Home assistant command line sensor. Instructions on how to monitor the Home Assistant host.
Home assistant command line sensor command_line: - sensor: name: pv scan_interval: 10 command: curl -X POST 192. 103. templates. Io on a Intel NUC running Debian. Default timeout is probably around 15-20 seconds. cpu_temperature. How - switch: platform: command_line switches: garden_wall_lights: However, the documentation is saying something different: Home Assistant Command line. I have my command working from the terminal but can’t seem to figure out how to map it to a button. 1V 8A) 18650 UPS & Power Management Board – Geekworm). Getting started; Components; Docs; Examples; Developers; Blog; Need help? Command line Binary Sensor The command_line binary sensor platform issues specific commands to get data. So I’m looking for a way to get the Hi, Im trying to show the temperature of my Pi3 cpu on the home screen of Home Assistant but keep receiving errors when using the following command script ? is there something wrong with the below ? - platform: I can create two sensor templates but I want to update the template state value with the shell_command response. I think it’s a copy paste from the command line sensor docs (clarification: I’m guessing that the one’s docs got copied from the other). Does that quote exist in the config file? Currently “command_line” sensors have a template support for a “command” option. The command_line sensor should work for you. What could be wrong? at home assistant log, do not show anything about. But now I’m I want to set as large of a scan_interval as possible and then only update the sensor right before it is needed in an automation by using homeassistant. Command line sensor vs. To use your Command binary sensor in your installation, Hi folks, so I have a substantial number of comand line sensors. command_on (Required): The action to take for on. It seems now that any version I upgrade to beyond 2023. Then I add the unique_id and still not show after the restart. io/t/run-command-line-at-a-fixed-time-and-store-output-in-entity/357363 I want to setup a binary sensor which looks at a logfile and it it sees a text it should go true. However, it only works for sensors that have a state_class of measurement, total or total_increasing. I have a command_line folder which contains my command line yaml files. So far I have been able to successfully pull data using restful sensors for example, online players player names and server health info but I have gotten stuck for awhile on trying to pull more data. using - I see that too, and that question has been asked before without answer. It is build using a command line sensor like this: - platform: command_line name: SolvisMax command: "python3 /config/scripts/so I get errors when I use a command line sensor to show the current version of my Hass. yaml: The command_line binary sensor platform issues specific commands to get data. pergola. It can serve as a Command Line Sensor. I’m not sure how to do this seeing as Home Assistant is running separated from the main machine. 57. I suppose that curl is not installed in the “homeassitant container”. I want a sensor that lists the current version of the supervisor: - platform: command_line name: ha_supervisor_version_raw command: ' Home Assistant Community Value template in Command line sensor. The strange thing is they work most of the time but then randomly go haywire and either show a broken icon or just show status as off when they are on. MrMep (Gianluca Barbaro) Hello there, I have a bunch of old Ubiquiti MFI devices in my house still. exe and I can use this command via batch file to return the brightness value of a monitor: "C:\\_WINDOWS UTILITIES\\controlmymonitor\\ControlMyMonitor. token_hisense_b. I borrowed a script i found and have made some massive adjustments to get all the sensor data Hi All, I’m trying to create a sensor which senses whether a certain port is open on a device on my network. This might become our most powerful platform as it allows anyone to integrate any type of sensor into Home Assistant that can get data from the command line. yaml: In Home Assistant’s history, I only see one status without any reference to the trail name. home-assistant. However, if I use my actual script it says command failed and does not provide additional details at any log level. octopus. Your command will be the "ssh command that returns the info" and then your value_template will be a template to parse the info that your command produces. ; command_state (Optional): If given, this command will be run. Home Assistant is happy with my configuration and creates the sensor, but it never switches to on when the port is open. It uses a GET request and requires the date to be in a specific format in the url. I found this topic, which I Hi, So I have the below command which gets info from my samsung dryer, and it works great, except if the dryer is off, the HA log just gets spammed with [homeassistant. yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. yaml the code below and restart. I have this very simple command line sensor: - platform: command_line name: Sensor1 command: "python3 /config/sensor1. Spent all day trying I found this great solution by tom_I: https://community. In openHAB I used the “EXEC Binding” which created a switch that showed me with “ON” the command was Home Assistant Community Sensor command_line value template is wrong. You do not need to do this. My inverter goes offline during the hours there is no sun. Home Assistant. This is the relevant part from the configuration. 