
Ssaa constitution. SSAA Newcastle Branch Inc.

Ssaa constitution Hard copy program booklets are also available for collection from the canteen, which also now have a QR code linking the book to the updated page on the website. The Society for the Study of Addiction (the Society) is established for charitable purposes and is constituted as a company limited by guarantee, governed by its Articles of Association and Byelaws. ipsc. In case you have missed the current Newsletter, see it here now. Public Officer on Incorporation or Adoption of the Constitution 1. 1 The SSAA Standard Rules are common to all SSAA Disciplines and the latest version of these Rules take precedent over the relevant rules in a SSAA SSAA ***** ***** ***** Inc v5b Page 4Constitution of of 18 “Disciplinary action” has the meaning given in clause 24. The AIHPA will be run in accordance with its rules – the constitution. More information and old photos will be added to this website as they come to hand. A full list of membership fees can be found here. 3. 16/10/2023 16/10/2023 Club Web Admin. Public liability protection for our sport has become increasingly difficult to obtain. 1 Preamble Whereas by the 32nd section of the Imperial Act passed in the session holden in the 13th and 14th years of the Reign of Her present Majesty 2, intituled “ An Act for the better Government of Her Majesty’s Australian Specimen Club Constitution We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Join us on Facebook. New Member Application Pack. To assist the club, Para has linked itself with the Office of Recreation and Sport’s Star Club Program and the National Government Play by the Rules Program. 50 (AUD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: July 1st No automatically recurring payments For an adult with children under the age of 18 years applying for membership with Alice Springs Shooting Complex and SSAA Alice Springs. IPSC. Join other shooters of all ages while you develop your skills. Sponsored by. The most important amendments proposed by the new Constitution and a full copy of the proposed Constitution draft is available to all SSA members for comment, prior to approving the final SSAA proof of membership as Mmembers of SSAA ACT. General sighting in is limited to the main range. We hope to see you online tonight! Adherence to the Constitution of SSAA National 1. 1 Adopted 24th August 2020 PDF - View in this window. LEARN MORE. Club Constitution 2018: As a result of the 2018 SSAA Oakdale AGM an updated Constitution was adopted as of the 25-7-2018. 00, which includes 5 shots and the accreditation. Please contact the canteen on 8289 69 18 to confirm that range space is available and an RO is present to sign off on the accreditation. Please contact us for more information. Ph: 08 8332 0281 Fax: 08 8332 0303 Freecall: 1800 808 608 (landline only) Unit 1, 212 Glen Osmond Road, Fullarton SA 5063 E: [email protected] National Accounts Office. ARTICLE 1 – NAME 1. Secretary – Damian Bochnicek 0417895814 damianbochnicek@yahoo. 1. This will provide you with your membership number and the expiration date of your membership, which The SSAA (SA) is a member of the SPORTING SHOOTERS ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED (SSAA National). The truth about handgun use in Australia. Article 1: This article talks about the name of the organization. After much discussion a resolution was passed at the 2022 SSAA (Qld. For specific shoot details please refer to the individual section programs. Rodney was an awesome help on the day, took us through the various caliber weapons and provided some awesome tips. With amendments at 13. 1. SSAA NSW Ltd has a proud history of participating in and conducting conservation and wildlife management activities. Range Facilities. Constitution Club Results Contact Us Range Pass Buy or Renew Member Login Mobile App Welcome to SSAA Newcastle Branch Inc. SSAA NT Constitution. secretary@ssaatownsville. 06 March 2011. As An excerpt from www. SSA Constitution. Constitution 9th October 1986 . The organization has several officers: President, Vice President,various Secretaries, Treasurer, Historian, Parliamentarian, Sergeant at Arms, and Advisors. SSAA Townsville Branch Inc. Eligibility: The instructions below go through the process for renewing your licence or purpose of use 1 for A,B and H at SSAA Para. The Protection is only suitable for a person with the objectives, financial situation and needs described above because: • it provides cover for the types of property loss or damage events that people in the Target Article 1: This article talks about the name of the organization. Visitors shooting outside of club competitions will also need to confirm with the club house if supervision is available. Hedland Sporting Shooters Club (SSAA)(W31) Inc . The discipline includes two categories: Classic Calibre for as-issued rifles in any centrefire cartridge produced up to 1938; and Open Calibre for rifles in any factory, handloaded or 2025 Range Fees. 19 February 2011. ” The Revised Constitution was adopted by the Registrar of Societies on 19 March 1997. 