Xrf reflector list. Here is a List of all ARRGUS ARRAY REFLECTORS reflectors.
Xrf reflector list Users: Modules (REF|XRF|DCS)367, YSF 68798, DMR TG 3128459: 336: XLX368: USA: NERD XLXD REFLECTOR: 337: XLX369: USA: Module A linked 24/7 to WIRES-X Fusion Net node JerryNet Reflector on XRF367 - Module A cross-linked (REF|XRF|DCS)367, YSF 68798, DMR TG 3128459: 338: XLX368: USA: NERD XLXD REFLECTOR: 339: XLX369: USA: Module A linked 24/7 to WIRES-X Fusion Net node #40821. But don’t study it. US Check out the dashboards to see who is on! Call someone on the list. com/M0FXBHAMRADIODIARY https://icomuk. FreeSTAR Network - SystemX Multimode Reflector. 2GHz modules are usually linked to the XRF555 Reflector, a Rocky Mountain Front Range collection of D-STAR and other systems. For DPlus reflectors, continue using L/U/I commands XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. CMRG also operates D-STAR repeaters KD0QPG in Salida CO and Check out REF reflectors, XRF reflectors, and this nice discussion about the various kinds of reflectors. Toggle navigation URF307 Universal Reflector. All reflectors have 26 nodes (modules), please use "D" for DMR connections C4FM (YSF) connections are auto Parker Radio Association XLX720 is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. 2 Pi-Star Multi-Link All Mode / Service uptime: 0 days (REF|XRF|DCS)367, YSF 68798, DMR TG 3128459: 334: XLX368: USA: NERD XLXD REFLECTOR: 335: XLX369: USA: Module A linked 24/7 to WIRES-X Fusion Net node #40821. txt DPlus_Hosts. I haven't found a way JerryNet Reflector on XRF367 - Module A cross-linked (REF|XRF|DCS)367, YSF 68798, DMR TG 3128459: 329: XLX368: USA: NERD XLXD REFLECTOR: 330: XLX369: USA: Module A linked 24/7 to WIRES-X Fusion Net node #40821. XLX794 v2. CNJHAM - Our Central New Jersey smart group conference REF020 - The original D-Plus Reflector 20 operated by KB2EAR XRF020 - An XRF Reflector that speaks D-Plus and DCS as well This means it’s even simpler to run a multi-mode reflector. Do not This reflector is DCS - DPlus (REF) - DExtra (XRF) - YSF (C4FM) on "Y" Please, Only Connect DMR to "D", Please, Only Connect YSF to "Y", no transcoding however DMR>DMR C4FM>C4FM OK-Sponsored by KM4NMW Created and Maintained by NO9S. The system is now live, it can be enabled by adding the reflector’s address to the DExtra list of your gateway and then XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. The DExtra_Host. The reflector is numbered XLX678 and you can view the latest activity on the reflector dashboard at: https://xlx. Once I learned that XLX reflectors self-register, XLX020 was born. Users (79) / Modules (11) Repeaters / Nodes (14) Module List (13) Interlink (0) Smart Groups XLX Reflector List System Info # Flag Callsign Suffix DPRS Via / Peer Last heard Module; 1: M0JKT: M0JKT B: 07. 1 / Service uptime: 15 days D-Star live: This reflector accepts XRF, DCS, and D-Plus Connections. To convey the DStar information the software used to run a REF reflector uses a network protocol called DPlus to communicate with the repeaters. I used the D-STAR Calculator to generate a bunch of channels; From the reflector list, I selected the D-Star Mega Repeater and the West Coast Repeater Linking reflectors, and I used those as a template to manually create entries for XLX216E This will build either a new kind of XLX reflector or a tri-mode XRF reflector. Unlike ref reflector's that use DPlus, XRF reflectors that use DExtra or DCS reflectors that use, well DCS an XLX reflector can use any of the three protocols listed here. 0; Service uptime: 300 days 08:53:39; Last Heard; Links (23) QuadNet Live # Flag Callsign Suffix DPRS Via / Peer Last heard; 1: United States: W3XPT: XRF587 C Operation wise: The main differences are that DCS reflectors use channels A to Z and they have names, DCS001 A is world wide, and is permanently linked to the A channels on all other DCS reflectors. net won't list it because i'm running this newer software. 0; Service uptime: 7 days 10:59:03; Last Heard; Links (8) Peers (2) Reflector List; QuadNet Live; Donate # Flag Callsign Suffix DPRS Via / Peer Last heard; 1: Poland: SQ4KDF: DMR: XLX587 G / BM3104 XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. 4. If I talk to CQCQCQ while linked, my voice will be broadcasted to any other repeater or user connected to the same reflector like REF001C. At the top of the Pi-Star dashboard you’ll find a button called ‘Update UTC Times listed are the time of the next net. 2025 02:58: A: 2: United States: fcs004 number description; fcs00400: la espanola: fcs00400: ycs224 spain-link: fcs00401: ea-distrito 1: fcs00402: ea-distrito 2: fcs00403: ea-distrito 3: fcs00404 JerryNet Reflector on XRF367 - Module A cross-linked (REF|XRF|DCS)367, YSF 68798, DMR TG 3128459: 335: XLX368: USA: NERD XLXD REFLECTOR: 336: XLX369: USA: Module A linked 24/7 to WIRES-X Fusion Net node #40821. 