9) brought the ability to benefit from long-term statistics. ID xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx already exists - ignoring sensor. I’d like to use something like mdi:earth since it is Home Assistant has this concept of a Command Line Sensor. 3. fabio June 25, 2020, 1:57pm 1. Returning a result code Hi! I ran into a problem with the default timeout setting. I have Home Assistant Sensor for the LightwaveRF energy monitor - asantaga/lightwaverf_HA_EnergySensor. In template sensors, we can Unknown typically means the sensor and it’s template is correct but it just hasn’t ran the query yet. the Instructions on how to integrate Shell commands into Home Assistant. The error is related to the configuration of Command Line sensor using YAML, which has moved to You send a command, and the response is the sensor state. file requires a full path (and even more, it won’t work unless you whitelist HA config folder - have no idea if it’s a bug or they overcomplicated things because the same goal can be achieved by using sensor. However, the sensor. But what you can do is alter the output from your command to flatten out the JSON. In my old setup I had some command_line sensors that polled my IP camera’s for the status of motion detection and it worked great. The default period is 30 seconds, but, again, like most entities, you can change that using the scan_interval configuration variable. 3 -PS -p 8081 --host-timeout 2s 2>&1 | grep "open" > /dev/null && (echo 1) || (echo 0)' name: 'binary_sensor_rpicam' unique_id: 'RPI Cam' . Is there a way to do this with some sort I have a command_line sensor for my RPi’s CPU temp, which I got from the community: sensor: - platform: command_line name: CPU Temperature command: "cat /sys/class/therm I’m running HA on a Temperature conversion for entities without correct device_class is deprecated and will be removed from Home Assistant Core 2022. and/or put ‘sudo /usr/sbin/hddtemp -n /dev/sdb’ and see if that works? BTW you haven’t said what version you are running or what platform? Thank you! Ping and Command line don’t work for my setup and requirements but “TCP Binary sensor” shuold be it. Configuration. This command line sensor is initially set to zero and is not updated by any other method to mitigate a race condition when other sensors Hey everyone, i’ve got a command line sensor setup that essentially calls a script, which sends a telnet command to an HDMI switcher and converts the returned value to a string on which input is in use. Code owners of sensor can trigger bot actions by commenting:. Oh my god It even has an sensor: - I’m on HassOS and I followed this guide, I’m having an issue with a command line sensor: - platform: When I run the command from ssh/terminal in Home Assistant it works fine, but the same command run from the sensor fails: Logger: homeassistant. Many users probably still have their sensor section in their configuration. The examples on that page are actually pretty good. Now I don’t want to login to the device too many times and instead i want to use one script that gives me all of the information with one I’m using nirsoft controlmymonitor. (Primarily to run HerrHofrat’s motion addon with a USB webcam, but to turn it on / off via a switch I can run automations against for when I get home / leave for work) Home Assistant Community How to delay a "command line" sensor startup. If you leave it out, odds are the grep command won’t process the xml file correctly (and produce a result containing In a recent release of HA, warnings started showing up in logs when any sensor (template, command_line, etc) has a string value when it is expected to be a numeric value. command_line] Command failed: python3 -c "import requests; print( Instructions on how to integrate command line sensors into Home Assistant. In this example, each individual sensor provides the correct value, but when I attempt to add them as attributes, they don’t show up as attributes, and the sensors remain in the I am having some trouble displaying sensor information from Command Line Sensors. 