Intelligence and depression reddit Your recommending an antidepressent for depression thats been around just lately? without knowing whether that depression has been reoccurring throughout this persons life and or how chronic it is? There are money things we can do as individuals to optimize and or heal and even learn to cope with just the use of proper supplementation and diet. Depression and intelligence do not have a linear or causal relationship. Also depression is linked to a drop in grades, so WTF OC? In other words, people with low IQ are not as resilient which posits a risk for developing depression. Sometimes, depression make you find yourself who truly you are. Or check it out in the app stores If it combines PhD level intelligence with normal person emotional stability and work ethic it could rule the world! And tons of depression I really thought I was running away from my emotional disregulation when I got a therapist, but Hi everyone 29M diagnosed with adhd about 9 months ago. I'm on Wellbutrin for depression and that helps a lot. Anyone can develop depression of course but it seems to really have a heavy People with higher IQs do not overall experience higher depression rates, however, they do have higher rates of existential depression. co Open. I take Wellbutrin and it's the only medication that I have found that helps the depression for me. It was like I was allergic to low mood. Depression can screw with your discipline and motivation. If you read his diaries, they are full of complaints, expressions of despair and depression. He's very One of the major characteristics of depression is mental chatter. Not trying to be edgy but I heard there's a correlation between intelligence and depression. 9 percent of the population in the High intelligence is touted as being predictive of positive outcomes including educational success and income level. Even though he isn’t depressed right now, I’m looking forward to a solo weekend trip in February Text classification; Mental health; Depression; Social media; Reddit I. so, we started playing a lot of board games together and eventually video games. The last time this happened to me it really added to my depression and just gave me more to be hopeless For most intelligence tests, this corresponds to an IQ of about 132 or higher. Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing; Animals & Pets; Cringe & Facepalm; Funny; There’s actually a correlation between intelligence and depression. The really great men must, I think, have great sadness on earth. This post will identify 13 reasons why unless gifted individuals learn how to manage their intellect wisely, it can negatively affect their performance and, interpersonally, alienate those around Highest rates of depression seen in individuals with autism who have above average intelligence. And there is high quality research suggesting that these changes may not completely resolve as depression improves. High intelligence has always been an associative risk factor for developing certain mental health conditions, especially depression and anxiety. it's all an empty shitshow, completely absurd. The above is the cause of higher variance of IQ in men. Never give him hope. Depression absolutely messes with your memory This includes your ability to recall words and spelling. This is why someone with depression or anxiety may have a hard time remembering things/concentrating. Highest rates of depression seen in individuals with autism who have above average intelligence. What makes rumination different from regular thoughts? Rumination is self-centered. This is common, and while being "smart", many of us struggle academically. I think this may be due to reduced activity in the prefrontal cortex of the brain. I started to get to know new people. Not service related, fucked up back from being in fuel tank of a uh-60 and tail cone all the time because sergeants were cunts to me and thought it would be 35 years of treatment resistant depression, SI with plans. However, the next semester I have gpa of 2. This has never been established. Be present. So yes, intelligence does make us have the capacity to feel sad to more things, but it also gives us the capacity to feel happier to more things. A little therapy goes a long way. Intelligent people appear to live longer, but many of the genes behind brilliance can also lead to autism, anxiety, and depression, according to two new massive genetic studies. Depression leads to some state of acute dementia. There is a link between intelligence and depression. It is TERRIFYING how hard it is to get some people to understand that obesity and mental health are very often inextricably linked. I was only diagnosed with autism last year, though. For most intelligence tests, this corresponds to an IQ of about 132 or higher. It's not a magic box in your brain that conjures up demons. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot 0-30 very emotional and crying a lot 30-55 very depressed, not so much crying 55-60 not so much depressed but a bit emotionally blunted Sleep issues throughout. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS. But the melatonin made me sleep ALOT and I couldn’t do that once I hit adulthood lol so I quit. Or check it out in the app stores I feel like my depression has killed my mind and intelligence . everyone just focuses on gathering as much material goods as possible without any reason. Admit that life is hell, and be free. Drink some tea. Bergeret's model [9, 23] provides for just such a classification (neurotic depression triggered by castration anxiety, borderline depression triggered by loss anxiety, and psychotic depression triggered by identity anxiety). (All my friends go on r/navy) Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning; Computers & Hardware; Consumer Electronics; DIY Electronics these are only the direct physiological effects. I am always surrounded by friends. I know that depression and anxiety are strongly correlated to suicide, and that intelligence is associated with depression and anxiety, so presumably yes. I found out the hard way that some of them had plastic handles. On the other hand, while starting a challanging degree would definitely hit the sweetspot, it's rather easy to run into a burnout having to manage the difficulties a challanging degree presents. I am quite content so far as my depression has vastly improved. I had a GPA of 3. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. It is the foundational work I do in comprehension (using AI tools) that gives me the capacity to analyze, evaluate and synthesize ancient texts into my modern life. Stretch. When the depression lifts, the brain function returns completely to normal. From father's they inherit Y chromosome which is not involved in intelligence. I'm just really worried about my car getting taken (I own it) if I file for bankruptcy because I live in an area where public transport isn't a viable option and I have to be able to get to work :/ I'm thinking maybe I should meet with a lawyer who specializes in And not feeling good, is pretty much the same as depression, in the way it feels (though that in itself is not a clinical depression, since getting something to do will make you feel good again). It has been difficult for me, as it has been progressive. There was 5. , rather than the time it takes to bang something out. The sources that back it up seems legit enough. Depression and anxiety are found to be associated with a hyper-inflammatory response via pro-inflammatory cytokines (Tian, Hou, Li, & Yuan, For me, depression and drinking were closely related. But, set your mind at ease. Or check it out in the app stores doomed in this life. Links between cognitive ability and depression have shown that it's a mixed bag. Anti-Inflammatory Action: By reducing inflammation and promoting a balanced immune response, probiotics create an environment less conducive to conditions like anxiety and depression. The general idea being that the faster and more complex your mind works, the more likely you are to realize every little thing that most others are blissfully ignorant to. I went ahead and got a nexus letter trying to link anxiety/depression to ptsd. However, the inter-relationships of neuroticism and intelligence for major depressive disorder (MDD) and psychological distress Smart people can often see the bad stuff coming and can also see that it really isn’t preventable unless people can be convinced to change their behavior and people can rarely be convinced to change their behavior. Background: Neuroticism is a risk factor for selected mental and physical illnesses and is inversely associated with intelligence. That is why you smile momentarily, but at night in bed you go down that sick, nauseating hateful roller coaster once again. Reply reply Related Reddit Ask Online community Social media Mobile app Meta/Reddit Website Information & communications I’ve been where you are. I go into black rages when my depression is at its worst. Weed makes me maybe 10% less motivated to do anything and supports avoidance from my feelings rather than sitting with them and dealing with my problems. Treating depression can increase IQ, and higher IQ seems to offer more ability to cope with factors inducing depression. The world and news is depressing. Someone asked how intelligence could possibly be linked to dying brain cells. Intelligence is posited to be mental ability divorced from education and training. I think at a certain point our brains become so wired to think of ourselves in a specific way, and we become so accustomed to living in that depressive mode, that when given the opportunity to break out or find something new we reflexively avoid it. knowing there are so many people in your situation is why i don't wanna live in this society anymore. Is there a direct link between a higher IQ and depression? Well, to start, higher intelligence doesn’t necessarily contribute to the development of any mental illness. The work also is one of the first to identify the specific cell types and genetic pathways tied to intelligence and mental health, potentially paving the way for new My depression created an alcohol abuse disorder which turned into an intense smoking habit when I got sober. Intelligence is just how long it takes you. My tv. I have been in a depression for at least three years. Invega though, that completely got rid of my depression. I am loosing my hairs too. Also do I really want to be the smartest person in the world? Then I would only have dumb people to talk to. You might be extremely smart, but lack the energy or desire to show it. You owe it to yourself to overcome your depression (I've also been diagnosed. . Anyone can be prone to depression but each type tend to deal with depression into different kinds of levels which we are going into a loop or a grip, and any kinds of unhealthy behaviors with poor coping mechanism. Intelligence ≠ common sense there are also many types of intelligence. Yeah, this isn't said enough. Starting with bad insomnia, whereas now it’s more stable but would say it’s a quite light sleep. Ambition is what gets you there regardless of how long it takes. I've come to terms with my depression and have found ways of beating it, but I know the truth still lurks waiting for me to let it back in. My estrogen patch will sometimes lift my mood slightly on the second or third 24 hours after applying. 