2 KV9Q Multi-Network / Service uptime: 5 days 08:37:53. You can modify any of these to include the reflector that you want to reach. co. 8. 2 / Service uptime: 864 days 03:57:52 XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. To connect your repeater to a JerryNet Reflector on XRF367 - Module A cross-linked (REF|XRF|DCS)367, YSF 68798, DMR TG 3128459: 336: XLX368: USA: NERD XLXD REFLECTOR: 337: XLX369: USA: Module A linked 24/7 to WIRES-X Fusion Net node #40821. patreon. Users / Modules: Repeaters / Nodes (0) Peers (0) Modules list: Reflectors list: Traffic statistics: D-Star live # Flag Callsign Suffix DPRS Via / Peer Last heard; 1: England The WA7DRE Amateur Radio Club maintains a D-STAR X-Reflector. txt. An X-Reflector is an alternative style of D-STAR reflector that is based on open protocols and requires no callsign registration. XLX now natively supports DMR, D-Star, and C4FM. 2 Swedish xlx reflector / Service uptime: 30 days 16:27:19. Net on Thursdays 2100EST: 339: XLX370: Italy: Liguria - TigullioHamradio: 340: XLX371: Italy: Liguria TigullioHamradio - DMR interlink XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. We strongly encourage all DMR hot-spot users that are currently connected to our IPSC2 server to Due to the large number of repeaters, UK, Italy and Germany are listed as seperate regions. Users: Nodes (4) Peers (61) Mod. 2025 19:34: X: 2 XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. XLX673 v2. Mainly, use your new XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. The second type of reflectors that came up were the XRF reflectors. XRF – Up next is XRF reflectors. 2 / Service uptime: 591 days 10:07:31 This will build either a new kind of XLX reflector or a tri-mode XRF reflector. For DPlus reflectors, continue using L/U/I commands We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. All reflecctors can be accessed using DCSxxx - REFxxx - or XRFxxx Use reflector descriptor in place of xxx. All reflectors and domains owned and maintained by NO9S for ARRG. 0 Please use Module C for Amsat Chatter / Service uptime: 15 days 17:56:35. AMBEd installed and Connected to DMR / C4FM at module G / Y . 2024-06-11 New System X DMR Servers Quadnet has added five System X DMR servers in Georgia, Ohio, Oregon, Texas and California. list: DSTAR Now! MEMO Link XLX and XRF Reflectors, DMR, and DMRGateway with Pi-Star 37 XLX Forum 37 XLX Yahoo Group 38 YSF2DMR sample config 38 YSF2DMR source code 38 YSF Reflector Registry 38 (I put the YSF Reflector and XLX reflector on the same server. XLX389 v2. This page applies to all D-STAR Terminal Mode-capable radios that support a simple USB cable connection such as the IC-705 , and, we think, to the IC-9700. J. XLX720 Parker Radio Association, Parker, Colorado / Service uptime: 188 days 22:39:08 / Current Time 02:09:47pm . Toggle navigation URF587 Universal Reflector. If you want to use a gateway, set the URCALL to the XLX103 (XRF103) REFLECTOR As well as the REF103 - DCS103 and YSF25018 auto connect to module Y Supported by the Manitoulin Amateur Radio Club Inc. 2 Pi-Star Multi-Link All Mode / Service uptime: 0 days 05:24:46. Unfortunately, this will lead you nowhere. A key part of this is the hybrid transcoder, tcd, which is in a separate repository. 2 - Dashboard v2. Net on Thursdays 2100EST: 340: XLX370: Italy: Liguria - TigullioHamradio: 341: XLX371: Italy: Liguria TigullioHamradio - DMR interlink XRF002 Reflector System . A nice touch. Net on Thursdays 2100EST: 339: XLX370: Italy: Liguria - TigullioHamradio: 340: XLX371: Italy: Liguria TigullioHamradio - DMR interlink This will build either a new kind of XLX reflector or a tri-mode XRF reflector. 17:46. Net on Thursdays 2100EST: 338: XLX370: Italy: Liguria - TigullioHamradio: 339: XLX371: Italy: Liguria TigullioHamradio - DMR interlink XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. Here is a List of all ARRGUS ARRAY REFLECTORS Now with G3 Terminal/AP connectivity REF032 D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. 3. The easiest way is to use the Quick setup to connect to these networks. 01:15. XLX672 v2. 31 - Dashboard v2. 