92 --data 'optType=ReadRealTimeData&pwd=xxxxxxxx' The problem is that the query returns a string longer than 255 characters. You will need to put quotes around your command. After I installed most recent HA core and HA OS updates today - it’s not available in the dashboard anymore (Entity is currently unavailable: sensor. The API allows me to I have set up a command line sensor following this guide: Unlocking the power of ChatGPT in Home Assistant: A step-by-step guide – Home Assistant Guide This is the configuration: sensor: - platform: Okay, so I was able to get this to work with 2 sensors, one for the JSON and a regular template. io’s version of grep. circa1665 May 1, 2020, A command_line switch, like most entities, will periodically check the status and update its state accordingly. ; I’ve tried as a Binary Sensor and I get “off” as the result, which also is incorrect as the process/service is indeed running. I The template sensor and command line sensor integrations are two unrelated things and there is no need to convert from one to the other. What I want is actually quite simple but apparently not so easy to implement. Use the value_template to parse the raw response to make the state be what you need it to be. 102. A few last things to be aware of. I wrote a command and checked it in the SSH console: iostat -m BLOCKDEV sda | grep -oE 'sda\\s+(\\d\\. Multiple entries are possible. token_hisense_a. I have not been able to find a way to define the sensor in the config. Returning a result code Hi, I am running HA OS on a pi4 I have various other command_line integrations that call a curl: If I call this from the HA command line, Instructions on how to integrate Command binary sensors within Home Assistant. When my HA instance is up and running and keeps Any help greatly appreciated. How can I create a sensor that can update itself with the output of the shell_command? Hi all, something is wrong about command line sensors. json_atributes: - pw3_temp_out under command_line sensor definition It seems that I don’t need it for “master” sensor (command_line sensor), but it is necessary for template sensors. Hi, HA 2025. 4”. I have tried this template: sensor: - platform: command_line name: average_temperature_bedroom command: "python3 /scripts/average_temperature. currentPower sensor. energy/docs/api/ - see the One suggests adding this code to configuration. Hansen (HansenDK) September 15, 2016, 9:26pm 3. 0 Frontend 20231005. I have many of this kind of sensor and don’t want to create an automation for each of them. sensor. 80 'smartctl -a /dev/sdb | grep Temperature_Celsius | awk For decoding a sensor value I’m using a command line sensor to call a python script in order to do a calculation on a value I pass it and it then passes back a return value. 3”,“unit”: I think you want a RESTful sensor: Home Assistant. If I uncomment the second line (and comment the third line), it works as expected. py" Issue is I have a command line sensor senor: - platform: command_line command: 'cat json_data. if the device is a switch, why use a sensor? In order to get a status of all 8 switches integrated in this single device with just one query. py displays the reading of DS18B20. The idea is to get the values c1-5 and p1-5 as attributes and eventually the hour of the data serie as the sensor value. This entity is no longer being provided by the command_line Home Assistant Community Create sensor from a Curl command. I have been looking at some other threads and I saw that there was a bug with Openssl in previous versions, but it looks like that was resolved, and I know there are some issues with some grep flags not supported in the HA container, but I I have 2 commandline sensors. I have read the documentation and I cannot make heads or tails of why I cannot get this to work, below is original code I have before updating and attempting to make it work. Something like this (no idea it it will work like this): shell_command: switch_nas_off: the process of getting a command which ssh’s into another machine to get some simple data ready to be included in a command line sensor. 1 I should create an automation with such loop, in order to update the sensor every 30 seconds. scan_interval integer (Optional, default: 60). 10. identifier (Required): Name of the command switch as slug. My actual ask: I have an old windows machine running HA inside virtualbox. If this is too long an interval for your application, you can change it to 15 seconds (or whatever you need) by setting the sensor’s scan_interval option. These sensors poll my inverter. It will even convert it to Celsius. Guys, I’m having trouble reading my python code over the command line sensor. Instructions on how to integrate command line sensors into Configuration variables: switches (Required): The array that contains all command switches. grid_power = json_value. Seems the command_line sensor first splits the command from the arguments by doing a split(’ ', 1), then whatever was to the right of the first space becomes the arguments, and only the arguments are evaluated as a template. 200; then echo on; else echo off; fi unique_id: 6a5bd84e-5a06-499e-a232-d6d35e134ad6 device_class: connectivity I don’t know what is ‘wrong’ with this but it remains unknown forever Tried so far : restart, fast I’m trying to setup a command line sensor to count the number of JSON objects return in an API request. (MainThread) [homeassistant. Hi @MrSir - I’m trying to achieve something similar via SSH. \\DISPLAY1\\Monitor0" 10 echo %errorlevel% The %errorlevel% will return as a percentage value (100 no symbol). Poll sensors manually by calling a service. 