Batman overprotective of robin fanfiction " Robin whimpered. Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. YJ~YJ~YJ~YJ~YJ~YJ~YJ. 6,278 - Reviews: 85 - Favs: 904 - Follows: 170 - Published: 2/1/2012 - Bruce W. Follow/Fav Overprotective. Slowly Batman carries Robin in his arm bride style and went to medic table quickly. Superman and Wonder Woman. Follow/Fav Everyone, Meet Abuse. /Batman - Chapters: 17 - Words: 43,073 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 2/11 . "Everyone knew that Robin and Batman, the Dynamic Duo, had a bond very few could challenge. "I want you. Red Robin heard a hiss of pain and saw his brother eyeing him. "Batman, there's an ambulance coming. okay you guys worry me xD. Tim: Red Robinage 19. Batman went to stop him only to receive a punch Summary: Superboy never liked Batman the first time he saw him. /Robin - Complete. Kaldur glanced back at Miss Martian who seemed worried. Robin stood up at a speed that impressed Wally. " Robin told her angrily. You'll also find Protective, will cause bodily harm if you mess with My Little Bird' Batman. Damian and Alfred get near to them as Batman went to the guest site where robin supposed to sit. Damian opened his eyes slowly, wincing at the pain he felt throughout his whole body. Clearly something was disturbing the Caped Crusader. "I came back from patrol one night to find him curled up in my computer chair in the Batcave. "It's all asterous, Miss M. Five times Wally cries and Barry gets all overprotective Daddy!Flash on whoever Robin looked away from him as he kicked two of his men and they fell to the ground. He liked Robin, but Batman and Robin is partner! How does that match up? Maybe Batman wasn't that bad after all. Or: different Gotham villains become bewitched by tiny Bruce Wayne in a turtleneck sweater because come on, just look at his little face. Tim's been watching Batman and Robin for a while. "Dude!" Wally shouted nearly toppled over as Robin grabbed the banana from his hand practically from his open mouth. No matter what freedom Red Robin had given him, it all came down to Tim not being a good enough partner. Batman picked Robin up into his arms and looked at John. Tim was no longer Robin, so he didn't matter; his purpose was gone. Robin did three handsprings in a row across the floor towards the stairs leading to the computer bank. "It's locked Robin, go ahead. Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans. He understands what crime is. A/N: Just for this chapterREVERSE ROBINS! Damian: Blackbirdage 23. Unsurprisingly, Batman's answer was a stern "No. "Robin, no. It's also the first time that they argue as Dick and Bruce, not as Rule #7: When the Batman and Robin are arguing, do NOT interfere. He ripped it off the bumper, along with a good size strip of paint, and placed it on the floor. ^ŏ^ Superboy knew how protective Batman was of Robin. Robin immediately went into leader mode, charging into the ops room and was shocked to see Batman on the ops screen. "Batman is off world, but we will make sure Robin is taken care of. tiny Tim and Dick can't get enough of that ~Chapter 120: Cuddles All Around~ Robin shouted as he, Batman and Nightwing swung between buildings and they saw a group of thugs run from small store door, still holding the crowbar and yelling, which made Nightwing laugh his creepy laugh and the street cleared. "I k-keep having n-nightmares. Talia's Wrath by chibi nee-san reviews. By: SuperBoy-Kon-El. "Right. The nights were cold for the duo as they walked the streets of Gotham City as a fresh sheet of snow placed its self along the ground and roof tops of the dark moonless city. Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,006 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 3 Then batman immobilised her with his superior fighting skills. A series of One-Shots, mostly prompts, taking place in the "Arkham's Red Hood" series AU. " Starfire said happily. "Ready?" she asked and when both Wally and Robin nodded, she put the camera on Wally's stomache and looked at the screen. Author's Note: All recognizable characters belong to DC Comics, not DC Luder. Much to they surprised when they see Robin outfit full of tear and hole. Jason is still too fresh in their minds for them to not understand why he's being so overprotective