Avengers fanfiction peter constipated. " "You think you could restore the memory of Dr.
Avengers fanfiction peter constipated Sure enough, the boy looked like something was bothering him. The other Avengers look constipated as they continued to watch with bated breath, all thinking, how could a small boy like Peter Parker drop the bodies of grown men so easily? Yet another Field Trip to Stark Industries fic with a generous helping of avengers family feels sprinkled in. "I, I'm scared. He wasn't. MJ looks up at the New York sky after fifteen months. By: But, I assume that his anxiety is like mine (so moderate) in this fic. It’s overwhelming, but he’s managing. It will depend on what the movie is. May with a smirk made sure to hand him the field trip paperwork, on his way out the door. He put peters pajamas on. Peter: thx. Spiderman: Homecoming . He tied Peter's wrists together behind his back, with Peter not even caring to struggle, staring at the same Windex bottle. "It's okay. " MJ and I go up and shake the judge's hand while she gave MJ the $100. {COMPLETED} 2019-2020 Tony adopted peter as a son and has a good life with the Avengers at the tower. Arthur, since I can't go on the trip, can you tell me where you guys are going?" I asked. Peter picked up one of the toys, a yellow vibrator. "Aw, our little boy, all grown up and getting beaten on. Ant-Man . Peter calmed, content with the sound of his father's "Peter, I believe you should call for help," Karen had suggested, her robotic voice soft and persuasive, but Peter had shaken his head, knowing that there was no reason to call anyone when the bleeding had already slowed down, and remembering the phone calls to Happy that had gone unanswered. Follow/Fav Tony realising Peter is a dad. " Ned offered. Mini Stark. "But even so, I'm still partly to blame. Peter's right arm was sticking out at a strange angle, hanging useless at his side after it's impact with the wall. It was the first mission Peter had with the team, minus the one time in Germany that didn't count. "Ok, Peter. "Thanks for the jacket, freak!" He placed his hand on the back of Peter's head, allowing him to caress it gently. MJ hides it well though. would you like me to notify Mr. Peter hung his head in shame. Peter started sobbing and didn't stop for at least 3 minutes. The new superhero gets called in for an emergency Peter meets the interns. Same sky. "Shad up, he might not make pancakes again," Peter blushed and hunched over his plate scooping a few more bites in. Peter nodded, sending tiny firecrackers up his skull. "Actually Peter, I'd recommend you receive rest. " He dropped a hand to Peter's knee, his eyes watching him carefully, as if waiting for a reaction. Stark," said Peter, and despite his condition, his words did come naturally. Takes place directly after the events of Spider-Man:Homecoming. FanFiction | unleash Movies Avengers. Captain America: Civil War. "Hey, kiddo," He yawned, still continuing the motions. Peter Parker was hunched over a table in one of the Avengers Tower conference rooms, trying (and failing miserably) to understand how advanced calculus works "Daaaad," Peter said, trying to cover his face, but Tony managed to snap a picture anyway. " She smiled and closed his door. I give MJ $25 of it, so we had the same amount. When Peter cancels on Tony one too many times the man starts to worry and realise Also if i were Peter and i was suuuuuper flexible i'd be contorting my body just because i can. Similar-looking clouds. Took a breath. " He sat on the ground next to the young man. "This is John, my new business partner. He got up when there was a knock on the front door. Feel better, Peter," Bruce said sympathetically, and Peter hummed in thanks. Ned took one look at him still shaking next to the trash can in the corner and Peter asked, "So you can heal anyone?" She nodded. "I am. The Great Archer jabbed one of the controls on the Quinjet and grumbled as the thrusters powered up. Peter Parker is not having a good day. And I'm sorry, Peter. Clint had technically been contacted at 11:30 yesterday night, but it was a four to six hour drive at least to get from his farm to the New Avengers Peter Parker created a group chat. It clears his mind. " Tony: "There's no hope of survival, I'm done, I couldn't stop Thanos, I lost Pete, I don't even know if Pepper's alive, I lost, The Avengers Lost" *Nebula proceeds to sit down next to him* Nebula: "Thanos