Imo conference 2021 IMO PPR 11 . . Athens & Galaxidi (Greece) – 19-21 September. docx STATUS OF IMO TREATIES Comprehensive information on the status of multilateral Conventions and instruments in respect of which the International Maritime Organization or its Secretary-General performs depositary or other functions 29 September 2021 9th International Maritime Conference (13 – 15 February 2021) "Development of Blue Economy under a Secure and Sustainable Environment Secretary-General, IMO. I. Members and subscribers can also use the pannel on the right-hand side of the screen to access older volumes of WGN. The Conference included sessions on: Opening session (click here to see speakers' profiles) Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended (SOLAS 1974). English Français (IMO) 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR, United Kingdom +44 (0) 20 7735 7611 +44 (0) 20 7735 IMO continues to contribute to the global fight against climate change, in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goal 13, to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. IMO, in co‑operation with the Economic Commission for Europe, developed a draft convention and in 1972 the finalized Convention was adopted at a conference jointly convened by the United Nations and IMO. 1989 MODU Code, Consolidated 2001 Edition (2000 HSC) Code, 2021 Edition (IB185E) Hong Kong Convention, 2013 Edition (K683E) From 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021, a total number of 95 new cases had been reported on the IMO/ILO Joint Database on Abandonment of Seafarers. This is higher than the 216 recorded in 2021. IMO At Glance. Click here to see photos of the event. MEPSEAS is phase II of the IMO-Norad collaboration in aiming to protect the marine environment from the negative effects of ships and shipping by working in conjunction with 7 developing countries in South-East Asia. Equally, the intergovernmental organization may withdraw from the arrangement at any time. IMO AT WORK. The plan will guide a comprehensive review of the Convention over the next three The Events Calendar also lists external conferences relevant to the IMOS community. Keynote address by Kitack Lim, Secretary The IMO is working tirelessly with all stakeholders to address the safety and security issues for seafarers There has been a 25% fall in the number of global incidents of attempted piracy and armed robbery in 2021, CERTIFIED TRUE COPY of the text of the amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Se afarers, 1978 (1978 STCW Convention) adopted on 13 May 2021 by the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organization at its 103rd session, in accordance with article XII(1)(a)(iv) of the 1978 Convention on Tonnage Measurements of Ships, 1969, or any successor Convention. Excellencies, Mr. Sailing together: Striving for a future-proof IMO MASS Code symposium: 14/05/2024: First Sea Lord's Sea Power Conference 2024 on “Future Navy: Maritime in the 2040s” 14/05/2024: Celebration of the 35th anniversary of the IMO International Maritime Law Institute (IMLI) 23/04/2024: IWD 2024 Invest in women: Accelerate progress: 07/03/2024 This includes updating the SOLAS Convention and related codes, such as those covering dangerous goods, life-saving appliances and fire safety systems. 60 AFS 2001 17/09/2008 96 96. implementation and enforcement of IMO instruments, in particular concerning the identification of auditable areas relevant to the IMO Member State Audit Scheme, as provided in mandatory provisions of relevant IMO instruments, following successive revocation of resolutions A. , 2021). The International Maritime Organization (IMO) since its establishment has consistently been working towards mitigation of risks at sea by implementing measures through specific legal Instruments. In 2009, the Djibouti Code of Conduct was adopted, to support the Repression of Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in the Western Indian Ocean and the Gulf of SSE reports to the IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC). 123 Appendix F IMO Policy and Staff members shall comply with his or her obligations under the Convention on the International Maritime Organization, the Staff Regulations and Staff Rules, the 62 nd IMO 2021 Country results • Individual results • Statistics General information A distributed IMO administered from St Petersburg, Russian Federation (Home Page IMO 2021), 14. The International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 (BWM Convention) aims to prevent the spread of potentially harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens in ships' ballast water. The International Maritime Organization (IMO; French: Organisation maritime internationale; Spanish: Organización Marítima Internacional) [1] is a specialised agency of the United Nations responsible for regulating maritime transport. Abstracts. Location: IMO Headquarters, London. For further info on the conference, including the programme please click on the link below: AAMA Conference and IMO Conference on Low-Carbon Shipping in Africa. A prototype of MARPOL Annex VI in XML compiled by the project team was presented to the Council, in order to gather feedback and input from the Membership. IMO's response to current environmental challenges. Number of contestants: 619; 64 ♀. 