6 breaks the switches. That is why Home Assistant does not create this sensor. put it in /config using the Hassio configurator add on and then set up the sensor as: - platform: command_line name: EnergyMon command: "python3 /config/filename. Instructions on how to monitor the Home Assistant host. - platform: command_line #command: 'nmap -p 5005 localhost | grep open &> /dev/null && echo success A Command Line Sensor updates itself automatically every 60 seconds by default. Right so the first problem is that just like you need to use the -i flag to point to the identity file when you use the ssh command, you ALSO have to do the same with the ssh-copy-id command, otherwise it is trying to find the key I’ve got it working on SSH, however in a command line sensor, nothing happens. ; @home-assistant rename Awesome new title Renames the I want to have a simple sensor that shows the balance of my Duino-Coin, I have found a nice add-on that is programmed in python, DuinoCoin-balance-Home-Assistant but I rather prefer to follow the home assistant docs Hi, I’m trying to create a sensor that gets its value from a python script. xxx ``` after reloading command line sensors in the dev-tools section, even ALL `command_line` sensors do have a `unique_id` assigned I’m attempting to create a command line sensor that ssh’s into my router and reads the output from an ip neigh show command to determine whether there are any devices connected to the 192. But then it will not update the Is there anyway to set the scan interval in command line sensor for read value out of a remote text file? I tried putting the “scan_interval” but not working. I’m trying to get system status from my Unifi Security Gateway and Unifi Switch by creating a Python script that logs in to the device and gives me temperature, uptime, free memory, cpu usage. py" When I reload the command line platform via the developer tools, HA executes the command and populates the sensor correctly. I am playing with it but I cant find out what the template should be like. It was introduced in 2023. update_entity. Well, for starters, the code that you pasted above appears to have an unmatched single quote at the end. Render commands and sensor values with templates. update_entity don’t work on command line sensors Reload command line entities in YAML panel don’t work, Long story: I have bunch of command line sensors. dryer_state which tells me if it’s on. xxx. In a future version of HA it is my understanding that these warnings will turn into errors. When I connect to my Hassio (v0. 50. The command runs successfully in the HA shell with double quote marks Use dynamic sensors to automatically add/remove entities. yaml: Instructions how to integrate Command binary sensors within Home Assistant. (The cookie is needed by alexa_remote_control. RESTful. 3 Supervisor 2023. There are some issues regarding using templates for the “command” option (thread in the Community, issue on GitHub) making using templates differently from conventional template sensors. 17-02-09 05:06:42 ERROR (Thread-7) [homeassistant. The JSON one suddenly had values in it as of last night(it may have been a result of “Reload Command Line Entities” not working as it’s supposed to right now. I need to create a command line sensor that reads a error from my router over ssh, and if it reads that error that a gpio pin outputs a 3. ” I want to consolidate 12 individual command line sensors into one sensor with all attributes. The sensor is updating with the new date and time every minute as intended but it is not publishing the mqtt messages. Feels like I’ve been going round in circles for most of the day now trying this via both shell_commands & command_line. 0. I was following instructions in this thread about motion sensing with IP cameras, and I’m using the same syntax as he is, and it appears to match the documentation: # Camera motion Sensors - platform: command_line name: Ian Motion command: "python3 Hey there @home-assistant/core, mind taking a look at this issue as it has been labeled with an integration (sensor) you are listed as a code owner for?Thanks! Code owner commands. platform: command_line name: For the files such as configuration. @home-assistant close Closes the issue. Ok, figured it out. I want the wifi strehgh / signal in the HA lovelace frontend. Hi, I have several binary Add a larger timeout for the command: Command line - Home Assistant; Decrease the timeout of the nc command with -w; Home ; Categories ; FAQ/Guidelines ; Hi, I’ve seen similar topics on this forum but nothing matched my case. . So without addressing any other potential problems, you should have: command_line: - sensor: I’m trying to use the command line sensor. Maybe it’s because I just don’t understand it or I’m too stupid. ‘echo -n ‘‘SA “Dining Room Gain”>2=F\r’’ | nc 10. Is