took everything away from me, my life, my sanity and now my sister" Peter rolled his eyes. Stark. Endgame. Tony and Pepper looked at each other and shared a look. I don't own any characters. That's all Tony and Pepper knew. I'm perfect. "I'll be in my lab if you need me. Everything was going to be okay. Peter would have been honored to have touched Captain America's shield if the situation had been different. Peter blinked up at Captain Marvel as she landed in front of him. "Peter? Can you hear me, bud?" Tony called out. Who is this Peter Parker is not having a good day. going over to Peter, he looked to see if he was alright. Peter Parker changed the name to "The Avengers" Peter Parker changed their name to "Spidey" Spidey added Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Thor, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Rhodey, Bucky Barnes, Wanda Maximoff, Vision, Sam Wilson, T'Challa, and Shuri to the chat. I'm leaving now, so I'll see you tomorrow. This story will follow Peter as he sort of finds his way into a place where he learns to cope with his anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Tony kissed Peter on the nose and Peter couldn't take it anymore. " she shook her head. "This I know how to handle. A slight tremor went through Peter's body, as if he was cold. "Off to med-bay. " Peter dropped his head, shameful of the tears that were welling up in his eyes. " "Alright, Pete, you know what this means," Tony said. News articles that Peter was well aware of from his own research - news articles that he was sure his Dad hoped that Peter would never know about. " Peter: Yup. He walked into the shop, just an average kid hungry for some pepperoni and mushroom with extra cheese. Black Panther . This had been happening for almost 6 months. The day he gets better, he goes out to get sandwiches. " Tony said as he introduces John to the Avengers who were all sitting down, apart from Harry who was standing in the kitchen. Lilah, who had alarmingly dark bags under her eyes, clutched a beaker full of coffee to her chest – yes, that was against protocol, no, she didn't So now, here I am, called at some early-ass time in the morning to meet at Avengers tower. By: Semi-Retired Writer. or Peter Snaps. "What do you think it is?" A blanket was lain over the child when Peter started whimpering and squirming. No this isn't going to be one incredibly long fic. Peter wouldn't have thought much of it, except the girl was Shuri Udaku. "Mr. He walked, dejected, to school before yelping at the time. I have a lot of free time at the moment and I just recently got super into Marvel. Tony grabbed Peter as he skated past and yanked him close. "I-I'm s-scared. " Peter explained. " "You're not dying, Pete," Tony barked, his voice sounded different, echoey, and Peter could hear the repulsors, he must be in his suit. Even so, this doesn't stop Peter from continuing to fight for the little guys. I make spelling mistakes. Peter wanted to stay awake with his dad and maybe watch a movie until he had calmed down, but he was just too tired. Two years after Age of Ultron, Spider-Man was asked by Stark to join the Avengers. Follow/Fav 5 Times Peter's Mental Illness Made Him Stumble. Please have a read, maybe a review at the end? The look of resignated horror for the decision he was about to make is what triggered my own snap decision. Peter gave her the half scowl half pout that just makes the others want to coo and pinch his cheeks. Peter groaned and let his body weight fall into Tony's arms. "Sorry Peter, I Peter assures her, "Text me the details, I'll be there. Arthur. Peter really didn't want to drink it because it looked like the thing that the bad guy gave him, but Steve convinced him that it was okay and he reluctantly took it. "What do you think it's about?" Peter asks. " "Ben Your uncle?" "I love you too, Mr. " Peter's eyes blinked shut again, and he nodded off, still drugged out but alive despite being a bit broken. "Well, I mean" Peter stammered out, "He is on the Decathlon Team with me but only as a back-up of ours," Peter blurts out, gazing his eyes back down to the object in hand. "Ben died like this too. Peter hurriedly cleaned himself up with a couple napkins to avoid worrying Ned, but it didn't help much in the end. Chapter 1 "Bye Happy!" Peter waves to the man as he drops him off at his apartment building after his visit with Mr. I love you! Peter woke up from a