Test npp anavar cut. This is a good lean/bulk cycle.
Test npp anavar cut I’m 35yo male 5’6 and about 165-170lbs right now. Added anavar and hgh to my try and My current plan for a cycle is 50mg Anavar ED for 6-8 weeks plus 300mg Test E for 12 weeks in a slight calorie deficit , will the test help with the leaning out or is there something else I can do Ive cut on test npp and bulked on test npp all I did was change diet. Taking orals do more damage then injectables Test, NPP, Anavar cycle critiques. Both previous cycles consisted of Test Cyp and Anavar. Water retention isn’t too high but strength gains are good. I cut on 150 mg just fine. So my blood work is good atm. I was going to run Mast in Primo’s place The reasoning behind the anavar was because I've never cut immediately after a blast like this and anavar is known for its muscle sparing properties. The other will be . Caber . Mast. Régime dukan phase d attaque, test npp anavar Régime dukan phase d attaque, test npp anavar - Acheter des stéroïdes anabolisants légaux Régime dukan phase d attaque Les BAIES DE GOJI : dès la phase d& Hey all, This will be my 1st log ever, sorry for my language. I‘m aiming for fat loss and muscle gains in a slight caloric deficit. I want to get diet on point About 75% through my cycle. Search media. So looking for recommendations. Great cycle for me. Media. Right doses: 150mg Test (Prochem but switching to Testolic when it arrives) eod 150mg NPP (WC) eod Anavar 100mg ed Prov 50mg ed Anyone done a My goal is to cut my bodyfat from 18 to 8% until july. You can also run var at 100mg/ed no problem. I'm planning on doing as follows-Weeks 1 - 4: 75mg Anadrol ED; Letro 1mg EOD-Weeks 1- 12: 500mg NPP; 600mg Test PP; Pinning every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; Letro . New posts Search forums Advanced search. Usually do test npp and mast cycles but wanted to try something new. Added HGH and NPP/Decca and it was a life saver! Long as u have a test base, just stay under that number 2:1 is the standard but can go higher. 5 mg x 2 a week. Had no side effects from the cycles apart from water weight. 300 test weeks 1-16 possibly bumping it up to 400 (depending on estrogen sides) after week 6 On the cut 300/400 test Weeks 1-8 300 masteron weeks 1-8 Anavar 25mg daily the last 6 weeks The cut might be more gear heavy than needed for the goals. Thread starter JUSTATHLETE; Start date Jun 15, 2019; 1; 2; Next. I cycled sarms from Dec 2021-August 2022 (LGD, RAD, S4, S23, Ostarine, some prohormones) and I have been on 250mg-450mg of test since September of 2022. It's a sculptor. I didn’t like it at 400mgs a week, felt like I wasn’t on anything (verified primo too not some bunk stuff). Hcg 250 iu x 2 a week. Earlier, I compared NPP to Tren. You don't need gear to grow and likely aren't big enough to justify it. Nothing crazy. Please critique my cycle and advice where necessary. 500 Test, 500 Primo, 300 NPP, 200 Mast P & Anavar Test & Primo E3. You can cut fine on TRT doses. If I go higher than test on the primo itll For an 8 week cut not utilising tren, for myself would be titrate up over 4 weeks to 400mg test, 150-250mg mast, anavar or winny for last 4 weeks. Thanks in before hand. No hair issues personally. I stayed clean for about a Chose anavar because of its “safer” properties and from advice it’s supposedly quite a good anabolic for cuts and bulks when stacked with test. I’m about to finish a cycle of 540 test / 600 primo / 150 deca with 50mg anavar last 8 weeks, 20mg accutane everyday. ? I’ve thought about running just test/Tren and having anavar in there the first 4 weeks and last 4 weeks. Studies on NPP show that eod is perfectly fine. When comparing Anavar and NPP, there are some key differences to consider. im pretty active in multiple german bodybuilding/steroid forums and in general they say that test always trt dosage with nandrolone/19nors. animal71 Banned Currently on 150mg test e per week (trt), gonna be throwing in 400mg npp (high test gives me estrogenic problems and shedding). Forget about proviron, has nothing to do with NPP 300mg 100units 3 times a week Mon, Wed, Fri. Thanks Roger. This will be my first cycle in over a year due to some injuries. I am going to keep the Test P and NPP doses the same for 2 weeks then was thinking of lowering the NPP down to maybe 250 and the Test down to maybe 400 to help lose some of the water. Test Npp/Deca EQ anavar dbol anadrol winstrol tren Tren is the only one comparable in terms of how much muscle tissue (not weight, not LBM, but contractile tissue) it puts on. check that liver enzyme count as well anytime you pill it i noticed you have run test with anavar. 2whole eggs 6 egg whites and 1/3 cup cream of rice. Anavar and primo are used in completely opposite ways to test I've decided to keep a log for my current cutting cycle, having previously completed a successful cycle with testosterone and Anavar, followed by PCT. Assuming the first 10 weeks were successful, you should be down to 205 Fuck the primo unless your cutting or already at a lower bf, up that test to 350-500 between that range and bump up the npp. Benefits of Test and Anavar Cycle . In about 2 weeks I am going to add in some Anavar (50mg daily). would look to have some caber on hand npp can cause prolactin sides quickly Love primo cause it makes me like a sculpture of a greek god. ; Fat Loss: Anavar can aid in fat reduction, especially when complemented by an According to studies, anavar has diminished returns after 60mgs. Accutane helped keep acne away and deca helped keep joints from feeling like glass. Some may find a 1:1 ratio Test Prop: 100mg EOD NPP: 150mg EOD TenAce: 200mg EOD Anavar: 60mg ED Adex: . I read somewhere (can’t remember where, but I think it was from an older thread on this forum) that a good starting dose is 2mg/lb/wk (would be 480 mg/wk for me) but I thought that sounded high, I even got a recommendation from a buddy to do 300-400 mg/wk. Excellent libido and energy and general sense of well being. As a beginner in the world of steroid usage, embarking on a Test Anavar cycle can be an exciting but potentially overwhelming experience. When considering dosages for Test E and NPP, starting with 400mg per week for each compound is a fair beginning point. 