it possible to act on command line, in oder to give the output only if it (the output) is valid? Some checking on the same command line using such linux syntax Hello everyone, I’m new here! Short preamble: I have chickens, there is a load cell (measures weight) in their roost, I want to have a binary sensor that tells me if they are on the roost or not. sh which is called from I have a command line sensor reporting CPU temperature since lat year I think, and used to work flawlessly up until today. components. They still work, presumably The problem is that first I need to login to this resourse (with POST), get the cookie, then use this cookie to GET required data. pv_power = json_value. Let’s assume that one day the issue is solved & templates may be used for I created a command_line sensor that returns the current time and date and publish three mqtt message every time it update its content. When I update the sensor manually Hello everyone, I am running Home Assistant OS on a mini PC and am trying to set up a command_line sensor to display the disk usage of a folder. system info: Home Assistant 2023. S. yaml file, hence the Command Line Hello good folk of HA, I need some assistance please. But I do not know how to integrate this to work with the latest update. exe" /GetValue "\\\\. I can’t use a RESTful sensor because it doesn’t accept templating in the resource parameter, so I’ve now learned to Hi all, how do you define a command line sensor that has a JSON formatted state? I don’t mean simply: platform: command_line name: my_command_line command: Home Assistant Community Command line sensor with JSON response. It’s pretty darn close to the example in the documentation. achuet (AK) March 5, 2021, 5:58am 1 Welcome to the Home Assistant command line. 04), and I’m trying to make the CPU temps showing on HA. I created a dummy script that just output the JSON exactly as you paste it above and then created this sensor: Format your code according to rules - place a code into triple backquotes. Shell commands runs in a restricted environment that doesn’t allow expanding the home director (~) or piping output of one command into another. yaml: sensor: - platform: command_line name: CPU Temperature command: 'c I am trying to Home Assistant. It allows you to integrate any type of sensor as long as the sensor's data can be read from the command line. * subnet. io. The command_line folder is referenced in my configuration. I think the command line sensor is truncating my GET request URL. command_line: - sensor: name: btrfs_used command: "df In both case, the scripts would be called via a command_line sensor. 0 Operating System 11. The docs for this need updating. I have a command line binary sensor to check for HTTP status code from some of my locally running applications. Mariusthvdb (Marius) March 27, 2020, 1:13pm 1. The steps and additional options you need are as follow: Create a folder in your config directory called something like “ssh” Copy your private keyfile to the newly Hello, I just installed the image of Hassio on a raspberry, but when I created a switch with a command_line it tells me continually an error, here is the command used: platform: command_line name: Result in the Home ### The problem Plenty of errors in HA log (for EVERY command_line sensor): ``` Platform command_line does not generate unique IDs. I’m trying to set up a command_line sensor for monitoring the hardrive temperature on the host of HASS. I tried to manually set timeout for a sensor but there doesn’t seem to be a feature for that. Here is the configuration: binary_sensor: - platform: command_line name: "Port Open" command: '/usr/bin/nmap -p<port> <ip> | /bin/grep I’ve been using a command line sensor to track my server temperature. When I run HA with the third line uncommented (and second commented), it doesn’t work. Hello there, Here is my command_line sensor command_line: - binary_sensor: name: "Connection à l'onduleur" command: > if ifconfig | grep -q 192. For example, Home Assistant Community [Solved] Command line binary sensor is not working. Put on my sensor. I My Home Assistant OS instance is running on a virtual machine on a bigger Ubuntu web server, I want to be able to use “entities” on Lovelace to display system specs like temperature, networks speed and remaining storage. Instead, I get the following error: “This entity is no longer being provided by the command_line integration. The script temperature. Defines number of seconds for polling interval. What i would like to achive is to create command line sensor like this one: - platform: command_line name: Server Disk1 Temperature command: ssh -F /config/ssh_config -i /config/ssh/id_rsa root@192. “Sensor” is a fundamental domain to the structure of Hi, I’m trying to setup a command line sensor as shown in the code below. Now we will define the sensor in Home Assistant, here's the command line sensor documentation for reference. py" It returns the following error: Invalid config for [template]: Hi, I have been trying to setup a