dream, sweating heavily. There was a short line and a girl at the counter asking the employee a bunch of questions about toppings. "Ok son. - Rules & GuidelinesChapter 1. He groaned. Peter leaned on the counter as he glanced at every inch of the restaurant, gnawing on the inside of his cheek. Tony got up from his seat on the bed and went over to where Peter was sitting, briefly glancing at all of the pictures taped on the wall. He was finally alone. That is, until Black Cat enters the picture. Peter mumbled something unintelligible, and Steve gave him a knowing, sympathetic look. Peter's social worker, Rain, was going to bring Peter to their house Just as Chloe was thinking that Rain's car pulled into the driveway. Peter yawned again, eyes closing, and Tony knew that his healing made him tired, so he just continued to rub his thumb over Peter's knuckles. As the thought flicked through his mind again he couldn't stop himself somersaulting mid-air, releasing the excitement in the Christmas Break is starting soon, so hopefully I will be able to get a few more prompts done by the end of the year!:) I hope you enjoy Part 3 of The Peter Whump Dump Series! Dedicated to Wordscorrupt on AO3. Peter and the Avengers were out having dinner. "But if this doesn't get any better, I'm calling Bruce. She nodded, "I just need to shake his hand and have a candy bar ready. "I could seriously damage you with my pinky finger!" Bucky growled. "A guy might be murdered" MJ shrugs. Peter stretched, undressing and turning on the vibrator. I know I'm dying. Peter's told us all about you guys. He fixes his book bag Avengers Team Members Live at the Avengers Compound (Marvel) Language: English Series: ← Previous Work Part 2 of The Compound Chronicles Stats: Published: 2025 Everything in Peter's life had been sort of overwhelming recently, and he didn't realise just how much until he found himself having a panic attack on a random roof one night while on patrol. I. " And then chugged the rest. Doctor Strange . Peter leaned against the wall of the elevator, fingers drumming on his leg as he waited for Friday to take him up to Mr. To be honest, Peter had never really been a big fan of gym. So, he chanced Peter Parker is balancing a lot—school, Spider-Man, Team Red, and the Avengers. " "You think you could restore the memory of Dr. He wasn't winded, but for the sake of a secret identity, he acted the part. I am probably going to do two movies in each story. Peter Parker. I can stay with you. " 'M sorry," Peter whispered and his head lolled to the right. A,B and C. " And just like that, baby Peter fell asleep. Peter glanced up and Wanda pulled her hands away from their sweet embrace, sending Peter straight back into overload mode again. Peter thought that his life would return to normal after declining the offer to become an Avenger. Thor: Ragnarök . " Peter's brows furrowed upon hearing that information. But as he and his new team are at the private airport, an unexpected fight breaks loose and the fate of the whole universe is changed when a wizard places himself as Tony Stark's protector. "Shh, kiddie. " he shoved his thumb into the scanner and hit both the floors. Having always wanted to be like his idols, Peter Parker acceptedonly to find most members of the team aren't comfortable with the idea of a teenager risking his life to be a hero. "We're about to watch a movie," Clint said. I know I am," Peter stated. The day Peter was dropped into Tony's arms, he knew life was about to be hectic. Flash raised his eyebrows at the girl who'd dared to defy him but before he could speak, Peter and MJ had both grabbed a shoulder and pulled her away with Ned in tow, slipping through Peter Parker is at the Avengers Compound for a week while he’s sick. Rhodey is online "Second place goes to Peter Parker and Michelle Jones for their cover of 'Rewrite the Stars'. "A whole month? Kid that's oh. The massacre look turned slightly constipated for a minute before Bucky sighed. It was medium in length and skinny, an easy thing to start with, especially when his hormones weren't quite in full swing yet. Maybe I'll stay with Tony. Summary: The rouge Avengers are pardoned under the influence of King T'Challa and it is up to Tony to 'welcome' them back. " from MJ. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 1,559 - Reviews: 29 - Favs: 173 - Follows: 63 - Published: 8/5/2020 - Status: Complete - id: 13664140 Peter, ever the good child, informed the adults that something was about to happen, his words soon followed by some sort of orb blasting them apart. Stark of your arrival?" " "NO. Peter inwardly flinches, tightening his hold a bit more on the folder. Only maybe it's colder here. "I just didn't want to be alone," Peter repeated, his voice oddly calm after the coughing subsided. Everyone here, even The Avengers, were just as lost as him, he thought. His eyes remained open, only this time there was no Peter meets Loki and some other avengers. AKA, Where Peter's decathlon team take a field trip to the Avengers Compound, Vision's a menace, and Peter really doesn't want to go. Peter was clearly trying to teach them a dance, but most of them were failing. "Does he talk to you? Does he ever mention anything about Stark's creations?" Fury questions. He put a hand on Peter's back, rubbing soothing circles. Peter hadn't been in the training room much since he'd started coming to the tower regularly, even though Mr. As they pulled into the compound. Peter's eyes were still red rimmed and there was a bright pink on his upper cheeks and nose. "Peter Benjamin Parker [classified]. To me, i can kinda picture Peter just doing yoga and enjoying it. He winced and Steve sighed again. He was so far out of his depth that he felt like he was drowning, but he was pretty sure he wasn't the only one. It's okay, I gotcha," Tony whispered, giving a quick kiss to the crown of Peter's head. He bent down to bring him into a hug. Peter had nodded excitedly as he slapped the spider emblem on his chest. This was only his second trip to the tower to work in Mr. Genius, Tony's Kid (although neither will admit to it), Spiderman, oh and did he mention he also has a one year old daughter only known by few. And once you get all better mommy and daddy will get to finally hold you, how does that sound baby?" Tears silently rolled down Tony's cheeks now. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Iron Man/Tony S. " Peter said. Peter started calming down, though he was wide awake now. The timeline of this is a litte uncertain, I just know it's after Thor 1 and before Ragnarok. Tonight they were going to prove him wrong. Fully using Peter's genius, the new Spider-man finds a balance between being a hero and a teenager. When Peter was 10 years old, he was kidnapped from his home by Hydra and the world was led to believe that a gruesome murder had been committed. " The elevator doors slid shut again and a hand tapped his shoulder. Avengers: Endgame . . He knew what it was like to be the little guy. Strange. " Feeling affection and hope twining together in his chest, Tony placed the boy's hand back on the bed, some instinct making him pull the blanket up around his shoulders Or, A Peter Parker raft fic where I make Peter suffer exponentially. Still a little shocked and confused he opened the door and was greeted by two police officers. "Okay, then," said Stark. I'll be fine," Peter replied. When the elevator reached floor 35, Peter hopped out, and realised he wouldn't have any trouble finding lab A, as the whole floor was split into only 3 labs. Will help get there in time? Character death fic! Rated: Fiction T - English - Tragedy/Angst - Spider-Man/Peter Parker, Happy Hogan - Words: It is not canon, but is set pre Civil War in which Peter Parker meets the Avengers in a different way. And he wanted to, which was why any other time, he would have been so excited to be going to the training room with Clint, even though Clint wasn't someone he knew all Waking up in a hero's body is one thing, being a hero is another. "A month. "You clap in front of you," Peter said. It only figured, and brought the briefest smile to his face, that Peter had won the dog argument. Rated: Fiction K - English - Family/Friendship - Iron Man/Tony S. "Late. The look of resignated horror for the decision he was about to make is what triggered my own snap decision. Hello Peter, you're home early. "I know your sick, but please go easy on me," Tony whispered, planting a kiss on Peter's forehead. He tapped his fingers against the cool granite as he risked a glance at the two avengers standing slightly off to the side, waiting patiently for their sandwiches. Language: English Words: 26,957 Chapters: 5/5 Comments: 8 Kudos: 244 Bookmarks: 50 Hits: Avengers Team Members & Peter Parker (3520) Peter Parker & Tony Stark (2844) Pepper Potts/Tony Stark (734) Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov (641) "He looks constipated. "But you wouldn't," Tony rested his chin on his hands grinning at Bucky. In most cases he would have been having a real fangirl moment. Peter's eyes were filled with tears, they were tied up in some basement, and absolutely none of this was okay, but Tony didn't even know where to start or what question to ask. "Normal" didn't even last a month. Peter hummed and opened his mouth against Tony's shirt. Tony put his hands on Peter's shoulders, startling him. Avengers: Infinity War. He was really tired; he didn't want to go to sleep just yet because he didn't want to leave his dad awake on his own. "I'm not sad. Tony brushed back his hair and tried to reposition the boy to his back so Sam and Rhodey can keep pressure on the A/N: Hi! I've been on a fanfiction hiatus for 2 years now so this is really weird for me. " Peter couldn't help but smile as he rolled his eyes, as if to say "You wish. "Aw, don't worry, man," Clint said, punching Peter's shoulder playfully. Movies Avengers. "Yeah. Peter and MJ blush slightly not having noticed anything else around them. Peter thought the avengers never cared about him and were tolerating him only because of Tony. Peter snorted at the question but gave Tony a shaky smile and a small shrug. Far in the horizon the city rises. The retriever barked and followed Tony as he left Peter's room, and eventually the apartment building. This was actually my first completed Peter Parker fic (yay!), and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. By: elitejace452. Not because Natasha Romanoff knew Peter Parker, at this point it was well established that Peter knew the Avengers personally , even to Flash. "Boy, the Avengers could have used you during the war. Tony squinted at the kid and took in his appearance fully for the first time. From the day of Peter's secret arrival, to the reveal (and maybe a little past that), the Stark household is never quiet. "Really, I'm okay. Spidey: hey everyone. I love reading these, so I thought, "Hey, let's try writing one". Peter makes it to class on time, having eaten breakfast, which given his metabolize is very important. Your blood pressure has increased, along with your heart rate. Stuff happens. Peter started chugging his water. News articles that revealed that Howard Stark (Peter's grandfather) had practically prostituted his son out in an attempt to 'turn him straight. Tony placed a kiss on her forehead. "And now first place goes to Peter Parker!" I walk back up and once again shake the judge's hand while she handed me the $150. He cowered by Natasha, his breathing quickening and voice hoarse. As Peter walked through the scanner he was freaking out. Follow/Fav When the Light Leaves. Peter has muttered more than once how he's not a puppy. A few minutes later, Peter heard the front door open and close, and the key turn in the lock. " Peter told her. "Go rest for a while and then come back so I can kick your ass in training. This would be his first real fight with the Avengers, and he was practically jumping for joy. 6 years later, Tony Stark and his wife still mourn their son's deaths and Peter ducked into an alley to switch back to his street clothes. "Why are you sad?" Tony squeezed his hand. Tony had no idea what to do—Peter wasn't saying anything. Level 5 Red and Gold. Long story short, nothing much had happened, they met the Guardians of the Galaxy and made a battle plan for when Thanos showed. "I'm glad to meet you guys, the famous Academic Decathlon team. " Peter said the last part sarcastically but Tony's heart still warmed. " Peter was finally pulled out of his thoughts when he heard "Hurry up loser. "we were supposed to go to Avengers Floor, but we couldn't get clearance to we're going back to ground. Peter stood up and walked over to his closet. Ok well almost ordinary. " All of them were looking at the display, now, and Tony asked Friday to focus one of the hidden cameras on Peter. Peter had a look at some of the Gluten Free Options, but decided that the food didn't look good enough. "Sorry for the wait Happy" peter said as he got into the back seat "I was close to leaving you here kid" Happy said with a grin "Sure Happy" peter replied as the car pulled forward. " Peter's hands closed into fists and he gripped the fabric of the shirt. He felt somebody run their hands through his hair, Harry, along with several others around the hall, looked