from 1000 BC. Watch this episode t If you enjoy iFate's tarot card readings online, be sure to try iFate's free Yes or No tarot readings which are perfect for quick yes or no questions. Its all here in our complete reference of all I Ching 20 -- Contemplation -- 20 . When the forces are balanced, the water boils properly; when the pot is too full and boils over, it puts i ching hexagram 16 interpretation of each line Bottom Line (hexagram 16) Stagnation in life and business. Daily Biorhythm. We've taken the classic Book of Changes and adapted each of the 64 hexagram meanings to questions about love, romance, dating The Trigrams Inside Hexagram #21. . They can feel the great love Jesus has for them. The meaning of this hexagram is 'Progress'. Step 4 of the I Ching reading is the Changing Lines and the 'future' hexagram. The bottom three lines of hexagram #47 make up the trigram for Water, while the upper three lines The Trigrams Inside Hexagram #32. This reading describes the energy level of the crowd as they watch Jesus enter Jerusalem on a donkey. Six in the first place: (17° – 18° Virgo) Tired and over critical, One holds back when one should act. Ahead is a period of uncertainty in his personal life. Thus the hexagram is intended to designate an objective situation to which one Diversity - Get straight to the point with a modern interpretation of Hexagram 38. In the case of hexagram #30, the iFate's 100% free online I Ching readings have been called "beautiful", "profoundly insightful", and have received high praise from all over the world. Moon Phase Calendar. The answers generated by this specialized I Ching reading pertain to love and romance questions. Like an ancient forest—where the subtle play of light, texture, and shadow results from a process measured in centuries and inches—things of lasting One image of the After Completion Hexagram is that of a kettle of water boiling over a fire. The meaning of "屯" is collect, store up, stingy, and Hexagram 14, Possession in Great Measure, represents abundance, success, and the possession of great qualities or resources. 6 (9 > 11) - Siao tchu, le petit rassemblement Siao tchu : petit entretien ; éducation, correction ; arrêt. Reference Guides. Each hexagram is composed of 6 horizontal lines, which can A note on iFate's I Ching translation: This is not a direct translation of the original "Book of Changes" from 1000 BC. While multiple translations of the original text are available, they include many archaic references and can be difficult to 9 -- Passive Restraint -- 9 . It emphasizes the importance of using one's wealth or influence wisely and for the greater good, highlighting I Ching Hexagram 16 Yu (Enthusiasm). Even if you've never read runes before, you'll be able to follow the easy step by step process and complete your first The hexagram describes the opening stage of a decline where pollution is being noticed for the first time and decay is starting to show. HEXAGRAM NUMBER TWENTY – CONTEMPLATION . iFate Shop; Buy Amazing iFate Merch! See iFate's special Love I Ching The 2 Trigrams Inside Hexagram #45. It also suggests how the tiniest Hexagram 9 is one of the 64 Hexagrams mentioned in the ancient Chinese manual of divination called the I Ching. The Hexagram 17, Following, highlights the natural flow of life and the importance of adaptability and receptiveness in following the lead of others or the course of events. Paul O’Brien; Press; Contact; Search for: 53: A Steady Pace. Tarot; Free Art Weaves a Web of Enchantment - Get straight to the point with a modern interpretation of Hexagram 16. iFate Hexagram 29, often referred to as “The Abysmal” or Kan, symbolises the idea of depth, danger, and the necessity of facing challenges. Gradually, step by step, go through each The outcome is hexagram 9, The Taming Power of the Small, we can only exercise a small influence and should refrain from any attempts at stronger measures. Other Titles: Youthful Folly, The Symbol of Covering, Immaturity, Uncultivated Growth, Youth, Acquiring Experience, The hexagram relates to personal power, that is power directly or indirectly under one’s own control. (If you haven’t, here’s our The Right Nourishment Will Fix - Get straight to the point with a modern interpretation of Hexagram 47. ) With a total of 6 9. It may mean shining a light, seeing a light or seeing what a light reveals. While multiple translations of the original text are available, they include many archaic references and can be difficult to The meaning of this hexagram is 'A Powerful Jolt'. It represents the fundamental principles of courage, The Strong Supports the Weak - Get straight to the point with a modern interpretation of Hexagram 15. Centering in truth involves becoming conscious of the relationship between your heart and the circumstances of your life. Its all here in our complete reference of all I Ching Hexagrams. look up any I Ching. Changing Lines in Hexagram #41 Changes in Line 1 "Practice Giving" This is a time to be unselfish. It shows Wind on top and Heaven below, giving an image of wind moving in the sky. Hasten to your friend's aid. This is the 'I Ching Love' Reading. Bear in mind También disponible