of the newest Robin. /Kid Flash, Artemis C. A Batman without a Robin is dangerous, but a Robin A collection of moments wherein Batman goes overboard in protecting his kids. Young Justice - Rated: K - English - Family Both Nightwing and Batman were a little bit overprotective. Please enjoy and review. Bruce is looking for Dick and finds him doing something quite unexpected. This is Robin's room. Wally is in love with Robin, which is awesome because Robin likes him back. They looked to see four females had joined Chapter fourteen. The kid gets temper. Let the pain, suffering and fluff begin. His response was a soft mumble as Robin shifted in the seat. Author's Note: This will be a companion series to my 'Bonding' series. "Demon Brat, as if Dick would ever let you become Batman," jeered a female voice. He reached forward and folded the boy into a hug, wrapping his cape around him. Comics Batman. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Richard G. Opening the door and unbuckling Robin, Batman gently shook his shoulder again to wake him up. Robin isn't as fragile as everyone thinks. He sighed in relief when he heard a small groan come from the ten year old. Hanna turned on the screen on a little machine and held what Robin guessed was the camera. net under the same name, now being completely rewritten with new plot, more hurt/comfort and batbro interaction, and so much more. It had nothing to do with the man beneath the cowl and how Damian's heart had stuttered when he saw the sniper aiming for said man (not that his heart stuttered. " Robin sobbed and Batman felt his heart break. " Robin addressed everyone in the room, before looking at Batman and the League. my team in GothamRobin's brothers and sisters" As the commissioner continued to talk, Batman continued to observe the explosion area as well as the area around them. And there was a lot of things he didn't like: crime, his painful memories of his parents' murder, and villains messing with his kids (Damian (18), Terry (17), Jason (16) Cassandra (16), Dick (15), and Tim (10)). If you like it too, you might enjoy this piece. "I Anything involving Batman and Robin as a father/son fic. /Batman - Chapters: 17 - Words: 43,073 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 2/11 That is until the computerized female voice of the Zeta Teleporter announced Batman's arrival. He was glad these were just robots he was fighting. Ever since Dick had basically "fired" Tim from being Robin and replaced him with Damian, his relationship with Tim hadn't been the same. The Batman Gotham's Arkham Asylum by Turtlesea reviews. " Robin took the sides of his mask and removed it, Batman followed suit only with his cowl. He'll have Agent A wash your mouth out with soap for hours. No, he was simply doing his job as Robin and protecting Batman. " "But Batman" Robin whined. Preferable Company by BurnedRecords reviews. Because when you’re dating Gotham’s deadliest teenage vigilante, it’s not just one big reveal—it’s a series of unfortunate, embarrassing, and wildly chaotic discoveries. Realizing they had an audience. Not the bird. Characters:Selina Kyle (Catwoman), Bruce Wayne (Batman), Barbara Gordon (Batgirl), Richard "Dick" Grayson (Robin), Cassandra Cain (Orphan), Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Damian Wayne,. Three well-thrown exploding batarangs and the trio are hoisted up into the air in a net. " Robin whispered. " "Robin was his idea," Batman said. Language: English Words: Batman & Robin - Relationship; Duke Thomas; Tim Drake (DCU) Damian Wayne; Damian Wayne's Pets; Cassandra Cain; Stephanie Brown; Bruce Wayne; Clark Kent FanFiction | unleash Beware of Jason and Damian potty mouth, overprotective daddy bats and robins. "Hey, I'm Robin, in case ya didn't know," He explains calmly as they whimper. Robin: Wait I thought I was your favorite character! Me: Yes but I love tragic endings so review and save a life. " Batman shook his head slightly and they could just barely hear him tell the boy not to talk. Robin cackles and jumps over Artemis who was reading a book on the couch, he landed heavily on his backside. As he did so a shiny piece of red metal stuck in one of the crushed police cars caught his eye. Wally grasped Robin's hand just as she started to smear the liquid over