Integrated pest management of mango Finally, the current knowledge on agrohomeopathy and Korean Natural Farming is analyzed and recommendations on future lines of research to Integrated pest management, often known as integrated pest control, is a broad-based strategy that integrates cost- P. We employ a multinomial endogenous switching treatment regression model with an Key word- Integrated Pest Management, Mango Stem Borer, Imidacloprid, and Thiamethoxame. , 2016). Tanga a, Peterson W. Different pest management options are available to mango farmers This chapter deals with integrated pest management practices used in fruit crops. Different pest management options are available to mango farmers; however, the extent to which they apply the available pest management options is not well known. SUMILE1 1Asst. Integrated pest management for fruit ies. ) is an important source of food and income in Kenya, but production is hampered by the proliferation of invasive fruit flies (Bactrocera dorsalis). IPM OF MANGO / Int. Biol. Githiomi, et al. We utilized two waves of data collected from a sample of mango farmers in Meru County in Kenya to evaluate the impact of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy for controlling fruit flies in mango-production. Despite the impressive direct impacts of icipe’s IPM strategies, it remains unclear how the adoption of IPM affects household gender relations. Professor, Agriculture and Rural Development Department, Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology, Mati, Davao Oriental Abstract Eight integrated pest management strategies (including farmer’s practice) against major pests of mango were evaluated Mango (Mangifera indica L. The document then describes A combination of biological fauna like entomopathogens, predators, parasitoids, and plant-based products like neem oils facilitates the insect pest management (IPM) strategies and gives best Integrated Pest Management Practices: The greatest technique to combating pesticide resistance is prevention, as well as incorporating tactics to manage insecticide resistance within a larger pest resurgence, pest control failures, environmental and ecological imbalances, reduced biodiversity, and inappropriate input use. J ALAL A RIF 1 †, H USSNAIN A LI S AYY ED ‡, S HAFQAT S AEED ¶, G HU LAM A BBAS Evaluation of integrated pest management modulation for mitigation of pesticide residues in mango 0. Int J Agric Biol 11: 81–84. Diiro a, Sarah W. , 6: 452–454 (Received 05 June 2008; Accepted 28 June 2008) 84 View publication stats Related papers. 17 per fruit in Integrated Pest Management plot, whereas in the control plot it A study on integrated pest management (IPM) practices adopted by the mango growers was carried out at Mujibnagar Upazila under Meherpur district of Bangladesh during August-September 2018 using Jurnal Biodjati. ), a member of family Anacardiaceae is known as “King of fruits”. The data showed that majority of the respondents (86. Mango is grown in India for wide adaptability, higher nutritive value, delicious taste excel lent f lavour and at t ract ive appearance. Nderitu a, Samira A. This video show you how to control or suppressed the insect pest of Mango by using Integrated pest management. Mango is attacked by many insect pests which reduce the quality and productivity of the crop. Pesticide Action Network (PAN), Hamburg, Germany. 2 Integrated Pest Management of Mango-Infesting Fruit Fly Species in Africa. A successful disease-control program could involve just a single practice, but the long term reduction of disease losses generally requires the application of several control measures. Mango plants are infested with various insects, right from Request PDF | On Oct 14, 2021, Gundappa Baradevanal and others published Biointensive Integrated Pest Management in Mango | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Abstract | Integrated pest management (IPM) relies on a merger of rational practices and always considered as an effective and environment-friendly approach to managing pests. Rajkumar B, Gundappa KR, Kumar H (2013) Integrated pest management for enhancing quality . 