Best cleric build 5e reddit. Most of the builds I see on youtube are for cleric/sorc.
Best cleric build 5e reddit Health galore. Our team at Tabletop Builds has just finished a series of highly detailed, optimized, level 1-20 character builds for what we believe to be the seven most powerful character builds in D&D 5E. You don't really need to go Life domain to make that happen though. I'm quite troubled, however, for what spells should I take On the topic of a good celestial warlock build, it may not be the most powerful subclass in the game, but you can make a good PC from it. You can concentrate on two Hypnotic Patterns. You’d want to prioritize INT > WIS, and you still want a very good CON. Personally, best Tempest cleric is It is also a way of getting you martial weapon proficiency for some of the Cleric domains that don't get that proficiency (such as Forge Cleric, Order Cleric, Arcana Cleric, and Nature Cleric). 40 HP of healing on a level 1 spell slot is very nice and allows you to use real spells as well. I'm making a backup character for the current campaign I'm in (ToA lvls 1-11) and I have decided to go with a tempest cleric, light was a close second but I love the lightning and thunder vibe. And remember that the highest damage option isn't always the best option. A peace cleric is great, doubly so because with sharpshooter you get great benefit from the bonus to hit. Or one of one and one of the other. She has a dex of 14 in the respec build I did. Chronurgy and Eloquence are great at mid levels, at high levels Illusion is superior, although any wizard gets a massive increase in power once My personal favorite build is a Protector Aasimar Light Cleric. Booming Blade can do about 10d8 damage a round in the end game, so it can be worth it. So Forge cleric is a cleric that can be totally effective with a moderate or even low wisdom . 3: The main advantage of going Forge Cleric is Blessings of the Forge which by the time you're starting to pump levels into Forge This race choice is probably the best move for a melee tempest cleric to avoid a MAD build. We've updated this list with some of the best cleric builds 5e has to offer. SAD melee build. You'll want some con to offset d6 hit die and can dump str and cha. Otherwise grab rituals so you can get more milage out of your spells - detect magic in particular. How to Build a Death Domain Cleric: The Builds I will cover: Dexterity Melee, Strength Melee, Ranged, and Spellcasting You can build a Death Cleric in with a few different focuses, however, this guide is going to focus on the martial builds and only very lightly touch on a spellcasting build. I guess I'd mostly recommend making sure 1 level nature is good. You have to make some trade-offs; Life Clerics have the big benefit of heavy armor, but you're unlikely to be strong enough to use it. Tempest cleric. Don’t worry about my character‘s stats or species, I just want to know some really good builds for my character. single classed tempest cleric. Warlock 3 gets you a bunch of second level slots to allow you to spam 50 hp goodberries with life cleric or pass without trace, the best second level spell in the game as you can use it to force suprise on 85% of enemies by level 5 which is a crazy force multiplier so having hat every combat, and being able to heal your whole party, and if you This nets you absorb elements and shield, both great defensive spells, especially on a fully armored cleric, and it will make you super resilient. Playing one in a live game that’s grave cleric 8 / DSS 1, but there’s some interesting things you can do with grave cleric, such as being a support with a pocket nuke, like my Gravedigger build. But thats still asking for 4 good stats so unless you roll well its a little high cost Feats arent as important for the build I'd say though. The gloves of trickery are on the hot bar for slight of hand checks. 5 - 20 maybe damage Forge Cleric DBS / Revenant Blade is ridiculous dps Peace Cleric Blessed GWM (and a race with martial prof, kind of a worse Barbarian tho) Twilight Cleric is a better frontline than any fighter L5+ only a few clerics mix Magic and Might For support builds, Life cleric is always a good one. Magic weapon is still good like it was for Forge cleric, and hold monster is great. If you want a specific build, Order Cleric 1 / Divine Soul sorcerer X is probably my personal favorite. edit: some of yall didn't read even the first sentence of the original post did you I agree with all of this. They should find an ally with a good weapon attack, preferably a Rogue or a GWM/SS user, and keep casting 1st level support spells on them while granting weapon attacks with Voice of Authority. I either want full caster or possible Gish builds On the other, you'll also basically never have good reason to make a weapon attack outside of tier 1, and being a War Cleric becomes kind of a wasted subclass. Warlock + Sorcerer is pretty strong too, any other spellcaster combo not using Warlock wouldn't work that great because you'd cap out on spellslots starting at 10th level and receive no spellslot benefits past then, but since Warlocks and Sorcerers use entirely different I'm in act 2 right now and I don't know how to build my tempest cleric. 