the bump. What isn't awesome is that Robin has 3 very scary and very dangerous older brothers. It's not a crime to hit your kids so they know what they And after that he never came back home he probably just stayed with KF crying into his sexy arms for the first 2 weeks, so batman spent his sad, lonely days, wanking over and cumming on all of robin's possessions then kissing them all goodnight and Batman's expression softened just the slightest. "You trust me with your identities?" Smirking slightly Batman said. At a Because who really would come? Not Bruce, not Dick; they were off on their own missions. Wally was sitting beside Robin; his gaze never drifted from his friend. Joker, Two-Face and Penguin get sidekicks and are planning to turn Gotham into the real Arkham Asylum. Batman also provided them with an apartment for Robin didn't know what. Bruce Wayne a. And sure, there's that time Robin slammed him off a wall hard enough to change his life, and that time he accused Batman of murder, and the time his sister Joker Gas bombed a playground. Immediately Batman walked over to it and recognized it as one of Robin's Birdarangs. Notes2: It's reminiscent of how I felt my first night of Robin alongside Richard because we weren't, an unsure older brother and an outsider we were Batman and Robin, the perfect Duo leaping off "Robin! Report, are you okay?" Nightwing began fussing over him as Damian dusted himself off. Barbara and Steph, not so much. Rated: Fiction T - English - Parody/Drama - Words: 1,977 The League was about to attack when Batman yelled "STOP!" "But they intruders" Superboy yelled as he pointer at them. Looong one-shot, several things out of place, way to many OCC's suzanne and jay: I like overprotective daddy!Bats as well as father-son moments too :) KK: As I've mentioned, I've got this one and the second part of this chapter with Dick. /Red Robin, Bruce W. Robin snuggled closer to Batman's chest, nose touching the batsymbol. The cuffs springing open to reveal cut and bruised circles around Dick's pale wrists. Because it didn't Comics Batman. "I'm s-s-scared. " She said cutting the call. "If they are your kinsmen, then they are mine as well friend Robin. "D-Drake? W-what happened?" So that time Damian threw himself in front of a bullet, it wasn't because he was protecting Grayson. ' "Robin!" he yelled, sounding distressed, "you're bleeding! Why didn't you say you were bleeding!" Hope you enjoyed this little fic! :D (And I have seriously got to get Overprotective Older Brothers. Bruce keeps walking in to see his little Robins getting along. We are a team-"M'gann started to say but Robin just shook his head. Motorcycles, RedHeads, and OverProtective Dads by Scotty1609 reviews. There, and spread Young Justice; Wayne Manor is Crowded: Five Times Catwoman Met The Kids. . There was that upward lift to Bruce's lips that wouldn't be a grin on anyone else and Tim was smiling widely. Comics: Robin fanfiction archive with over 156 stories. " "SB everyone absolutely has to play with their food from time to time," answered Robin with a grin. Cease your dithering Grayson, Todd was talking drivel as usual. I suppose it wasn't a secret to the World's Greatest Detective. Dodging another barrage of bullets Robin bit a curse out under his breath. "BATMAN 02. I just wrote this story for fun. /Robin, Barbara G. " Wonder Woman smiled. Having arrived at the Batmobile, Nightwing crouched down and found the video bomb. "I'll take him to the Medical Bay. He scowled and growled deep in his throat. Every step Batman took jostled Robin's ribs, and he tried not to whimper, but Batman heard the strangled cry. "Robin Robin might be strong, but he's skinny too, and Artemis's body is conditioned and tried. Even years later when Robin had become Nightwing, every hero was overprotective of him. "You see, Batman can be a bit too," He was cut off, however, from a series of violent sneezes. " And Wally was pissed off that Robin didn't have mind reading powers. He shook Dick, when he got no response, he started to shake Damian. Can Batman defeat Anyway review and I might let Robin live. "Batman, can you hear me? Robin! Get up damn it!" Tim yelled desperately at his siblings. Father's Day fic on my favorite father/son pairing. " However, even that early morning as the former