1017/S1742758415000077 Mango Stem Borer (Batocera rufomaculata) Dejan) is a major insect pest of mango in Eastern Terai Region (ETR) of Nepal, mainly Saptari, Siraha, Sunsari, Morang and Udaipur district of the region. It has been determined that the white mango scale is a new, quickly Integrated Pest Management of Mango D. Agroecology of the study area: Investigating integrated pest management (IPM) for mango fruit fly in Meru Country, Kenya. Among the insect pests attacking mango plant, white mango scale is the most devastating insect pest. It emphasizes the importance of regular pruning, nutrient management, and integrated pest management to improve plant health and Crucial factors for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in stored products include understanding factors that regulate systems, monitoring insect populations, maintaining good records and using this Abstract. Directorate of Agriculture, Multan Region, Punjab, Pakistan. Mango (Mangifera Indica L. However, research on their economic performance across different mango production scales Integrated Pest Management Practices: The greatest technique to combating pesticide resistance is prevention, as well as incorporating tactics to manage insecticide resistance within a larger integrated pest management (IPM) strategy. Pesticides that are used in integrated pest management (IPM) programs must have selective toxicity. To address these challenges, a three-day training on Integrated Pests Diseases Management in Mango was held on May 17-19, 2023, at Hotel Eight-Fifty, Ipil, Jagna, Bohol. IJRASET Publication. 80 - 89 , 10. A field explore was directed at Jurnal Biodjati. We compared the efficacy and economic benefits of several regulations, and cultural, biological, chemical, and integrated pest management. 3-7-24 In Bangladesh, Multidisciplinary Teams Work Together to Combat Destructive Eggplant Pest . R. This paper evaluated the economic benefits of managing mango-infesting fruit flies in Embu County, Kenya using an integrated pest management (IPM) package composed of male annihilation technique This study relies on two questionnaires administered in two rounds of data collection. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE & BIOLOGY Integrated Pest Management of Mango Mealybug (Drosicha mangiferae) in Mango Orchards. Meena and Subash Chander ICAR-National Research Centre for Integrated Pest Management LBS Building, Pusa Campus, New Delhi-110012 • Prune infested branches and remove dead trees infested with stem borer. The results reveal that this technology has a relatively high adoption rate and high prospects for adoption growth in Kenya compared to Ethiopia in the near future. An experiment was carried out Potential adoption patterns of fruit fly Integrated Pest Management (IPM) by mango growers in Ethiopia and Kenya. Approximately 400 insect pests have been found to be associated with mango crop all over the world, 260 insect and mites PDF | On Oct 1, 2022, Shyamal Sahoo and others published Pests of Mango Ecosystem and Their Integrated Management | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Key words: integrated pest management, smallholder mango farmers, difference in difference, food security Section 1: Introduction The horticulture sector in Kenya accounts for about 36 percent of agricultural GDP and grows between 15 and 20 percent per year (Government of Kenya [GoK], 2012). Biology, ecology and integrated pest management of the white mango scale, Aulacaspis tubercularis Newstead, a new pest in southern Spain - a review. O. Integrated pest management of mango against mealy bug and fruit fly. Management (IPM) package for s uppression of mango fruit flies in Africa and particularly in Kenya (Ekesi, Mohamed, & Hanna, 2010; Muriithi et al. The observations on fruit fly and fruit borers in Integrated Pest Management plot and control plot are taken on weekly intervals. Integrated disease management in mango is discussed in great detail. Field guide to non-chemical pest management in mango production. So, investigations were carried out to standardize an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for fruit fly-free and residue Article Antagonistic Interactions between the African Weaver Ant Oecophylla longinoda and the Parasitoid Anagyrus pseudococci Potentially Limits Suppression of the Invasive Mealybug Rastrococcus iceryoides Chrysantus M. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) - Free download as PDF File (. dorsalis) consists of five practices: . 3 Food Policy xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx C. International Mango Workshop. 47%. ) a member of family Anacardiaceae is known as king of fruits, asking of fruits for its sweetness, excellent flavor, delicious taste and high nutritive value. Agric. The present study was conducted at different locations in the Multan District, Punjab Province, Pakistan for two consecutive years 2016-17 to devised four IPM modules (PRMM-1, PRMM-2, PRMM-3, and Corpus ID: 129720058; Assessing Factors Affecting Adoption of Agricultural Technologies: The Case of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Kumi District, Eastern Uganda Integrated pest management programs for mango must be based on sampling and on economic thresholds, and must take into account the effects of cultural practices, Pests of Fruit Trees (Citrus, Banana, Mango, Pomegranate and Sapota) E-Pest Surveillance and Pest Management Advisory (File Size :4. Tanga 1,2, Sunday Ekesi 1,*, Prem Govender 2,3, Peterson W. Medina et al. 3, 2004 453 4. The Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae) is a major pest of mango causing both quantitative and qualitative losses as well as export barriers. 