1 of 2 but I’ve been screwing around with my AI dose and pushing test and NPP high, and I am getting lean fast. Good luck Test P -90mg ED - 630mg/week Mast P -60mg ED - 420mg/week NPP-60mg ED - 420mg/week The doses seem weird because I’m going to use slin pins which means I’ll be doing 2 small injecting each day. 5mg eod when needed. I also heard I’m currently 5’8 170lbs. i remember the report was saying medications like anastrozole, clomid, caber etc were not faked most of the time. Dbol, Test, EQ, Anavar It does not stack well with Tren and especially Anadrol Here are some good cycle suggestions: Fast Acting Classic Test/Deca/Dbol cycle: W1-6: Dbol 30mg ED W1-6: NPP 150mg EOD Test(Sustanon) 700mg weekly NPP 450mg weekly Week 9: Test(Sustanon) 700mg weekly Anavar 50mg daily Week 10: Test(Sustanon) 700mg weekly Anavar 75mg daily Week 11-12: Test (Sustanon) 700mg weekly Anavar 100mg daily Approved Log My Cut Before Thanksgiving Cycle Log dominion7; Aug 17, 2024; Anavar Or Primo for building most muscle on a bulk nsfw r/PEDs • Posted by u/jackboxer123. Probably would look to do something like 300 test C, 280 NPP, and 150 tren ace. I am very satisfied with the results. ; Quality Muscle Growth: This cycle can facilitate the development of lean muscle tissue devoid of water weight. 9cc Test P. Are you getting erectile dysfunction? Depression? 200mg of NPP with 400 test gave me ED, but 200mg of actual deca didn't. Reply reply im on a cut rn but only 200mg test e per week🤣😵 I ran test/NPP/var @ 525/350/350 for 14 weeks (well var was only the last 6 weeks) and had incredible results from it. You will look 10 times better and feel alot better. 1ml npp ed with the trt test and your good to go imo. dose look good on primo, test and NPP. I don't use any of those compounds anymore there really weak compared to others but Why not just add Anavar to your previous NPP TEST Cycle and actually cut some the water out. Your body is fresh and you'll respond very well to test while avoiding additional sides. XXXstripR New member. A lean/cut cycle would be more like 375mg/wk of Test + 100mg/eod of Mast + 100mg/eod of Primo + winny for the last 6 weeks OR 375mg/wk of Test + 100mg/eod of Tren + 100mg/eod of Mast + 6wks of Winny. Cut Long 300; Cut Mix 150; Cypionat 250; Deca 300; Deca 500; Enantat 250; Enantat 400; EQ 200 / Test E 200; EQ 300; EQ 500; Helios; Masteron 100; Masteron 200; NPP 150; Parabolan 100; Primobolan 100; Primobolan 200; With masteron, I usually run it 1:1 with test or even test a tad bit higher. 25 - 3 times a week Mon, Wed, Fri Aromasin 12. my mid section needs a bit of work but overall I am in a happy place but unsure whether I should cut or bulk. I take my HCG 24-36 hours before my next shot of Test. You’ll get Do your own research. From personal experience and current cycle, I’m on 400mg test E, 300mg NPP, 25mg anavar, 50mg winstrol. for an 8-week test prop/NPP cycle, you'd quit the nandrolone after Week 7. believe me, the first 3 weeks of my cycle wasnt fun and I was running a prop kicker, it just wasnt giving the Currently 4-weeks into: test (800mg/week) Primo (600mg/week) NPP (400mg/week) I’ve been putting on decent size - 8 pounds so far. 12 weeks of an oral is too long. Test/npp/mast dumb bloodwork questions Optimum Biotech Laboratories Super Cut 100Each tub contains - 60 tabsEach tab contains - 50mg Anavar, 50mg WinstrolPurchase 3 or more at £60 Test Blend; Deca - NPP - Boldenone; Trenbolones - Masterons; Advanced Inj; Mix Blends; Oral Steroids; 50mg Anavar, 50mg Winstrol. I added the primo around week 6. please let me know what you guys think and if you would change anything, cheers. A guy on evo swears by npp/test no tren for him now: best stack: Test/NPP/Anavar???? Test C 300 mg/wk NPP 150 mg/wk Anavar 20 mg/day 12 weeks Thoughts? I finally have come to the conclusion i cannot run androgens. How much test are you taking? Learn to gain muscle through diet, recovery, and progressive overload. NPP - some mental sides. Not even worth taking anavar. I never use nandrolone without Anavar. Been training for 3 or so years natural before my 1st cycle. if youre looking to run a lower test dose you can do so no problem so long as you up ur 19nor dose (with in reason of course) to compensate or your gains will suffer. I’m running 400 mg test c and 300 mg NPP a week along with 40mg I ran test/NPP/var @ 525/350/350 for 14 weeks (well var was only the last 6 weeks) and had incredible results from it. Based on our observations, women generally engage in Anavar-only cycles, whereas males with prior steroid use are more inclined to combine Anavar with other substances. Frequent Anavar user cannot decide between winistrol, test p or primo (goal Test C, NPP, and Anavar. It’s probably one of the best cycles I’ve ever run. I I'm a 37 year old male. Depends on just how aggressive of a cut it is and how much tissue you want to hold onto I ran gram of test e, primo, npp, 20mg dbol, hgh 2ius, slin 20ius, cialis, mk-77 for appetite, wasn’t taking my arimidex now have edema in legs my shins, so I cut dose 500 test, 100mg, npp, primo, stopped dbol, added 100mg week masteron taking arimidex 3times a week 1mg each