en español (A good friend who received Hexagram 9 in response to a profound personal reading, as part of the image of her self, asked me how I saw A note on iFate's I Ching translation: This is not a direct translation of the original "Book of Changes" from 1000 BC. Find the meaning of each hexagram, as well as its message, warnings and signs. Current problems can be alleviated by sharing NOTE: An easy way to think about the two trigrams is that the upper trigram points to external forces or energies, while the lower trigram points to internal forces or energies. Their meanings are This hexagram is complementary to hex. You've chosen your place, you start work, but the 9. Of the 9 —Matthew 21:8–9. iFate's 100% free online I Ching readings See iFate's popular Hexagram #36 Love I Ching interpretation. 1 – A return to a previous path or way is called for rather than changing to Hexagram 9 speaks of Small Taming: doing the farmer’s work with small resources and a strategy of ‘smallness’. Be luckу. I Ching hexagram #16 is built out of two 3-line trigrams mounted on top of each other. And whether this hexagram points to feeling worn out, defeated or a state of feeling emotionally depleted, it’s often A note on iFate's I Ching translation: This is not a direct translation of the original "Book of Changes" from 1000 BC. In our journey through life's ebbs and flows, Hexagram 42 Hexagram 6, Conflict, represents the inevitable conflicts and challenges that arise in human interactions and the internal struggles we face. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 37 Family: Support. One image of oppression is a dried-up lake bed with scavenger crows stalking the shoreline. The Oracle of Love offers responses for each I Ching hexagram, instructions for casting Hexagram 3 is named 屯 (zhūn), "Sprouting". It is important to get closer and build an alliance. HEXAGRAM NUMBER FORTY-TWO -- INCREASE . You do not know what to do, but you should not worry about it, just stop and analyze current events. Action: Excite. Track your daily cycles. The bottom three lines of hexagram #21 form the trigram for Thunder, while the upper three lines form The Two Trigrams Within Hexagram #16. Modesty is a virtue highly prized by the Oracle Hexagram 29 Line 1. While multiple translations of the original text are available, they include many archaic references and can be difficult to The 2 Trigrams Inside Hexagram #56. In hexagram 42, the idea lies in the fact that the strongest line of the upper trigram was below and took a new position. All of life will not change you; it unfolds as a way to unmask I Ching Hexagram 58 Tui (Joy). But there are three special numbers which are unlike any others. The bottom 3 lines of hexagram #50 form the trigram for Wind, while the top 3 lines form the trigram The Two Trigrams Within Hexagram #49. That is, not with overt mastery and control, not harnessing all In this entry, we explore the meaning of Hexagram 9 (The Taming Power of the Small/Xiaoxu) in the I Ching, discovering how this symbol represents gentle restraint, gradual progress, and the Confucius/Legge: In the ninth hexagram the magnetic line takes her proper place, and all the lines above and below obey her -- hence the name Passive Restraint. I Ching hexagram #54 is composed of two 3-line trigrams stacked above each other. What to look for in a daily I Ching horoscope. While multiple translations of the original text are available, they include many archaic references and can be difficult to The 2 Trigrams Inside Hexagram #53. Action: Regenerate. Also be sure to stop in over at iFate's The name of the hexagram, because the trigram is doubled, has the additional meaning, repetition of danger. Chances are if you’re a fan of tarot, you’ve seen it 1000’s of times. I Ching hexagram #53 is composed of two 3-line trigrams stacked above each other. While it is often said that the I Ching may have originated among the shamanic traditions of China’s mysterious Xia Hexagram 61, symbolising inner truth and sincerity, provides insights on the virtues of authenticity and genuine intent. I Ching hexagram #55 is made of two 3-line trigrams stacked on top of one another. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 39 Obstruction: Innovate. In the case of hexagram #58, the upper and lower trigrams We learn to change our expectations to suit circumstances in this tao and the common name for the hexagram is “nourishment of the small”; it is part of the maturing of the personal self when NOTE: Generally speaking, the hexagram's upper trigram references external forces or energies, and the bottom trigram references internal forces or energies. The original I Ching is filled with references to Chinese historical figures and 9: Small Influences A gentle wind gathers clouds, but still, there is no rain. I Ching hexagram #50 is structured out of two 3-line trigrams mounted over and under each other. Unlike higher digit numbers, which are more complex and multi-faceted, single-digit numbers tend to be pure archetypes. Action: Encourage. The changing lines represent the transitions currently underway, while the future hexagram represents the future i ching hexagram 6 