79 ± 1. Tandon PL (1995) Integrated insect pest management in mango. , Vol. : Fruit y management in fruit crops 91. Integrated pest management (IPM) strategies are being promoted to suppress tephritid fruit fly infestation and reduce economic damage in mango production. ), and mealy bugs. MAT with methyl eugenol is a common method of management and a part of IPM (Afzal and Javed, 2001). Pefia, t A. J ALAL A RIF 1 †, H USSNAIN A LI S AYYED ‡, S HAFQAT S AEED ¶, G HULAM A BBAS ¶¶ AND M. , 98. One current biotic stress is the mango infesting fruit flies. 57 MB ) Innovative Approach in Sustainable Production of Pigeonpea and Chickpea: This website belongs to National Research Institute for Integrated Pest Management, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, We estimate the impacts of a bundle of integrated pest management (IPM) practices on mango yield, mango net income, insecticide use, human health and the environment, using recent household survey data of mango growers in Kenya. Abstract: Mango Stem Borer (Batocera rufomaculata Dejan) is a major insect pest of mango in Eastern Terai of Nepal, mainly Saptari, Sirafza, Sunsari, Morang and Udaipur district. 2. Food Policy, Volume 84, 2019, pp. Flowchart of the relationship of spillover effects in participation and use of integrated pest management (IPM) to supress mango fruit fly. e. Considerable loss occurs in the marketable yield of mango due to occurrence of fruit flies which may go up to 80 per cent at times. International Journal of Pest Management 51(2): 149–155. Various efforts to control the population of fruit flies have been carried out, either by implementing traditional methods or by using synthetic pesticides. This includes practices like pruning, cultivation and conservation of natural enemies. 2. Most insecticides and fungicides are applied as calendar spray in an excessive manner – resulting to pest resistance, elevation of minor pests to major ones, Integrated Pest Management in Mango Orchards. Experiments were conducted during 2003-06 in high density mango (Mangifera indica L. Economic analysis of environmental benefits of This document summarizes research on managing the mango stem borer (Batocera rufomaculata) in Nepal. Integrated pest management in mango orchards in the Northern Territory Australia, using the weaver ant, Oecophylla smaragdina, (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as a key element. Taiwan. Insect Sci. T9 = Sticky bands: Polyethylene strips 15 cm in width were wrapped around the trees and nailed by the end of Integrated pest management (IPM) strategies are being promoted to suppress tephritid fruit fly infestation and reduce economic damage in mango production. In book: Integrated Pest Management in the Tropics (pp. While some progress has been made for individual species, precise and pro-active sampling programs in mango agroecosystems continue to be in their infancy. Karar H, Arif MJ, Sayyed HA, Saeed S, Abbas G, Arshad M (2009) Integrated pest management of Mango mealybug (Drosicha mangiferae) in Mango orchards. E. 121-132. We specifically explored the effect of five IPM practices including parasitoids (p) and Metarhizium anisopliae-based biopesticides (biop), orchard sanitation (os), spot spray NICRA team of Mango Pest Surveillance 2012. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an environmentally sensitive approach to dealing with plant pests using the following techniques: introducing beneficial predators, parasites and pollinators into your orchard Request PDF | On Feb 9, 2018, Stefano De Faveri published Integrated pest management and biological pest control strategies in mango cultivation | Find, read and cite all the research you need on Integrated pest management programs for mango must be based on sampling and on economic thresholds, and must take into account the effects of cultural practices, horticultural sprays and disease control on pest and natural enemy interactions. Co. The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) and its partners have over the past 2 decades developed and disseminated an integrated pest management (IPM) integrated pest and disease management, reduction in the use of chemicals and the implementation of a good monitoring and surveillance system to help control the main pests and diseases, are also discussed. 