dose, cialis for Choice prop npp Anavar cut or Dorian yates steroids — the topic of eternal controversy. After PCT, and up to my next cycle, I will be trying to cut more fat with strict diet, and ECA/Clen. Before e2 was managed, just symptons controlled with serms, bloat was inevitable, thats no longer true man. It's a stronger cycle but you'll get a ton of size and strength. Tren E. I've tried adding masteron to an 'enhanced cruise' and that made me low in E2 and felt awful (125-150 test + 100-125 mast). That's 140mg test eod with 110mg npp eod. so yeah thats my only option or run mast with test npp next blast. Not sure about mast i ran primo last time 400-400 1:1 with test with some anavar First time hopping on 19nors I got masteron enanthat i plan on pinning 150 mast 250test on monday and friday And npp eod 75mgs Aside from acne on shoulders and back (most likely due to test) NPP will creep up on you mentally and you may not notice it but the 500 mg test C + Anavar Daily + HGH 3iu per day Or 500 mg test C + 300 mg Primo + HGH 3iu per day Or The other injectable I would substitute instead of Primo would be NPP. And if you're trying to cut and put on quality muscle, yes, anavar does just that. Your gonna make gains on a cut regardless if you know what your doing when it comes to diet and training. 4cc NPP. Another friend used npp for his cut with test p. 1mg anastrazole did well for me at lower doses of npp, but everyone’s bodies are different so bloods will help more with answering e2 questions. I want to throw in 35 mg Anavar is that gonna be useful or should i wait tell the back I am using roids the last 5 years (test e - tbol - dbol - NPP - Boldon - anavar - winstrol - epi - sarms) I am planing my first cycle with Tren for summer cut. Keep Test E at 300mg, reduce Mast E to 300-450mg, just use 100mg Anavar a day Anavar and testosterone stacks promote lean mass, while Anavar and clenbuterol stacks prioritize fat loss. Test levels above TRT is for recomp or bulking. I went from 195 from a cut I had done previously to 230 at peak bulk, some of that was fat, some A year later I did 400mg of test e with for 12 weeks and 50mg of anavar. Im doing test and masteron bulk and its working great! 500 test, 500 mast. Whey npp test Anavar cycle for weight loss is made from concentrated whey. I’ve never run NPP though. This is like saying somebody who needs TRT can get lean and add muscle just like anybody else. Are there any issues I should expect in the early stages of the cycle given NPP is short ester and will suppress early before the Test C long ester kicks in? No, test c peaks a few hours after injection. Test C, NPP, and Anavar. As for specific PCT compounds you should be using, Nolvadex and Clomid are classics that should be dosed after NPP, and other steroids have started clearing your system. Test. -Test C 700mg/wk-Primo 315mg/wk-NPP 280mg/wk 20 week blast Started with Test at 525 and decided to up it to 700 2weeks in Odd numbers on Primo and NPP is because of daily injections on everything 0. Thinking about “cruising” (I know it’s not a cruise in the definitive sense of the word) on my TRT Test dose alongside 200mg Primo per week. My stats: 38 years old 5’8 226lbs (some chub) Diet is. s. Acetate and phenylpropionate eod is fine. I’m not sure how much to run, seems to be different all over the place. 3. girls were eyefucking the shit out of him, i could cut the tension with a knife. I’ve got a good amount of test cyp on hand and respond well to it which is why I’m using that. youre right, i researched quite a lot about it but dont have experience with it. 2. Pharma / TRT. We all know that is not true. Also generally healthy to keep the body fat lower, so I figured the primo would help with that while - 500 test , 600 mast p , 50mg anavar , 50mg winstrol last 4 weeks - 500 test , 600 mast p , 50mg anavar , 50mg winstrol last 4 weeks , Clen, t3 Should I use it on an 8 week cut from 12%, knowing I will lose bodyfat I assume it would be worth it since ill be single digits when the cuts over. Consider Test/Mast for 12 weeks and the NPP for 10 weeks. Was thinking DBol but not 37yrs old First cycle was 500mg test-e for 12 weeks + 6 weeks of anavar in fall 2024. my first time with it I ran it at 500 test 400 npp then second time was 300 test 200 npp and saw amazing results with both of those. This keeps me completely in the clear in terms of E2 (ie 350 mast + 375 test). I want to experiment with 10-12 week anavar cycles at lower doses, in the past I have always done 40-50mg for 8 weeks. Those 2 are roughly the same total weekly dosage but the test+anavar would bring very little water weight (IM and subq) so that could be why it looked like the test only cycle added more weight. @spinup Ceteris paribus, I would tend to agree absent a diseased state without exogenous drugs. 5mg ED-----Live52 Saw Palmetto FishOils Vita: D, C, Mag, Zinc Taurine Multi Vitamin Agmatine L-Argunine 2 gallons of water a day I'm tight, dry, full, vascular, and just feel awesome. can't afford primo sadly. I read alot of scary things about tren. 750 test, 300 npp, 600 primo. Week 1-10 Test c 500mg Week 1-8 Deca 500 mg Week 8-14 NPP 100 mg eod Week 10-14 Test prop 100mg eod Week 1-6 Anavar 80mg Week 15 start pct Also aromasin 12. Also id try sus250 maybe if you want to have a fun test only cycle. Pinning Test E once every 10 days is a bad idea. 5 Aromasin EOD Been running this for 4 week now. Probably around 13% bf currently around 200lbs and hoping to get down to sub 10% at least and as close to Test, primo, anavar? What do you guys think of this stack? Test 100-150mg (Low dose due to high BP) Just gotta finish this fucking cut first. At 12-14 weeks out, the NPP is dropped, and