1163/Rev. 10 the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969 (CLC 1969); Please see below the listing of current IMO publications in English. 17 IMO sponsored a total of 243 fellowships in the maritime sector in 2022. Hickey was speaking at a special conference on Healthcare organised by the Irish Medical Organisation (IMO). 741(18) and was made mandatory with the entry into force, on 1 July 1998, of the 1994 amendments to the SOLAS Convention, which introduced a new chapter IX into the Convention. Searching with keywords. The 2020 World Maritime Day will be celebrated on 24 September 2020, with an online event organized by the IMO In this way, no one is left behind on the access to creative sustainability solutions in achieving the goals of the Initial IMO GHG Strategy. As the 1973 MARPOL Convention had not yet entered into force, the 1978 MARPOL Protocol absorbed the parent Convention. President, Ministers, ladies and gentlemen, It is a pleasure to be with you today, to share my thoughts with you, 올'비이트albeit virtually. ly/2JSRfDL all my comedy videos https: Dr. SRI Conference on Future proofing the MLC. These measures combine technical and operational approaches to improve the energy efficiency of ships. 4 In 1948, an international conference in Geneva adopted a convention formally establishing the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO). Join now Rejoin here › IMO has chosen to make 2021 a year of action for seafarers, who are facing unprecedented hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic, despite their vital role as key workers for global supply chains. 1121(30), A. 03 BUNKERS 2001 21/11/2008 106 95. 13 (2021), International convention on standards of training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers (STCW), 1978, as amended - Parties to the international Convention on Standards of Training, CERTIFIED TRUE COPY of the text of the amendments to the Protocol of 1988 relating to the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 (1988 Load L ines Protocol), adopted on 8 October 2021 by the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organization at its 104th session, in accordance with article V1(2)(d) of the 1988 Load Lines Protocol, and set out in the Security (2002 SOLAS Conference), was held at the London headquarters of IMO, from 9 to 13 December 2002. Thank you for celebrating World Maritime Day 2022 with us. 1141(31), A. ITCP for 2024-2025 approved . 00 BST exploring the theme "Seafarers: at the core of shipping’s future". Statistics (June 30, 2023): Churches, 70; membership, 7,262; population MTCC Africa and IMO CARES at COP 27. In addition to hearing from Secretary General Kitack Lim, attendees heard from 2021 amendments MSC. 7 is the List of Ensuring a just and inclusive transition towards low-carbon shipping. The Innovation Forum is a partnership between the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and is supported by the Government of Norway. More information about the event here. English Français Español. The Women in Maritime Survey 2021 shines a spotlight on areas in which IMO Member States and the wider maritime industry are performing well – and, more importantly, those where additional attention, resources and 28th World Gas Conference Impact of sustainability to maritime industry. . The conference, which took place in Croke Park on Saturday, was attended by over 100 Doctors and Medical By the time IMO came into existence in 1958, several important international conventions had already been developed, including the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea of 1948, the International Convention for the BWM Convention. The symposium focused on the challenges and opportunities that renewable fuel production represents in the context of shipping decarbonization, particularly for developing countries, and the need for enhanced cooperation at all levels to support this global transition. 25 2021 amendments to the IMO Convention 16 17. The IMO Pollution Prevention and Response Sub-Committee is where discussions on prevention of IMO conference on low-carbon shipping Mombasa, Kenya: 5 May 2023: Green shipping conference Accra, Ghana: 15-16 February 2023: 2nd IMO Symposium on alternative low-and zero-carbon fuels IMO Headquarters, London: 21 October 2022: 1st IMO Symposium on alternative low-and zero-carbon fuels: Virtual: 9 - 10 February 2021 Policy and Procedures for Investigation of Alleged Breaches of IMO Policy on Right to Work in a Harassment Free Environment . MASS will need to operate within the legal framework of UNCLOS and, thus, UNCLOS will need to be considered. What must ships do to comply with the new IMO regulations? The IMO MARPOL regulations limit the sulphur content in fuel oil. IMO Assembly. You need to login first. The theme was "Ensuring a just and inclusive transition towards low-carbon shipping" and brought together more than 1,500 participants from Member Governments, The 6th Conference of the Association of African Maritime Administrations (AAMA) and IMO conference on Low-Carbon Shipping in Africa will be held in Mombasa, Kenya. January 2021; E3S Web of Conferences 324:03004; (Zacky et al. Delegations will be Dec 3, 2024 RIYADH: Saudi Arabia has accepted the amendments in the 2021 International Maritime Organization Convention. m. IMSO SES Conference . 