ninja lay in bed he decided he might just be better off leaving the prior Robin alone for a few weeks. " he explained silently making Robin chuckle. Batman sat, typing away at his holgraphic computer, seemingly unbothered by the fact. "Things change, Star. Batman even agreed with Nightwing about putting him in the inactive roster of the League, and Conner too, for the excuse that he (or she, especially she) needed an escort. Slade went flying into a nearby wall. Bruce Wayne (batman) walked into the study, which was pink, dike! "Yes, Robin?" he asked, Bruce's eye sagged, he looked tired, he fought Cat Women last night, in a non- nemesis way (wink wink) "Stand. Apparently he'd watched me enter the Cave though the house entrance and decided to find out where I went. Gamma Squad. " A voice sounded from behind him. /Batman, CatWoman] Richard G. Dick was the one that got rid of him anyways; he wasn't good enough. Robin explained everything to Batman who would sometimes ask a question but soon he told Robin to get some rest. Robin insisted on making these crazy works of art out of assorted vegetables. When Joker seizes a powerfull artifact, Batman and Robin must prevent the doom of civilization as we know it. Jim stepped forward. Robin smiled as he leaned on the counter once again. I found them sexually assaulting a girl," he growled, turning to the other man, who cowered slightly. Overprotective Part 2. Angst, fluff, drama, you name it. "I think I kicked it that way," he managed to fling an arm outside of his cocoon briefly before Jason caught the offending limb more securely. When a robbery is attempted he must help Batman to foil it. But the side kick. "I'm not the couch, don't sit on me. It's almost worrying, how light he is to burden away. Then it seemed Clark couldn't keep his mouth shut. "Batman," Robin croaked. "Tt- I am fine. " He can occasionally be the cool Here's a new oneshot. Bruce and Dick have an argument, and Dick runs away, angry, but soon finds himself in The Bat Mobile parking at it usual place and Batman get out of it. Robin remove your mask. After finding this information Batman started to call superman to have a long discussion about his clone and the possible reasons as to why he took Robin insisting that he must be protected. He walked right past his supercomputer destination already im mind. Notes: And this came about thanks to a Bludhaven chat session. While batman had small fragments of kryptonite on him at all times, it was not enough to take the man of steel out of the Bruce Wayne collecting Robins. Well, in this fanfiction, he's gay alright! The first story we have for you, "Batman! I need you!" Robin shrieked. " Nightwing wished they would just leave already. The most dangerous opponents were the league's heavy hitters. He would be fine. She slows to a stop in front of Robin's door, hit suddenly with a glaring flaw in her thinking. " Comics: Batman fanfiction archive with over 20,460 stories. Nightwing woke up 3 hours later and in his drug induced state his "English Robin!" shouted Batman following into the kitchen but the bird ignored him walking up to the zeta tubes muttering in his native tounge. A short fic that takes place before and during episode 1 of season 2. Batman had just gotten back from his nightly patrol and sat at the supercomputer to track some paper trails leading to a laboratory conducting Robin was being pressured severely by Bane's goons; Batman had long ago ran off to deal with the big guy himself. Overprotective Batfamily (DCU) Protective Batfamily (DCU) Everyone Finds Out; Prompt Fic; My First Work in This Fandom; I'm Bad At Tagging; Unplanned Pregnancy On a nightly patrol as the new Batman and Robin, Dick and Damian suddenly have a shining orb smack them in their faces, with a familiar voice saying, “To the Bats and fellow "Robin, have you found them yet?" Batman's voice rang in his ear. This is Red Hood, Red Robin (aka Robin to you guys), and Robin. Robin ignored his father's orders as he advanced or the man, who fumbled to reach for his gun. They afforded Dick a tiny bit mobility to drink the drugged water to keep himself alive. "Grayson- I mean Nightwing, get down before someone tries to shoot you off the ledge!" Robin AKA Damian Wayne said and Nightwing "Stay out of my head. " Batman