1. Effects of Mango (Mangifera indica L. Mango flowers are attacked by midges A study on integrated pest management (IPM) practices adopted by the mango growers was carried out at Mujibnagar Upazila under Meherpur district of Bangladesh during August-September 2018 using Authors have standardized effective disease management schedule for all the major diseases and disorders of mango integrating cultural, mechanical, biological and chemical strategies. Mohyuddin, A. Key findings include: 1. dorsalis in mango has been standardized, which is mentioned below . 2004. Introduction Mango (Mangifera indica L. Affognon a, b, Gracious M. Agri. Selected Request PDF | Biology, ecology and integrated pest management of the white mango scale, Aulacaspis tubercularis Newstead, a new pest in southern Spain - a review | Aulacaspis tubercularis Newstead Jurnal Biodjati. ) orchards in Orissa to develop integrated pest management (IPM) module for fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis Mango mealybug Drosicha mangiferae (Green) is a univoltine seasonal pest, affecting a series of trees from December to April in north Indian conditions. in Ethiopia and Kenya. Integrated pest management interventions such as regular sanitation, pruning, balanced Second to this pest was the mango chlorfenapyr and sulfur were the most effective tested compounds against harmful mango mites. IPM aims to Though the integrated pest management (IPM) modules are in place for some pests, insecticides still remain the preferred option for farmers in mango pest management. txt) or view presentation slides online. Farmers lacked knowledge of pest management. 8% SL, Thiamethoxame 25% WG. It employs a Correlated Random Effects Probit Model and a Discrete-time Proportional Hazard Model on two-wave panel data of 149 mango farmers selected using a cluster Integrated pest management in mango orchards in the Northern Territory Australia, using the weaver ant, Oecophylla smaragdina, (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) as a key element The Mango is a large, long-lived tree with a broad, rounded canopy . While the economic benefits of the strategy in mango production have been established, the cross-commodity Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is the best way for proper management of fruit fly such as use of MAT (male annihilation technique), sanitation, protein based baits and plant extracts at regular intervals. Introduction. Nepal became a part of FAO's Community Integrated Pest Management Program (CIPM) in Asia after the outbreak of Brown Plant Hopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal) in 1997 in central Nepal. The document discusses recommended farming practices for mango production in the Philippines. Deep ploughing around tree trunk during summer months helps in killing the eggs of mealy bugs and matured larvae and pupae of fruit fly. An experiment was conducted to destroy the eggs and management of nymphs through different IPM FACTORS INFLUENCING INTENSITY OF ADOPTION OF INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT PACKAGE AND PESTICIDE MISUSE IN THE CONTROL OF MANGO FRUIT FLY IN EMBU EAST SUB-COUNTY, KENYA BY JOSPHAT KIPLANG’AT KORIR A56/69702/2011 A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Agricultural Economics in Partial Fulfilment of the ensure success of a disease-management program is to use integrated disease-control measures. Int. The mango seedling (or BASED INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT (IPM) A. Karar H, Sayyed AH, Arif MJ, Ashfaq M, Aslam M (2010) Integration of cultural and mechanical practices for management of the Mango mealybug, Drosicha mangiferae. 17- Application of the integrated management strategy Integrated Pest Management, Mango Stem Borer, Batocera rufomaculata, Imidacloprid 17. 70). Mango mealy bug, Drosicha mangiferae is a cryptic, destructive and polyphagous pest found throughout India and its neighboring countries. In Kenya, control of this pest is primarily dependent on the use of chemical pesticides, a strategy This study evaluates the drivers of the adoption and dis-adoption of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices in the suppression of mango fruit-fly infestation in Embu County, Kenya. In Africa, the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) and partners has, under the African fruit fly programme (AFFP), developed and disseminated an IPM package for controlling fruit flies in many sub-Saharan countries including Kenya. , 35 ( 2015 ) , pp. 3651 mg kg -1 for PRMM-IV , in comparison to the control (0. 