2 levels in Ranger gets you a fighting style that can give you more AC or some Druid cantrips, and it grants you some more Wisdom based spells that a Clerics do make great tanky melee characters. This is much more of an offensive caster, but you’ll have less HP. I think a few levels of War cleric could add some good value to a sharpshooting Kensai monk. The Cleric is generally considered among the best classes in the game, combining good armor, full spellcasting with a good spell list, and healing. You're squishier than the heavy armor clerics, but Hello. Quite fun and an interesting take on a Selfish cleric build. Another good item option is a ring of spell storing. I'm not sure what gear I should get and I sold most of my act 1 gear. If you also go dwarf you can ignore the strength requirement for heavy armor and Clerics have some of the best divination options in the game, all of the best healing options, and many of the best buffs and debuffs. I wanted to find ways out of it so I searched for multiclassing options and eventually found the cleric which has a good WIS sinergy. So very doable. doesn't need INT. I believe it's a Paladin/Divine Soul Sorc build Order Clerics are excellent support characters, reminiscent of 4e's Warlords. This is a great cleric that can do everything other clerics can, plus call down lightning to destroy your foes. on your nova first round of combat, assuming yourEcho is already out, you’ve got 9 attacks and a massive initiative; your DPR gets out of hand quickly. From what I've heard, Tempest Clerics make excellent melee combatants. Just the features themselves make it the strongest cleric (though I prefer peace myself). It's a more offensive Spirit From support to ranged spellcasting to melee combat, the cleric can do it all. And you don't really need booming blade until later in your career when you start to get outpaced as the martials get two or three attacks. I also choose the Charlatan background to start with 8 skills, 5 languages, and some tool proficiencies. Divine strike bridges the gap a little, so you can probably But forge cleric has answer to that, animate objects can really hurt a single entity. For party wide healing with summons I'd go shepherd druid and use the unicorn spirit, at high levels you add your summons and you also become the party A cleric that multiclasses into druid gets “locked” into light armor (pretty much). You definitely need Wis because even if the trickery spells aren’t Wis-based, Cleric spells are for sure. Magic Weapon, Heat metal, Elemental Weapon (cast in your fighter), Animate objects, etc. On top you get concentration less flight, darkvision for everyone, advantage on initiative and a decent domain spell list. A common build for life clerics is 15 strength to wear heavy armour, max wisdom asap, and the rest into constitution with the rest being optional (Dex is always useful though). I've been thinking of this concept for a while now. I think, in part, what makes Spell sniper-> Booming Blade route attractive for many people is it allows you to stay at reach more often and avoid more attacks, while still doing your boosted resource free attack that discourages that the enemy will move to go after you, protecting your the concentration on your SG much easier Managed to get a 9 cleric, 2 sorcerer to god level caster. Take cleric 1 Going level 6 of cleric means only getting level 3 wizard spells at 11th level which is when the damage from the channel divinity starts getting really good, and going 6 levels of cleric with low Wis will probably feel pretty bad. I’m trying to make the a knowledge cleric build, but I’m a little stuck. Bless and Healing Word are pretty much the only things you’ll be regularly casting at levels 1 and 2. Divine favor doies have good synergy with monk multiple attack. 1 level life is good. There are so many cool things you can do with Cleric. Honestly, tempest cleric is one of the best melee clerics out there. Took meta magic initiate from Tasha’s at level 8 (an ally and close PC was sorcerer) to get meta magics that extend spell range or spell duration. 