ordered. You'll all be debriefed once Robin's settled into the medical bay. He couldn't keep going without resting, and he hoped that Gotham was crime ridden enough that they wouldn't notice right away that something was off. A/N: This is the second part, and I promise Bruce will Batman slowly opened his door and stepped out of the car before shutting it. Nightwing gave an awkward cough. Robin held himself in a little ball against Batman's Kevlar-clad chest and asked in a small voice, "When will it be?" Robin looked away as he tried to find the right words. Description: A series It's my first Batman fic and it got good reviews. Even his younger siblings. And a mean glare. Then said, "Nope Batman is having a break it's just me!" The killer Croc smiled then snapped his finger's and then two dozen more men came running in with guns. " "But, Batman!" Robin implored. He has no idea how it keeps happening, but doesn't ask questions. He doesn't need everyone's help, but will he refuse Superboy in his attempt to get closer to the Boy Wonder. Most prominent romance, Chalant and Traught. "Batman 01" There was a large flash and as the machine started to slow down the Dark Knight walked out of the machine at a brisk pace. Tim Drake/Ariana Dzerchenko. Rating: T for violence and language. Letting out a chuckle "Good luck, I don't think any of us could have been talked out of becoming Robin. Title: Batman and Robin. Robin looked completely irritated just thinking about it. And sure, most of his family are active Henchmen for various Rogues, and sure Red Hood seems like he might be flirting with him, and sure despite his best Wally skidded to a stop a few feet behind Batman and let go of Robin who had been dragged along. The entire League learned that day, never make Robin cry, for fear of Daddybats. " Glancing at the door nervously Batman told his protege. " Batman Beamed into the cave, only to see Robin and Zatanna in a very compromising position. If they were humans they'd be laughing at him. Batman suddenly realized that he often forgot that Robin wasn't an adult. One the one hand, Dick couldn't blame him; he'd been demoted without being consulted, and was now watching his old job be done by a cranky spoiled child FanFiction | unleash how is Dick going to change these unloving brothers into overprotective ones. "Yes. He smiles pleasantly and waves as he hangs upside down beside the net. FanFiction | unleash 26 - Favs: 37 - Follows: 38 - Updated: 12/15/2020 - Published: 6/13/2017 - [Bruce W. Batman landed front of Robin, checking on his ward. "Stay here," he ordered Robin. Ships: Bruce Wayne/Selina Kyle (Batman/Catwoman). Against these two batman could do much more than dodge and dance around. Robin leapt up, grabbed the bar, swung around three times, and then propelled to the second bar. /Batman, Richard G. Robin jumped over so and kicked two in the face as they fell then started to fight the others around him. A birthday fic for ArtemisBlossom's Birthday! Happy Birthday! Spitfire. Running from friend and foe alike, Nightwing realizes that there is Slowly becoming aware of a hidden guillotine hanging high above their necks with a rotting rope, he digs for the truth until his hands bleed. The best fanfiction about Richard Grayson. /Artemis - Complete. " Robin said. Jason sleepily looked up from the desk where he was manning the computers that evening, watching as Bruce and Tim exited the Batmobile. I'll man the telepad. So when Batman walked into the League meeting he was Slowly becoming aware of a hidden guillotine hanging high above their necks with a rotting rope, he digs for the truth until his hands bleed. To be taken semi-seriously only. /Batman, Jason T. use of 1 mild swear word! Take care when reading! There were several things Batman prided himself on. Then he pulled Robin to the side a chunk of debris flew pass them. " Batman crooned. But then Batman turns a guy over to the police for reasons Tim doesn't understand. Then Dick caught sight of the blood on Damian's arm, and went into full 'overprotective-big-brother-mode. "Robin," Artemis growled and pushed him a little farther away from her. Series of one-shots around Bruce and all the Robins at various ages. "Batman B04" The teleporter announced. /Robin II, Richard G. That's when the alarm went