2025 Range Fees. Swimming South Africa (SSA) Eastern Cape Aquatics; The new Constitution is based on a typical SCIO format, which includes most of the elements of the current Constitution, but also identifies and proposes several amendments. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote I am often told that the latest results, for example, are not on the website sometime after I have posted them! I update the website frequently; therefore to be sure you are viewing the very latest page you should perform Thanks to the generosity of SSAA NSW, we have been able to modify the Emmaville Rifle Range to enable us to enjoy this style of shooting. Rifle Metallic Silhouette. 22 ‘Constitution’ - this Constitution, its provisions, the Appendices hereto, Bye-Laws, Rules, Policies, and due decisions and/or orders arising therefrom, as amended from time to time; 3. It was fantastic to see our branches respond very quickly with 100 percent of branch responses being supportive, allowing the conversion to occur ensuring SSAA NSW is able to remain focused on core business. Classes of Membership Adult Open to all persons eighteen (18) years and older who complete an application form and pay the current annual membership fee. Current Program. To foster a better environment for participation in the shooting sports. Home; About. 'Education for all campaign'), or SSA, is an Indian Government programme aimed at the universalisation of Elementary education "in a time bound manner", the 86th Amendment to the Constitution of India making free and compulsory education to SSAA members undertake to adhere to the following basic ethical requirements In accordance with the Associations Incorporation Act of 1981 and the Constitution the Club will conduct an Annual General Meeting (AGM) once per annum, in addition to With great sadness, we inform you that SSAA Victoria’s immediate past President, Denis Moroney, passed away on Friday, November 22. Range Rules. SSA Constitution SCOUTS South Africa Constitution SSA Organisational Rules SSA Organisational Rules Practice Note Rover Programme Age Limits 6 june 2019 SSA Draft Policies SSA Ratified Policies Adult Support Policy - August 2023v2 Adult Support Practice Note 01 - Appointment Process for all Roles in SSA Adult Support Practice Note 02 - Criminal Clearance If you have any questions pertaining to our constitution, please send an e-mail to constitution@ssa-aes. 1 The Association shall be called “SINGAPORE SWIMMING ASSOCIATION” (the “Association” or “SSA”). Opening Times SSAA Para is open ‍ 7 days a week between 10am and 4pm each day and ‍ 10am to between 4pm and 6pm on weekend (subject to RO Supervision) ‍‍Please note: this excludes Christmas Day and the morning of ANZAC day when the range is closed. It can can be found here Public Liability Protection. View Branch Page. Refund policy: Membership fees are not refundable, nor can they be transferred. MEMBERSHIP. We hope to see you online tonight! SSAA Insurance Brokers. 3 An Ordinary Member must have a minimum of 30 valid paying members, and be directly involved in promoting the aquatic activities through youth development programmes and participation in competitions and/or other related programmes. 15. Members of the SSA are committed to furthering the sport of sailing through the application of Information Technology. Governance and constitution maintenance 2024-12-23T12:04:55+00:00. com State Constitution Page 9 Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW) Constitution of Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (New South Wales) Inc. SSAA ACT Members, whose genuine reason is Club/Target shooting who need Club endorsement stamp and signature can do so at the Range Office Monday to SSAA ACT and its members are bound by this Code of Conduct and it applies to all SSAA ACT activities. THE J & W BRUCE RIFLE RANGE. SSAA Bracknell Inc. 26 September 2018. Constitution of the Semiotic Society of America Have you seen the Interview with our President Mr Paul Fitzgerald and the SSAA CEO Mr Tom Kenyon. The whole day was awesome, full of excitement every moment. org "IPSC shooting represents a new, exciting form of sport shooting and was established to promote, maintain, and advance practical marksmanship. The final part of our journey to convert was a requirement from AISC to make a minor amendment to the previously adopted constitution. 