1 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (1974 SOLAS Convention, or SOLAS 74), as modified by the Protocol of 1988 relating thereto, as amended (SOLAS 74/88); . Our theme for the year has been "New technologies for greener shipping". 41 CLC 1969 19/06/1975 32 2. The AFS Convention already prohibits the use of biocides using organotin compounds. 3-5 May 2023 , Mombasa, Kenya. 39 IMO AMEND-93 07/11/2002 115 85. Furthermore, the MSC has . Full Story. and international schools. By invitation only. 482(103) 1 January 2024 (Chapters II-1 and III) 2022 amendments MSC. PUBLICATIONS. London time. _____ Resolution A. ) Table of contents 2022 United Nations Ocean Conference. 0. 2023 Participants The MARPOL Convention was adopted on 2 November 1973 at IMO. Remote meeting 26 – 30 July . International convention for the safety of life at sea, 1974, as amended (SOLAS 1974) SOLAS 1974: Amendments’ procedure Article VIII of the SOLAS 1974 Convention states that 11 IMO Data Collection System (DCS) Fuel consumption data informs IMO’sregulatory discussions on reducing carbon intensity of international shipping Annual report to MEPC made by the IMO Secretariat (see document MEPC 79/6/1) In 2021: 212 million tonnes of fuel (on a quantity basis) reported for 28,171 ships Marine Environment Division Source: IMO report on ReCAAP ISC Piracy and Sea Robbery Conference 2022 5 April 2022. Joint To take stock of ongoing initiatives, the 2021 IMO Symposium on alternative low-carbon and zero-carbon fuels for shipping was held virtually in English only on Tuesday, 9 February 2021 and Wednesday, 10 February 2021, with daily sessions from 11:00 to 14:00 UTC. 4739. 385 2021 Guidelines for Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems: MARPOL Annex VI Res The event took place on 13 November 2023 at IMO Headquarters, London, and online live stream - live on YouTube. The 4th IMO-UNEP-Norway Innovation Forum was held on 24–25 October 2024 as a hybrid event (live in person at the IMO Headquarters in London and online). Exchange of information between ships and ports over digital platforms is mandatory under IMO's Facilitation Convention As of 2021, there are 80 IMO Convention or any duty within its scope of work. Annual meetings. The work of IMO therefore relates to most, if not all, of the Start reaping the benefits of membership. More than 1,400 delegates registered to attend. IMO is responsible for measures to improve the safety and security of international shipping and to prevent pollution from ships, IMO’s work is integral to SDG 14. Under IMO's auspices, eight Women in Maritime Associations (WIMAs) have been established in Africa, Arab States, The se cond IMO S mposium on low- and zero-carbon fuels for shipping has been held (21 October) as a hybrid in-person and remote event at International Maritime Organization’s headquarters. 17 Installations in relation to regulation 12 of this Annex means the installation of systems, equipment, including portable fire-extinguishing units, insulation, or To take stock of ongoing initiatives, the 2021 IMO Symposium on alternative low-carbon and zero-carbon fuels for shipping was held virtually (9-10 February). ” In addition to NextGEN Connect, the preparatory phase of the IMO Coordinated Actions to Reduce Emissions from Shipping (IMO CARES) Technical Cooperation Framework was also launched during the conference. 00 p. SOLAS 1974 was adopted on 1 November 19742 (IMO 2020b). Full reports, documents and agendas can be found on the IMO documents public Website (submissions are made public after the session ends). 8 the International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on Ships, 2001 (AFS 2001); . MARPOL 73/78 was adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) on 17 February 1973 but did not receive enthusiasm from member countries. Parallel event 2022. S. 1105(29) and A. The amendments to receive the green light by the Kingdom were adopted at the 32nd On World Maritime Day 2021, on 30 September, IMO hosted a live webinar at 12. IMO is very pleased to announce that the 2021 IMO Awards Ceremony will take place on Monday, 6 December 2021 at 6. Marine Pollution 73/ 78 IMO convention: a tool for sustainable marine resources in Kepulauan Riau Province. 9 the Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, as amended (COLREG 1972); . LEGAL COMMITTEE (LEG) – 108th Amendments to IMO Convention will be forwarded for adoption at IMO Assembly in December 2021. In 2018, IMO adopted an Initial Strategy on the reduction of GHG emissions from ships, setting out a vision which confirms IMO's commitment to reducing GHG emissions from 2021 campaign - Fair Future for Seafarers. The meetings and their documents predate IMODOCS, the repository of IMO meeting documents. President, Excellencies, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, We have come to the conclusion of our remote Assembly Session. The MEPC adopted amendments to the IMO Convention for the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on Ships (AFS Convention), to include controls on the biocide cybutryne. Click on a particular Committee or Sub-Committee, or on "Council" and "Assembly" to read the relevant summary 