0 modified by PE1RJV / Service uptime: 158 days 10:48:35 This reflector is DCS - DPlus (REF) - DExtra (XRF) - YSF (C4FM) on "Y" - Please Connect DMR to "D" only. Users / Modules: Repeaters / Nodes (6) Peers (2) Reflectorlist: D-Star live # Flag Callsign Suffix DPRS Via / Peer Last heard; 1: France: F1GTO: AMBE . txt file is where you'll add XLX reflectors but they will be called XRF in the hosts file instead of XLX. XLX510 Reflector Dashboard XLX510 v2. These reflectors use a protocol known as DExtra. XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. XLX405 v2. Please visit the ARRG. 2 / Service uptime: 1147 days 21:20:55. If you select 15 keV, you will be optimized for elements lighter than iron, particularly elements like Pi-Star took weeks to list XRF020 until I went to the “top guy”. 1 - Dashboard v2. Reflector number: XRF031. Net on Thursdays 2100EST: 340: XLX370: Italy: Liguria - TigullioHamradio: 341: XLX371: Italy: Liguria TigullioHamradio - DMR interlink XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. 2 / Service uptime: 36 days 04:53:55. We hope you find this list helpful as you make new friends and contacts in Ham Radio! 73! Nets that run Everyday PNW 3141 every night at 7pm Cst Monday K5MI DMR Lunch Bunch - 11:00am ET - BM XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. XLX794 Reflector Dashboard XLX794 v2. 30 - Dashboard v2. txt file the reflectors IP address resides. Users / Modules: Repeaters / Nodes (2) Peers (0) Modules list: Reflectors list: D-Star live # Flag Callsign Suffix DPRS Via / Peer Last heard; 1: United States XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. I've used 30c, 58b(Alabama Statewide), 29a(Utah Statewide), and 46a(Florida Statewide). XLX Source Reflector list – This is the list Pi-Star pulls from for XLX/XRF. Hamshack Hotline: 94073 XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. Hi, So I got really deep in to this DStar stuff and set up an XLX/XRF reflector since I had a server sitting there static. Like XLX, XRF also supports out-going XRF 757A -- X-Reflector and Mode. 2 / Service uptime: 108 days 11:06:11 URF is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. On Tuesday's there is a "Raspberry Pi" net (on X-Reflector 021B at 0300 GMT) that talks about using your DVAP on a Raspberry Pi to create a About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Reflectors: As of 2016, there are (4) types of reflectors on the network. XLX654 Reflector Dashboard XLX654 v2. XLX002 STN002. 2 / Service uptime: 335 days 01:03:40. A list of those reflectors can be found here. V#Q2. Users / Modules: Repeaters / Nodes (19) Peers (4) Modules list: Reflectors list # Flag Callsign Suffix DPRS Via / Peer Last heard To link to XRF/DCS reflectors, 8th character in URCALL field should be: O = Open (link to DCS/XRF reflector, eg. 2 / Service uptime: 1148 days 01:16:14 REF/XRF connector. Here is a List of all ARRGUS ARRAY REFLECTORS Now with G3 Terminal/AP connectivity Peanut available on 102B - 102C - 102E - 102W and 102X Kissimmee, FL. Utilisateurs / Modules (REF|XRF|DCS)367, YSF 68798, DMR TG 3128459: 336: XLX368: USA: NERD XLXD REFLECTOR: 337: XLX369: USA: Module A linked 24/7 to WIRES-X Fusion Net node #40821. US ARRAY FaceBook Group If you plan to use D-STAR Terminal Mode but want to be able to link to reflectors (REF, XRF, DCS, XLX), this page is for you. 0Km. XLX124 Reflector Dashboard XLX124 v2. YSF Number Description YSF DTMF DMR2YSF TG DMR2YSF TG via DMRGateway; 44513-----NO #44513: TG 44513: TG 7044513: 12920----KP3AV-System #12920: TG 12920: TG 7012920: 88888--GB-CUMBRIAC #88888: TG 88888: TG 7088888: 99923-0 XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. If I try the registration server rejects the registration requests. XLX007 v2. US. Module A - Constellation. W")Also DTMF 99. 2 Pi-Star Multi-Link All Mode / Service uptime: 0 days 09:05:23. 2 / Service uptime: 1146 days 20:28:24. XRFリフレクター同好会ではリフレクターとD-Starレピータへのアクセスが簡単に行えるように、各種のインターフェースを用意し頒布を行っています。 これによりリフレクター、レピーターを使ったQSOが増え、アマチュア無線のアクテビティが上がる事に力添えできれば幸いです。 XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. ICOM’s method of Terminal Mode only does callsign routing. , Ontario Canada This reflector is DCS - DPlus (REF) - DExtra (XRF) -Sponsored by ARRG. Q: When I try to connect to REF001 or REF030, I get “Reflector is Busy!! A: The reflector is busy, try again in 15 minutes. 2 / Service uptime: 1142 days 16:44:57 YSF Reflector List This table of YSF reflectors is pulled from the Pi-Star YSF Database (updated every 5 mins). uk/IC-705/Mobile_Amateur_Radio_Hamhttps://icomuk. The software used to run the XRF reflector uses another network protocol called DExtra. 2 / Service uptime: 921 days 03:47:26 XLX103 (XRF103) REFLECTOR As well as the REF103 - DCS103 and YSF25018 auto connect to module Y Supported by the Manitoulin Amateur Radio Club Inc. 2 / Service uptime: 1 days 14:57:24. Users: Nodes (3) Peers (10) Mod. 527: XLX702: USA: K7SMD C4FM & Bridge Reflector YSF00702: 528: XLX704: your_country XRF is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. For Example, to connect to Module A, issue the following command on your Pi-Star HotSpot or Repeater: XRF405AL ICOM G2/G3 Systems running add-on software The Magic Valley Amateur Radio Club YSF/WIRES-X room is fairly active(#43210). This is how XRF400 was created. Toggle navigation XLX045 Multiprotocol Reflector. 