00 (AUD), prorated to $112. SSAA Herbert River Branch Welcome to SSAA Herbert River Branch (Q56), located at PO Box 128, Ingham Qld 4850. Range Fees of our current constitution and Clause 19 (n) Reference: The range fees Complex/SSAA - Adult Membership with Juniors U18 $225. SSAA STANDARD RULES – OFFICIAL NATIONAL RULES SSAA ACT Range Officers will be on duty during these times. Councillors of the new Council under the Constitution of the Singapore Shipping Association. SSAA Oakdale Club Constitution (in line with SSAA TAS v3. 1 Name The name of the Association is the SSAA Blue Hills Sporting Shooters Club INCORPORATED, hereinafter referred to as “S. T02. For more information please contact the club secretary or click here . Notice of Election (a) The Returning Officer must give notice to the SSAA (Vic) members of every election in one or more of the following: Constitution and Rules of SSAA Mutual The Constitution sets out the objectives of SSAA Mutual, its powers as a public company limited by guarantee (in the event of winding up) together with the rules governing eligibility of Members, election of directors and conduct of general and extraordinary meetings of Members. Association Incorporation Number - 23424 v5e New SSAA (SA) proposed Model Club Constitution – Approved April 27th 2022 v6a SSAA (SA) further modified 08/02/2024 administrative change adding Section 1. After the 2024 AGM, all membership fees will increase by $5. The SSAA (SA) is a member of the SPORTING SHOOTERS ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED (SSAA National). with their rights in SSAA Mutual’s constitution. We are recognised and supported as a nonprofit organisation. is a not-for-profit incorporated association, being the parent body of more than 75 branches throughout Queensland. Location: Off the Lincoln Highway, Whyalla Norrie Postal Address: PO Box 704, Whyalla SA 5600 Club Contacts: President – Roger Smith 0448751819 rogersmiff@gmail. The Association is a not for profit organisation 2. The State Constitution Page 9 Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW) Constitution of Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (New South Wales) Inc. 6. 4. SSAA (QLD) RANGE RULES. Versions of this Act (includes consolidations, Reprints and “As passed” versions) Subsidiary legislation made under this Act (current versions) History of this Act. S. 06 November 2024. The Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (Tasmania) Inc – representing firearm owners and proudly supporting the responsible use and storage of firearms for a safer community. Accountability. SSAA (QLD) RANGE STANDING ORDERS. Name The name of the Club shall be the “Hedland Sporting Shooters Club (SSAA)(WA) inc . Handgun ownership myth busting. 1 Any amendment to this Constitution shall be effected by a resolution passed in any General Meeting of members. Applications received from May to June 2024 with “Full Financial Year” payment will be valid until end of June 2025 Handgun Metallic Silhouette comprises three official matches, with each match subdivided into categories. Governing Documents "We the students of the University of Wisconsin-Stout, in order to provide for the development of an effective student democracy through responsible student participation in policy development, decision making, and the promotion of campus justice, do ordain and establish this constitution of the Stout Student Association. (SSAA) February Feb 01 Single (Western) Action Feb 05 NRA Target Pistol Feb 09 Lever Action Silhouette Feb 15 Blackpowder Rifle & Pistol Important Documents In 1983, SSAA (SA) Inc was created, and SSAA (Para Range) Inc came into existence as a branch. Membership: Membership of the AIHPA is not only restricted to licensed shooters. “General Meeting” means any general meeting of the Association Official text of the SSA Constitution preceded by a clickable table of contents for ease of navigation. CONSTITUTION . With more than 180000 members and 440 clubs the SSAA is the premier sports shooting body representing licensed owners in Australia. As a constituent part of the SPORTING SHOOTERS ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED the Association accepts and adheres to the Constitution of that body except where there shall be any inconsistency and in such case this Constitution or any matter or thing done pursuant to this Constitution shall h) employees of SSAA (WA); and i) organisations or groups utilising shooting ranges This policy will continue to apply to a person even after he or she has stopped their association or employment with SSAA (WA), if disciplinary action against that person has commenced whilst he or she was associated with or employed by SSAA (WA). You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings . Members and visitors are advised to call the range to check availability for general shooting/sighting in firearms as range space and SSAA National has introduced a new committee to look at range templates and how we can manage our ranges to remain operational and accessible into a long future. Action Match; SSAA Queensland Constitution; Farmer Assist; Ipswich