2: To capitalize on Cleric concentration abilities you will need Warcaster which gives you even fewer ASIs which you were already in dire need of. Beyond these, you can really make any domain work well. tempest cleric 2 (or 6)/ evoker X. And yes, this is best if you're running that you don't need to long rest (with excuse, like being a warforged) but you can also go cocanelock if your DM wants to. Cleric of the grave is a great functional combat cleric with keeping people up or getting them on their feet again. Perhaps one of the downsides of the Peace Domain is that it doesn't grant Heavy Armor proficiency. If your goal is "best Cleric at hitting things", then War Cleric by far. Champion Fighter + Bear Totem Barbarian is basically just the ultimate martial character, though rather boring. As for twinned haste, I prefer to use my character's concentration slots on maintaining control spells. Funnily enough my highest level PC in my longest running campaign just hit 9 after a year of play. Generally for most Cleric Domains. Twilight Cleric's scaling channel divinity that gives boatloads of temp hp or ends charm/fear and eventually also boosts ac is super good. Action Surge is great on casters, and since you want to build around While not the “best build” I’ve ran a High Elf Death Cleric before that was fun. The best part is if you go with a variant rule you could use shields as Necromancy Wizard combined with Twilight Cleric is going to be pretty hard to kill, thanks to Grim Harvest combined with Spirit Guardians. Sorcerer would be good if it actually had a good spell list and didn't learn 15 total spells. Light Clerics add the ability to go nova with fireball but that's what it is - a nova option As to your question of how to optimize: sadly, the answer is "like any other cleric". War Cleradin: War Cleric 5 -> Paladin 2 -> Cleric X this is better as War Cleric 9-> Paladin 2-> Cleric X, but that doesn't fit within your level 9 constraints, and this is also viable. Don't make my mistake of spamming heal spells every turn; you're not remotely gonna outheal enemy damage and you're gonna be missing out on what makes Cleric so special. I just did life cleric since I never use the trickery stuff and heavy armor proficiency. Pair this with spells like Bless, Aid, Death Ward and the whole host of cleric healing spells is ridiculously strong. Help me build an optimized Tempest Cleric. I’m relatively new to DnD and I really don’t know how to build the character. The best blasters in 5e are clerics because the best blast spell is spirit guardians (barring extreme cases like meteor swarm). Twilight Sanctuary is just that good. I got Booming Blade as my free cantrip and picked up War Caster. obviously) til 9 with a focus on using the Call Lightning and Spiritual Weapon spells for damage. And Hill Dwarves just naturally have the most hit points to share. Voice Of Authority is one of, if not the strongest first level ability any cleric subclass gets, and is the single best ability for building a buffing/healing-focused caster in the entirety of the 5e system. At least 3 levels of Sorcerer turns Paladins into offensive nightmares, and turns Swords Bards into unkillable duelists. The Ranged Spell Slinger - Trickster Domain Cleric/Any Race, however Goblin is extra good with this one - This build comes online at 2nd level, however your concentration will be spoken for while you have uses of Clerics don't really do weapon attacks much but as a Nature Cleric you can get Shillelagh as a cantrip, which allows you to use WIS on your weapon attacks if you are hitting with a club or quarterstaff. Probably some more but those are my experiences. Go straight cleric. These are just the standouts based on the cleric, the setting, and the stats you are working with. We made the builds with different classes as its core, and each build has major decision points highlighted along the way to demonstrate ways in which you Pure Cleric: find some ally who went some hyper min-maxed single target damage build, and watch them become your best friend as you use your forge blessing on their weapon. Light Domain grants it the ability to reach out and drop fire balls on people, which overcomes one of the few weaknesses that Clerics have. With 5 levels of Bard you have better spellcasting than an Eldritch Knight. You don't need to worry about INT because you can use Shield, Absorb Elements, Find Familiar, Protection from Good and Evil, Continual Flame etc. Captures people, uses gentle repose/revivify/speak with dead to interrogate people as she keeps their souls fluctuating between life and death; preventing them from either returning to life, or passing on, until she gets the information she wants. 14 dex is plenty and then get skills & proficiency to get the flavor you want the character to have. None of their Specific subclass features really rely on wisdom. Clerics who are Cleric cantrips: guidance, spare the dying, Toll the dead. (1 Artificer is a more common dip than 1 Cleric these days) but 1 Cleric it was the best Wizard dip for years, and still has a lot of selling points. especially combined with Goodberry. Honestly, Moon Druid does this best. If you have your own favorite builds or think other builds might be better let me know :D. Good luck! This is all true. Clerics also have a generally better spell list, even though druids have a decent amount more of utility spells. If you want your AC to keep pace, you'll either have to invest in DEX (when you're already dropping ASIs in WIS and CON), do a one level dip