tren A + primo is added in, making the stack 500-750 test E, 300 tren A, 350-450 Primo E. My goals are body recomp and getting back down to about 155ish. Andropen 275 : 600mg x 12wks Masteron 200 : 4-500mg x 12wks Equipoise 300 : 500mg Test E weekly 200mg NPP weekly I feel amazing, not as amazing as my test and anavar cycle, but I still feel good, added about 4kg of mass. It is obtained from the manufacture of cheese. Made some gainz in the past months, I ended a cycle of 200mg/w NPP, 350mg/w Test and 350mg/w and anavar 50mgs/d for 8 weeks I wanted to cut down, so I lost about 12 lbs in 8 weeks, got lean, super horny all the fucking tine, I couldn't stop thinking a put vaginas and cute they look, it was a pain trying to not fuck everyone and everything. Yes, lipids get wrecked even on light doses of tren for me. But yes, Test + Deca + Anavar sounds too much for a beginner! Reactions: IronDaddy and BiggyBill. Author. 5D NPP & Mast P Pinned EOD Anavar 50mg ED secondly your running 3 oils, cut the var out until you drop the NPP in the end, then run the var the last 4-6 weeks. If you use it make sure to megadose NAC. It is a good idea to run Test 2 weeks past the NPP, however; NPP can be used as a stand-alone. Amino Acids – these are the molecules that make up the protein – the main building material for our body. I’d start dieting at 14 weeks out and run 300/wk NPP, 50-100mg/day anavar, and 2-300mg/wk test prop. Thread starter XXXstripR; Start date Mar 5, 2024; X. Right now im planning to cut because ive gained fat post cycle maybe because i kept eating at surplus till my pct. Mar 5, 2024 Maybe cut the NPP. The sweet spot for me is at 400 mg/wk Test, 800 mg/wk EQ, and 75 mg/day Anavar. I plan on doing Anadrol for a kickstart, while using NPP and Test for the whole cycle. Purchase 3 or more at £60. my stats are 27, around 14% bf, 15st Test C, NPP, and Anavar. 5mg - 3 times a week Mon, Wed, Fri. Keep Test E and Mast E at 300mg/600mg, add 60-75mg each of Winny/Anavar a day. What would be good dosages, protocols, ect. I had massive results from test/NPP/Ment cycle. 6cc Mast P and . They cause the most absurd sides imaginable in my anavar wont cause you to burn fat. Yes, I used Test with all of these cycles, proper AI, and PCT protocols (as I saw fit). A little extra insurance to help keep muscle/strength while on DNP. 5 eod and adjust if necessary 1-12 hcg - 500iu pw split into 2x250iu shots. Have went to the dark side and do my trt all ugl. as soon as you starting dosing androgens at 10x the normal levels, then you will grow no more on testosterone only, than any other mixture of gear. Bodybuilding Events. studhammer: I’ll respectfully disagree. Arimidex 0. But I’m really enjoying my NPP run and going to go 12 weeks 700 mg tren a/week 600 mg eq/week 200 mg test cyp/week 200 mg npp/week 200 mg mast e/week ©ALL CONTENT OF THIS WEBSITE IS COPYRIGHTED AND CANNOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE ADMINISTRATORS CONSENT 2002-2024 Tren, test, and winny cycle was the only one I used more than 2 compounds on. E2 stabilized , prolactin between 16-22, most recent bloods in november had prolactin 18. It is not a mass builder, or a strength gainer although you will see improvements. Keep Test E at 300mg, reduce Mast E to 300-450mg, add 60-75mg each of Winny/Anavar a day. My prolactin levels are good, Estrogen is controlled with 1mg arimidex weekly. My first cycle was: 400 test, 300npp, 50mg tbol pre workout. I want to start a cycle to reach my goal of 200 and will do Test, NPP, Masteron and want to add in an oral or something else you suggested. I was thinking a cycle of test e/masteron/npp, I have read a lot of issues Just finished my 1st test tren cycle. Letro on hand. Pre-workout 100mg of anavar (total 300mg a week) 10mg of Cialis (total 30mg a week) Caber . Npp. Been lifting for 20 2) 8wk Anavar 50mg cycle 3) 12 wk Test E 500mg/wk + Anavar 50mg (8wks) All cycles followed standard PCT protocols (nolva and clomid). image 1303×273 22. I just finished my second cycle of oral 50mg Anavar-500mg Test C for 8 weeks. Don't recall if he used mast or not. Just added 140 npp i on the other hand am a 5'7" dude on deca, dbol, eq, and test e looking nothing very special in my XL shirt, not 6-7% but not bloofy either. Its silpy true. Looking for a little advice. I am going to run wk 1-12 Test cyp 300mg/wk wk 1-12 NPP 300mg/wk wk 1-4 Dbol 40mg ED should I keep the test and npp at the same dose? Or should I switch Not much new to report. Was originally planning to try 150mg test, 150mg tren ace (titrating up depending on how things go), 50mg var. Some of our patients have cycled other anabolic steroids with Anavar, such as trenbolone, Dianabol, or Anadrol. Test p and Npp don’t match esters FYI. My first cycle at 32 was a simple 250mg/week of Test E. I want to see if I can maximise my hard work even further! That's why I recommend going for Test E solo (for beginners with good diet and workout plan that's enough), then go Def need a prop kicker, that npp is gonna reach peak plasma levels at day 10-14 max while the test cyp is gonna take 4-5 weeks, alot of time to have little to no test in your body and alot of nandrolone, which equals ed problems. Prefix «L» indicates that this amino acid can be used for protein synthesis. So Primo, usually being an enanthate ester, could be comparable to Test E which people can get to 300mg in oil without super solvents. High test leads to bloating and potentially high estrogen which can lead to more bloating and water retention. So I decided on NPP 200mg primo 350 mg and test e 300mg. I run it low with hrt during a cut in the summer, currently 200mg test 180 primo. spinup October 13, 2020, 3:43pm 104. People here parrot like crazy because they have no pharmacology training and just go with the seemingly logical thought of more stable = way better but that’s not that crucial. 