City Pistol Club; SSAA Conservation & Wildlife Management; SSAA Queensland; QLD Police Weapons Licensing; Queensland Shooters Supplies: Address: 266 Brisbane St, West Ipswich QLD 4305, Phone: (07) 3202 2111; Contact Us. 15 ALTERATIONS TO CONSTITUTION. History; Constitution; SSA Bye-Laws; SSA Safeguarding Policy; Committees Refund policy: Membership fees are not refundable, nor can they be transferred. SSAA Para strives to provide a safe family friendly environment. We now offer a range of shooting events and competitions for members and visitors to enjoy, The 2025 combined range calendar and individual section programs are now available on the SSAA Para Website. Standing Orders. Checks will be done frequently throughout the year by the Secretary. The legal backing to SSA was provided when free and compulsory education for the children in the age group of 6-14 was made a fundamental right in the Indian Constitution under Article 21 A. au Sports Shear Australia Association is the governing body for competition shearing and wool handling in Australia. Blue Hills”. > endobj 3 0 obj > endobj 7 0 obj > endobj 8 0 obj > stream xœì½ ¨e×y÷·#ÆÒ )êò؆c Û » "ÃD™¤ kl‰àÖ-µ^[ ÛÊ ÿ è -Ñ[ ù§Ø`ÊH~Õ¼)¸r V= ! nZ üb *¸ˆ Iµ ïm,;—0#_G“y‘Ç åÆÈp“(pû}žÏZÏ^{í½ÏÜù%Í 9‹3gÎ=gŸ}ö^ëyÖóûûìì¬Æj¬Æj¬Æj¬Æj¬Æj¬Æj¬Æj¬Æj¬Æj¬Æj¬Æj¬Æj¬Æj¬Æj¬Æj¬Æj¬Æj¬Æj¬Æj¬Æj¬Æj¬Æj¬Æj¬Æj SSA Constitution 2023v1 6 b. The Sailing Software Alliance (SSA) is an unincorporated association of companies, partnerships, and individuals, who wish to co-operate in their activity of supplying software to the sailing community. Discuss the importance of various provisions and how they impact our community. Due to ongoing issues with Public Liability Insurance, many Associations have struggled to obtain the appropriate Insurances. It can can be found here. Big Bore. These activities elicit the knowledge, skills and attitudes of our members to help protect and preserve our native wildlife and the environment. 1 The objectives of the Association are:- (a) To promote, encourage, organise and develop Swimming, Diving, Water Polo, Review the Draft SSAA Sydney Branch Constitution. 00 to $60. Pages 14 and 15 of 57. Annual fees include: Alice Springs Shooting Complex ($100) and S. DETAILS OF THE ASSOCIATION 1. SSAA Para has an extensive range certificate, which allows our members and visitors to move around and participate in many types of activities, meet new people and try new things. Constitution. The amendments to the text of the Constitution were inserted in the original text by staff of the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS), as Parliament does not publish updated official texts of the Constitution. What you will receive after application: Within 3 working days, we shall email (please check your Junk/Spam folder if email does not arrive) or post you out a letter confirming your membership. ) State AGM to seek an alternative insurance coverage to protect all SSAA (Qld. 23 ‘Days’ - full calendar days, inclusive of public and other holidays; 6 The 2025 combined range calendar and individual section programs are now available on the SSAA Para Website. The current version of the SSAA (Queensland) Inc. . Review the Draft SSAA Sydney Branch Constitution. Denis served on the SSAA Victoria Board of Management for twelve years and as the Association’s President between 2014 and 2022. " Article 2: This article describes the objectives and purposes of the organization: The organization's goals are in line with the mission and objectives of the Special Programs/Search for Education Elevation and Knowledge and Medgar Evers College of the City University of New Section 1 – name of Association Corresponds with SSAA ACT full name as registered for ABN Section 5 – roles and responsibilities of Section 16 – Amendment of Rules/Constitution Previously headed ‘Rules and By-Laws’ under Section 16 of 2013 version. Direct Hit Newsletter. The branch President is Don Stevens. What is Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)? It is a flagship programme of the government of India, that was started in 2001, to achieve the Universalisation of Elementary Education (UEE). SSA-AÉS, 140 Louis-Pasteur Private, Suite 023 (MRN 023), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 613-562-5800 x 6179 info@ssa-aes. Download the Constitution. " Article 2: This article describes the objectives and purposes of the organization: The organization's goals are in line with the mission and objectives of the Special Programs/Search for Education Elevation and Knowledge and Medgar Evers College of the City University of New 15 December 2024 - Michael Houlie and Chris Smith became the first South African pair to line up in the same 50m breaststroke final at the World Short Course Swimming Championships since 2016 in Budapest on Sunday. #SwimmingSA faces a major legal challenge that could redefine membership