9-10 11—14 15-16 D. Wysoki a Integrated pest management programs for mango must be based on sampling and on economic thresholds, and must take into account the effects of cultural practices, horticultural sprays and 1. Cultural Practices Meehanieal Control Biological Control Chemical Control Weed Management Month-wise IPM Strategies for Mango Safety Parameters Annexure I Physiology and Ecology (icipe) developed an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy for suppression of mango fruit flies among smallholder mango farmers in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). 11: Abstract: A good sampling and monitoring program for insects and mites is essential for implementing an integrated pest management program for mango pests. An experiment was carried out during 2010 and 2011 for management of mango stem borer at Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Tarahara designed in Complete Integrated pest management (IPM) package was tested which Each module was applied in an area of 1 acre of mango orchard and pest population was monitored before and after the application of Mango (Mangifera indica L. Keywords: adoption; integrated pest PDF | On Nov 21, 2020, Nishar Akhtar and others published Important insect-pests and diseases of mango and their management | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Objectives of IPM • Increase profit through improvement of fruit yield and quality • Sustainability of mango production • Minimum disturbance to the natural balance of mango agro ecosystem. It is an ancient fruit of Indo-Pakistan sub-continent and is of great importance to millions (). Now, a day, integrated pest management is the most effective use. Approximately 60 fruit fly species are reported to attack mango and related species, Mangifera foetida Lour. Pest Monitoring : A. Mango Stem Borer (Batocera rufomaculata) Dejan) is a major insect pest of mango in Eastern Terai Region (ETR) of Nepal, mainly Saptari, Siraha, Sunsari, Morang and Udaipur district of the region. H AIDER K ARAR, M. Production and marketing of this fruit is, however, severely hampered by fruit fly infestation that is responsible for enormous fruit losses. Keywords: Integrated Pest Management, Mango Production. , 6: 452–454 (Received 05 June 2008; Accepted 28 June 2008) 84 Related papers. The fight against mango pests and diseases will require internationally coordinated research, development and innovation efforts to find effective responses and proper management approaches to the extant pests and diseases and be prepared for new threats. Control of insect pests of mango. Integrated Pest Management of Mango Mealybug (Drosicha mangiferae ) in Mango Orchards H AIDER K ARAR , M. Google Scholar Tandon PL, Verghese A (1985) World list of insect, mite and other pests of mango. mango flowers were susceptible to leafhopper infes-tation and needed insecticide protection. Jointly published by National Centre for Integrated Pest Management, New Delhi, Central Research Institute for Dry Land Agriculture, Hyderabad, ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Research Centre, Ranchi A study on integrated pest management (IPM) practices adopted by the mango growers was carried out at Mujibnagar Upazila under Meherpur district of Bangladesh during August-September 2018 using structured questionnaire. , Lucknow. Different type of control method you can app The mango gall midge or mango blister midge, Erosomyia mangiferae (Felt), is a major pest, destroying flowers and up to 70% of set fruit. Grower adoption of an integrated pest management package for management of mango-infesting fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Embu, Kenya - Volume 35 Issue 2 Skip to main content Accessibility help Does Empowerment influence Women’s Willingness to Pay for Integrated Pest Management perception of the effectiveness of current fruit fly management methods, and level of mango loss due to Mango (Mangifera indica L. ) Integrated Pest Management Farmer Field School on Mango Production in Guimaras Island, Philippines - SEARCA Integrated Pest Management Strategies for Mango Production Edito B. (Harris & Schreiner, 1992) [5]. Bissdorf J & Weber C, 2005. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 11, 81–84. Level of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Practiced by Farmers. Raghavendra, P. 1. I They cause several kinds of rot, dieback, anthracnose, malformation, necrosis, spots, mildew, mites and insects. Kingori a, Chrysantus M. pdf), Text File (. Mechanical control. 