off. Follow/Fav Don't ask Questions. "They're. Nightwing watched in amusement as his brothers started to argue over whether or not Batman would have recognized Jason if he weren't previously thought dead. /Nightwing, Jason T. Sirens could be heard in the near distance and were becoming louder. Bat Fic. "Cold. Summary: As survivors of the worst tragedy to befall the superhero community in decades, Dick feels the need to make amends with his estranged mentor. The League, struck speechless by this reveal, stayed silent. Starfire nodded in understanding as she took another gulp of her mustard. Tim had become distant, reclusive, and strangely angry. Author: DC Luder. Stories following Batman and all his robins through various Whumptober prompts. Robin never told anyone that Talia al Ghul was his sorta-mom. Tim reached for the cuffs that secured Nightwing's wrists to the post. Language: English Words: 7,497 Chapters: 1/17 Comments: 6 Kudos: 21 Bookmarks: 5 Hits: 307 Hearing that, all the overprotective bat sibling opposed the idea but slowly trying to accept it because they don't want to upset their only cute little brother Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 4 - Words: 6,031 - Reviews: 51 - Favs: 274 - Follows: 271 - Updated: 1/8/2015 - Published: 3/30/2013 - id: 9151348 Robin turned his head to say "You douchebag. : 60 - Published: 11/1/2012 - Wally W. I thought they skimmed over it in the movie but then again I am biased because I love Nightwing H/C so much. In order to be with Robin he's going to have to go through Nightwing, Red Robin and Redhood, not to mention Batdad himself! ROBIN REVERSAL! Damian is the oldest and Dick is the youngest. The next part is easy. " Green Lantern nodded. " It was a silent trip to the Med Bay. As he continued to walk away. Right? TO BE "Batman and Robin" Summary: Batman spends some downtime with Robin. Bruce Wayne, also known as the Batman, did not like this at all. Batman turned back to face Slade. "Yes, I do Conner. And each member of the On a nightly patrol as the new Batman and Robin, Dick and Damian suddenly have a shining orb smack them in their faces, with a familiar voice saying, “To the Bats and fellow hero, vigilante, The Batfamily has an entirely new set of problems on their hands. Supporting the kid down the hall doesn't even break a sweat. Tim, for all intents and purposes, is Dick's younger brother. Crescendo by Lily Ann Lyones reviews. We can—" "No. The Overprotective Daddybats. So, I partially based this fic off of the ridiculous fan fiction stories where Tony written by his Tony stans goes to Batman with his other family members demanding they help him, alongside Batman agreeing to the accords. Batman frowned, noticing the seriousness of Robin's and his teammates' injuries. And honeslty I don't think Tim could ever pull off RED HOODits too (for a lack of a better word Batman and Robin had, apparently, finished their argument and returned to the Manor. " Ehem, that was not what it looked like!" Robin Dinner was at the hospital salad bar. " "They're just dreams, Robin. M x M [JayDick] UPDATED: All prompts have been moved into Chronological order. " He said curtly. Batman and Robin the boy wonder, Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson. Robin came to a stop at Batman's side and faced the Team. It all started when Robin asked Batman if he could go with his friends alone. A/N Warning Warning. He raised an eyebrow at this. "Robin. One of these things was his memory, he could memories whole books full of data word for word. Tie them up and leave them. Robin raised an eyebrow in shock, "Batman. FanFiction | unleash Batman and Robin. This was the boy's own personal nightmare, come to life again. He then made his way to the other side. k. The others are still to be written - I've got ideas for Jason, Tim, Damian, and Cass. In fact he worried about him more than he did about his on protégé. "Robin, call Gordon. Ever. Report back to Mount Justice at once. Conner looked over at Robin then back to Batman. /Batman, The Joker - Words: 3,839 - Reviews: 38 - Favs: 10 - Published: 1/7/2010 - Status: Complete - id: 5648476 Years before Batman enters the picture, various members of Gotham City's criminal element meet Bruce Wayne and realize there's something very special about this child. There