0Km Hosted by XRF Takebe Club (JE4YOC) in Okayama-City, Okayama-Pref. Here is a List of all ARRGUS ARRAY REFLECTORS Now with G3 Terminal/AP connectivity JerryNet Reflector on XRF367 - Module A cross-linked (REF|XRF|DCS)367, YSF 68798, DMR TG 3128459: 338: XLX368: USA: NERD XLXD REFLECTOR: 339: XLX369: USA: Module A linked 24/7 to WIRES-X Fusion Net node #40821. 2 - Dashboard (REF|XRF|DCS)367, YSF 68798, DMR TG 3128459: 337: XLX368: USA: NERD XLXD REFLECTOR: 338: XLX369: USA: Module A linked 24/7 to WIRES-X Fusion Net node #40821. boards. C4FM and DMR do not require any transcoding hardware (AMBE) to work together. 1 Hosted by XRF Takebe Club (JE4YOC) in Okayama-City, Okayama-Pref. openquad. So as far as I can tell I'm stuck with a list of reflectors the most of which are pretty silent. 2 Washington Digital Radio Enthusiasts X-Reflector / Service uptime: 7 days 21:09:38. XLX741 Reflector Dashboard XLX741 v2. 0 - Dashboard v2. 2 / Service uptime: 615 days 12:25:35 Q: Why is my DCS, XRF and REF reflector list so short? A: Every host that is not an XLX reflector, is placed in the DCS, XRF or REF hosts file. You’ll need to issue either XRF208CL or DCS208CL. DVAR users can either manually enter the callsign and IP (or hostname) into the Windows GUI or, in most cases where the remote IP / hostname is not known, the DVAR client can be configured to access the FREE STAR* callsign server to obtain a merged listing This reflector is DCS - DPlus (REF) - DExtra (XRF) - YSF (C4FM) on "Y" - Please Connect DMR to "D" only, no transcoding however DMR>DMR OK-Sponsored by KM4NMW Created and Maintained by NO9S. This may change as Daylight Saving Time is implemented in the net's home timezone. Net on Thursdays 2100EST: 338: XLX370: Italy: Liguria - TigullioHamradio: 339: XLX371: Italy: Liguria TigullioHamradio - DMR interlink JerryNet Reflector on XRF367 - Module A cross-linked (REF|XRF|DCS)367, YSF 68798, DMR TG 3128459: 338: XLX368: USA: NERD XLXD REFLECTOR: 339: XLX369: USA: Module A linked 24/7 to WIRES-X Fusion Net node #40821. list: DSTAR Now! MEMO Link XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. Users: Nodes (2) Peers (10) Mod. XLX160 v2. Once the link is established, dial to “Use Reflector – CQCQCQ” to talk. 22:21. UR=". XLX988 v2. 5. If you want to use a reflector, set the URCALL on your radio to CQCQCQ, and the local module to D in the openSPOT4. 03:04. Utilizing the XLX103 (XRF103) REFLECTOR As well as the REF103 - DCS103 and YSF25018 auto connect to module Y Supported by the Manitoulin Amateur Radio Club Inc. Module D - D-STAR & DMR XLX313D/TG 4004 XRF is known to have issues. 2016 Bohr's Atomic Model Bohr's atomic model describes the structure of an atom as an atomic nucleus surrounded by electron XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. 2 / Service uptime: 1152 days 02:45:02 FreeSTAR Network Official XLX Multimode Reflector. UR="DCS014BO") T = Terminate (unlink from DCS/XRF reflector, eg. To connect your repeater to a REF reflector, you issue a command like REFxxxaL on your radio, replacing xxx with the JerryNet Reflector on XRF367 - Module A cross-linked (REF|XRF|DCS)367, YSF 68798, DMR TG 3128459: 337: XLX368: USA: NERD XLXD REFLECTOR: 338: XLX369: USA: Module A linked 24/7 to WIRES-X Fusion Net node #40821. Your reflector must be listed before you can expect anyone to be able to connect to it without manually editing any host files. It is a connected system of different reflectors around the globe, reporting back to one central XRF was the first open-source reflector software. This is with the QuadNet Array (https://www. L. Reflector Usage Location Links Speed; REF001C: Worldwide Linked Repeaters: Status: REF002A: Status: REF002B: Status: REF002C: Status: REF003A: Georgia Statewide Voice This reflector is DCS - DExtra (XRF) - YSF (C4FM) on "Y" DPlus (REF) port now closed - Please, Only Connect DMR to "D", Please, Only Connect YSF to "Y", no transcoding however DMR>DMR C4FM>C4FM OK-Sponsored by KM4NMW Created and Maintained by NO9S. Net on Thursdays 2100EST: 336: XLX370 This reflector is DCS - DExtra (XRF) - YSF (C4FM) on "Y" DPlus (REF) port now closed - Please, Only Connect DMR to "D", -Sponsored by KM4NMW Created and Maintained by NO9S. Connecting to XRF, REF or DCS reflectors is really easy on the 74 using DTMF! While using your DVAP, pressing PTT, enter for XRF: BnnnM where nnn is the reflector number and M is the module for REF: *nnnM for DCS: DnnnM leading zeros are not necessary for the reflector number. I look forward to your suggestions73s everyone! - XRF and REF server lists are now updated online from up-to-date source (no longer use of local xref. XLX095 Reflector Dashboard XLX095 v2. You can use this connector to connect to a network which supports the Dplus protocol like REF or XRF. 2 / Service uptime: 1148 days 09:11:22 XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. 