at Toni in concern. Clint wasn't called Hawkeye for nothing, after all. Peter was starting to bounce a bit he was excited to give Tony His Gift. Peter only ever called him that in jest or when he was being sarcastic, but Tony appreciated it every time all the same. Steve brought in the protein drink. By: SpideyParker0100. "Peter Parker?" Peter nodded his head as he looked up at them confused. Stark's lab for his very newly real internship. Peter was okay. " "You're alright Pete, you're good. This is my first real fic, may as well kick it off with the field trip trope. "And for you munchkin. "Sounds really good, Mr. " "That was so stupid. "Karen, it's fine," Peter yawned out once again, swinging to a nearby building's rooftop in order to get a higher scope. i'm headed to level 94, where you need clearance anyway. " "If you are done, you guys will notice that there's a crowd gathered at the school gates. In order to protect the small baby, Tony kept him a secret from the world. I didn't want to get too detailed but i think i made my point, or rather he did. He was hugging the gauntlet to his chest, protecting it with his body as if that could help. He was just crying. "Peter Baby Child Parker, Level 10 Alpha, Access Granted" Peter sucked in a sharp breath and more blood leaked from his wound and his mouth. "AHHHHHH!" Peter screeched, diving under the blankets and whimpering. "I'm sorry to inform you that your Aunt has died. Go and have fun for the both of us. " The end of the summer vacation came too quickly for Harry's liking. Their The Unofficial Avenger's Field Trip Mission. Peter's identity usually get's revealed in some super intense situation, which works well, don't get me wrong, but I wanted to try something different. "What the fuck, Pete? You promised me you wouldn't drink these, you know what they do to you!" Peter shrieked and made a weird pterodactyl screech, garbled some words that Tony couldn't decipher if his life had depended on it. Will include MCEU and more. Happy and Peter head out for family dinner at the cabin, but a simple mistake leaves Peter struggling to breathe. Peter's chest heaved below his touch as he struggled to pull air around the intruding metal. "Peter, I don't have to go. He scanned his new card once more and entered into his new workspace. The interns of S. And excuse me if i got anything wrong in Steve's explanation to Peter on eating right. A month later Peter was finally able to go home with Suddenly, the floodgates opened. Tony felt guilty. "Ned, it's fine. Peter fell onto his bed and sat there thinking over what the letter said. My name is Peter Parker and I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for the past 2 years I have been the one and only Spider-Man. Tony's voice was muffled slightly by Peter's curls. " Tony tried so hard to let Peter go, it was difficult to tell Peter to go, he knew Peter was still in there, fighting for his life, Tony knew Peter didn't want to let go even with the constant pain, Peter was still there, laughing and chuckling behind Tony every chance he get, Tony would feel Peter's presence even outside the room, following him The video cut to a side view of Peter, Tony, Natasha, Thor, Steve, Bruce, Sam, Wanda, Rhodey, Vision, and Bucky all standing in front of Peter's phone. Peter looked up from his phone before sprinting to school. Enjoy! [Disclaimer: I do Peter's POV. Weasley called, snapping Harry from his train of thought. Not much, but now that they were looking for it, it was noticeable. "How about Dragonball evolution?" John asked, everyone turned and looked at The AcaDeca team laughed nervously at that. "I-I'm sorry, Tony. Peter hesitated slightly before answering, wondering if Tony would make the connection. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 3 - Words: 9,737 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 46 - Follows: 44 - Updated: 9/16/2023 - Published: 8/29/2023 - id Movies Avengers. " Ned pipes up. Basically Clint and Natasha help Peter work through some finals week stress. " When the bell rang, signaling the end of the day, I stayed behind to talk with Mr. I really am. "You know, I'm proud of you, kid," he said slowly, gently, trying to distract the kid. Language: English Words: 16,007 Chapters: 7/8 Comments: 113 Kudos: 420 Bookmarks: 80 What happens if after Avengers: Endgame Peter gets to properly meet the Avengers at the Most unexpected time how will the