with another class that will give you the proficiency, or pick up Heavily Armored and have your STR at 12 before the half-feat to be You don't really need to optimize a twilight cleric, honestly - I think the standard cleric advice of "concentrate on spirit guardians, use spiritual weapon or telekinetic shove for your BA damage, maybe dodge" works great. In addition access to Dwarven Fortitude Feat allows you to access even more HP during a fight as you are dodging and upkeeping some great cleric spell. Assuming your typical Point Buy System: If you absolutely want to wade into melee combat, this is your best option. So this time, instead of building my character over a backstory idea, I want to start by a strong character build (class, feats, spells, etc). The most synergistic combo between these two classes is probably an Ascendant Dragon Monk 5/Tempest Cleric 6 for that 10 feet push on all of your lightning punches. Peace Clerics get another 30ft & grant resistance to the damage if your reaction is free & they're willing to go to the front line. For tier 1 gameplay, there's two options. Forge clerics are amazing front line clerics I had a lot of fun playing with. I'll try to throw out a few ideas. There's a character that I want to make and Gloom Stalker fits in perfectly, but, I don't think that logically speaking a ranger is a good DPS class. Stuff like Bless and Guided strike is going to help those heavy hitting shots land along with Focused Aim. My character is currently level 7 and spec is currently 15,18,16,8,19,8. Grave cleric. Trickery with HW is nice for teleporting arround. 2 Div Wizard / 3 Storm Sorc / 5 Lore Bard And the other healing abilities are pretty good too, though of course PHB-only means not having Aura of Vitality is really annoying. I'd like to play a cleric, does anyone have advices on strong cleric builds? Multiclassing is 100% an option. The Spellsword: Eldritch Knight with Crusher, Great Weapon Master, a Maul and Booming Blade. Like clerics and warlocks both get a bunch of spells that do not have any rolls with them (healing spells on clerics, bless, spirit guardians, hex, armor of agathys, disguise self, other illusion spells from warlock, etc. High wisdom will help with perception anyway. A Cleric multiclass can work, of course, but that's because Clerics are just great, not because the combination of Cleric/Monk is good. I take Booming I've made a build with nature cleric involving shillelagh and booming blade from a feat or multiclass. Just adding the magic initiate (wizard) feat for find familiar on a cleric makes any good cleric great. It really is. I've seen both Wizard and Death Cleric builds, even those involving Oathbreaker, but one peculiar that stands out is "Fate/Zero Rider in DnD" by youtuber Tulok the Bearcarian. However you could consider order cleric with a race that gains proficiency such as astral elf or hobgoblin from VGTM action hand xbow bonus action healing word an ally and they gain a reaction attack I'm trying to build a Tempest Cleric for a high level pirate-themed one shot and decided to go full cleric. So forge cleric has some nice domain spells that are ability score agnostic. So much more HP than any other caster, gets multiattack at level 2 (instead of 5 for Blade Pact or 6 for other gish subclasses), magic natural weapons at 6, can choose CC or utility options as needed (giant octopus auto restrain, giant toad swallow, crag cat magic turning, etc. Amulet of devout from Tasha’s provides a bonus to attack rolls and save throws for your spells. I can still suggest a number of good magic items that are good for clerics. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Anyways, Bard/Cleric is a non-optimal combo, but one of the good things about 5e is you can be non-optimal and still have a decent character. An optimally played War Cleric in tier 2 and beyond almost never actually makes a weapon attack, and will basically never use their +10 from channel divinity on themselves. With pretty good rolled stats, I took Warcaster at 4 and ABI at 8 to get WIS to 20. Or if you're an Arcana Cleric with Green Flame Blade. It's a little bit oldschool. Minimum 2 levels of Twilight is fucking dope for melee builds, you are so more resilient. Starting Fighter gets you Con saves, and you can take Defensive fighting style for +1 AC. While I had necrotic Spirit Guardians up, slowing down the baddies, I was able to clip them with a Booming Blade to keep them from running. The temp hp you shove out with your channel divinity is fairly insane, so adding on top of that you'll be quite powerful. Otherwise just make sure to have word of radiance as the AoE cantrip when you get surrounded. ) so with all of these spells, it doesn’t matter if you have disadvantage, they’re still really strong and My favorite race with the Peace Cleric is the Hill Dwarf. Storm Cleric (cleric of Thor. Cleric is even more powerful in this game than in 5e, where it is already powerful. If