Utilization of health services Utilization is defined as the outcome of the interaction between health professionals and Background Access to healthcare and service utilization are both considered essential factors for improving the general health and wellbeing of older people, especially at Maternal health care service utilization is an important health issue related to both maternal and child survival as it reduces maternal mortality and morbidity as well as improving Beneficiary Satisfaction and Utilization of Health Care Services of Urban Primary Health Centres in Kerala 41 UPHCs are placed for every 50,000 - 60,000 population. However, due to low income and education levels, poor transportation, and other reasons, the problem of low The preservation and promotion of maternal health (MH) emerge as vital global health objectives. The effect of the different health profiles of elderly people on the likelihood of utilization and expenditure on health care services was significant. Level of Utilisation of Primary Health Care Services: According to Table 3, the majority, 330(97. To guide health services research, theoretical models to explain health service utilization are necessary. The recorded level of health services utilization reflects a combination of the needs, wants, and recommended standards of the population, as well as the impact of the structural Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many challenges in adolescent health have been exacerbated including increased cases of early marriages, domestic violence, higher rates of Factors related to use of health care services were associated with age, gender, and location, but rarely with socioeconomic status. The economical well off respondents and those who are from higher social Healthcare demands of elderly population are complex. an instrument refers to how well it mea sures . , 2012). Tracking increases in health-care capacity and utilization over time as a result of government and donor investments in the COVID-19 It is necessary to promote the rational use of health services by diabetic patients and further improve the corresponding policies to achieve the goal of chronic disease prevention According to the theory of health economics, investment in health capital, such as the use of preventive care services, can reduce the incidence of disease and death , effectively improve Accessibility and utilization to health services is the function of various variables includ-ing, lack of accessibility and utilization, cost, quality, ineffective monitoring and planning, cultural barriers, Adolescent friendly health services (AFHS) are designed to make health services accommodate the unique needs of adolescents. 14, 15 In Ethiopia, utilization data to estimate the utilization and costs of a variety of care an d health services by gender and age, which can inform policy or practice in the healthcare sector [ 57] . Use of theoretical models in empirical designs and concepts can act to substantially improve empirical design and In the study, results demonstrated that people of rural area suffer from poor health due to lack of accessibility and utilization of health services as compared to urban area. The present paper examines the Utilization of maternal health care services is not only associated with a range of reproductive, socio-economic, cultural and program factors but also with state and type of health service. Objective: This paper examines the factors contributing to the under utilisation of health care services in the Malaysian population. This study Utilization of maternal health services was low. Design An explanatory sequential Poor maternal health delivery in developing countries results in more than half a million maternal deaths during pregnancy, childbirth or within a few weeks of delivery. , 2019), education (Li et al. 4 5 Various models have been developed across a Older immigrants are at risk of developing mental illness. Provision of healthcare services for this continuously increasing population subgroup & ensuring their adequate utilization is full of The attainment of the noble objective of Universal Health Coverage (UHC)- ‘leaving no one behind’ necessitates sufficient financial resources, an ample supply of skilled The characteristics identified were compiled into a Web-based rating instrument for use with a Technical Expert Panel composed of leaders in health systems and health services In addition, utilization of health care services is a multifactorial outcome which is influenced not only by the four dimensions of access (availability, accessibility affordability and acceptability) utilization of health care services in Turkey. In addition, it also explores a marked regional pattern in Among those who had suffered from these health problems, the majority (68%) utilized private healthcare facilities and 21% utilized public healthcare facilities. This study explores the existence of this disparity and its Utilization of health care services not only differs according to the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of individuals but also on the accessibility and quality of the available Utilization of health care services not only differed according to the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of individuals but also on the accessibility and quality of the Based on the theoretical framework of Starfield (1998), we analyze health services utilization with the help of indicators that are not directly linked to volume but that indirectly provide an This paper attempts to highlight the differences in utilization of health care services provided by the public and private sectors in India. M. The utilization of health care services in last 15 days among elderly was found to be 90%. The 2013 KHHEUS was the first . Objective: To describe the utilization of health services by persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) and compare it with that of the general Background and aims: Elderly people are potentially vulnerable with a higher need for health services, and utilization of Essential Public Health Services (EPHS) among this Utilization of health care services. Although older adults vary greatly in terms of health status, the majority of them have at least one chronic condition that Study design: Cohort study with 6-years follow-up. Conclusion: The findings suggest that resources based on utilization of health services. The There is limited knowledge on the effect of the NHIS on utilization of health services from rural poor communities, particularly whether health insurance enables higher Other factors like awareness about were services, convenient opening days and hour of health facilities and shyness to utilize the services were significantly associated with the utilization of Utilization of health care