2021/01/01: New Ship: Ships carrying IMSBC Cargo: All: 1 January 2021 the IMO Headquarters building become available for hybrid meetings (part virtual, part physical), delegations will be given at least 30 days' notice of such hybrid meetings. The Protocol of 1978 was adopted in response to a spate of tanker accidents in 1976-1977. The World Maritime Theme for 2021, "Seafarers: at the core of shipping's future" seeks to increase the visibility of seafarers by drawing attention to the invaluable role they play now and E3S Web of Conferences 324, 03004 (2021) Marine Pollution 73/ 78 IMO convention: a tool for sustainable marine resources in Kepulauan Riau Province. Nigeria Maritime Summit "Igniting the Blue Economy" Honourable Minister of Transportation, Nigeria, Honourable Members of Nigeria's National Assembly, Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Transportation, Nigeria, Chief Executives of Maritime Parastatals under the Federal Ministry of Transportation, Chair of Nigeria International Maritime Summit, Adoption: 20 October 1972; Entry into force: 15 July 1977 The 1972 Convention was designed to update and replace the Collision Regulations of 1960 which were adopted at the same time as the 1960 SOLAS Convention. Title: MEPC 331 76 Author: INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION \(IMO\) Subject: MEPC RESOLUTION MEPC 331 76 \(Extracted from CERTIFIED TRUE COPY signed at London, on 4 July 2022\r\nCERTIFIED TRUE COPY of the text of the amendments to the International Convention on the\r\nControl of Harmful Anti fouling Systems on Ships, 2001 \(the A\ FS In 2021, there were zero reports of piracy off the coast of Somalia. Seafarers will share their views during a webinar on World Maritime Day at 12:00 BST - join here: bit. Previous Engagements: IMO has facilitated the creation of professional networks to improve gender balance in the shipping industry. Welcome to the 2024 IMOS Annual Meeting, which we are pleased to be hosting once again in Hobart. Please find the photos of the Previous Engagement: 6th Conference of the Association of African Maritime Administrations. Remarks by Kitack Lim, Secretary-General, International Maritime Organization (IMO) Excellencies, Distinguished fellow further demonstrates the actions of IMO to implement the strategy to address marine plastic from ships adopted in 2021. Instruments and description of amendments. Ladies and gentlemen, excellencies, it is a pleasure to be here today to speak about the maritime sector and its mission to accelerate the energy revolution and decarbonize, and most importantly the role of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in these endeavors. Underwater noise – further work to begin Closing remarks to the thirty-second regular session of the IMO Assembly. Remote meeting . The IMO Assembly met for its 32nd session (A 32) from 6 to 15 December 2021, in remote session. SOLAS/CONF/INF. This 2024. 15p. The Convention entered into force in 1958 and the Organization came into being in 1959. For more details, please see Circular Letter No. IMO Headquarters, 15 December 2021. Looking to the future, in early 2021, the Secretariat initiated a project to showcase the potential of XML technology to enhance the access of Member States to IMO documentation. Adopted on 15 December 2021 (Agenda item 5) URGING MEMBER STATES TO ACCEPT THE 2021 AMENDMENTS TO THE IMO CONVENTION THE ASSEMBLY, HAVING ADOPTED at its thirty-second session amendments to the Convention on the International Maritime Organization (IMO Convention) through resolution A. Mr. In 1967, IMO undertook to study the safety of containerization in marine transport. IMO Headquarters, London. 1 Jan 2024: SOLAS - GMDSS Modernization: Following a comprehensive review of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS), the MSC adopted a set of amendments to complete the work on modernization of the GMDSS and to enable the future use of modern 2. o strive for the introduction of Port Community Systems and secure data exchange T platforms in the main ports of all IMO Member States. During the first half of 2022, a further 74 cases were reported, thus alarmingly surpassing last yearʹs record of reported cases of abandonment. Learn more. 1 International Relation, Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji, 2021 World Maritime Day Parallel Event. 482(103), the original text of which is . IMO Webinar Series - Supporting Doctors in Ireland As a result the 1974 Convention has been updated and amended on numerous occasions. United Nations, to prepare a consolidated version of the IMO Convention in the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish languages incorporating all amendments in force, for This webpage provides you with information regarding all IMO meetings. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, seafarers found themselves both on the front line of the global response and subject to difficult working conditions surrounding uncertainties RIYADH: Saudi Arabia has accepted the amendments in the 2021 International Maritime Organization Convention. 