Binary Command Line Sensor, the end goal being to monitor the state of some webservers. +\\d+)\\s+(\\d\\. As far as I know switch does not support json attributes. sensor: - platform: command_line command: python3 -c Hi All, I need help on how to configure a command line sensor command template. ; @home-assistant rename Awesome new title Renames the issue. sensor] Setup of sensor platform command_line is taking over 10 seconds. To use your Command binary sensor in your installation, add the following to your configuration. Troon (Troon) June 25, 2020, 4:15pm 9. The command does I have an custom set of sensors that read data from my Solvis Max controller. IN the case of the top, the Hmmm OK, you can try homeassistant ALL=ALL: ALL. g. state }} Both solutions don’t work Hi guys, So I’m running my home assistant in a dedicated server (Ubuntu server 18. Some regular sensors (command line Hi, I am having a stupid issue with a command_line sensor, but I don’t seem to be able to resolve it. here’s my configuration: sensor: - platform: Instructions on how to integrate the command line utility within Home Assistant. yaml file. The battery status can be read via I2C and basing on some example I created a python3 script to run via Hi folks, I have a UrBackup server performing backups from my home’s laptops but, sometimes I’m out traveling but would like to keep an eye on the backups run, but there is no way to access the UrBackup gui outside and I I am looking for the action statement of an automation to update the value of a sensor. This example uses two dynamic sensors in the same command to create a switch entity plus one status sensor for each docker container. Im running on a rpi3 with hass. ; command_off (Required): The action to take for off. Add these lines to configuration. So, I have a TV that I want to pull some json information from, and for that I have set up a command_line sensor. A restart will update the sensor as soon as home assistant restarts. I searched on the web but only found how to do it in RPi. I’m not using the mfi component because it requires both a dedicated pc/mac to be always on running the mfi controller, and secondly the HASS mfi component only controls outlets, and not lights. I’m running Hass. 1 Trying to configure for the first time few command_line sensors. Command line Sensor. io version 62. I’m running home assistant OS on a RPi4 and want to SSH to a Lubuntu VM, the end game is to monitor the VPN status on the Lubuntu box so I can create automations based The notification says Command Line YAML configuration has moved, but it doesn’t say from-where or where-to. I’m using my script (see here: Home Assistant Community Sensor command line fails. The only issue I have is some initial errors when it’s called after a startup and there’s no valid data to pass it so ideally need to only conditionally call the command if there’s valid input data. yaml file with: command_line: !include_dir_merge_list command_line/ However in home assistant: command_line: - sensor: name: btrfs_used command: "df -h /mnt/btrfs_raid | awk 'NR==2 {print substr($5, 1, length($5)-1)}'" Returns Thanks, that command works on the host command line but in home assistant I get nothing (blank/null). This is the only situation I’ve personally run into so far where you have a command working in portainer that doesn’t work I’m trying to create a sensor to let me know if a service is running on a remote linux machine. This one works fine. in configuration. So I thought, there might could be a more easy / elegant way of doing that Right now I have set up 6 Command line sensor - port check. Short story: Service homeassistant. I tried integrating this with Home Assistant by using a command_line sensor and a template sensor in my configuration. This was working fine for the past few years, but Ive noticed it has stopped working recently (could be anytime in the last 6 months). Instructions on how to integrate command line sensors into Home Assistant. grid. I need to configure two sensor to display the status of a GeekWork X728 UPS Hat (Raspberry Pi X728 (Max 5. To enable it, add the following lines to your configuration. Has anyone using the Nee-vo command line sensor experienced it breaking recently? command_line: - sensor: command: "curl -u <user>:<password> https://telematics Home Assistant Community Nee-vo Command Line If you included the -P option, it will fail because that’s not supported in Hass. json' {% set key = 'user1@gmai I’ve searched searched Home Assistant Community Parse Command Line @Grepen In the beginning I had the same problems as you. I’m not skilled enough to just have the value for them to publish in the frontend. 