services. Based on a nationally representative health survey 2014, we present an analysis to understand utilization of AYUSH care across socioeconomic and demographic groups in India. It is a multidimensional process that in addition to the quality of care, involves geographical accessibility, availability of the right type The best indicators for access to medicines are sought to measure the use of health services for symptomatic health conditions that are quickly responsive to pharmacological Utilization of healthcare services is an important determinant of health [1–3], and has particular relevance as a public health and development issue in low income countries []. Many of these studies concluded Background. Many staff and students do not utilize the health services within the university Results: Of the total, 42 (52. Introduction Rapid urbanization has been taking place in India . WHO, OECD and the World Bank have proposed a series of Third annual report on the use of health and human services in Chatham: Responses to the voluntary questionnaire mailed with town census. Inequality in health services utilization among women may be due to differences in access to health care services among KHHEUS explores health spending, utilization of health services and health insurance coverage for a representative sample of households at national and county level Background: The utilization rates in public health services systems ranges from 10-30%. Some of the guidelines are pertinent for the utilisation of health services. Around 42% of the elderly had reported episodes of acute illness The utilization of health services by waiver beneficiaries is usually not satisfactory in many countries of the world, especially in low-income countries. 68), indicating that SHS are utilized most of the time and/or The findings revealed country-specific variations in maternal health service utilization, and for most indicators there was a clear gradient among socioeconomic strata: women living in better-off households exhibited greater One area of support is access to and use of mental health services to prevent and address mental health concerns. One section of the questionnaire pertained to the utilization of health services due to COVID-19, including the number of visits made for COVID The findings revealed country-specific variations in maternal health service utilization, and for most indicators there was a clear gradient among socioeconomic strata: women living in better Binary logistic regression analysis was done to find factors significantly associated with health care service utilization. Many factors affect health-care utilization independently of need and are Background Use of maternal health services is an effective means for reducing the risk of maternal morbidity and mortality, especially in places where the general health status of Introduction: Youth-friendly health service (YFHS) interventions are a promising, cost-effective approaches to delivering sexual and reproductive services that cater to the developmental Health service utilization. However, users' centric planning approach is intuitively promising to Results: Four health profiles were identified. Nine included studies investigated health services use among uninsured individuals [22, 41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48]. Table 4 summarizes a series of multiple logistic regression To find possible means by which women can access health care services remotely, the study looked into the factors affecting Filipino women’s utilization of maternal health care services This study aims to investigate the utilization of health care services and common disease diagnoses among university students enrolled at Chiang Mai University during the The components of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services (SRHS) include safe motherhood and child survival, family planning information and services, prevention and utilization of health services on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and the factors that influence their use. Conclusions: Though street Therefore, this paper is an attempt to examine the horizontal inequities in healthcare utilization, consisting of outpatient and inpatient care in 15 major states and north-eastern Five different approaches that have been used to study the utilization of health services are reviewed: the sociocultural, sociodemographic, social-psychological, organizational, and social Utilization of health care services not only differed according to the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of individuals but also - on the accessibility and quality of the isting health services in the country. Crimmins, in International Encyclopedia of Public Health, 2008 Health-Care Utilization. A The findings should inform better organization and delivery of health care services in the institution. The previous surveys were conducted in 2003, 2007 and 2013. b Health services provided are responsive to patients’ needs, there is continued utilization of health services (Babitsch et al. Immigrant service providers in Canada support the integration and overall The utilization of health services is an important policy concern in most developing countries, reflecting the efforts to improve client outcomes and to make health services broadly Health status of a respondent is one factor that could necessitate the utilization of health care center, but the findings in the present study however showed that in rural areas of The most important variables affecting the utilization of health services in addition to health insurance are age, education, socioeconomic conditions and health status . Around 42% of the elderly had reported episodes of acute illness Understanding patterns of health care utilization and knowledge of associated factors are important in improving health service delivery and ensuring equitable access to the proportion of individuals using NCD services provided through public health facilities and identify the factors associated with its use in Kasaragod district of Indian state of Kerala. The skewed rural/urban availability of public health services is well known. W ide regional disparities in urban growth In Andersen's behavioral model, people's use of health services is a function of their predisposition to use services, factors that enable or impede use, and individuals' need We further used multi-variate regression to examine the factors explaining the utilization of either public or private facility. Although not Researchers and decision-makers in public health and health planning have much to gain from this innovative multidimensional approach, which presents a dynamic conceptualization of As individuals with ASD age, they often lose the structure of health services or family support, requiring them to learn how to independently self-manage their health (Kuo, Maternal deaths among young women (15–24 years) shares 38% of total maternal mortality in India. Inductive probing was adopted to solicit in-depth information that was not modern health services and the improvement of modern health system is likely to benefit students’ population. This is Ideally, utilization of health-care services reflects a need for care, but that is not the case, for several reasons. determines Health service utilization has been described as the product of interactions between healthcare professionals, the generation of health services, and patients. 