rights and implications of its constitution. SSAA (National) was established in 1948 to represent the interests of Sporting Shooters. The SSAA has a presence in each state and territory – each having its own association, with more than 200,000 members belonging to one of these. th. October 2013 . Read more. 6. SSAA Victoria Defending and growing shooting and hunting in Victoria Services Springvale Range Eagle Park Range Hunters & Pest Control Victorian Shooter Sporting Shooters Association of Australia Membership & Enquiries Unit 3/26 Ellingworth Parade Box Hill VIC 3128 Constitution. Per clause 24 of the 2023 Constitution, the President and Secretary executive committee positions shall be up for election for a 2-year term (2024 being an EVEN year). Central Gauteng Aquatics; Northern Tigers Swimming; Eastern Gauteng Aquatics; Sedibeng Aquatics; West Rand Aquatics; Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) # 059-760. ARTICLE 2 – OBJECTIVES 2. Index. DEFINITIONS 2. SSAA Oakdale Membership Pack – includes all the required forms to join (and a couple of extras!) Operation & Governance Documents. Unfortunately QLD members are not able to sign-up for Direct Debit please contact your State Office. constitution and rules of the relevant Disciplines/Clubs/Sections. Since then, the Constitution had undergone some changes. SSAA Oakdale’s guidelines to life on the range. Members of SSAA Queensland are advised/asked not to participate in social media networks in such a way that harasses, discriminates or treats unfairly or inappropriately any other person. AIMS: The aims and objectives of the Association are: i) To be involved in the discussion and development of all matters relating to the interests CONSTITUTION OF SINGAPORE SWIMMING ASSOCIATION 1. C O N S T I T U T I O N O F T H E U N I T E D S T A T E S . Initially there needs to be an overhaul of the national constitution which no longer meets the requirements of an organisation of our size and complexity. ) Inc. SSAA BRANCH TRANSFER FORM. 07 April 2011. The name of the incorporated association is SPORTS SHEAR AUSTRALIA ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED. download. This will provide you with your membership number and the expiration date of your membership, which Article 1: This article talks about the name of the organization. The proposed constitution changes were not adopted a copy is available here. Ph: 02 8805 3900 Fax: 02 9832 9377 PO Box Our constitution and by-laws are available upon request. Also, see specific roles at the end of this document. OBJECTS A. 1 The name of the Public Officer at the time of incorporation or adoption of this Constitution is set out in Item 3 of Schedule 1. Constitution - PDF - View in new window - printable - PDF - View in new window - printable Section 14. CONSTITUTION OF SSAA CONSERVATION AND WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT (SA) INC. In this Constitution unless inconsistent with the context, the masculine includes the feminine, the If you are interested in pursuing a shooting discipline, consider membership with the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (SSAA) Alice Springs Branch Inc. com. State organisations (including SSAA NSW Ltd) were established from the 1950s and state processes are managed by a board, president, CEO and full-time staff. Skip to Content SSA: Who We Are The 2025 combined range calendar and individual section programs are now available on the SSAA Para Website. Disciplines. " Article 2: This article describes the objectives and purposes of the organization: The organization's goals are in line with the mission and objectives of the Special Programs/Search for Education Elevation and Knowledge and Medgar Evers College of the City University of New You are being redirected to the SSAA Queensland Membership Portal. #LegalBattle #SAConstitution Statement of purposes. Gauteng Aquatics Districts. Created Date: 12/10/2019 3:38:49 PM SSA Constitution by Dorla Grant. Any breaches of the SSAA ACT Code of Conduct may be dealt with in the process described in s14(j) of the SSAA ACT Constitution, which, after fair hearing, Contact Details. With over 40,000 members, SSAA Victoria is the state’s largest body representing licensed firearms owners. 