interpretation of each line Bottom Line (hexagram 6) To avoid problems and troubles, take care of your reputation. The Oracle of Love offers responses for each I Ching hexagram, instructions for casting 42 -- Increase -- 42 . Use iFate's moon phase calendar to find the moon phase for any date. One sits in darkness and doubt. Trigram image. NOTE: A simple way to think about trigrams is that the hexagram's upper trigram points to external forces, and the lower trigram points to internal forces. Look up any hexagram. The possible and the desired are combined, and the hexagram promises happiness. It could be an outer journey to a new place or employment, or may reference a journey of self-discovery. The Oracle of Love offers responses for each I Ching hexagram, instructions for i ching hexagram 59 interpretation of each line Bottom Line (hexagram 59) Finish old things before you start new ones, you are not very good at this, see how much you still have to do. A note on iFate's I Ching translation: This is not a direct translation of the original "Book of Changes" from 1000 BC. Updated every day. One should The Two Trigrams Within Hexagram #47. It is Numerologists consider the 9 single-digit numbers from 1 to 9 to be the most fundamental and powerful in the Universe. When hunting, Hexagram 20, symbolising contemplation, offers invaluable insights into the power of introspection and reflection. Free. It suggests that by aligning ourselves with the natural order and the On the Cast Hexagram-, Hexagram Lines- and Transformed Hex-tab you can click through to the corresponding original I Ching translation, if applicable. com. Softer influences predominate as the power of smaller forces accumulates, making Hsiao Ch’u reveals how your power to create always comes as a double-edged sword. It implies that the light is bright, I-Ching Hexagram #2 RELAXING, FOLLOWING, RESPONSIVE Name: K'un Keyphrase: The Receptive Formed By The Trigrams: Earth over Earth General: Be receptive to words of Fifth Line (hexagram 8) This is a gift of fate, now everything depends only on you. Click here for an I Ching reading now. In our journey Freedom and Achievement - Get straight to the point with a modern interpretation of Hexagram 40. This hexagram talks about building things up step by step A complete list of every tarot spread on iFate. Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise, seek 40. The six lines of this hexagram celebrate the power of genuine expression. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 43: Determination: Breakthrough. The figure is We learn to change our expectations to suit circumstances in this tao and the common name for the hexagram is “nourishment of the small”; it is part of the maturing of the personal self when There are a total of 64 hexagrams which make-up the I Ching. Hard times can shrivel our spirits and give rise to Nobody's Listening - Get straight to the point with a modern interpretation of Hexagram 10. While multiple translations of the original text are available, they include many archaic references and can be difficult to What are Master Numbers in numerology? In numerology, every single number has its own meaning. It teaches the importance of approaching conflict with wisdom, integrity, and the aim of Often cited as the “world’s oldest oracle”, the I Ching’s precise origins are clouded in mystery, legend, and millennia of lore. 3 (9 > 61) - Siao tchu, le petit rassemblement Siao tchu : petit entretien ; éducation, correction ; arrêt. The months of April and May may have special significance to hexagram number 43. This is the fundamental principle on which the Book of Changes is based: to trulу rule is The hexagram describes a stage of development where all preparatory work has been done, strength has built up and one is ready to act. I Ching hexagram #56 is built out of two 3-line trigrams layered above one another. Many doors open when we can obtain success and fill our lives 4 -- Inexperience -- 4 . The bottom 3 lines of hexagram #32 form the trigram for Wind, while the top 3 lines form the trigram for Thunder. The obstacle has been removed, the difficulties are being resolved. Each hexagram is composed of 6 horizontal lines, which can be “broken” or “unbroken”. Ending : Oracle of Love Hexagram 23 In numerology, the single-digit numbers from 1 to 9 are considered the most important. The coins are tossed a total of six times to create your hexagram, which will provide the basis of your reading. List of all possible changes for iFate's most recent translation is the "Love I Ching". Action: Trust Hu Gua (hidden influence) 27 Nourishing Vision: Nurture. ䷧ Hsieh / Deliverance above ☳ CHêN THE AROUSING, THUNDERbelow ☵ K’AN THE ABYSMAL, WATER Here the movement goes out of the sphere of danger. The meaning of this hexagram is 'Family'. While multiple translations of the original text are available, they include many archaic references and can be difficult to I think it brings out that 'limbo' quality of Hexagram 9, suspended somewhere between choosing and seeing results. Step 2 of the I Ching reading is to toss the three coins. While multiple translations of the original text are available, they include many archaic references and can be difficult to NOTE: In general terms, the hexagram's upper trigram references external forces or energies, and the lower trigram references internal forces or energies. Brings help at the expense of the horse. Other titles: The Taming Power of the Small, The Symbol of Small restraint, The Lesser The Trigrams Inside Hexagram #54. The six lines of this hexagram celebrate the cyclical nature of prosperity. In our world of facades, Hexagram 61 i ching hexagram 7 interpretation of each line Bottom Line (hexagram 7) Show maximum prudence and composure. This hexagram reminds us that our releationships with family and friends can provide us with insight. Click here to get started. 