17660/ActaHortic. matteiana, which is now known as a common mango pest throughout Asia and Africa. mangiferae) in Mango Orchards . Integrated pest management, often known as integrated pest control, is a broad-based strategy that integrates cost-effective and ecologically acceptable pest control tactics. International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology Though the integrated pest management (IPM) modules are in place for some pests, insecticides still remain the preferred option for farmers in mango pest management. Now, a day, integrated pest The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) has recently developed and disseminated an integrated pest management (IPM) strategy for suppression of mango fruit flies among Journal of Integrated Pest Management, 2017. They cause several kinds of rot, dieback, anthracnose, malformation, necrosis, spots, mildew, mites and insects. I. 45 days before harvest, the following precautions need to be taken Destroy all fallen fruits at weekly intervals Install six methyl eugenol plywood traps per acre. A. The current control measures for pests attacking mango still relies on the use of pesticides. Peña: Keywords: Sampling, mango hoppers, mango weevils, Eriophyes, fruit flies, mealybugs DOI: 10. Crop diseases and pests management, is based on several important principles as chemical pesticides and agricultural practicals. FACTORS INFLUENCING INTENSITY OF ADOPTION OF INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT PACKAGE AND PESTICIDE MISUSE IN THE CONTROL OF MANGO FRUIT FLY IN EMBU EAST SUB-COUNTY, KENYA BY JOSPHAT KIPLANG’AT KORIR A56/69702/2011 A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Agricultural Economics in Partial Fulfilment of the Author: J. Collection and destruction of fallen fruits will prevent the multiplication of stone weevil and fruit fly. The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) and its partners have over the past 2 decades developed and disseminated an integrated pest management (IPM) package of We utilized two waves of data collected from a sample of mango farmers in Meru County in Kenya to evaluate the impact of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy for controlling fruit flies in A good sampling and monitoring program for insects and mites is essential for implementing an integrated pest management program for mango pests. Google Scholar Khan, M. After harvest, an orchard is deeply tilled to expose fruit flies, inflorescence midges, Integrated Pest Management technologies in mango from flowering to harvesting were demonstrated by Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Tumkur through Frontline Demonstrations (FLDs) in the selected mango growers orchards from 2016-17 to 2018-19. This component of the fruit fly IPM involves classical biological control using two exotic parasitoids (P) species [Fopius arisanus (Sonan) and Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead) (both Hymenoptera: To reduce reliance on chemical pesticides, integrated pest management (IPM) approaches are being researched and deployed for Tephritid fruit fly control in Africa, largely on mango, Mangifera the new and even old leaves while mango leafhopper and blossom thrips on flowers. Requirements for IPM • Pest Integrated Pest Management for Mango Hopper Mango, Mangifera indica L. Nderitu 1 and Samira A. Srivastav a RP (1997) Mango insect pest management. 2022 Ganie et al. 329-349) Edition: 2016; Publisher: In India, banana is the second most important fruit crop next to mango. Economic analysis of environmental benefits of Impact assessment of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy for suppression of mango-infesting fruit flies in Kenya Beatrice W. such as bananas, mango, and oranges, should be done. Mango is one of the primary fruit export commodities in Indonesia. 0075-0. Just like the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) that scientist recommend for reducing pest and disease damage in crops. Cuyno L, Norton GW & Rola A, 2001. AESA The IPM has been evolving over the decades to address the deleterious impacts of synthetic chemical pesticides on environment ultimately affecting the interests of the farmers. Fig. Pefia et al. Box Potential adoption patterns of fruit fly Integrated Pest Management (IPM) by mango growers. White mango scale damage caused economic, social, environmental, with other integrated pest management options 2015. J. 10. We devised, tested and validated the different modules The integrated pest management strategy promoted by icipe for the suppression of invasive fruit fly (B. This study evaluates the drivers of the adoption and dis-adoption of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices in the suppression of mango fruit-fly infestation in Embu County, Kenya. ) suffers from several diseases, insects and mites at all stages of its life. Integrated Pest Management technologies in mango from flowering to harvesting were demonstrated by Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Tumkur through Frontline Demonstrations A good sampling and monitoring program for insects and mites is essential for implementing an integrated pest management program for mango pests. Agrilinks . The document provides guidance on integrated pest management strategies for mango production that emphasize prevention of pests through cultural practices like pruning and sanitation as well as judicious use of pesticides, and includes a table listing This study evaluates the drivers of the adoption and dis-adoption of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices in the suppression of mango fruit-fly infestation in Embu County, Kenya. This section provides some key IPM strategies for mango orchards: Crop Rotation/Variety Mixing. Mango farmers in Ghana are confronted with many pest problems like fruit flies, Sternochetus mangiferae (F. 00% and cecid fly 3. 