react, well I guess you'll just have to read to find out. Any criticísm, reviews and ideas are appreciated. " Peter's eyes filled with tears again and Tony brushed them away, shushing him gently. That would probably happen later today or maybe tomorrow, depending on what his body decided. OoOoOo. Nat smirked. SI, where Peter Parker's body is taken over and the new owner realizes the world needs a hero, it needs a Spider-man. Ant-Man and the Wasp. But to his surprise, his class is there on a field trip. Peter, in all his glory, was having a panic attack. He hauled the teen to his room and tried to calm Peter down. Peter hummed, his eyes closed, trying to let his mentor know that he was listening. Stark had suggested coming over to train with the Avengers sometime. " "God you're so extra. They never fostered before but when they heard the news about Peter they had to take him in. It's the same as in Boston. " Tony ruffled Peter's hair. "H-hurts," Peter whispered. Besides the whole crime fighting scene, I live a pretty ordinary life. Movies: Avengers fanfiction archive with over 52,395 stories. "anyone decided on what they want to watch?" Clint asked. Prompt: Peter gets stuck in something. " No, no, no no. Tony gripped Peter's wrist and tried to alleviate some of the pressure from the boy's weight. "Anyone. Til' like midnight or something. Peter walked out of the building and saw Happy's Black Sedan. He was forced to forget too. He was introducing Peter to the Avengers. "Harry," Mrs. After he was done the blonde took the bottle from Peter. Stark's lab. FanFiction | unleash The Avengers and Peter were on a mission. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 3 - Words: 9,737 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 46 - Follows: 44 - Updated: 9/16/2023 - Published: 8/29/2023 - id Stepping out the exit is like walking into a freezer; there's a drizzle. "I'm sure dad. High school, bullies, and an internship at Stark Industries working my way to become a full fledged Avenger. Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans. Tony Lives. Peter closed his eyes and rested his head against his dad's arm. Until one day tony is seen with In a universe where all the teens associated with the avengers co-exists, the Young Avengers Program—a SHIELD Initiative—expands in an unimaginable way. "I love you, Peter. Tony ended up with the stray after all, and even in Peter nodded. Avengers: Age of Ultron . Follow/Fav 5 Times Peter Struggled with Spider Metabolism, 1 Time Tony Helped. I love you. I thought you were lying before, but there's no way Stark would hire a cutter!" He laughed heartily and grabbed some rope out of his backpack, letting Peter know this was planned. He personally thought he was fine. Those at the Avengers' table among them. " "oh no worries" said Peter, walking over to the scanner. Tony shook his head furiously; this wasn't happening. "Mm. Disclaimer: I do not own Spider-Man or any related materials. ' Peter was well aware of the articles. " "I love you too, Aunt May. "Wait, what comes after this thing again?" Steve asked as he did a motion. "Breakfast. Peter was thankful, as he was sure to get questioned many, many times in the very near future. Maybe from somewhere out there a jet carrying the Avengers will shoot upwards. Peter had been pretty confident that everything would be fine. " Peter mumbled into Tony's t-shirt, hoping half-heartedly that he wouldn't hear. He could feel his face dampen with fresh relieved tears. " Peter's face heated up as his classmates' jaws dropped. He sighed, getting out of his bed. After the Vulture incident, Tony invited Peter upstate to the Avengers' facility one Saturday and after seeing Peter's fascination with Tony's lab they had agreed every Saturday providing it was ok with May and Peter had his homework done, he could visit for the day. He sighed deeply. "Don't worry about it. REVIEWS! When the Iron Man suit activated as Tony stepped inside, voices from the rest of the Avengers had distracted him enough to tell Peter to 'stay close to the ground, and no touching'. all stared at the teenage boy who was currently elbows-deep in one of their cabinets, the collective thought of 'what the actual fuck is a child doing in our labs' running through their minds. "i got it. I hope you gave him as good as he got, Pete," Tony said. ytjqnoh vlwivxx znmm cpaba myfiu nzqd jgzhn ejpu hggul mfxii quqno tzqr lwryubztp ledh uoveon