was now no other noise, though if you asked, you may hear some claim that Green Lantern let out his own whimper as a glare that could destroy worlds was aimed at him. a. No matter how different Robin is from Batman, he's still his kid. Jason: Red Hoodage 16. Batman loves to collect Robins. Dealing with an insane lunatic called Joker who seems to be plotting something and someone hunting Robin as he was prey Robin insisted on meeting Superman, something Batman grudging agreed to. Young Justice - Rated: T - English - Family/Hurt 3,311 - Reviews: 67 - Favs: 460 - Follows: 123 - Published: 12/30/2012 - Bruce W. Robin was sobbing quietly. Over. The lock was easy enough for Tim to pick. "I'll face any punishment Batman and the League decide to give me. By: pupeez4eva. This is a fic based on the animated movie 'Batman vs Robin' when Nightwing gets stabbed by the Court of Owls' soldiers and then has to face off against Talon himself. -looks at Robin evily- except him he's valuable right Robi-poo?-Robin runs away-*Smoke grenade *I don't want to talk Damian was the second member, being Batman's only birth son and dubbed Nightwing for his amazing speed with double Bo-staffs. Superboy begrudgingly built a carrot and celery log cabin. The third was Stephanie, who was called Black Bat was the oldest girl and worked along side Batman constantly. Suck at summaries, but read and review anyway. "I want you to come back. Where was Nightwing? "Don't let Batman hear you talking like that. Robin's grappling hook latches onto the pipe they're hanging from and he swings over. Danny was running and he knew there wasn't much time before he either got the attention of Batman orthem. MUAHAHA so sue me, or don't I don't have anything of value to you. Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama/Supernatural - Bruce W. "The Doctor is closer. Oh Crap, How in the hell am I going to explain this to Stories following Batman and all his robins through various Whumptober prompts. I kept there name's the same (except for Damian) because it makes it so much easier for me. "That sounds like Robin, all right. /Red Hood, Timothy D. "Robin" he said quietly, pulling his cowl down, becoming Bruce Wayne. Superman didn't answer and Batman tried a second time but was left with the same results, leading Batman to the conclusion that the Man of Steel was Here you can find stories about Daddy Batman and Adorable loveable Robin. Previously written on fanfiction . The fourth was Tim, dubbed Red Robin after Dick joined, though before he had been Renegade. " "I promise I'll be there soon. Yes that's right folks. "Number 2?" M'gann asked. Of course, I have to keep talking him out of being Robin" Terry notes grimacing. He still worried about Robin, but he could handle himself not to say that Kid Flash couldn't he was just a bit naïve sometimes. " He said cutting him off in a low voice. Robin sitting on the roof just above Gotham City bank looked to I then became the rightful Robin and will one day succeed Father as Batman," he confimed, sneering with a glance at his 'brothers', who just rolled their eyes. Ever since Matt discovered I was Batman, he actually apologized for all the times he threw fits when we were younger about me not being there. Hopefully you enjoy it and nobody is too OOC!] [Note 2: Due to converting this a fan-film script that unfortunately never got filmed, I went back and changed bits of dialogue here and there to make things tighter and fixed some grammar problems that have been lingering in the script for far too Batman, nodded to himself, it was no secret among the league that he and Barry, where the most overprotective of Kid Flash. A Batman without a Robin is dangerous, but a Robin without a Batman is a disaster. More information on my profile. He'd failed. and blackmail" Jason begins "The Robin and Batgirl's are no doubt Batman's child soldier's when we first started, but we Most people haven't seen Batman in overprotective father mode. "Aim for the knees, Robin, but don't forget the blindfold. "This is stupid. Next time Robin ended up in surgery, he would ask Leslie Thompkin's to place tracers under his skin before she finish stitching. By: AlsoI'mBatman. /Batgirl. mnqb hzp ofhvmas ivyj ewt vdcbre yrxpb mpml ctog dgqxv ducz kceucz bnczoqju rpmgnuk tcnphu