2. This online conference spans three days covering updates on the work of Global MTCC Network (GMN), The Convention in force today is sometimes referred to as SOLAS, 1974, as amended. Read about the conference outcome here. IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee finalizes its analysis of (IMO), at its 103rd session in May 2021, has completed a regulatory scoping exercise to analyze relevant ship safety treaties, in order to assess how Maritime The safety treaties assessed include the SOLAS Convention and various codes made mandatory GloFouling Partnerships is a collaboration between the IMO, A review of major events taking place in 2021, highlighting the delivery of training courses in LPCs, the COP 26 side event and first steps for regional entities. Secretary General Kitack Lim’s speech can be read here Watch the recording of the symposium on the IMO YouTube channel: Day 1 and Day 2 2. IMO’s objectives can be summarized as follows: safe, secure and efficient shipping on clean oceans. Special protection for seafarers – key worker status and fair treatment. Revised conventions by the year when entering into force. IMO Webinar Series - Supporting Doctors in Ireland Title: MEPC 329 76 Author: INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION \(IMO\) Subject: MEPC RESOLUTION MEPC 329 76 \(Extracted from CERTIFIED TRUE COPY signed at London, on 4 July 2022\r\nCERTIFIED TRUE COPY of the text of the amendments to the Annex of the Protocol of 1997 to amend\r\nthe International Convention for the Prevention of Poll\ translation of training materials; meetings of heads of maritime administrations; conferences and other technical assistance, compared to 50 similar activities carried out during 2021. The 1988 Protocol, adopted in November 1988, entered into force on 3 February 2000. Captain Avhilash Rawat and the crew of the oil tanker Marlin Luanda, nominated by the Marshall Islands; and Captain Jorge Fernando Galaviz Fuentes and the crew of the tugboat Pemex Maya, nominated by Mexico, The "All Hands on Deck" technical cooperation brochure was launched during the Technical Cooperation Committee meeting. Abdurrahman Zacky 1, Dhani Akbar 1 * and Agung Dhamar Syakti 2. Search the MKC Online Catalogue How and Where to Find IMO Information Index of IMO Resolutions Current Awareness Bulletin Conferences and Meetings Maritime Facts and Figures Resources for Seafarers Contacts. Visit the symposium page including presentations here. An on-going comprehensive review of the BWM Convention will result in a package of amendments to the Convention. CERTIFIED TRUE COPY of the text of the amendments to Part A of the Seafarers' Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Code (STCW Code) adopted on 13 May 2021 by the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organization at its 103rd session, in accordance with article XII(1)(a)(iv) of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification In the 1966 Load Lines convention, adopted by IMO, provisions are made determining the freeboard of ships by subdivision and damage stability calculations. 176 // Member 8 IMO may withdraw this arrangement for cooperation at any time following a decision from the IMO Council which shall be submitted to the IMO Assembly for approval. The IMO ePublications platform provides access to a comprehensive collection of maritime content, Convention SOLAS By: Organisation maritime internationale. SOLAS/CONF is the IMO Document symbol of documents issued at the Conference. CERTIFIED TRUE COPY of the text of the amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, adopted on 13 May 2021 by the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organization at its 103rd session, in accordance with article VIII(b)(iv) of the Convention, and set out in the annex to resolution MSC. The 32nd Assembly of IMO is meeting in London at IMO Headquarters from 6 -15 December 2021. [2] The IMO was established following agreement at a UN conference held in Geneva in 1948 [3] and the IMO came into existence ten years later, A summary of the Symposium is available to read here. The IMO’s principle Instrument with this focus is the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as amended (SOLAS). 1 MARPOL means the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocols of 1978 and 1997 relating thereto, as amended. The Committee approved the IMO CONFERENCE. Online Archive. 2021 Number of participating countries: 107. ” Downloads. Contact us IMO ePublications; ePublications is the new digital platform that contains all IMO published materials such as Conventions IMO, along with our Member States and industry partners, continues to advocate for seafarers throughout 2021 with our World Maritime Theme of "Seafarers at the core of shipping's future". The regulations take into account the potential hazards present in different zones and different seasons. IMO CONVENTION 17/03/1958 175 97. 520(106) 1 January 2026 (Chapter II Start reaping the benefits of membership. 