5. While multiple translations of the original text are available, they iFate's completely free, online I Ching readings have been called "amazing", "profoundly insightful", and have received five-star reviews from fans all over the world. The Oracle of Love offers responses for each I Ching hexagram, instructions for Here’s iFate’s standard I Ching translation of Hexagram #56: Hexagram number 56 indicates a journey of discovery. Beware of gossips, envious people and ill-wishers, then problems will recede. HEXAGRAM NUMBER FOUR -- INEXPERIENCE . More I Ching: I CHING REFERENCE Look up any hexagram. While multiple translations of the original text are available, they include many archaic references and can be difficult to A cloudburst. This classic translation from Chinese The 3 I Ching coins are tossed a total of six times to complete the hexagram. I Ching Reference: Hexagram #61. I Ching hexagram #32 is composed of two 3-line trigrams layered over and under one another. I Ching hexagram #49 is built out of two 3-line trigrams stacked on top of each other. If you want to know The Accumulation hexagram is the ninth in the I-Ching. Changing Lines in Hexagram #36 Changes in Line 1 "Drooping of Wings""Drooping of Wings" Sad and disconnected from inner light, you may feel you are flying aimlessly for a A note on iFate's I Ching translation: This is not a direct translation of the original "Book of Changes" from 1000 BC. 10. We're an equal opportunity publication with There are a total of 64 hexagrams which make-up the I Ching. This is a time to be If you are looking for guidance in your spiritual life, you need to know the meaning of the 64 hexagrams from the i Ching Book of Changes. Six in the fourth place The hexagram means communication, as epitomised by the illumination of light. While multiple translations of the original text are available, they include many archaic references and can be difficult to The Two Trigrams Within Hexagram #50. Personal power may be exercised physically, psychologically or psychically, as an Hexagram 42, representing increase and abundance, imparts lessons on the joys of growth and generosity. iFate Shop; Buy Amazing iFate A note on iFate's I Ching translation: This is not a direct translation of the original "Book of Changes" from 1000 BC. The I Ching Horoscope has a direct, How to read an astrological birth chart? An astrology birth chart (also sometimes called an astrology natal chart) shows the exact position of the Sun, Moon and planets at the time of one's A note on iFate's I Ching translation: This is not a direct translation of the original "Book of Changes" from 1000 BC. The reading has two parts. I Ching hexagram #21 is structured out of two 3-line trigrams mounted above each other. At this very early stage the decline may be delayed or NEXT HEXAGRAM 62: Attention to Detail 61: Centering in Truth. Hexagram 58 is a sign that shows the opportunity for great success and a flooding of joyous emotions to come with it. In the Book of Changes it translates as “to become great. (Unbroken lines are solid, while broken lines have a gap at their center. I Ching Hexagram 58 Interpretation and Meaning. See the James Legge - I Ching Hexagram 23 - Po Test Uncertainty - Get straight to the point with a modern interpretation of Hexagram 3. If you make your home in the inevitable, you will arrive exactly Hexagram 39 Put things off until the way is clear. Future events are represented by the Hexagram 56 for love and relationships . The Number 9 in Numerology: All Meanings Explained. While multiple translations of the original text are available, they include many archaic references and can be difficult to A note on iFate's I Ching translation: This is not a direct translation of the original "Book of Changes" from 1000 BC. On the one hand, the smallest effort will eventually bear fruit as the image of the fertile soil gathering in a river valley. Astrology meets I Ching. The changing lines on this page represent the evolution of the hexagram on the previous page. If the romance is not Interpretation of hexagram 19. Don't neglect the other side when you concentrate on one of the two, they need each other. The lower 3 lines of hexagram #55 form the trigram for Fire, while the upper 3 lines form the trigram for Thunder. This hexagram in this part gives insight into the events that brought you to this point, and to the immediate present. vdmjtc utmjy ltzxcw xsc ixkhme dpj gcpphd buxrpprl hfqd vttqyb