10%), of the respondents utilized primary health care services with The use of health services has a long-term impact on people's health. Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood. AFHS are characterized by three basic Access to health services is difficult to define. The study Disparities in health services utilization within and between regional states of countries with diverse socio-cultural and economic conditions such as Ethiopia is a frequent Introduction: Health care planning in low-and-medium-income countries can be intellectually demanding. 8%) of the participants were utilizing the services. Currently, the health facilities are . Our study extends the existing research by calculating both the CI and HI using the 2008, 2010 and 2012 health surveys and, thus, offers a set of Utilization of healthcare in Ghana’s novel National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) has been increasing since inception with associated high claims bill which threatens For inpatient health services, the insured largely use public hospitals, with the uninsured using private clinics or public health centres. Background: The utilization of health services is an important policy concern in most developing countries. Utilizing maternal health care services can reduce a substantial proportion of Considering the above challenges, utilization of health services is essential in improving both . [] According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “Adolescent refers to the age group 10 to The Accessibility and Utilization of University Health Care Services among Staffs and Undergraduate Students of University of Lagos, Nigeria September 2023 DOI: Emerging evidence suggests stark differences in the health status and utilization of health services between social and geographical areas. In In general, use of health services by the immigrants was less than or equal to the native population, although some differences between immigrants were also identified. Considering global and national interests in the Millennium However, no research has been done to explore the factors influencing the use of preventive services in the Republic of Serbia; therefore, the aim of this study was to explore the estimate household utilization of health services and Out of Pocket (OOP) expenditures. Utilizing maternal health care services can reduce a Introduction. We used longitudinal data from the Chinese Labor Dynamic Survey (CLDS) with three Objective To investigate and explore the barriers of access and utilisation of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services among adolescents. In most Low and Middle Income (LMIC) countries, utilization of modern health-care services has remained very low. Utilization of health services and health outcomes depends on the socio-economic development of the communities. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in the In this context, the present paper explores the utilization pattern of health services to deal with two specific non-communicable diseases (NCD) namely hypertension and Analyzing nationally representative data from the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), this study estimates the impact of health insurance status on the use of maternal health services in three Utilization of health care services not only differs according to the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of individuals but also on the accessibility and Introduction. The Behavioral Model involves predisposing, enabling, the use of health care services. Citation 1 Financial constraint is one of The amount and types of health care services used by older adults is influenced by many factors. A. , 2016). Although the need for health services and the frequency and intensity of service utilization are Extent of utilization of school health services The extent of utilization of school health services as a whole is great (M=3. ) as three basic characteristics that should be applied [15]. 25, as found Theoretical models to explain health service utilization are numerous and there is no known literature that has synthesized existing models for health service utilization. Watts, E. short term and long term health outcomes for Kenyans. This study examined the role of social support in relation to health status and health service utilization. 1 At the most basic level, health Populations at Special Health Risk: The Elderly. 5%) participants were having average knowledge regarding various MCH services and 59 (73. Contact with the health worker and marginalization emerged as important factors for utilization of services. The momentum towards UHC is rooted in the principles of the Alma-Ata Declaration (1) which identified health as a The attainment of the noble objective of Universal Health Coverage (UHC)- ‘leaving no one behind’ necessitates sufficient financial resources, an ample supply of skilled In general, the use of health services depends on factors such as predisposing (demographics (age (Wang et al. To compare the needs and utilization of health services between urban residents and rural-to-urban migrants in China from 2012 to 2016. This is Multivariate analysis for the association between the utilization of health services and its potential risk factors. The Many factors have been identified to explain low utilization of trained health care workers and available health facilities, including monetary cost and distance to care ( Keya, Rahman, Rob Background: The utilization rates in public health services systems ranges from 10-30%. Health-care utilization is primarily Change in the patterns of utilization of services is an important indicator of the influence of policies and programs concerning health care. This study aims at fulfilling this Objective: This study aimed to assess the utilization of health services and associated factors among fee waiver beneficiaries in Dawunt district, Ethiopia, in 2020. Findings and conclusion: The utilization of public Older adults use far more health care services than do younger groups. According to Davis (2021), validation of . The rele-vance of these guidelines emerge promi-nently,, however, through Health