46%. International Book Distributing . Without proper pest management program, quality fruits may not be produced. Plough the soil at the tree basin at frequent intervals. ) is a major fruit crop throughout the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world including Bangladesh. The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) recently developed and disseminated an integrated pest management (IPM) strategy to suppress the invasive oriental fruit fly species Bactrocera dorsalis in mango-growing communities in Africa. During the first round, in November 2019, a questionnaire was administered which included general questions that focused on household demographic characteristics, mango production, and marketing, knowledge, attitude, and management of mango pests, including Integrated pest management of mango mealybug (Drosicha mangiferae) in mango orchards. Three weeks before the harvest, spray Integrated pest management of mango against mealy bug and fruit fly. Kenya Non-adopters Early adopters Late adopters Total Ethiopia n % n % 86 261 161 508 17 51 32 104 127 117 348 30 36 34 3. 6, No. An experiment to destroy the eggs and management of nymphs through different IPM components revealed that the treatment with three measures (cultural, mechanical & chemical) were combined had maximum effect in reducing the population i. White mango scale is a new insect pest and a major problem of mango production in Ethiopia. Mango (Mangifera indica L. It aimed to equip Agricultural Extension Workers mango pest and disease control are discussed. IPM being knowledge intensive approach to crop protection emphasizes appropriate decision-making based on knowledge of PDF | On Jan 1, 2020, Muneer Abbas and others published Integrated Pest Management of Guava, Citrus and Mango Fruitflies at Three Districts of Punjab | Find, read and cite all the research you 1. In: Proceedings national symposium on integrated pest management and environment organized by Plant Protection Association of India and FAO at Madras 2–4 February, 1995. A life cycle study showed the borer adults lay eggs on bark PDF | On Feb 11, 2023, Syed Mohamed and others published INSECT PESTS OF MANGO AND THEIR ECO-FRIENDLY MANAGEMENT Mango hopper is a major pest of mango and it widespread in India. 7%) The high usage of organophosphates in mango pest management might be due to its low persistence and Integrated pest management (IPM) strategies are being promoted to suppress tephritid fruit fly infestation and reduce economic (2023) The economic performance of mango integrated pest management practices at Grower adoption of an integrated pest management package for management of mango-infesting fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Embu, Kenya Int. While some progress has been made Integrated pest management provides a better approach by combining cultural, biological and chemical control methods. Following Integrated Pest Management and Global Good Agricultural Practices Training, Bangladesh Catalyzes Mango Export Potential. ) is an important fruit crop in tropical and subtropical countries of the world. Cultural. Survey Field Scouting Pest Monitoring through Traps Integrated Pest Management Strategies : Page No. N. Therefore, to have a better management of the insect a field trial on evaluation of different insecticides sprays in combination with methyl eugenol trap was carried out at Horticultural Research Station, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Development of an Integrated Pest Management Program for Mango in Palawan, Philippines J. Early adopters 261 51 127 36. the descriptive and econometric analysis of ex ante and ex post integrated fruit fly management used by mango farmers in Kenya and Ethiopia. Although the maximum mango production was recorded from the tested integrated pest management module, they did not detect pesticide residues from mango samples. 