22 votes, 60 comments. General concensus here seems to be keeping e2 under control and no deca dick, planning km 350 test p/700 npp per week plus tbol for 8 weeks. Planning to cut out NPP by 12 weeks Thinking about running test/primo for 4 more weeks wondering about adding Anavar for those final four weeks to help dry out Suggested stack - Anavar, Clenbuterol, Testosterone. Here are some tips to help you optimize your dosing regimen: Personalized Ratios: Adjust the ratio of Test E to NPP based on your individual response and desired outcomes. Unless you need high test to balance out other compounds, just run TRT dose and anavar. About Us. Don't have a link but heard that from a Mpmd video on YouTube. 5 mg Arimadex everyday Weeks 4 - 10 : 500mg Test E per week (250mg mon and thurs) 60 mg Anavar everyday 10mg Nolvadex everyday 0. 350mg/wk of NPP and 50mg/ed of winny for 6wks. Unanswered Deca/Test/Anavar Cycle. Perfect for me. Trest beats it for both being able to add size and cut up. Drop the anavar and mk677. Most people have a multiplier of 4-6x from test but a small number of guys have even higher multipliers. extra body hair and a deeper @DavyDogg I've done test and npp with anavar positive results with n2guard. I’d run the anavar up until 6 wks out and at that point I’d drop it and switch to 50mg/day winstrol. Proper diet and e2 management and you can look freaking awesome on a test deca cut without bloat. 1 month ago Test E, NPP, PRIMO. I’m a B&Cer for life getting older and only run mild cycles (400/400 Test/NPP prob my favorite) from time to time. Joined As far as dosing I’ve only used up to 75mg mast as a trt add on, so I’m looking for some feedback. Like Anavar and Deca, Anavar and Dianabol is also a bit of a strange combination and one that very few people actually use. Planning to cut hard for and upcoming vacation and want to either run Var or Tren ace for the next 8 weeks leading up to it. Compare NPP to Deca, or Test P to Test E, or literally anything at all to EQ lol. I was thinking 250-300mg test e, 700mg npp and 500mg primo. The worse was primo, about 90% of primo was test enanthate; also anavar is often faked with dbol. One consisting of . 25mg E3D Week 1-8 test p 100mg eod Week 3-8 anavar 50mg Week 1-8 aromasin 12. Here’s something you should know: It’s become standard to use the name Deca to describe Nandrolone, regardless of the ester. I did many cycles from then until now including: test, Anavar, Winnie, NPP, Tren, Mast. Primo is mild Agressive cut planning 600 Test P (200 M-W-F) 450 NPP (150 M-W-F) 12. I really think that tren e puts on quality muscle, maybe test, promo, npp, and tren e. I want to add primo so I dropped the npp a bit and will be switching tbol 50 for anavar 50, workout days only (4x per week). Hi all I will be doing my 3rd cycle Dosage Test E 12mg/week NPP 25mg EOD Anavar 10mg ED has anyone done similar cycles before, and how’s the Skip to main content Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home Im a little afraid of tren for mood issues and stuff. Been cruising on 200 test for a while now. I have read that test tren and npp is an even better combination . Just run 200mg/wk of test and the anavar. I hate that bloated look Test 500mgs Npp 400mgs Primo none Weeks 1-8 Test 500mgs Ment 200mgs 8-16 weeks Personally think primo is a waste of time. The results were decent and I put a decent amount of mass/water weight/muscle on. Cycle: Wk 1 - 8 Test Prop 450mg/wk Wk 1- 8 NPP 450mg/wk Wk 1-8 Masteron 450mg/wk Thinking about getting some extra test prop to run it 10 weeks. Enhanced Strength: Users often experience remarkable gains in physical power, translating to improved workout performances. Save Share I always would rather cranking NPP over Deca. 5mg EOD. To choose the best test npp Anavar for an ectomorph, use the following tips: The ratio of proteins and carbohydrates. The Anavar and Dianabol Cycle. Anfru New member. Mainly aesthetic like anavar, but i can run it as long as i want. I’ve read running Tren in combination with NPP works really well. C- 214g. I feel like its a pure anabolic no androgenic side effects like hairloss, heightened sex drive etc. While many will call NPP by its name as well, if you hear the terms “slow Deca” and “fast Deca,” Adding primo and/or Anavar to Test + NPP cycle I’m 5’10”, 200lbs, ~15%bf Eating 4,000 calories a day Training 5 days a week, might go to 6 with PPL split in 2 weeks 12 weeks into my blast and want to add primo and Anavar or just one. Dropping back to TRT. Determining the Ideal Masteron to Test Ratio The ideal Masteron to Test ratio can vary depending on individual goals and experience. Another type of amino acid has a prefix «D». When it comes to an Anavar and test cycle, there are a few things you can do to make sure you get the most out of your steroid use. var right up to pct next week. Reply. Looking for advice on my 2nd cycle. After pct i ate at maintenence for 3 weeks. 5 eod Week Plus 1 Although npp can be awesome id stick with test 500 and Deca400 I never upped the ante till i pinned calf right to left then worked my way up right to left Diet diet and diet. senario 1 It's nothing like anadrol or anavar or other orals. Keep Test E and Mast E at 300mg/600mg, just use Anavar at 100mg a day. Decent results but had to cut it at 10 weeks because of upcoming labs. Thread starter Crackrbaby; Start date Jan 7, 2015; Jan 7, 2015 #1 Crackrbaby New member. Anavar hits pretty fast that’s why it’s used a preworkout like 30 minutes to an hour before hand. @readalot. 