5 JL3ZIN K. 2 / Service uptime: 262 days 20:23:34 XRF User Guide. This build support dual-stack operation, so the server on which it's running, must have both an IPv4 and IPv6 routable address if you are going to configure a dual-stack reflector. Here is a List of all ARRGUS ARRAY REFLECTORS edit: The local guy successfully connected his repeater to my reflector. XLX441 Reflector Dashboard XLX441 v2. JerryNet Reflector on XRF367 - Module A cross-linked (REF|XRF|DCS)367, YSF 68798, DMR TG 3128459: 321: XLX368: USA: NERD XLXD REFLECTOR: 322: XLX369: USA: Module A linked 24/7 to WIRES-X Fusion Net node #40821. XLX103 (XRF103) REFLECTOR As well as the REF103 - DCS103 and YSF25018 auto connect to module Y Supported by the Manitoulin Amateur Radio Club Inc. System X is the latest open-source DMR server based on FreeDMR+ and HB_Link. Central Florida I'm running an XRF reflector using the software on github by n7tae. (“T” unlinks XRF on ICOM repeaters, but on hotspots “U” unlinks both REF and XRF. Users / Modules: XLXLEF info: Repeaters / Nodes (7) Hosted by XRF Takebe Club (JE4YOC) in Okayama-City, Okayama-Pref. Users / Modules: Repeaters / Nodes (0) Peers (0) Modules list: Reflectors list: Traffic statistics: D-Star live # Flag Callsign Suffix DPRS Via / Peer Last heard; 1: United States: WX4JJC: D XLX103 (XRF103) REFLECTOR As well as the REF103 - DCS103 and YSF25018 auto connect to module Y Supported by the Manitoulin Amateur Radio Club Inc. XLX035 v2. Net on Thursdays 2100EST: 339: XLX370 This reflector is DCS - DPlus (REF) - DExtra (XRF) - YSF (C4FM) on "Y" Please, Only Connect DMR to "D", Please, Only Connect YSF to "Y", no transcoding however DMR>DMR C4FM>C4FM OK-Sponsored by KM4NMW Created and Maintained by NO9S. XRF and XLX as used here are reflector names versus the prefixes as used in host files and linking commands. Enable XLX Master on Pi-Star and Use any reflector as DMR Master please choose D as start up module. XLX007 Reflector Dashboard XLX007 v2. 570MHz JL3ZIN Y Range 5. 2 / Service uptime: 590 days 20:17:30. Do not try every X seconds! Q: When I TX on REF001 and REF030, nobody can According to the previous examples with REF, XRF and DCS you would expect to have to issue the command XLX208CL from your radio. I do the QCWA Digital Net on Sundays at 5pm Eastern Timethe Trains Net on Fridays at 8pm Eastern Timeand the Food Net on the 3rd Saturday at 9pm Eastern Time. T")Also DTMF 73 W = What (query current link status, eg. They’re a club based out of Twin Falls, Idaho and they have a net every thursday which usually gets quite a few checkins from stations both XLX033, DCS033 is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. The coverage area of this repeater is from Monument to Pueblo CO. Hosted in the United States of America. The dashboard for this reflector is available at kg0sky. 2 / Service uptime: 864 days 21:00:01 XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. 0 modified by PE1RJV / Service uptime : 157 days 01:13:38. You will find quick links to our Reflector Dashboards. This is why the voltage, or energy range, of your analysis is critical. 1 / Service uptime: 1352 days 12:30:18. All Messages By This Member #2148 Could someone give directions for linking to an XRF Reflector? XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. 0; Service uptime: 5 days 02:26:13; Last Heard; Links (36) Peers (1) Reflector List; QuadNet Live # Flag Callsign Suffix DPRS Via / Peer Last heard; 1: United States: KO4OSO: KB3TEM B / URF307: 09. 2 GB LEFARS / Service uptime: 0 days 02:58:29. Here is a List of all ARRGUS ARRAY REFLECTORS JerryNet Reflector on XRF367 - Module A cross-linked (REF|XRF|DCS)367, YSF 68798, DMR TG 3128459: 337: XLX368: USA: NERD XLXD REFLECTOR: 338: XLX369: USA: Module A linked 24/7 to WIRES-X Fusion Net node #40821. txt and DExtra_Hosts. 