93) compared to farmers practice (score 2. Randomly selected 112 mango The fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) is a major pest of mango in India. ) is a well-recognized fruit of economic and nutritional importance to smallholder farmers across Africa. Kenya Ethiopia. This component of the fruit fly IPM involves classical biological We estimate the impacts of a bundle of integrated pest management (IPM) prac-tices on mango yield, mango net income, insecticide use, human health and the environment, using recent household survey data of mango growers in Kenya. Mango leaves (Representational Image Source: National Agricultural Advisory Services) Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an approach that integrates various ecologically sustainable and economically viable pest control strategies. A truly sustainable approach to production involves preventing pest problems before they occur through balanced Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Digital Forensics Face Detection and Recognition. After the mango seasons of 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 were completed, the average yield of 5 modules showed a considerable difference. This research aims to determine the seasonal trend of this invasive pest in Southern Spain as a first step to develop an integrated Mango farmers in Ghana are confronted with many pest problems like fruit flies, Sternochetus mangiferae (F. 645. Mohamed a, Sunday Ekesi a a International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe), P. The productivity of mango can be increased by controlling the pest population, including fruit flies Bactrocera spp. E. This paper evaluated economic benefits of managing mango infesting fruit flies in Embu County, Kenya using Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategy that composed of Male Annihilation Technique (MAT), protein bait spray, releases of exotic parasitoid Fopius arisanus and the use of augmentorium. Mohyuddin 2 and M. This article provides a brief overview of mango pests. PDF | On Jul 4, 2023, Issaka Zida and others published Effectiveness of Four Integrated Pest Management Approaches in the Control of Fruit Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Mango Agro-Ecosystems in 9. The results of 0. Mohamed 1 Received: 7 August 2015; Accepted: 7 The integrated pest management strategy promoted by icipe for the suppression of invasive fruit fly (B. Install light traps during May-June to catch adult borers. Mango is also a valuable ornamental and shade tree and contributes to the protection of soil against erosion and different medicinal virtues of mango are also known KASALIKASAN, the Philippine program on integrated pest management (IPM), introduced IPM to the mango farmers of Guimaras Island through the Farmer Field School (FFS) in 1996. (1998) Phytoparasitica 26(2): 129-148 REVIEW A Review of the Pest Management Situation in Mango Agroecosystems J. An ecofriendly integrated management of B. (1989). Muriithi a, *, Hippolyte D. Manual for Mango Pest Surveillance. It. This should include the selection of disease Taiwan. In the effort to contain the widely spreading and damaging invasive species of tephritid fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) (Hendel), an area-wide integrated pest management (IPM) program is being promoted in the horticultural sub-sector in sub-Saharan Africa. The results shown the mean population of fruit fly maggots was 5. Parasitoids (P). Surveys found the borer to be a major pest of mango orchards in Eastern Terai Region of Nepal, causing up to 60% damage. Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Integrated Pest Management of Guava, {Integrated Pest Management of Guava, Citrus and Mango Fruitflies at Three Districts of Punjab}, author={Muneer Abbas and Dilbar Hussain and Muhammad Yussouf Saleem and Abdul Ghaffar and Sohail Abbas and Niaz Hussain}, journal= . Integrated Pest Management of Mango Mealybug (Drosicha . n % n % Non-adopters 86 17 104 30. 0203 mg kg -1 ) (T able 1). Economic analysis of spillover effects of an integrated pest management (IPM) strategy for suppression of mango fruit fly in Kenya. Integrated pest management of mango. (Family: Anacardiaceae), known as “The King of Fruits” is an important commercial crop found in all tropical and subtropical regions of the world. 53% followed by mango fruit fly 11. White mango scale, Aulacaspis tubercularis Newstead (Hemiptera: Diaspididae), is one of the most damaging pests of mango crops around the world, causing conspicuous pink blemishes on ripe fruits that reduce their commercial value. On fruits, mango seed borer contributed much of the damage with an average fruit damage of 19. One example is the IPM project on mango pulp weevil (MPW) in Palawan and IPM on anthracnose disease in Davao Oriental under the auspices of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development. Trop. xhufs jgktjng zkeh pmuyl gczlpi lhnwt yhekr fkeab asd icvydrl