00. Lead recovery guidelines Constitution of SSAA Adelaide Target Shooters Club Inc v5e Page 4 of 18 “Disciplinary committee” has the meaning given in clause 24. SSA Article 1: This article talks about the name of the organization. An updated application pack including: * SSAA Oakdale (T01) Information sheet The 2025 combined range calendar and individual section programs are now available on the SSAA Para Website. Sporting Shooters' Association of WA. Name of the Association The name of the Association shall be “Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (New South Wales) Inc”. " Article 2: This article describes the objectives and purposes of the organization: The organization's goals are in line with the mission and objectives of the Special Programs/Search for Education Elevation and Knowledge and Medgar Evers College of the City University of New Please read the Brightly shooting Complex Standing Orders, Range Rules and the SSAA Mackay Branch Constitution before signing and submitting your application/renewal. Daily range fees have will also increase on the 1st of January by $5. This document outlines the constitution of the Secular Student Alliance (SSA) organization at College of the Desert. It is not an official A primary school book published under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Punjab. Redirecting to Direct Debit The Association has been working with our solicitors on this matter to develop a new Constitution to transition the Association from our current status under the Associations Act to become a CLG under the A SSAA Sydney Branch 2024 AGM will delayed this year due to the Association’s requirement to move to a CLG. Facebook. Welcome to SSAA Tasmania. txt) or read online for free. This is important as this covers your insurance, and the ability to shoot in matches. After much discussion a resolution was passed at the Air Rifle Field Target is a simulated field-shooting discipline that caters to springer and precharged pneumatic (PCP) air rifle shooters. Collaborate with the SSAA Sydney Branch leadership team to refine the document. Field Rifle. Junior Shooting Program. Branches . 5 “not-for-profit association” – thApproved July 20 2024 Constitution Act 1889: 25 Nov 2021: Current: 06-g0-00: Official Version: Word: HTML: Purchase. Lot 2 Rifle Range Road, Hervey Range, QLD 4817 ©2020 by SSAA Townsville Branch Inc. SSAA STANDARD NATIONAL RULES REVISED 2021 No. Club Combined Calendar The club combined calendar summaries all the activities across the 10 ranges. 17 September 2012. Breaches of the SSAA (Qld. The 2023 SSAA Darwin Branch AGM will be held on Monday 9th December in the clubhouse in the boardroom. Clarifies process for rule/Constitution changes including notice SSAA Para has been recognised as one of the first 40 sporting clubs and the first shooting club in South Australia to complete the Office Recreation and Sport’s Star Club Program. Download. “General Meeting” means any general meeting of the Association including the SSAA Para offers SSAA Members the opportunity to gain accrediting to the SSAA Farm Assist Program. Share your thoughts, concerns and suggestions on the proposed changes. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (Hindi: सर्व शिक्षा अभियान, lit. Constitution Constitution - Version 3. Social Media Policy or Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action by SSAA Queensland. Every member has individual freedom of thought and action in political matters, if the aims of any political party to which he or she may give allegiance do not conflict with those expressed in this Constitution. DETAILS OF THE “ssaa (sa)” means sporting shooters association of australia (SOUTH AUSTRALIA) INCORPORATED, being the South Australian State representative body of the SSAA National. Lever Action is a shooting discipline that caters exclusively for lever-action rifles. BRANCH CONSTITUTION Mount Isa 1. SA National & Provincial. " Our brand, SSAA NSW, December 2023 is the first time we have had a discipline matter under our new state CLG constitution, I believe it is also the first time the review committee (previously the appeals committee) have had cause to meet, which was in January this year. doc), PDF File (. 3 – Adopted 22/08/2021 Page 5 of 28 1. NT Associations Act. These cost of the accreditation is $10. 9. UNSW SSA is supported and held accountable by Arc@UNSW. 2020: There was a motion before the 2020 AGM to update the SSAA Oakdale Constitution. (2) SSAA ACTThe Association recogniszes the membership of those members of other SSAA State and Territory Associations but excludes voting rights to those members in relation to SSAA ACT Council, other meetings or nomination for the Executive Committee. org. The Sporting Shooters' Association of Australia promotes the shooting sports and protects firearm owners' interests. However, when members shoot regularly with our sections then access can be given to use our other ranges for practice. By-Laws focus on internal operations, addressing matters such as meetings, elections, financial management, dispute S. 3. SSAA Oakdale Pistol Club Inc. To be determined at the SSAA ACT Inc Annual General Meeting 10 November 2024 Proposed Motion as supported by the SSAA ACT Inc Council, October 2024. SSAA and Greens MP David Shoebridge debate firearm ownership on Triple J radio. Important information for all SSAA Queensland Members. 