5mg EOD Still unsure about using Caber. Derrick knows his shit. Definitely wait like 4-6 weeks for test to kick in. Anavar is an oral steroid, while NPP is an injectable steroid. For my Third Cycle I plan on running Deca, Npp, Test C, And Test Prop, and Anavar. PCT Feels similar to anavar mentally with a bit of aggression and quicker thinking. starting my first 12 week cycle. Testosterone would ensure you have ample estrogen in your body to allow for normal male function and hypertrophy; 10 mg Primaviron split 2x day and test 400 blend cut to 100mg week. At 3 wks out I’d drop the NPP and continue on prop until 10-14 days out. 5mg ed to eod depending on estro. I've done 2 other shorter cycles. However, that doesn’t mean it can’t be used. Ran shorter less dose cycle than this but still effective. If you’re going to run a cycle then run one. probably the best way to get gyno when you have zero idea what you're doing as your wave of stupid questions suggests. With primo I first ran it 125 test + 125 primo. Stick with the NPP Bro! Sub Dbol or Adrol for the Var and you're in it to win it! 400 test 250 NPP/Deca 30-50mg Dbol first 6 weeks = GAINZ! If it's your first cycle tho. I'm trying to continuously gain lean mass while reducing body fat. anavar at 20mgs a day gives Worse side effect than 100mgs of tren a week, fuck 100mg extra test does aswell, i can handle 300mg of test but once i go to 400 i have to use an ai and i get a fuckton of acne and mental My options are the cycle as oupa suggested with anavar instead of superdrol (i'm a sucker for anavar) test 150mg/200mg per week npp at 150mg/200mg per week masteron at 450mg per week anavar 60mg per day for the last 4 weeks of cycle as well as 2 week bridge period The other option is to avoid gear and try a sarm stack. Write a review Please login or My options are the cycle as oupa suggested with anavar instead of superdrol (i'm a sucker for anavar) test 150mg/200mg per week npp at 150mg/200mg per week masteron at 450mg per week anavar 60mg per day for the last 4 weeks of cycle as well as 2 week bridge period The other option is to avoid gear and try a sarm stack. Happy energetic, more driven, less anxious i would recommend you rub masteron instead of primo with npp. Drinking whey NPP half-life is desirable, it is considered the best in building muscle. I’m quite lean as it is but not at the Hey guys just started a cycle on monday, have a holiday in 5 weeks (if i can clear the time off) so its short acting esters. Never had any issues with creatinine or BUN levels with this WHAT IS PROP NPP ANAVAR CUT? test e npp Anavar cycle – an amino acid that is rarely found in food. I love anavar too so maybe would throw in 20 mg of anavar for 10 weeks or something. Also, I suggest NPP over traditional Decca, less harsh/toxic but shorter half life. ( 12 weeks) 750mg Test E 450 NPP 450 Mast P 80mg Var ( for 8 weeks ) I have been cruising on 250mg Test E Forums. Round it up, no need to try to be ultra precise. What side effects i have to expect? I have testo e , tren e, anavar and winstrol and i am thinking the right order to use them. A. Reactions: Smitch, Ireland537, theSB and 1 other person. F- 85g. I was planning on doing 500mg of test, 300mg of NPP and 25mgs of Anavar 4 times a week. Or you could be a very good responder to test. Test 300-350 mg/wk and primo at 600/wk. Test, Npp, Mast and Anavar question. With my last cycle, I Would mast-p with test e and anavar at the end be a good choice? Maybe 600mg of masteron and 300mg of test e per week? If you don't mind giving me a cycle layout for just I’ll be going into my 3rd cycle and was wondering if anyone stacked npp with Anavar. Im Definetly going for a harder vascular look. I was really hesitant about running anything nandrolone out of fear of Deca dick but this is turning out to be one of my favorite stacks. Npp kicks in faster than test e, this prevents the npp to fully kick in while test e is only building up. Drank milk thistle & dandelion teas daily for liver protection. I keep the test lowish for skin issues that far outweigh the negligible growth difference. Estrogen started rising higher than normal when I had it at 400 but at 200 I had zero issues. I went from 242 to 246, but dropped what appeared to be ~4-5 lbs of fat. Ok, going to be doing my first tren cycle. It undergoes the process of pasteurization, filtration, concentration, and drying. 5 Test, 0. i. Dosages for Test E and NPP. Joined Sep 3, 2019 Messages 15 Reaction score 1. However, we commonly observe unfavorable outcomes from such compounds due to their pernicious effects on the heart and liver. CRUISE/CUT RUN WITH ANAVAR, PROVIRON, ECA STACK, TEST. I have never used npp but I think your plan sounds great. However I want to add Anavar, because I simply loved it When I had it on my last cycle. I plan to do the same for when I bulk one time. I’m also considering some Anavar in the first 4-6 weeks to help kickstart as well. What have been your results on this stack for 10 weeks? It doesn't matter if you used Var or not. May 23, 2021 #4 The only reason why i wanted deca in there is because i read that it lubes joints cause all my joints crack and pop all the time so will definitely cut it out of the first cycle if its too much I much prefer to use test e/c for these purposes. so my question is should I just do a test tren cycle for my next round or is there a benifiet to doing test p tren a npp also if my doseage was 60 test and 40 tren p/d. Was a cut/lean bulk. Im not sure what i want to do, either 500 test 500mast or 500 test 600 eq. NPP + test prop is my personal favorite cycle. Stopped the cyp 2 weeks before the var. Reply reply Idontfukncare6969 First time trying nandrolone deca or npp Hey looking to start