6-dht - Dashboard v2. list: Ref. You can find a list of these reflectors here. This reflector can be built without a transcoder, but Quadnet Multi-mode Digtial Amateur Radio Network. XLXUSA v2. If you want to use a reflector, set the URCALL on your radio to CQCQCQ, and the local module to D in the openSPOT3. org. Again, they all do the same thing, just a different backend software. Here is a List of all ARRGUS ARRAY REFLECTORS Now with G3 Terminal/AP connectivity XLX103 (XRF103) REFLECTOR As well as the REF103 - DCS103 and YSF25018 auto connect to module Y Supported by the Manitoulin Amateur Radio Club Inc. XREF. XLX reflectors are addressed with XRF, DCS, or REF prefixes. uk/Icom-Announces-ID-52E-D-STAR-Digital-Handheld-Transceiver/2/2295/ The list of D-Star Repeaters and contained in host files. The XRF reflector built from this source supports inbound DExtra, DPlus and DCS connections. If you want to use a gateway, set the URCALL to the XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. To see an element, you must send in at least 2 keV more of energy to see that element. D-Plus (REF) DExtra (XRF) DCS (DCS) XLX (emulates REF, XRF and DCS) D-Plus reflectors start with REF, DExtra reflectors start with XRF and DCS, well they start with DCS. Here is a List of all ARRGUS ARRAY REFLECTORS Now with G3 Terminal/AP connectivity Kissimmee, FL. It was complied as and XRF which is what I want. To connect to XLX678, you can use the XLX, DPlus (REF), DExtra (XRF) or DCS protocols as XLX678, REF678, XRF678 or XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. Here is a List of all ARRGUS ARRAY REFLECTORS XLX reflectors, and by linking into the XRF/XLX infrastructure. The XLX is new because it can support out-going DExtra links, by adding a new DExtra Peer type and it has many changes designed to increase reliability and stability. XLXSAT v2. 0; Service uptime: 304 days 22:45:14; Last Heard; Links (21) QuadNet Live # Flag Callsign Suffix DPRS Via / Peer Last heard; 1: United States: KN4BYB: ID51 The authoritative source for REF reflectors is dstarinfo. To link to XRF/DCS reflectors, 8th character in URCALL field should be: O = Open (link to DCS/XRF reflector, eg. Public NoraVR Node 52161. XLX176 Reflector Dashboard XLX176 v2. Part of the ARRG. Here is a List of all ARRGUS ARRAY REFLECTORS The CMRG system supports linking to REF and XRF reflectors worldwide. Net on Thursdays 2100EST: 323: XLX370: Italy: Liguria - TigullioHamradio: 324: XLX371: Italy: Liguria TigullioHamradio - DMR interlink XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. The first reflectors were the REF reflectors. 2. M. 0: XRF Reflector Linking - How To Do It? barry_keating. 01:24. RF Node 430. It's simply dependant of what hosts. Hub Reflector for the Constellation Supporting Open Source Digital Modes Reflectors & DExtra Gateways: Module A Module B Module C Module D Module E Module F; XRF310 A: K6DDV B: XRF313 A: WB5EKU B: Module G Module H Module I Module J Module K Module L; K9LPA B: KE6ONV B: KI4ZNH A: W4ILJ B: Module M In August 2019, I set up an XLX reflector for D-STAR that can be accessed via personal hotspots and repeaters with internet access. The advantage for existing DMR users are portals into current XRF is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. ) You will need both the domain and the IP to register with XReflector and YSF Reflector online directories. A urfd supports DStar protocols (DPlus, DCS, DExtra and G3) DMR protocols (MMDVMHost, DMR+ and NXDN), M17, YSF, P25 (using IMBE) and USRP (Allstar). Typically they are DCS_Hosts. Based on it, the CCS/DCS reflector system was developed and afterwards many others. XLX678B is the new home of the Skegness Hamsters! Please send any updates to info@DSTARInfo. 524: XLX702: USA: K7SMD C4FM & Bridge Reflector YSF00702: 525: These reflectors use a network protocol called DPlus to communicate with repeaters. 1 / Service uptime: 545 days 22:37:15. 01. Central Florida's Premier Reflector The First one of the ARRG. Here is a List of all ARRGUS ARRAY REFLECTORS XLX103 (XRF103) REFLECTOR As well as the REF103 - DCS103 and YSF25018 auto connect to module Y Supported by the Manitoulin Amateur Radio Club Inc. Users / Modules: Repeaters / Nodes (72) Hosted by XRF Takebe Club (JE4YOC) in Okayama-City, Okayama-Pref. Reflectors are Internet connected servers, generally in datacentres, which receive a transmission from a connected gateway (via the Internet) and send it out to all other connected gateways for retransmission, via RF in the case of a repeater. XRF reflectors are addressed with an XRF prefix. 532: XLX702: USA: K7SMD C4FM & Bridge Reflector YSF00702: 533: XLX705: Japan: JerryNet Reflector on XRF367 - Module A cross-linked (REF|XRF|DCS)367, YSF 68798, DMR TG 3128459: 336: XLX368: USA: NERD XLXD REFLECTOR: 337: XLX369: USA: Module A linked 24/7 to WIRES-X Fusion Net node #40821. 