services utilization has been the subject of many books and papers published in recent years. There are no beds, as The accessibility of health facilities had a positive and significant effect on the utilization of health services for JKN-KIS participants at the Pematang Panggang III. Access to and utilization of health services are key to improvement of health outcomes in low and middle income countries (LMICs). Study design: A Objective: To assess the awareness and utilization of Primary Health Centre (PHC) services by the rural community. The analyses draw on data from interviews with a stratified random sample of 1,284 The factors affecting the utilization of primary health care services when requiring nutritional counseling, psychological services, counseling for high-risk behaviors, elderly care, as well as utilization of inpatient or outpatient care and factors determining the choice of utilization specifically, at the provincial level. Objectives: The objectives determine the relative importance of the various predisposing, enabling, need and health services factors on utilization of health services; similarity between Health services utilization, as one of the mechanisms of the health system, guarantees a healthy life and improves well-being for everyone. from publication: Effect of Micro Health Insurance on Access and Utilization of Health Services in Background: Afghanistan has made great strides in the coverage of health services across the country but coverage of key indicators remains low nationally and whether the PDF | On Jan 1, 2020, Sri Oktarina and others published The Utilization of Health Services by the Elderly in Lubuk Buaya Health Center in Padang City | Find, read and cite all the research you Healthcare utilization has particular relevance as a public health and development issue. It concludes that Disparities in use of healthcare services between rural and urban areas have been empirically attributed to several factors. [3] It has been noted that religion, cost of health services, distance of health the quality health services they need, without facing financial hardship. , 2016)), Utilization of maternal health services is associated with improved maternal and neonatal health outcomes. This analysis employs the Medical Outcomes Study General Health Survey-Short Utilization of health services was assessed with specific questions that asked if the resp ondents had contact with health care professionals, ward admissions, done laboratory or diagnostic Objectives: Building on Andersen's behavioral model for the utilization of health care services, we examined factors associated with utilization of physician and hospital services among adults in The second section asked questions related to perceived barriers to access and use of health services in the ACs. what is intended to be measured and . Unlike material and human capital, there is little empirical evidence on the utility of social resources This study aims to investigate the utilization of health care services and common disease diagnoses among university students enrolled at Chiang Mai University during the academic year of 2018. For this analysis, independent variables with P value < 0. The aim of this study was to identify factors affecting Background. Methods: The study adopted a retrospective cross-sectional design, collecting data of all The purpose of our study was to determine the factors affecting the level of services provided in primary health care among patients with chronic respiratory diseases. , 2019), sex (Jones et al. This study aims to examine mental health service utilization among older Chinese immigrants, using a mixed-method design. 88, SD=0. The elderly were Previous research into the utilization of health care services in university students focused mainly on the prevalence of specific diseases of interest and behaviors, including psychiatric diseases Download Table | Description of independent variables: utilization of health services. S. This study Objectives: Building on Andersen's behavioral model for the utilization of health care services, we examined factors associated with utilization of physician and hospital services among adults in Utilization of maternal health care services is not only associated with a range of reproductive, socio-economic, cultural and program factors but also with state and type of With a primary objective of reviewing studies relevant to healthcare utilization in China, the following four criteria were applied in the literature screening: 1) studies on In these countries, knowledge of access to and utilization of health services is important in planning for health resource allocation to different levels of the health system and monitoring Introduction Community‐based health insurance (CBHI) scheme is a powerful tool to achieve universal health service coverage by providing financial protection against To explore individual demands, qualitative methods can provide important and rich information within the field of health services research. Methodology: Using data derived from Malaysian Mental Health service utilization. In these countries, knowledge Poor maternal health delivery in developing countries results in more than half a million maternal deaths during pregnancy, childbirth or within a few weeks of delivery. Systematic searches were Research has shown that several factors shape the health services utilization pattern (Gorman et al. 4. Chatham, MA: The Chatham Human Results: Barriers to healthcare utilization exist for all the wealth categories along three different axes including: the health seeking process; health services delivery; and the Many low- and middle-income countries are beset by wealth-based disparities in the use of reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH) services and outcomes health service provider (in-depth knowledge and skills, trained on ASRH issues, ensures the privacy and confidentiality, etc. Despite the considerable emphasis on MH, there are still serious challenges Background: Only a minority of adolescents reporting symptoms above case-levels on screenings for mental health seeks and receives help from specialist health services. Citation 1 Financial constraint is one of the major barriers for access to and utilization of Background Maternal deaths among young women (15–24 years) shares 38% of total maternal mortality in India. The majority of these young people in New South Wales Quality health services are a product of both the wider health systems environment and the actions of providers and individuals working within the system. This paper focuses on these patterns as revealed in a Utilization of Health Care Services in Urban Primary Health Centres in Kerala 1.
Utilization of health services. an instrument refers to how well it mea sures .