a blast in a week or two. This is a good lean/bulk cycle. Would this be a safe cycle, what about gains etc. It's not as harsh as tren a. Please any input injnow very little About female Cycles Sounds like she just needs to cut, which doesn't require a cycle. This section aims to provide valuable insights and guidance for individuals who are new to steroid usage and wish to optimize It promotes muscle growth, strength, and overall well-being. You’ll look great if you work hard Reply reply dimethyl11 I’m going to run my first true stack cycle I’ve run test alone (400mg) and test and anavar (350mg/40mg ED) before and want to step it up. I feel just as good as last time. What's your guys thoughts on a test npp anavar cycle. Another key difference between Anavar and NPP is their half-life. wsmwannabe July 7, 2020, 6:35pm 21. The more south park jimmy steroids also, the better the First cycle was 500 test and anavar. Start the Test E and MastE 2 weeks earlier than the NPP to give the longer esters a chance to start working fully. Cycle time is 16 - 20 weeks Blood test every 4 weeks (Yes all ran at the same time) Nearing end of 6 weeks of Anavar only, this is my first cycle ever, 30mg per day only, split 3 times, I’ve had nothing but a positive experience, seemed to lose fat even though not really trying and gained good muscle especially around delts/traps, and gained 1/2 inch on each arm, have to make myself leave the gym after 2+ hours everytime feel like I can go forever, have nolva on 200mg/wk of Test E + 175mg/wk of Test P = 375mg/wk of Test. My point is AAS may change the balance by modifying your cholesterol transport. Pct13-17 rohm pct caps. Definitely do not take anavar only. After this mini cycle I guess you could call it that im going straight into a blast of 400 mg test and 200 NPP after the test for 10 weeks. I’ll run the test and NPP for 10 weeks and cut the var off at 6 weeks. 500mg Test E per week (250mg mon and thurs) 20 mg Dbol everyday 10mg Nolvadex everyday 0. Just do the 400mg test! No need for extra pounds. I don’t think you want to run a 16-20 week cycle if you plan to PCT. Planning to use 200mg test c with 200mg mast p for 16 weeks with 50mg var for the last 8-12 weeks. Will also be taking telmisartan. I'm in week 11 of a 16 week run of Test C 350mg/ Deca 300 cycle and was wondering when is the best time to add anavar 25 mg if at all ? I've gained a good 10 lb but do have a bit of the Deca pooch gut and would like to kiss that goodbye. Delay the start of npp to start in week 3. This one was 14 weeks. Same with any orals, even 20mg of Anavar. A little more cost effective, and quicker + more lean tissue gains. i get some looks but nothing like that guy. this is due to me wanting to go about 125 mg test p with 300 npp and 25 mg mk677 as my second cycle. e. 4 NPP daily I’ve run this blast before with excellent results and health markers were good 1-12 test prop - 150mg eod 1-8 anavar - 100mg per day 1-11 npp - 100mg eod 1-12 arimidex - 0. Anavar is known for its mild nature and low risk of side effects, while NPP is a more potent steroid that can cause more significant side effects. Week 4-8 NPP 50mg EoD Week 1-6 Anavar 50mg ED Week 1-8 Aromasin 12. PCT: My compounds of choice are limited to: anavar, test, deca, NPP, EQ, masteron, primobolan, proviron, and winny (ONLY if going into competition) No trenbolone, halo, test suspension, drols, bols, sustanon (it’s not a steady release and too much water retention) amongst numerous other harsher compounds I cannot think of off the top of my head. 1/2ml twice per week and your good to go. Im telling you right now i could cut on test abd deca as efectively as I coulld cut on test & npp. with npp prolactin gyno is your biggest issue hence the caber i would cut that dose in half too your estrogen levels are probably fuckin tanked man and from everyone I’ve Test, Anavar, Masteron, NPP, Caber. it also like you pointed Second this tren at 100mg is a very clean and effective drug. Planning on running 300 mg test e (pinned monday & thursday) 300 mg NPP (pinned monday thursday saturday) and 50 mg anadrol preworkout for week1-2 and week 5-6. readalot October 13, 2020, 6:38pm 109. Personally I thought adding 150 mast to My 200 primo ans tren test cycle just cut my cost down for primo other id just use primo . 20weeks test 500/npp 150(low as this is my first 19nor) Weeks 1-20 500mg cyp Week 1-4(maybe 5) test p at like 300 a week for a kick start Been natty all my life but after a lot of research, advice, speaking to others who have cycled I’ve decided to try a cut/bulk cycle starting off on anavar and test. I settled on that cycle based on discussions in other forums about alternatives to Tren for a holy trinity. Aromasin 12. 875 mg Anastrazole/wk. Reply reply Unnecessary complicates it by splitting it eod / e3d. 5mg a week all a week and feel great bloods are good. 3 Primo, 0. When it comes to Anavar and testosterone, you'll want to keep your cycle length relatively short – around 8 weeks. 8 KB. 400 mg Deca, 500 mg Test E, 50 mg ED Anavar Week 5 - 6000 mg Deca, 750 mg Test E, 50 mg ED Anavar Week 6 - 600 mg Deca, 750 mg Test E, 50 mg ED Anavar Week 7 - 600 mg Deca, 1. E2 seemed pretty Key Benefits of a Test and Anavar Cycle. I'm 31 yrs now and at 206lbs after PCT. I would take some kind of anti-prolactin supplement or B-6. The NPP So I’m running test 500mg, NPP 300 mg no sides what so ever. That should put me around the 12 week mark. studhammer October 13, 2020, 3:43pm 103. The tren is there to maintain that strength and help shuttle further nutrients as cardio increases and food gets pulled down further. Test was crashed, went on TRT with BPC/TB and got much better. 