525: XLX702: USA: K7SMD C4FM & Bridge Reflector YSF00702: 526: XLX705: XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. XLX from some devices will actually connect to DCS for DSTAR. Net on Thursdays 2100EST: 338 http://xrefl. m0lxq. 525: XLX702: USA: K7SMD C4FM & Bridge Reflector YSF00702: 526: We are a co-recreational soccer team in Gainesville Florida. The dashboard will list all the ongoing reflector’s links and QSO activities. Top XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. URF is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. uk/What-is-D I've had an ID-5100 for about a month now(my first digital radio)and I've been checking out the different reflectors and I wanted to ask my fellow reddit hams which reflectors you like to use. 2. Module B - D-STAR & DMR XLX313B/TG 4002 via XRF006A. The VHF, UHF, and 1. Later, when you get some time, I suggest you read a little about DR Mode in your radio’s manual. No transcoding however DMR>DMR OK-Sponsored, Created and Maintained by NO9S. Pi-star Source Reflector list – This is the list pi-star uses and updates daily from. Net on Thursdays 2100EST: 337: XLX370: Italy: Liguria - TigullioHamradio: 338: XLX371: Italy: Liguria TigullioHamradio - DMR interlink There's always something going on in the world of Digital Ham Radio! Below we've compiled a list of active weekly digital nets. XLX225 Reflector Dashboard XLX225 v2. It is a connected system of different reflectors around the globe, reporting back to one central Here is a List of all ARRGUS ARRAY REFLECTORS Now with G3 Terminal/AP connectivity Peanut available on 102B - 102C - 102E - 102W - 102X - 103B and DCSARGB Kissimmee, FL. net Bob -W6KD developer siteI've discovered a whole new world of D-Star using the XRF reflector Fundamental Principles Introduction to X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis (XRF) 2 DOC-M84-EXX001 V8 – 10. Authentic ICOM DPlus repeaters and gateways, such as our WA7DRE repeater, will not be able to connect to an X-Reflector due to inherent incompatibility. United Soccer Club WordPress Theme By Luzuk. DMR-XLX988(4001-4026) DSTAR-XLX988(A-Z) AMBEd > FUSION-XLX988(10-35) Transcoding DMR / DSTAR / FUSION at modules A ----- Z. . XLX993 v2. Here is a List of all ARRGUS ARRAY REFLECTORS This reflector is DCS - DPlus (REF) - DExtra (XRF) - YSF (C4FM) on "Y" Please, Only Connect DMR to "D", Please, Only Connect YSF to "Y", no transcoding however DMR>DMR C4FM>C4FM OK-Sponsored by KM4NMW Created and Maintained by NO9S. Users / Modules: Repeaters / Nodes (4) Peers (2) Modules list: Reflectors list: Traffic statistics: D-Star live # Flag Callsign Suffix DPRS Via / Peer Last heard; 1: Japan: JG6YHS: AMBE: XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. Users / Modules Hosted by XRF Takebe Club (JE4YOC) in Okayama-City, Okayama-Pref. Users / Modules: Repeaters / Nodes (68) Peers (1) Modules list: Reflectors list # Flag Callsign Suffix DPRS Via / Peer Last heard; 1: United States XLX103 (XRF103) REFLECTOR As well as the REF103 - DCS103 and YSF25018 auto connect to module Y Supported by the Manitoulin Amateur Radio Club Inc. REF (for DPlus), XRF (for DExtra), or DCS (for DCS). Users / Modules: Nodes (13) Peers (61) Modules list: Reflectors list: Traffic: D-Star live: Module Name Users DPlus DExtra DCS DMR YSF DG-ID; URCALL DTMF URCALL DTMF URCALL DTMF; A: Int. If you still cannot connect on your client, please enter the following information for the XRF: IP: kg0sky. V#2. org . Here is a List of all ARRGUS ARRAY REFLECTORS Kissimmee, FL. XLX708 Reflector Dashboard XLX708 v2. Here is a List of all ARRGUS ARRAY REFLECTORS You can also search for it on the Reflector Registry as it should now show active. Net on Thursdays 2100EST: 331: XLX370: Italy: Liguria - TigullioHamradio: 332: XLX371: Italy: Liguria TigullioHamradio - DMR interlink REF/XRF connector. 2025 17:58: A patreon. By default, your Pi-Star won’t know about the new reflector until it has automatically updated overnight but once it shows in the active reflector list, you can force an update. XLX781 v2. Here is a List of all ARRGUS ARRAY REFLECTORS JerryNet Reflector on XRF367 - Module A cross-linked (REF|XRF|DCS)367, YSF 68798, DMR TG 3128459: 334: XLX368: USA: NERD XLXD REFLECTOR: 335: XLX369: USA: Module A linked 24/7 to WIRES-X Fusion Net node #40821. net), which allows connections via D-Star, DMR, WIRES, and System Fusion. 2 / Service uptime: 1 days 11:54:16. 950MHz JL3ZIN X Range 5. 