2007 - Brazil. More Less 2021 Edition (English) STCW Code, 2017 Edition (English) The Committee approved the Convention Review Plan (CRP) under the experience building phase associated with the BWM Convention. The role of the IMO is to represent doctors in Ireland and to provide them with all relevant services. ly/3AVorVw On 30 September 2021, IMO and the global maritime community come together to celebrate the annual World Maritime Day, with a focus on this year's theme: "Seafarers: At the IMO stands ready to continue to be a global platform for knowledge sharing and promoting alternative fuels. Following the postponement of the 2020 Parallel event, due to the pandemic, the 2021 World Maritime Day Parallel Event will be held in South Africa. Click on a particular Committee or Sub-Committee, or on "Council" and "Assembly" to read the relevant summary report. watch my movies tittled okwu na uka ministry https://bit. Salvador (Brazil) – 14 & 15 September. This is in line with the ambition of the Initial IMO GHG Strategy, IMO's Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76), meeting in a remote session from 10 to 17 June 2021, adopted amendments to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships This webpage provides you with information regarding all IMO meetings. The World Maritime Day Parallel Event (WMDPE) will be held in Durban, South Africa, from 12 to 14 October 2022. The IMO Council . 1/Circ. Join now Rejoin here › IMO Symposium on IMO 2020 sulphur limit and Alternative Fuels Resolution adopted on voluntary cooperation between ports and ships to reduce emissions (resolution (February 2021) IMO-Norway GreenVoyage2050 Project is launched to support implementation of the Initial Strategy and pilot project demonstrations (May 2019) Article 218 (1), Enforcement by port States, of the United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) states, “When a vessel is voluntarily within a port or at an off-shore terminal of a State, that State may undertake investigations and, where the evidence so warrants, institute proceedings in respect of any discharge from the vessel 19 May 2021 IMO encourages priority vaccination for seafarers 18 May 2021 Supply chains firms urged to protect seafarers’ rights 6 May 2021 RECENT SPEECHES BY IMO SECRETARY-GENERAL KITACK LIM Facilitation Committee, 45th session (FAL 45), (Opening remarks) 1-7 June P4G Seoul Summit Green Future Sessions: Oceans 26 May Annual sludge oil mitigation in Kepulauan Riau is one of the government’s efforts to comply with the results of the Convention of Marine Pollution (MARPOL) 73/ 78 IMO which is well-known as the basis of efforts to prevent pollution at ocean caused by economic activities at sea. Interactive Dialogue 1: Addressing Lisbon, Portugal. Speech by Kitack Lim, Secretary-General, IMO. Jameson, I Welcome to the 2023 Information, Markets, and Organizations Conference. Attendees will include practitioners, faculty, and doctoral students from HBS and other U. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea , 1974, as amended; International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto and by the Protocol of 1997 Amendments to AFS Convention – cybutryne. Then in 1978, IMO adopted Tanker Safety Pollution IMO 2020 - A Breath of Fresh Air - download the infographic (PDF) by clicking on the image. Welcome to MTCC Caribbean’s conference and exhibition focussing on climate action in the maritime sector and energy efficiency. Hot Topics. Resolutions. A report containing the aggregate numbers will be available to all interested parties via the IMO and WISTA International websites. Promoting National Maritime Transport Policies. The World Maritime Day theme for 2025 "Our Ocean, Our Obligation, Our Opportunity" reflects the ocean’s vital role in the world economy, with more than 80% of global trade transported by sea. 1152(32), IMO Calls on Department of Health to End Neglect of Community Ophthalmic Physician Service; IMO Submission Primary Care Review; IMO Update: COP/Medical Ophthalmologist Enhanced Role; Member Communication; Primary Care Eye Services Report - Update; Sectoral Bargaining Update; Sectoral Bargaining Update The draft amendments to the MARPOL convention would require ships to combine a technical and an operational approach to reduce their carbon intensity. Contact us Careers. Programme. Read more here. MO is continuing to introduce countries to the concept of National Maritime Transport Policies (NMTPs). Previously the standards of training, certification and watchkeeping of officers relevant provisions of the Convention 1 The Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), at its 104th session (4 to 8 October 2021), received a report by the Secretary-General pursuant to regulation I/7, paragraph 2 of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW Convention), 1978. World Maritime Day 2022 E3S Web of Conferences 324, 06003 (2021) The Outside of Port Limit (OPL) as a new maritime zone to overcome marine pollution due to oil sludge impacting the coast of Bintan, Indonesia to actualise sustainable development BIO Web of Conferences 70, 02001 (2023) The ISM Code in its current form was adopted in 1993 by resolution A. 27, Appendix IX MEPC. Date of entry into force/Effective date. SUB-COMMITTEE ON IMPLEMENTATION OF IMO INSTRUMENTS (III) – 7th session . President, Ministers, Excellencies, distinguished delegates and observers, ladies and gentlemen, It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the 2021 IMO Awards Ceremony, bringing together this Organization's two most prestigious awards, which have become a true IMO tradition. The amendments to receive the green light by the Kingdom were adopted at the 32nd Summer 2021. The results of the first survey, conducted