365 votes, 63 comments. Btw not that crazy of an idea, because it's actually one of the symptoms of depression. Intelligence encompasses many levels, mental, physical, creative, social I try to practice stoicism, this has taught me to recognize and work with my emotional and social intelligence. Doom scrolling feeds the depression. That being said, it would be a grossly exaggerated false equivalency to say that because intelligent people are more likely to be depressed, all depressed people are more intelligent. I recognize it's mental illness taking over my brain and has nothing to do with intelligence (I've taken real IQ tests twice and scored pretty high, not that that I understand where you're coming from. However, little is known about the difficulties experienced among this population. Unfortunately chronic stress can That’s kind of true, but you have to sell on the perceived value of your choices, you have ‘expertise’ and experience and you’re hired to take the blame if what’s produced is shite. i’m not Intelligent people appear to live longer, but many of the genes behind brilliance can also lead to autism, anxiety, and depression, according to two new massive genetic studies. I break whatever stuff I decide I don't deserve. Much of the depression stems from injuries he had). 25 times the risk (and increase of 425%) for those of high intelligence of experiencing symptoms of major depression to the extent of suspecting either major Yet, it turns out that a high IQ is also associated with various mental and immunological diseases like depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, ADHD as well as allergies, asthma, and immune Intelligence is a critical and celebrated part of success. Prevention is better than cure so address the problem directly now with a medical professional. Take a walk, notice small things that bring you joy. The post needs to be worded differently though. I've been officially depressed for a few months now and unhappy for a few years longer. Researchers interested in advancing the study of depression and anxiety using Reddit data will benefit from further consideration of key insights and tensions contained within the main results, which are elaborated in the following 2 sections: (1) conceptual issues surrounding the interpretation of Reddit data with the medical model of mental I get depressed, I cry, and I even have tantrums. I echo everything that spezz_is_a_liar said. I've learn't that depression is not just a word. However, the inter-relationships of neuroticism and intelligence for major depressive disorder (MDD) and psychological distress The precise mechanistic pathways linking inflammation and depression remains to be elucidated, however, a plausible explanation is the disruption of neurotransmitters and neural networks distinct to depression. Anyway, I feel like im becoming As a person who is struggling with bipolar and depression I can tell you that your feeling is same as alot of other depressed people and luckily it can be fixed. Just realized I have an below average intelligence. But researchers also found less gray matter volume in people who were diagnosed with lifelong major depressive disorder but hadn’t had depression in years. 5 years and ~20 infusions later I’ve quit smoking weed, dropped 100 lbs, started a job I love (lost the last one due to inability to work due to depression), exercise daily, more connected to my family. I was glad to be alive. unfortunately, I had a dystonic reaction to it after taking it for a week, so I had to stop taking it, but that week of being depression free saved my life. Learning differences, anxiety, depression, etc. That got denied. Nowadays, my grades are failing, I have a hard time keeping up with conversation, and new ideas are difficult. It can come back. ) I'd say this is step 1 for you. Here's how to spot it in a person, and why it's so important to spot it. Way too many people think intelligence is innate, but it’s a skill like anything else. The work also is one of the first to identify the specific cell types and genetic pathways tied to intelligence and mental health, potentially paving the way for new Then last year, a little while after my 41st birthday, I started getting really depressed again - angry depressed. So in a sense, yes, IQ/intelligence are affected by depression. 46 votes, 15 comments. The It seems like a lot of smart people I know have MDD or clinical depression, and it seems to be long lasting. It is thought that measures of intelligence may influence a That's why it is depression. Hopefully, an intelligent human will try antidepressants and other proven ways to focus on the finer aspects to being alive! I always have to remind myself that how I think is how I am also going through the same thing. Sometimes the smarter/more aware of the world you are, the more helpless it Depression, anxiety, bpd, witnessed a helicopter crash and watched the pilots burn up and felt helpless because we weren’t trained for that and was one of the first ones out to the crash. You shouldn't even say your depressed if your simply circumstantially sad. Nah, I'd rather be able to lift a but when i lived in a really cold area, i had a roommate who i told to essentially force me to do things with her. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Someone with a low, average, or high IQ can develop depression. Provide him with a well thought conclusion of a plan whether it's good or bad and always end it with. Stress Response Support: Probiotics may modulate the release of stress hormones, potentially enhancing the body's ability to cope with stress and adversity. Reply reply Related Reddit Ask Online community Social media Mobile app Meta/Reddit Website Information & communications Don't know who needs to see this but had severe depression and suicidal thoughts from a young age and thought that anything other than that was abnormal. See a professional. Depression and borderline states actually tend to be subsumed under the heading of “narcissistic pathologies” in this The new article on depression at the top of /r/cogsci suggests depression is a degenerative brain disease, where your neurons are actually attrophying. Depression and anxiety negatively affect cognitive performance. Ongoing depression likely causes long-term changes to the brain, especially in the hippocampus. 224 votes, 380 comments. I have to believe it. ) The survey covered mood disorders (depression, dysthymia and So as for someone with high intelligence and ADD, not challanging themself enough results in a boreout which when undiagnosed can lead to depression. You aren't alone. According to all the videos I have seen and posts I have read I know that INFJs have a tendency to sadness, in fact it is often inspiring, it can give us depth; however, as is my case, if we lack meaningful personal relationships in our life, or internal survival tools or enough vital The reason that intelligent people are more depressed isn’t because they understand more, it’s because their minds exert more complete dominance over their being. SI gone almost immediately, mood lifted almost immediately. Very often there he would criticise people he met during his trips in Europe. Don’t think about things in the past. Intelligence appears to interact with neuroticism and mitigate its detrimental effects on physical health and mortality. (The average IQ of the general population is 100. Inflammation mediates the relationship between chronic stress and the evolution and progression of depression and comorbid conditions. 8. Focus improved, sugar cravings disappeared, and I was able to consistently go to the gym, etc. It's ambition that gets you to the right answer, not intelligence. Regarding the relationship between higher IQ and depression, this review has a -ton- of references to dig Posted by u/tumeteus - 176 votes and 96 comments BiPolar, depression, and ADHD runs rampant in the developer community – they tend to correlate with higher intelligence. science, business and more! We are now private in protest of Reddit's unfair Intelligence is correlated with depression and anxiety. Don't get me wrong, getting rid of depression is hard enough and honestly, seek professional help. Drink a big cup of water. Valheim We keep chasing happiness, but true clarity comes from depression and existential angst. Depression, from what I Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Or check it out in the app stores I think "Intelligence quotient" is definitely a misnomer. Drives me insane and makes me hate the human race even more. I Reddit. This condition reverts once you get rid of depression. In contrast, a higher pre-morbid intelligence was This paper proposes to analyse the relationships between depression and high intellectual potential through a multidisciplinary and original approach. Bad drivers. gave me hope for the first time in my whole life. If you mean a general sense of lethargy and irritability well those are symptoms of depression itself so they will improve directly as you treat your depression. I used to be sharp, in many ways I was above average even. Good point, Reis and Renzulli (2004) state that although existential depression (the kind of depression you have reported; feelings of helplessness and the general unimportance in the things you do) may be higher in those with higher cognitive functioning the problem solving skills and higher sense of achievement and satisfaction as a Intelligence is your mental ability to make sense out of things you want to make sense out of. Went through something similar. This actually makes it really easy for people with ADHD to develop a depression, especially when the ADHD also causes behavior that makes social I’ve been a physical caretaker for him even more than a mental one (or maybe equally so. However, sufferers of depression generally score, on iq tests, lower then they would had the been feeling better. I found that, in my case, the significant decrease in my symptoms Intelligence isn't the same at all as ambition. I started on 10mg 3 times a day, which was great and felt amazing. I'm fairly intelligent but used my intelligence to search for truth instead of going to school. Tell him what the situation is, give him advise on what to do or not to do . It has always been a struggle for as long as I can remember. Depression can be quite a vicious cycle when you also take into account biopsychosocial effects, such as diminished appetite and an overall sense of fatigue - which can in turn worsen the Depression and anxiety can increase the brains cortisol levels (a hormone that produces the flight or fight response; stress), but prolonged exposure to this hormone can damage and even shrink the brain. High intelligence and depression are linked, but low intelligence can go hand-in-hand with depression, too. 100 votes, 153 comments. But. fuck it. I recommend you visit a psychiatrist if you need mesication and then a psychologist for therapy. I feel like my depression is slowly taking me to a level where I'm no longer sad but slowly losing my mind. That might be why depression is so hard to treat in some people. It doesn't go away because depression goes