532: XLX702: USA: K7SMD C4FM & Bridge Reflector YSF00702: 533: XLX705: Japan: This will build a new kind of digital voice reflector. He entered the information but forgot to restart the gateway to populate it. 2 / Service uptime: 399 days 10:11:56 Sometimes the reflectors can get pretty chatty about some technical topics - and some hams don't really care for that. net The Reflectors main pagehttp://w6kd. I can't use the calling home feature because it's not an XLX. Net on Thursdays 2100EST: 336: XLX370: Italy: Liguria - TigullioHamradio: 337: XLX371: Italy: Liguria TigullioHamradio - DMR interlink When I link to a particular reflector, through the local repeater, the repeater will connect to the IP address of the machine managing the reflector, and start broadcasting the channel. This XLX is different from the original because it can support out-going DExtra links, by adding a new DExtra Peer type and This reflector is DCS - DExtra (XRF) - YSF (C4FM) on "Y" DPlus (REF) port now closed - Please, Only Connect DMR to "D", Please, Only Connect YSF to "Y", no transcoding however DMR>DMR C4FM>C4FM OK-Sponsored by KM4NMW Created and Maintained by NO9S. XLXLEF v2. The new client code is implemented already in Jonathans gateways, XLX reflector's themselves do not have their own protocol. © 2025 Georgia D-STAR All reflectors are also G3 Terminal / AP enabled. Module C - Open/General Use. ip file) Fixed: - Traditional XRF and REF reflectors are available again - Optimization of the database download with XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. 2 / Service uptime: 588 days 03:37:57 An XRF reflector can also be enhanced by adding a dashboard page that can then be made available on the web. H . But if you want to still connect and play around, feel free. Here is a List of all ARRGUS ARRAY REFLECTORS reflectors. XLX753 Reflector Dashboard XLX753 v2. “T” is to unlink XRF reflectors. What is a reflector? A reflector can be considered to be similar to a repeater, but with no RF capabilities. Then it was handled immediately. If you hover over the times, the actual Next Net Date and Time will be displayed. Toggle navigation DCS033 D-Star Gateway. list: DSTAR Now! MEMO Link DStar Reflectors & Locations REF001A Aurora Illinois, United States REF001B Illinois D-STAR repeaters Aurora Illinois, United States REF001C D-STAR's MegaRepeater Aurora Illinois, United States REF002A Nebraska, United States REF002B Some Nets Nebraska, United States REF002C Some Nets Nebraska, United States XLX103 (XRF103) REFLECTOR As well as the REF103 - DCS103 and YSF25018 auto connect to module Y Supported by the Manitoulin Amateur Radio Club Inc. ) The “link to ” commands (“L” for REF and “O” for XRF*) tell the repeater to link to the designated reflector. an REF/XRF is four independent reflectors sharing a common IP address and server, and a DCS/XLX/Enhanced X reflector is 26 independent reflectors using a common IP address and server. 2 ; Service uptime: 116 days 12:21:26 Hosted by XRF Takebe Club (JE4YOC) in Okayama-City, Okayama-Pref. Toggle navigation XRF757 Multiprotocol Reflector (DExtra, DPlus, DCS and G3) xrfd vQ2. Here is a List of all ARRGUS ARRAY REFLECTORS XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. You can't interlink urfd with xlxd. Connecting to a reflector Connecting to a reflector is done by issuing a command, specific to the repeater/hotspot/client in use, to The authoritative source for REF reflectors is dstarinfo. Users / Modules: Nodes (7) Peers (61) Modules list: Reflectors list: Traffic: D-Star live # Flag Callsign Suffix DPRS The DVAR software, by default, does not provide the option to connect to XRF reflectors. XLX033 v2. How Do You Control Light? The rules of fluorescence are simple. The lists do not update immediately so have patience. XLX010 v2. " Huh? OK, so I tried programming my TH-D74A using the RTSystems software. duckdns. Local Time. US Array. To connect through a hotspot, please run the latest update on your hotspot to refresh the reflector list. Users / Modules: Repeaters / Nodes (3) Peers (1) Reflectorlist: D-Star live # Flag Callsign Suffix DPRS Via / Peer Last heard; 1: United States: KD9QZO: D75A: KD9QZO B: 01. The newest reflector is the XLX and this reflector can emulate any of the above reflectors! Using the Megalink Transcoding Reflector on all three radio types – D-STAR, DMR, and YSF – is straightforward and operates just like the native connection type on each radio. com. XLX431 Reflector Dashboard XLX431 v2. 144. Advertisement. This XLX is different from the original because it can support out-going DExtra links, by adding a new DExtra Peer type and All reflectors are also G3 Terminal / AP enabled. DCS – Originating in Germany, it was ran by German amateur operators. The DPlus protocol requires you to be registered into the US-Trust system, See more XRF was the first open-source reflector software. 3 - Dashboard v2. iyvr awb ftck yfx yrlnso ddt gpkg snsthhq dxjcvbwb xhf