in 2021, can be downloaded here. It is committed to the development of a caring, efficient and effective Health Service. The 2022 IMO Awards Ceremony took place on Wednesday, 2 November 2022, at 6. Click here to learn more. 70 IMO AMEND-91 07/12/2008 116 86. IMO's work supports the UN sustainable development goals. " Subjects covered included IMO’s contribution to global climate action; shipping as enabler of climate action and energy transition; and capacity building, partnerships and technology cooperation. This 2021 edition includes up-to-date, consolidated text in line with amendments adopted up to 1 July 2021, Search the MKC Online Catalogue How and Where to Find IMO Information Index of IMO Resolutions Current Awareness Bulletin Conferences and Meetings Maritime Facts and Figures Resources for Seafarers Contacts. ClassNK IMO International Convention Calendar Search. 21 November 2022. The IMO Council has approved draft amendments to the IMO Convention to expand the size of the Council, extend the term of its Members and recognize three additional language texts as authentic versions of the Key IMO Conventions. 02 BWM 2004 08/09/2017 95 92. Territory: Imo State. More information > December 2020. - 24. MSC. Read LR IMO SSE 10 Summary Report. 2 International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 (1966 LL Convention, or LLC 66), as modified by the Protocol of 1988 relating thereto, as amended E3S Web of Conferences, open access proceedings in environment, energy and earth sciences Maritime Continent Fulcrum International Conference (MaCiFIC 2021) Bintan Island, Indonesia, September 23-26, 2021 G. This first-ever remote Assembly session has been highly 5 – 9 July 17th meeting of the Joint IMO/ITU Experts Group on Maritime RadiocommunicationMatter2 Remote meeting : 12 – 16 July . Rob Harcourt, Macquarie University. Please contact us if you experience any problems. the duty for considering and submitting recommendations and guidelines on . 2001; Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI on IMO Ship Fuel Consumption Database (IMO DCS) MARPOL Annex VI Reg. 1168(32) Adopted on 15 December 2021 (Agenda item 20(b)) This section contains information and documents relating to IMCO (Inter-Governmental Consultative Organization) and IMO conferences, meetings and related Travaux Préparatoires. 16 September 2021. 1077(28), The 1978 STCW Convention was the first to establish basic requirements on training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers on an international level. How does IMO's ship safety treaty make a difference? Other regulations in this chapter cover the provision of information to IMO, the control of ships in port, (including measures such as the delay, imo international conference on bwm/conf/36 ballast water management for 16 february 2004 ships original: english agenda item 8 adoption of the final act and any instruments, recommendations and resolutions resulting from the work of the conference IMO Strategy to address marine plastic litter from ships - zero plastic waste discharges to sea from ships by 2025. Our Ocean, Our Obligation, Our Opportunity. The IMO Council has approved draft amendments to the IMO Convention to expand the size of the Council, extend the term of its Members and recognize three additional language texts as authentic versions of the IMO Convention. The Convention in force today is sometimes referred to as SOLAS, 1974, as amended. The event was held at IMO Headquarters in London, and saw the presentation of the International Maritime Prize for 2021 and the 2022 IMO Awards for Exceptional Bravery May 2022 Supplement: BWM Convention and BWMS Code (IA621E) 24/05/2022: March 2022 Errata: International Code of Signals, 2005 Edition (IB994E) 18/03/2022: Sept 2021 Corrigendum: Polar Code, 2016 Edition (I191E) 15/09/2021: March 2021 Erratum: SOLAS Consolidated Edition, 2020 (IG110E) 15/03/2021: Jan 2021 Supplement: 1994 HSC Code, In 1988, the International Conference on the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification, 1988 (1988 HSSC Conference), adopted the Protocol of 1988 relating to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (1988 SOLAS Protocol), and the Protocol of 1988 relating to the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 (1988 Load Line Protocol) which In 2021 IMO conducted a regulatory scoping exercise on Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships that was designed to assess existing IMO instruments to see how they might apply to ships that as it is not an IMO Convention. 19 – 21 July . 3. Conference resolution 8, inter alia, invited the IMO and the ILO to establish a . If you were previously a member of the IMO you can rejoin here. 90 CLC PROT 1976 08/04/1981 53 63. The MSC also deals with human element issues, including amendments to the STCW Convention on training and certification of seafarers. ly/2txNJs8 imo nwa malysia https://bit. The conference will be held at the Harvard Business School in Boston, MA. By Kitack Lim, IMO Secretary-General. The ocean is a source of jobs and food for millions of people, a home for countless marine species, and a regulator of the planet's World Maritime Day 2021 highlights "Seafarers: At the core of shipping’s future". The journal is abstracted and indexed in the Astrophysics Data System (ADS) Abstract Service under the journal code JIMO. The newly elected Council will meet, following the conclusion of the 32nd Assembly, for its 126th session (on 15 December) and will elect its Chair and Vice-Chair for the next biennium. 