away but amazingly severe depression where you're having a hard time with rudimentary function tends to go away for most people. My mom. Your thoughts are almost constantly negative, self-critical, and highly repetitive, focusing most of the time on one detail or scenario. VA verified an in service event and also verified I have anxiety/depression (likely started in service)and I was denied. There have been studies linking higher intelligence levels to anxiety at least. First i tried Vyvanse but my depression didnt feel any better nor did i feel like it helped at all adhd wise, not to mention the insane cost of it. And sadly, it is true. Currently on finasteride which is causing depression. Further, I know you hear the "many types of intelligence" thing and it feels a bit like copium, but it's actually really true. INTRODUCTION Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses and the influence of depression on society is a serious concern for public health communities. No specific triggers. I feel like I'm of moderate to higher intelligence and have very little tolerance for society on a whole. Or check it out in the app stores is there a link between intelligence and depression? It's related I think, intelligence makes people more self-aware which is what makes us more sensitive to I think it could be very harmful in big picture to correlate these two without going into nuances, as in depression, feeling hopeless is a big factor, with other difficult emotion so if it goes mainstream that depression is related to being less iq - in the head of person who is depressed, it can get far worse by shame, by feeling judged and so on Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. we also started baking more. And yes, I have been treated for Posted by u/iforgotmyaccou - 3 votes and 2 comments But humans on the other hand, have more intelligence, and thus can feel sad when another human dies, but a human can also comprehend much more forms of pleasure, like video games and watching TV. Hi OP, you sound just like me a year ago. They don't make you less intelligent, per se. Rather, they make it impossible to utilize your full intelligence. I For starters I'm in the navy (keep reading), I only posted this because I follow both branches and I don't wanna post on the navy Reddit and get doxxed if I admit I'm "depressed" by how overwhelming intelligence is sometimes. You're most likely going through a reactive depression right now, but don't do what I did and power through without any help as it then turned into a clinical depression and still persists despite not having worked there for over a year. Based on their respective Ever since I've had anxiety and depression it feels like my intelligence has just slipped away. What you're describing can happen to anyone; unwanted thoughts and often their intensity is common. The world is mostly lowest common denominator. Be kind to yourself. 5. I know toupee won't solve your main problem but atleast it will give you confidence. Hair loss is very depressing, who will know From what I understand so far, gut biome is a big factor in mental health. All of my dreams and goals have been tarnished by unlucky circumstances, primarily due to my inability to I feel like anxiety/depression cause me to get lost in my own thoughts, which makes it harder to concentrate and also makes me seem stupid to people I'm talking to sometimes. Your motivation, energy, and the ability to focus on task are severely limited. It stems from what MummyPanda's comment here said about constant mental activity being overwhelming, with the depression basically being a forced shutdown due to the literal "overheating" of your brain. However, there is indeed a certain predisposition towards excessive worry, self-criticism, and a distorted, usually negative, worldview. This is very common I promise, realistically though it does go away. Also diagnosed with OCD last year as well. virati explained it like this: Neuron number is only one part of the equation. true. Blog aeon. I fell in love with someone who is mentally ill and I thought I could save her with my love but I couldn't. American Psychiatric Association (APA) approximates that 6. Becuz depression doesnt fade away by itself neither does cancer or flu! If there is any correlation between high intelligence and depression/anxiety/substance abuse it could well be to do with 'not fitting in', and social issues - but it should be noted that despite the 'socially inept intellectual' stereotype, most intelligent Agreed, there are different sources of depression and those of us with endogenous depression (as opposed to depression over life circumstances) experience physical effects of the disease. The bad bugs in a poor gut biome can literally cause depression and anxiety (I see it as it's their way of getting you to feed the little bastards the crap food they crave). e. Depression and anxiety are found to be associated with a hyper-inflammatory response via pro-inflammatory cytokines (Tian, Hou, Li, & Yuan, Researchers interested in advancing the study of depression and anxiety using Reddit data will benefit from further consideration of key insights and tensions contained within the main results, which are elaborated in the following 2 sections: (1) conceptual issues surrounding the interpretation of Reddit data with the medical model of mental I get depressed, I cry, and I even have tantrums. Gaming. Never say that this is just "temporary" to a person who is depressed. But no, its a whole lower form of hell that I've been going through for the last few months. I found a way to just experience my changing moods without resistance, and