your goal is "best Cleric who also melees", then probably Life Cleric. My Living Anvil build combines Nature Cleric with Divination Wizard for a durable frontline DPR build. Or two Greater Invis. Quicken and Twinned spells are good to have, but IMHO the tempest cleric build don't NEED this damage boost. Upcasting ads even more objects Choose the most number for better to hit chance. This D&D 5E build, the Flagship Cleric, is a spellcaster that can contribute by providing incredible offense, out of combat utility, flexibility, and sustainability to any party. Combining that ability and all the I’ll try do both Shield, martial weapon and heavy armor are a must for a twilight cleric; I’ll cast during a battle, if I wouldn’t there would be few reasons to be a cleric Healing word requires only verbal component Tortle was a good idea, I just don’t fit into that pg (just my bad and my super personal opinion) Since darkvision is 300 feet I avoid caring about it when thinking on If i were to try to make the best out of it, I would go: Monk up to level 5 for extra attack/stunning strike. It depends on he exact build. I’m playing a character like this right now. Peace Clerics are all about communally sharing party hit points. My character is using a shield and mace, but the mace only does 8-13 damage. Their spell list is solid, with a number of cleric staples like Spiritual Weapon and Spirit Guardians, freeing up spells prepared for more niche cleric options. This means you'll have extra attack and spirit guardians at level 10. I'am at 20 STR, 20 WIS and 16 CON right now. This is compounded by the importance of CON as a front line class. War Cleric with two-handed weapon who starts leveling Paladin after it hits level 5. 1-2 war domain cleric and monster hunter is also cool. Very good. The idea of the dip is to get medium armour and shield proficiency, though, so I would not go bladesinger. You miss out on the ping pong aspect, but mitigate losses in spell progression immensely. Perception is great on a cleric and the extra language can be useful. 10 in everything else. Then monk up to level 11 for their additional 11th level class feature + ki-point. Heavy armor and smites can make anyone fair in battle. An owl swooping in to Inflict Wounds from afar or a rat in the rogue's pocket casting Guidance One pretty overpowered build you could do is a be Warforged forge domain cleric with two shields for crazy high ac. If I were to pick a PHB-only Cleric for the abilities, it'd probably be my #1 pick (that said, Trickery has an insane spell list and Light has a good list + good abilities so overall they pack similar value). Go Variant Human or Custom Lineage so you can pick a Feat that'll get you Booming Blade/Green Flame Blade depending on what you prefer and use that to make most of your attacks. I recommend storm sorcerer, not because it's thematic necessarily, but because tempestuous magic on a tempest cleric is ridiculously good. A good combo is a melee druid and arcana cleric for the blade cantrips. There's too many moving parts you need at mid levels for Sorcerer to afford even a few debuff spells. A good option, I have a lot of different healer builds I could recommend but the guy seemed to be looking for the best and, when it comes to raw healing output, no one can beat the life cleric. Bard - Master of Swords Swords Bard 5 / Battlemaster Fighter x Maneuvers for days. Peace and Twilight are of course busted and shouldn’t ever be played but would be powerful. A grave cleric that works as an inquisitor. I am playing a Knowledge domain cleric but I went Half Elf for the Skill Versatility. For help selecting spells, see our Cleric Spell List Breakdown . It'd be my favorite Cleric domain. War cleric is the best Gish cleric but they are way better with a heavy xbow than hand. I named my guy Ulfric the Dwarven Tempest Cleric he worshiped Thor! He was the party tank, healer, damage dealer, weapons expert, & a Dwarven Smith who could make any weapon/armor for the party if needed. Starlight Cleric: Twilight Cleric 6 -> Stars Druid 2 -> Cleric X your table may ban Twilight Cleric, but this is a cute, strong, and also thematically Life Cleric would probably be the basic recommendation as a 1 level dip, and it could work for 5 levels, especially synergizing with the Chalice constellation and Goodberry to make you a really good healer just from that first level. But if you dont wanna be on the front line and heavily armoured, you At level 8 and beyond it's going to depend on if you acquired Booming Blade or took the Telekinetic feat. They go together well thematically and mechanically, with healing hands providing an extra pocket heal and Radiant Soul turns you into an avatar of divine wrath, wreathed in radiance and fire. Heavy armor, martial weapons, and a reaction to blast attackers with damage. Most of the builds I see on youtube are for cleric/sorc. Take pact of Even split with cleric 5/6 = you will have equal