668 E Seaham Road East Seaham, New South Wales Australia, 2324 02 4988 6110. A case initiated by a #SouthAfrican parent after their child was initially excluded from a team could set a significant precedent for sports law. 2 / 2023) SSAA Oakdale Club Policy & Safety Rules. info@ssaanewcastle. of the United States . NAME: The name of the Association shall be: “Scottish Safeguarders Association” hereinafter referred to as the “Association”. B. 14) Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (South Australia) Inc Constitution – 2 April 2022 Page 2 of 31 Table of Contents 1. ARTICLE 1 . 2. The Association accepts and adheres to the Constitutions This document is the constitution for a Company limited by guarantee incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 (the Act) of the Commonwealth of Australia and contains the rules Constitution or any matter or thing done pursuant to this Constitution shall prevail. Crossbows prohibited in Western Australia. This edition of the SSA Constitution contains the latest amendments approv ed by the Registrar of Societies. SSAA exists today in its capacity as a national body representing law-abiding firearms owners. The Sporting Shooters’ Association of Australia (SSAA) was established in 1948 in order to promote the shooting sports and protect firearm owners’ interests. 2018: As a result of the 2018 SSAA Oakdale AGM an updated Constitution was adopted as of the 25-7-2018. “Full Time Student Membership” has the meaning given in clause 5. Along with safety and shooting fundamentals, we follow the legal responsibilities of firearms ownership, and practice correct firearms use. Constitution of SSAA Adelaide Target Shooters Club Inc. pdf), Text File (. au. State Constitution provides details and procedures for membership of the Association and must be read in conjunction with this policy document. The discipline includes five firearm classes: Open Air Rifle, Open PCP, Open Springer, International PCP and International Springer, with shooters aiming to hit reactive ‘fall-when-hit’ targets of various sizes at often unknown ranges from 8 to 50m. 3 of the SSA constitution reads, “Any Individual Member, Club, District or Affiliate taking legal action against SSA without following the dispute resolution process, will have their Every South African a Swimmer. Our wide variety of activities include firearms safety training, target shooting, Constitution or any matter or thing done pursuant to this Constitution shall prevail. Annual reports. Big Bore matches require the use of centrefire handguns to knock down the almost life-sized targets, which are placed as follows: chickens at 50m, pigs at 100m, turkeys at 150m and rams at 200m. The Sporting Shooters’ Association of Australia (SSAA National) is happy to work with any political party or parliamentarian on sensible, workable firearms policy. The Association is bound by section 25 of the Associations Incorporation Act 1985. No member of SSA may influence or involve SSA in any policy or delegates such Member is allowed by the Constitution to be present at any General Meeting. SSAA SA Inc Constitution V12C Approved 2 April 2022 and 25 November 2023 (Re-lodged Dec 2023 incl amendment 3. Constitution Act 1889 An Act to confer a Constitution on Western Australia, and to grant a Civil list to Her Majesty. NAME INCORPORATED this Branch accepts and adheres to the constitutions of those bodies except where there shall be any inconsistency and in such case this Constitution or any matter or thing done pursuant to this Under the SSAA Para constitution it is required that you retain your SSAA membership whilst you are a member of SSAA Para. SSA Constitution April 2015. Blue Hills Constitution Revision No. 2 The Group proposing such a resolution shall, at least 30 days prior to the date of the General Meeting, SSA Constitution - Free download as Word Doc (. Change State OK . “Family Membership” has the meaning given in clause 5. Those roles remain the same today. 2 Office Location Sports Shear Australia Association is the governing body for competition shearing and wool handling in Australia. ARTICLE 2 . SSAA SA Inc Constitution; SSAA SA Inc Disciplinary By-Law 1; About. Executive means the executive group of the Board, being the President, Senior SSAA Newcastle Branch Inc. Per clause 23 of the 2023 Constitution, The SSAA (SA) is a member of the SPORTING SHOOTERS ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED (SSAA National). " Article 2: This article describes the objectives and purposes of the organization: The organization's goals are in line with the mission and objectives of the Special Programs/Search for Education Elevation and Knowledge and Medgar Evers College of the City University of New SSAA Para conducts shooting 16 shooting disciplines across its 9 ranges and has had many members represent us at interclub, state, national and international level. N National Score Centre Fire Multi Gun 2nd September 2023 SSAA Newcastle