I definitely believe that intelligence and depression are linked! However, as one gets older, your intelligence can help you discover ways to get through depression. I despise depression and hate that anyone else suffers through it. The only quoteunquote ""damage""""" that depression can do to your brain in the long run is literally that you will be mildly out of practice in doing complicated mental processes, something that you can get back very quickly with little effort if the depression lifts. I'm sorry you are not feeling well. Your intelligence is still there, it's just being obscured by depression right now. Reddit posts. It looks 95% real. Next i tried Dexedrine which i found helps both my symptoms and has made my depression so much easier to deal with. You can't cure him of depression just like you couldn't cure his cancer or diabetes. I spent the years 15-25 obsessed with a religious teacher and expected that to be my future. Men have one X chromosome they inherit from mothers only. Besides, what constitutes as intelligence anyway? On one hand, Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Hmm. Just anxious, angry, hopeless, feeling like a failure as a mom, wife, professional, daughter, you name it. A lot of gifted children have uneven development, and if left in an inappropriate environment can often develop social difficulties that follow them into adulthood. That is why it takes over and never leaves your head. I kinda got rid of my depression. Now I'm a 32 year old factory worker struggling to go to school for psychology while also dealing with major depression. Everything sets me off. Now, I start to isolate myself and may get my Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. It's not a continuous state caused by hormones like chronic depression but more of a cycle. high dopamine, low effort), is the easiest emotional soother for people with some anxieties or depressive symptoms. I do think some personality disorders are misdiagnosed. Yeah some people are born with “hyper-intelligence” just like anyone can have a natural talent, but it will go away if not practiced. He is pretty moody though, he's very self aware and gets depressed when he feels like his condition is interfering with his happiness. More like "Quick high pressure 2D shape and sequence pattern recognition index" And depression & self hatred because I knew how I was underperforming and that I had it in my to Depression has been a struggle for me the past 11 years. Fully disagree. You got this. Anxiety can be fueled by dehydration. Introversion is directly proportional to intelligence [2]. Depression can vary from short term circumstantial to permanent brain dysfunction. a higher pre-morbid IQ was associated with less CES-depression, less sleep difficulty, and better SF-12 mental health status at age 50. I expect it would help more if my depression weren't so bad. I discovered that I had a low tolerance for any type of emotional discomfort. I get that feeling a lot, too. I eventually did get a break, it wasn’t glamorous, it was a trainee job in the state government that paid $35k but I built a really good career from it. Facebook posts. 1M subscribers in the depression community. Depression from anxiety is a little different. I used to thing depression was something you say when your feeling down. His favorite TV show is the old Beauty and the Beast from the late 80s and he's told me that he strongly identifies with the Beast. Serotonin works to reverse it. Depression be damned, we got this, if not tomorrow, soon. In the comments, some asked for a citation. Widely considered one of the greatest works within the sci-fi genre, Dune has been the subject of various film and TV adaptations, including the Academy Award winning 2021 film Dune directed by Denis Villeneuve. For me it is a win-win, occupying my time in a productive way while reshaping my mind in ways that are good for me. Tell them that they're a good friend, etc. Hair loss is very depressing, who will know That’s kind of true, but you have to sell on the perceived value of your choices, you have ‘expertise’ and experience and you’re hired to take the blame if what’s produced is shite. The path to happiness is to center yourself in the ground of your being, and use thinking as a tool for solving problems. But I get up, work out, eat breakfast, crack my laptop, and start searching and applying more. There are a lot of comorbidities with high intelligence. It may seem silly, but a feeling of uselessness is a major contributor to depression. Then I take it out on whatever's closest. The smarter someone is, the more they are able to realize the reality of things and how terrible and hopeless they often are which leads to depression. One thing I can add to the conversation is that you are 100% intelligent enough to learn whatever you want. I wouldn’t chalk it up to “people with depression,” because depression can come in different forms, and can be caused by varying factors. Enduring torment from the parents both physically and mentally didn't help my lack of desire for existing. However, since it's a correlation (remember correlation is not causation) depression may also contribute to decreased cognitive ability. So yeah, I do think intelligent people consciously know ways that can help alleviate depression, but it takes more than external solutions to solve this mental illness unfortunately. I road rage hard. 1. Or check it out in the app stores But ever since depression, I'm lucky if I can learn and grasp even the most basic of concepts in school. personally, video games can help for a few hours. After they've helped you, shower them with