2 on Rpi3) over ssh and run the script, everything works I have been trying for some time to build a binary sensor that will show me the status of a remote SSH command. Checking the syntax on the developer tools , all is fine. ) I’m having a problem with a command line sensor. yaml I have line: command_line: !include_dir_merge_list Can someone help me to figure out why sensor command line fails to run and other works. e. I want to check my disk space on the harddrives as i use my mac Hi, still pretty new to the concepts of HA, I am trying to monitor a web page for changes, specifically I want to know when a new firmware for my inverter is published. Looking at the hi! I’m trying to create a sensor that shows the disk usage in Linux, there is a utility for this - “iostat”. Shell command. The command_line sensor platform that issues specific commands to get data. Here’s my script. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. The ‘CPU Temperature’ sensor as well as the ‘Disk Space’ sensor do not show up at all in lovelace, and the ‘Supervisor Updates’ The command_line sensor platform that issues specific commands to get data. Instructions how to integrate Command binary sensors within Home Assistant. Is the use of websockets in my script causing the problem ? from websocket import Hey there @gjohansson-ST, mind taking a look at this issue as it has been labeled with an integration (command_line) you are listed as a code owner for? Thanks! Code owner commands. Code owners of command_line can trigger bot actions by commenting:. Home ; Categories ;. I think a command line sensor would work better in your case: Command line Sensor - Home Assistant. Hello all, Struggling at the moment to get a sensor working to read out my electricity and gas meter readings. Is there anyone willing to help me with this please? sensor: I’ve just been migrating my HA over to the “dark side” running hassio 😉. Have you waited? As a sidebar, you can likely turn this into a responding service with a command_line command and use template sensors instead. command: "curl -X POST -d ‘{“seq”:1, “method”:“objmgr_get_objects_init”} NOTE: It seems the deprecation of command line platforms in favour of the new integrations may have been missed in the release notes. Here is my setup. yaml file: Command line Sensor - Home Assistant (home-ass On my odroid n2+ system I want get working communication with external device via sensor command Command which I’m sending is from device manual and tested that’s working. beautysmurf March 24, 2019, 7:34am 1. let me know how it goes, appears to work for me. Im trying to reach my mac mini from HA running on raspberry pi 3 v0. You can use templating to isolate values. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually See more A user reports an error after upgrading Home Assistant and asks how to fix it. 70 10055 -w 1’ sensor: platform: command_line scan_interval: 10 Is there’s some sort of block on using netcat directly inside the home assistant container? Hello, all I am trying to integrate my Minecraft server into home assistant using a plugin called “ServerTap” which hosts a rest API alongside the server. I can query influxDB and see the average weight over the last 10 minutes, I use this to decide if they are on the roost or not using jq and if statements. If the entity is Configuration variables: switches (Required): The array that contains all command switches. 1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Accept-Ranges: Home Assistant Community Value Template for command line sensor. yaml I have: command_line: Hi guys, I’m trying to make a command line sensor in HA, but it keeps failing. 0 - latest - platform: command_line name: truenas_cpu json_attributes: - cpu0 - cpu1 - cpu2 Home Assistant Community Home Assistant command line to multiple sensors. command_line Source: - platform: command_line name: CPU command: "/usr/bin/sensors | grep 'Package id 0' | cut -c17-20" scan_interval: 30 unit_of_measurement: "°C" - platform: command_line name: SDA command: "hddtemp -n /dev/sda" unit_of_measurement: "°C" In both of these cases, I get blank values. How can I change the below to only Ok, I am going to reply to myself: everything was fine with my configuration. But if I use the same command in the ‘command_line’ Since I upgraded last I have the following message regarding a change to how command line switch entities are done, however I cant seem to find documentation of the new way to define them. 3v signal on the HA server (raspi 2) or a esp32 and if it no Home Assistant has this concept of a Command Line Sensor. I have the command sorted, I’ve tested it in Terminal and it returns the expected “running” However when I put the command into a yaml file it doesn’t seem to do anything, I’m not even getting a blank sensor. sensor. The command output must provide the following data on each line: ID, value sensor 1, value sensor I have been trying to get a simple python script up and running as a command line sensor If I put a simple print command, then the sensor works. While the command works perfectly in the terminal, the sensor is not created in Home Assistant. Hi, from a command line sensor i get this response : HTTP/1. yaml: Hi Community, I have the following sensor that only provides me with a state of “unknown. I run hass on my ubuntu box, i did a rebuild yesterday (long overdue), recovered all of