Branch Inc. 4. Administration is handled by the State Office which and revised by the SSAA National Discipline Chairman’s Conference and National Board, and approved and ratified by the SSAA Inc National Board. We encourage visitors, new members or experienced shooters to participate in with our sections as it is an excellent way to improve your skills and meet new people. The purposes of SSA are to promote rational, scientific examination of the universe and humanist ethics through skeptical inquiry, community, and Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is Government of India's flagship programme for achievement of Universalization of Elementary Education (UEE) in a time bound manner, as mandated by 86th amendment to the Constitution of India making free and compulsory Education to the Children of 6-14 years age group, a Fundamental Right. For general sighting in it is recommended to also contact the club house to confirm if space is available. ) Members. T01. A. SSAA Glen Innes is an association of almost 200 Northern NSW Tablelands firearm owners, who choose to be Sporting Shooters Association of Australia members, for the many benefits offered. constitution are entitled to vote in the election, provision for the postal balloting process is to be made such that the cut-off for eligibility is to be set at fourteen (14) months prior to the AGM. 2. Results. Much of the debate around firearms on a federal level has involved thinly veiled anti-gun messages amid discussions of improving public safety. The name of the incorporated association shall be: “Sporting Shooters’ Association of Australia (Mount Isa Branch) Inc” Objects 2. SSAA Queensland, in conjunction with Steadfast ART Limited, commenced a Discretionary Mutual Fund (DMF) to ensure Queensland members are protected from the uncertainty and ever-increasing costs of obtaining public liability now and in the future. “Disciplinary committee” has the meaning given in clause 24. c. doc - Google Drive Sign in SSAA (Qld. SSAA WA wins handgun amendments. The 2025 combined range calendar and individual section programs are now available on the SSAA Para Website. NAME AND NATURE 1. It's called "The SEEK Student Association. The constitution, policies, and resolutions of meetings, will be used by the association in the best interests of the AIHPA objectives. 5. These include an opportunity to enjoy 1 August 2013 SCOTTISH SAFEGUARDERS’ ASSOCIATION CONSTITUTION . Long Arms (A,B) Long arms licences are either 1, 2, 3 or 5 years. If anyone has photos or documents from the early days of Para Range, digital copies would be very much appreciated. If you have any questions regarding the branch or upcoming events, please get in touch with us via the following contact details. Scoped 3-Positional Rifle. The branch Secretary is Brett Grant. au We exist to promote the shooting sports and protect firearms owners’ interests. Branch Constitution; P650 (new) form; Process for New Shooters Licence; Range Commands and Procedures; Range Rules; Safe Shooting Course Guide; If you can't find the information you are looking for please feel free to contact us and we will try to help you find the information for you. The objects SSAA Sydney Branch Constitution October 2024 Page 3 Dispute Notice has the meaning given in Schedule 5 . 4 CGA Constitution Update July 2018 3 DEFINITIONS The following definitions shall apply to this Constitution: ‘Affiliate Member’ – refer to the definition of ‘CGA Affiliate’ ‘Aquatics’ – the disciplines of diving, masters, open water swimming, swimming, artistic swimming and water polo ‘Aquatics Gauteng (AG)’ – the provincial body which is an Affiliate Member of SSA SSAA Para is open ‍ 7 days a week between 10am and 4pm each day and ‍ 10am to between 4pm and 6pm on weekend (subject to RO Supervision) ‍Please note: this excludes Christmas Day and the morning of ANZAC day when the range is closed. ‍Members and visitors are advised to call the range to check availability for general shooting/sighting in firearms as Article 1: This article talks about the name of the organization. With amendments till 25 th November 2000 . The Association accepts and adheres to the Constitutions of those bodies except where there shall be any inconsistency and in such case this Constitution or any matter or thing done pursuant to this Constitution shall prevail. With 35 Clubs, SSAA SA caters for the needs of Rifle, Handgun and Shotgun Shooters. ; The purposes for which the incorporated association is established are:-To facilitate National Shearing and Woolhandling Championships The 2025 combined range calendar and individual section programs are now available on the SSAA Para Website. SSAA Whyalla Shoot Program. Constitution Club Results Contact Us Range Pass Buy or Renew Member Login Mobile App Club Results. qwmmcyi aptmndga qgmi kudpsi qplgx brwx mzpha pivz odeblzi vrduf