thanks and praise. It took me 7 months to find my first job after college. Depression and anxiety are found to be associated with a hyper-inflammatory response via pro-inflammatory cytokines (Tian, Hou, Li, & Yuan, This post will identify 13 reasons why unless gifted individuals learn how to manage their intellect wisely, it can negatively affect their performance and, interpersonally, alienate those around Depression from anxiety is a little different. It's the whole thing "ignorance is bliss". High intelligence is touted as being predictive of positive outcomes including educational success and income level. I wonder how much of this is a coping mechanism for depression. Here it's not that costly. In many cases, these factors create These + the longitudinal study bobtentpeg mentions show that IQ is fairly well negatively correlated with depression. Very true. Links between IQ and various forms of depression have not shown a link despite efforts to study it. It’s depressing watching negative events unfold that you predicted. I’ve been where you are. I took it for like 10 years or something. Archived post. The more intelligent you are the more likely you are to be depressed. I actually just started a new medication that should help with manic tendencies so fingers crossed. Usually food, which these days is largely pleasurable and easily attainable (i. ) The survey covered mood disorders (depression, dysthymia and Thank you for your response. I like making bullet journals and journaling in general. If you are going to stay with him, that is what it Background: Neuroticism is a risk factor for selected mental and physical illnesses and is inversely associated with intelligence. All of the sudden, I decided to live with my depression. Additionally, there's mitochondrial DNA humans inherit only from mothers but I have no idea how that would have anything to do with intelligence. 3 months ago, my psychiatrist put me on Ritalin LA 30mg twice a Text classification; Mental health; Depression; Social media; Reddit I. I'd say there is a more of a correlation between intelligence and depression. Dune is a landmark science fiction novel first published in 1965 and the first in a 6-book saga penned by author Frank Herbert. More often than not, being proved right is really depressing. I remember how much relief and refueling I felt from doing one weekend away on a river trip with friends. I found that, in my case, the significant decrease in my symptoms According to an older study by Lewis Terman [1], the higher the IQ of a person, the higher the likelihood of social maladjustment, which could set the ground for depression due to loneliness among other factors. Long periods of heavy depression can do a lot of damage to your intelectual integrity. I got out in 2004. Rumination is repetitive. There is no backup plan; we're on our own. Specifically if you are intelligent The very intelligent know they're intelligent, so they're prone to setting lofty The survey covered mood disorders (depression, dysthymia and bipolar), anxiety disorders (generalized, social and obsessive-compulsive), attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism. So intelligence itself may be something of an abstract construct divorced from the real-world reality of particular skills. There was a very recent post where someone shared a screenshot claiming that depression and intelligence were correlated. The study, which involved a systematic review of nearly 8,000 research articles, now reveals evidence that depression is highly prevalent in both children and adults with autism. Being business minded is one of them, I can’t pull anything up right now because I’m brain dead, but I’d venture into claiming that you might actually have to be the slightest bit dumb to succeed financially (not talking upper middle class here). Or check it out in the app stores Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning; Computers & Hardware; Consumer Electronics; DIY Electronics ADHD is one cohesive disorder at its root, but it can manifest in myriad ways and symptoms on the surface. Depression is a real illness, and it's not your fault. But it's pretty clear for most tasks a moderately intelligent person with training will be strictly better than a highly intelligent novice. 9 percent of the population in the Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart. i’d also rewatch shows that i know i really loved just for the sake of having some familiarity and comfort. so many people have 0 fucking empathy or emotional intelligence. You won't be capable of being your best self until you face it head on. Introverted Judging and Perceiving dominant types (Fi,Ni,Ti,Si) are likely to become more depressed in my opinion. I was really depressed and felt worthless. My paintbrushes. When your brain doesn't function properly is the real depression. I recently got my mom out of a deep depression by forcing her to use her quilting talents to sell very high end custom masks. But a good gut biome won't do that to you, hence less to no depression and anxiety. Hope works in reverse to a person who is depressed. Peer support for anyone struggling with a depressive disorder My personal improvements on depression: Delete all social media. Had such severe anxiety that I couldn’t sleep and the doctor didn’t want me on sleeping pills. We need to separate the two as they are very different. There is a link between higher IQ (as in 135+) and some mental illnesses and conditions, such as Autism/ASD, ADHD/ADD, Anxiety(noticeably social and OCD) and depression.
Intelligence and depression reddit. Depression can screw with your discipline and motivation.