blasting power (some of your best blasting spells are at level 3, and are very good upcast, so it doesn’t matter that you’re losing higher level spells since you can cast glyph of warding and call My character is a level 1 light domain cleric. I’m thinking cleric 9/sorc 3 for mage armor, shield, longstrider, and armor of agathys. Wizard also gets you stuff like Shield I'm trying to work it out, but it seems to need several feats (magic initiate for true strike, war caster, and some weapon masteries) or just start LVL 1 as a fighter and go cleric all 12 Radorb Life cleric is the best party support ever. My tempest cleric is wearing those same act 1 items healing items. One final option I'll mention is Arcana cleric. And War Priest is a nice little addition to cover a bonus action bow attack when your Ki Fueled strike is not available. . Booming blade, as others have mentioned, is another good choice of cantrip, but it's mostly useful for characters after 5th level, especially if they can land and maximise critical hits, and it requires a decent Strength or Dexterity score to use properly. Unarmored monk cleric. 1 Cleric, Wizard X is a solid build. The +2 con & +1 wis, alongside an auto +1 to hp per level makes you a very tanky cleric. 15 in CON and DEX. Bugbear Gloomstalker ranger 9 / Twilight cleric 2 / Echo Knight fighter 3 / cleric X. Depending on its rarity, it’s anywhere from 1-3 so if you see any other magic items you want, you can adapt it. Love cleric, best build for it is hill dwarve. ), you can still concentrate on spells, and can burn slots to heal as a Mind of Two Moons is good. Cleric 1st-level spells: healing word, bless, sanctuary, shield of faith; Cleric 2nd-level spells: aid, spiritual weapon, I wanted my cleric to be the best at tanking while dealing damage so I chose VHuman Arcana Cleric using Magic Initiate: Druid for Shillelagh, Shape Water, and Goodberry. I think you're best off going straight Cleric, but Fighter is a good 1 or 2 level dip. Auto-crit Smites need no explanation, and giving a melee Bard access to Shield (add Defensive Flourish to push your AC past 30) and Absorb Elements, and the option to self-heal while still attacking, leaves you with one of the few PCs builds that really does excel Death Cleric CD = 9 guaranteed damage > Action Surge 7. You want good Wis for getting more bonus action attacks from war cleric, then decent dex and intelligence for your bladesong/weapon attacks. At level 17 the Forge Cleric is immune to one type of damage & resistant to non-magical B/P/S The Arcana Cleric has Wish & other good Wizard spells. Because of that, I’m not sure there’s a lot of work that needs to be done to make this good. [TL:DR Which Cleric domains/build work best at higher levels] I'll be playing in a game soon starting at level 10, and I have no experience playing that high. Would this be viable since none of these spells require charisma for anything? Any build suggestion is welcome. Take TWF Fighting Style, take Dual Wielder at 4, then boost Dex and/or Wis. I would 5e doesn't follow fantasy tropes. Take it from someone who played a life cleric for a long time and learned a lot of lessons the hard way - an effective healer in 5e hurts proactively and heals reactively. That said, I main Clerics, and Bless should be on your prepared list at all times. Also definitely become scrappy pappy and collect random metal items off of dead bodies, to use the Channel Divinity and turn them into metal bars/something valuable for later. The cantrips you pick totally depend on what your cleric ones are, but IMO the best wizard cantrips are prestidigitation, mage hand, message, and lightning lure (forced movement is very underrated, especially if a Twilight cleric isn’t good because of any combos. The best healer build depends somewhat on level and what resources you want to devote, but Life Cleric 1 is *normally* part of it. Then Cleric war domain for War priest feature and Divine favor/bless/shield of faith. I mean I’m not sure that’s a great idea purely for balance. I personally prefer 11 light cleric / 1 storm sorcerer though for rad orb and reverberation abuse. I have not tested Monk or Berserker yet, so I do not know about them. Grab the feat that lets you change prepared spells with a bonus action so you can be great at solving puzzles. EDIT : DM does not want anything other than what is in the PHB. So spores or Astral self grappler (get expertise in athletics somehow) with a dip in cleric for bless (or another good concentration spell) and rituals. Consider taking 2 levels of paladin first. Make sure you get Spiritual Weapon when you can. Our Flagship Cleric shares many traits with our Basic Build Cleric but has some notable differences. As a multiclass, I'd say Peace Cleric 1/Divine Soul Sorcerer 19 is the way to go. 6 Paladin, 5 Warlock and 7 Sorcerer provide you the features you want from each. cfdamcaiazfocakuzdmarywredvlfjgimpsnndgseovswoqyrqzftedybyiiqhduhlucnaqcdjlinnzsci