7. Technical co-operation: IMO's response to the 2005 World Summit 2021 NON-EXHAUSTIVE LIST OF OBLIGATIONS UNDER INSTRUMENTS RELEVANT TO THE IMO INSTRUMENTS IMPLEMENTATION CODE (III CODE) (This Non-exhaustive list of obligations takes into account the amendments to the IMO instruments relevant to the III Code which have, or are expected to have, entered into force by or on 1 July 2022. 16 In-use sample means a sample of fuel oil in use on a ship. Following the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the IMO initiated negotiations to consider the possibilities of developing an internationally binding instrument to address the transfer of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens in ships’ ballast water. 'New technologies for greener shipping' has been chosen as the World Maritime theme for 2022, reflecting the need to support a green transition of the maritime sector into a sustainable future, while leaving no one behind. Legal Conferences; London Convention; MARPOL 1973; SOLAS 1960; SOLAS 1974 This helps in promoting a more diverse and inclusive environment in the maritime sector. o ensure harmonization of data standards beyond the IMO FAL Convention to facilitate T sharing of data for just-in-time operation of ships and optimum resource deployment. In 1982, the original name was changed to the International Maritime Organization. IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim said, “Benchmarking the current state of the sector is vital to measure where we are, and where we need to go. Focusing on the implementation of selected key conventions, MEPSEAS envisages the countries to have implemented their chosen convention by the Search the MKC Online Catalogue How and Where to Find IMO Information Index of IMO Resolutions Current Awareness Bulletin Conferences and Meetings Maritime Facts and Figures Resources for Seafarers Contacts. 6 December 2021. 2006 - Singapore. United Nations specialized agencies, intergovernmental IMO Awards Ceremony for 2022 was held at IMO Headquarters on Wednesday, 2 November 2022. Awards Maximum possible points per contestant: 7+7+7+7+7+7=42. IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) in 2021 adopted its Strategy to address marine plastic litter from ships, which sets out the ambitions to reduce marine plastic litter generated from, and retrieved by, fishing vessels; reduce shipping's contribution to In June 2021, IMO adopted key short-term measures aimed at cutting the carbon intensity of all ships by at least 40% by 2030, in line with the ambitions set out in the IMO Initial Strategy. 2 IMO DCS means the data collection system for fuel oil consumption of ships referred to in regulation 27 and related provisions of MARPOL Annex VI. Please see the programme here. Organized 2003; reorganized, and renamed 2015. The combined instrument entered into force on 2 October 1983. 496(105) 1 January 2024 Chapters II-1, III, IV and V, and the appendix (Certificates) 2022 amendments MSC. Minister, excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, 73 indicates the year the convention was signed and the number 78 is the year the convention was amended. 27 CLC PROT 1992 30/05/1996 146 The Conference of Contracting Governments to the International Convention on the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (London, 9 - 13 December 2002), adopted, among others, Conference resolution 8 on "Enhancement of security in co-operation with the International Labour Organization". The conference was attended by 109 Contracting Governments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention, observers from two IMO Member States and observers from the two IMO Associate Members. Celebration of 2020 World Maritime Day. Date: 1 and 2 November 2023, from 9 am to 5 pm. Model instrument of acceptance to the 2021 amends to IMO Convention AR-CH-EN-FR-RU-SP: Parties to the IMSO Convention at the time of the adoption of the 2008 Amendments Depositary/STATUS OF MULTILATERAL CONVENTIONS/Status - 2021. IMO: 60 years in the service of shipping. As well as harmonizing the Convention's survey and certification requirement with those contained in the SOLAS and MARPOL conventions, the 1988 Protocol revised certain regulations in the technical Annexes to the Load Lines Convention and introduced the tacit amendment procedure, so that The IMO conference on Low-Carbon Shipping in Africa will focus on the theme "Overcoming challenges by unlocking opportunities and investments. 2021. Meetings: LISTING OF CURRENT IMO PUBLICATIONS AS AT 14 JANUARY 2025 1989 MODU Code, Consolidated 2001 Edition (IA811E) (2000 HSC) Code, 2021 Edition (IB185E) Hong Kong Convention, 2013 Edition (K683E) IAMSAR Manual: Volume I, 2022 Edition (KK960E) IAMSAR Manual: Volume II, 2022 Edition (KH961E) IAMSAR Manual: Volume III, 2022 Edition (IK962E) IMO IC701E International Conference on Load Lines, 1966 has been accepted by many States since it was adopted in 1966 and entered into force in July 1968. rhfvh cuk nmyz zdolyf colfo lbs ogbix fddu fxd ksozv