my configuration and started hass, however for some reason none of my command_line sensors now work, Hi, from a command line sensor i get this response : HTTP/1. This might become our most powerful platform as it allows anyone to integrate any type of sensor into command: 'nmap 192. command_line] Command failed: curl I have a binary sensor named binary_sensor. on raspberry PI4. Include sensor values in commands and update them automatically when The command_line sensor platform that issues specific commands to get data. +\\d+)' | awk '{print $2}' It works and gives me a number, for example “3. state + states. I tried searching for forums a way around it and haven’t found anything so far. xx/xx IPv6 addresses for eth0 : 2003 playactor check outputs json but for some reason refuses to play nice I’m trying to setup a command line sensor, and I’m getting some errors in the log that I don’t understand. io installed on a RP3 here, trying to make a sensor to detect the current state of one of my addons and express it as a binary sensor. 168. The variable value i want to extract to home assistant is:“value”:“5. Instructions on how to integrate REST sensors into Home Assistant. As far as I understrand, its impossible to do it with a single command for REST sensor, so i need to write a python script to do several HTTP requests and invoke this script from the Command line sensor. pv. 6. Hi all, I’m running a Home Assistant supervised on debian 11 O. But the entity does not show on the entity list. : I have another (unrelated) python script as sensor in the same folder. 6 so this release is the six months deadline. Nick09 (Nick) October 4, 2024, 10:29pm 1. They are defined as follows: in configuration. I just looked at the code, and yeah, if it's not at the root level of the json object, you can't get to it in a command line rest sensor. Well, that's not cool that it doesn't support that config. - platform: command_line name: HDD Temp command: "smartclt -A /dev/sdb | grep Temperature_Celcius | awk '{print $10}'" unit_of_measurement: "°C" But it’s not working at all. System Monitor Add-In. System information IPv4 addresses for eth0: 192. How does I’m trying to make a sensor to monitor which ISP my internet is going thru (I have redundant ISPs)I got the sensor working but it only shows with a generic “eyeball” icon. overb November 18 The command i use in command_line is: curl {{ states. Any sensor that has ‘units’ specified are expected to ONLY have numeric values. yaml, except that I miss. This is an old syntax for command_line sensors, check Docs for a proper one. 2. And I now have to move them all to the new format. 2. It comes back online when the sun starts shining. Aft Thank you. System Monitor. Hi, I am pretty new to Home Assistant. yamlThe configuration. Has anyone else encountered this? I’m trying to grab archived data from my Fronius smart meter. Attached to it are some USB external hard drives that can get a bit warm without a fan running on them. Recent home-assistant versions (2021. My configuration looks like Hi all, I’ve spent a lot of time trying different things and searching for stuff, but I simply cannot get this very simple thing to work. My provider uses an API which is documented here: https://developer. To use your Command binary sensor in your installation, add the following to your configuration. In the case of the bottom, the value is “unknown”. The reason is because the more times the sensor below is updated, the more quickly the cookie expires. Instructions on how to integrate the command line utility within Home Assistant. platform: systemmonitor resources: Now I have a sensor that looks like this. currentPower. Sounds simple but I guess it’s not I can figure out a text which should turn it on and one the should turn it off, but how would I setup the command line sensor? Problem is that the logfile it stored for days and contains lot’s of these on/off messages so I need to have the sensor Hi community, can anyone see where I’m going wrong? Hass. 3. 1. ronnyandre October 12, I have created command_line switches to enable/disable Hue Motion Sensors and everything has been perfect for ages. : I use hassOS, so I did not test this on the machine running it itself (which, when I ssh into it, doesn’t show anything for which python or which python3); the test was on my desktop pc, just confirming that the script itself worked fine. yaml, Fort that they will need a command line sensor: Home Assistant. Is that something I could edit easily from source code? My sensor is a python script that I am using REST sensor for something else but I require some way to control the interval at which it makes the calls to stay under API request limits, hence using command_line which supports scan_interval. command_line without any whitelisting) so I need to create another !secret to make it work - a bit ugly: Hi, Running the latest Home Assistant as a VM and have been trying to figure out how to run a remote command via SSH. 10 Likes. ypvqqvbazbqgtsomceqhaabygezhtkjvzsuzmhlafrs