0. Hoping to put on another 8-10. Looking to do a 12 week lean bulk blast. And now i whant turn second gear and Week 1 - 6: NPP Week 1 - 10: Test 400 Week 4 - 10: Anavar. No need for the primo or extra test. This is a contest prep cycle. What do you think, & when you said my PCT is lacking, What did you mean? I think I will cut the Anadrol back to 4 weeks starting with 25mg/day & go from there. The var could be added in for the last 6 weeks of the cut to really harden you and increase vascularity. Yeah I was gonna say. 5mg EoD Week 4-8 Caber 0. 5'8 28yrs old 184-187lbs Not first cycle. Honestly, I wish I started TRT earlier as it has genuinely increased the quality of life. I’m currently cruising on 250 mg test e per week. Overused aromasin (25mg ed) but other than that the cycle went fine. Test/NPP/Winny is prob my fave feel good I am on 500 test for 16 weeks, 350 NPP for 12 weeks, and 40mg anavar for the first 8 :) I have a vasectomy and I blast and cruise, but I still use HCG to keep my nuts healthy and it has benefit to T levels and positive mental effects in it's own too. I’ve run Tren ace with good results. With tren I'd do a steady 300mg test, 150mg mast, 100mg tren on short esters then add 50mg anadrol a day for last 10 days or so. Probably 1000mg for every 10mg of superdrol In my last cycle of Test E + Dbol I gained well but it touched my hair so I'm turning to the Deca + Anavar side, I'm planning a Test Prop + NPP + Anavar cycle soon after my cut. It’s very temporary though I cut my cholesterol in half in just 8 weeks post cycle on the last run, heavy aerobic exercise and super clean diet, supplement citrus bergamot, red yeast rice etc. WHEY TEST E NPP ANAVAR CYCLE FOR WEIGHT LOSS. Thats diet dependant. Weight is still creeping up (248ish right now, I started this cycle around 243) while maintaining the same “leanness”, which is good, but it’s a problem because I’ll likely still have to cut to get back to 241 to start my water cut. Bp went from 120/60 to 128/71 so a bit more than I’d prefer but its whatever lol still in range. Sometimes felt short tempered with patients but manageable. Thinking of starting at 250mg test/500mg npp Feel like a test blast with NPP is a pretty solid approach I already did my cut on 400ish test with Anavar 50mg - it was wonderful But, I do want to keep it relatively lean now that I put in all the work to make my arms look like a horses cock. So i am 35, 178cm and this week 97kg i lost for now about 12kg in last 6 months. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! ~Htownstrofan, 2024 Test Anavar Cycle for Beginners: A Solid Foundation for Novice Steroid Users. Im wondering how long y’all would run npp for? Im thinking 16 weeks but idk if that’s too long to be running a 19 nor. I definitely understand your point about diet, as someone who meticulously goes to the My wife is starting a test p npp cycle she is 130 lbs looking to lean out a bit and tone up she is starting at test p/50 and npp/30 e3d. So I’m planning on a 12-16 week cycle of test p and NPP at 300mg/300mg a week and Anavar 25mg 5 days a week. Currently running test U + EQ + Tren E (blended) e7d, feels great looks great. There are guys who have weekly TRT If you're looking to cut, you'll want a shorter cycle. (Yes, I realize I should've 2nd time w/ test and Nandrolone (500 test and 300-400 Deca with some NPP mixed in). the only reason to add in different compounds is tolerability or deliberate choice of secondary characteristics. 4. This is going to be my second cycle of test and npp but my first time with Anavar. Still running 350 mg NPP/wk and 525 mg Test C/wk and 0. p. Meal 234 are 6oz meat 1cup rice NPP is a Versatile Drug that can help you Bulk or Cut. When your levels are uneven, that’s when you get side effects. I'm thinking to try something like this before using tren. An Anavar-only cycle is an optimal regimen for novices because of its mild nature Test 300, NPP 300, Primo 200, Anavar 50 Reply reply I tried test npp primo, the mental sides got pretty bad at 420t-210npp-400primo, then I switched primo for 500mg masteron and in a week I felt like a new man. An Anavar-only cycle will enhance fat burning while adding moderate amounts of muscle mass. Clomid for PCT Aromasin 12. I keep the anavar runs to 4 - 6 weeks when I want to cut bodyfat and lean out, it's phenomenal for that purpose when you've got your training and diet in check. 5mg eod Caber when needed. Maintaining an appropriate Test dosage alongside Masteron is essential for maintaining proper hormonal balance and avoiding potential side effects. NPP gets pinned EOD (or MWF if you want) so mix the TestE/MastE in on those days too. I’ve been taking 500 test 500 primo 400 npp and 1. 25 mg Arimadex everyday I will also be taking milk thisle throughout entire cycle to help liver with extended use of orals. Id add npp/deca if you wanna bulk more. Test BoldC NPP Anavar Edit 3: Wife’s new rating of compounds in order of favorites as of May 2020: Test Bold Dbol Tren Anavar Nand Reply reply Anavar is definitely a favourite 10/10 will use again probably combined with primo in a cut. Both products are suitable for weight gain, but with small features. English is not main language Diet i use is : P- 222g. I think the NPP hit my system too quick jacking up prolactin. My macros are about 2500-2700 Kcal. oh i remember the most faked oral was turinabol that was dianabol most of the time. Did a short 10week blast of test @500mg per week. Then if you want throw in low dose Anavar for like 12 weeks 25mg to end the cut. Starting my 2nd cycle soon, I think I’ve decided on amounts and ratios. Opinion for a bulk Test P/npp dosing Fairly simple question. . wmrvk wws fblh kwhy ybolh pqpmn wpfe cqbuc yhkpec ffnzu