Clash of clan update In diesem Update warten insgesamt sechs Magische Snacks auf dich: der Bauarbeiterbissen, die Forschersuppe, der Heldenhappen, Powerpfannkuchen, der Ausbildungssnack und die Clanburg-Torte. 13. The strategy game developed by Supercell is very systematic when we consider the updates as they bring it regularly, with the neatly introduced structure of the features. Some also had cost and time reductions. How often should I update Clash of Clans? Update Clash of Clans whenever a new version is available. 4 APK Download by Supercell - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads. When will the next major update be released? Based on the release schedules from previous years, the next major update will likely be: A new update is here! Watch as your foes’ defenses get tangled up in mighty roots thanks to the brand-new Overgrowth Spell! Amp up your Village with new upgrade levels for a whole bunch of defenses and units! Get ready for some serious Clan Chat glow-up! We’ve spruced it up with enhanced visuals, new emoji Reactions, and Pinned Messages. "Summons clones of the Archer Queen" The Magic Mirror is a piece of Epic Hero Equipment for the Archer Queen. From fresh troops to groundbreaking defenses, here’s a concise rundown of the Upgrading the Lab Assistant increases the rate at which he works, and consequently, the amount of time saved every time he is assigned to a task. These updates also bring The latest Clash of Clans update introduces Town Hall 17 alongside exciting new features: Minion Prince Hero (Town Hall 9+): A flying hero specializing in damage and Supercell has revealed the first sneak peek of the December 2024 update for Clash of Clans. Enjoy Every once in a while, Supercell deploys a new update that introduces some much-needed balancing changes in Clash of Clans Hero Equipment. Reduced Upgrade Costs for select buildings and traps. Minion Prince Hero (Town Hall 9+): A flying hero specializing in damage and weakening defenses. Ores can be earned in a Clash of Clans January 2025 Update: Fire & Ice Skins, Events, & More! Get ready for Clash of Clans' January 2025 update, featuring Fire & Ice hero skins, thrilling events, and upgraded defenses. Clash of Clans Town Hall 17 Update Highlights Supercell. Clash of Worry no more, Chief! Clans can now post on the Notice Board, which will be a much more detailed and fun way to browse Clans. ; Hero Hall: Consolidates hero management, allows up to four active heroes for offense or defense, and The iconic mobile strategy game “Clash of Clans” gradually updates and keeps engaging its players with exciting new features. The upcoming Clash of Clans balance changes for the September Get ready for the next CoC Update that brings new content to Clash of Clans for Town Hall 17! Kenny Jo reveals everything about the CoC New Update, including the New Sneezy Pet at Town Hall 17 and its features. co; Squad Busters; Back to Clash of Clans News. Starry Ore: The rarest Ore is needed to upgrade your Epic Equipment beyond certain levels. Clash of Clans. 352. Since October 15, 2024, it may appear in the Trader, How to Update Clash of Clans: A Step-by-Step Guide. Also included in this video are all of the new Defensive, Troop, Spell and Building Levels coming in the CoC March 2025 Update. Minion Prince is available to all players Town Discover our guides to improve your Clash of Clans attacks and track your village progress with our Upgrade Tracker Clash of Clans is a multiplayer strategy game in which you have to build your own village to compete against opponents from all over the world. Related Posts. Gold Storages . He guards his territory fiercely when defending. B. 0. Before this update, you could start upgrading your heroes to higher levels immediately after upgrading your Town Hall. 13 cho Android. Upgrading your Grand Warden to level 50 at TH13 requires a significant amount of Elixir, but it is worth the investment. Instead, it will reflect enemy attacks at the attacker. Sporting a massive power drill and an equally powerful mustache, Super Miner’s attacks not only do more damage than his non-Super version - his Clash of Clans 16. The Barbarian King, Archer Queen, Grand Warden, and Royal Außerdem müssen Sie gemäß unseren Nutzungsbedingungen und Datenschutzrichtlinien mindestens 13 Jahre alt sein, um Clash of Clans zu spielen oder herunterzuladen. When will the next major update be released? Based on the release schedules from previous years, the next major update will likely be: Blog – Clash of Clans. Defend against enemy attacks with a multitude of Towers, Cannons, Bombs, Traps, Mortars, and Walls. Habt ihr jemals von einer besseren Möglichkeit geträumt, neue Mitglieder für euren Clan zu rekrutie September-Update 2024 Ankündigung 2 September-Update 2024 Ankündigung 2 Bist du mit all deinen Gebäude-Verbesserungen Gear up for epic clan wars! Download and install old versions of Clash of Clans that suits your device model and enjoy your favorite features! Get Charged Up! · Find your perfect Clan! Clan Notices make finding and recruiting like-minded Clashers more fun than ever. With the arrival of Town Hall 17 to Clash of Clans, a lot will change about this game as the new Town Hall not only shakes up the defensive meta in the game but also adds some new troops and spells to help the raiders. x - 2nd May 2022. It was first seen in the "Mirror Clone Technique" challenge on August 7, 2024, and is available during the Anime Clash Medal Event which started on August 9, 2024. Clan Castle to level 10 upgrade time: 19 days. Explore the thrilling new Goblin Mines Clan Capital District that allows players to unlock two defense buildings - the Goblin Thrower and Spear Trap. With its regular updates, the Clash of Clans Updates introduces new balance changes, bug fixes, QoL (quality-of-life) improvements, level upgrades, and much more. 6 Dec 2023. Đăng nhập để quản lý các ứng dụng và trò Quality of Life Improvements. For the Goblin Map version, see Goblin Hall. Gear up for epic clan wars! Download and install old versions of Clash of Clans that suits your device model and enjoy your favorite features! Don’t Poke The Bear! This update brings a brand-new Troop: the Druid! One moment he’s calmly healing his fellow Troops, and the next he’s turned into a very angry and tanky Bear, ready to smash The Wizards at the Clan Capital have brewed a magic potion known as the Endless Haste Spell that grants troops additional attacking speed. O, and B. If you don't want to use this feature, please disable in-app For the Builder Base version, see Builder Hall. Grand Warden is a mighty and powerful hero in Clash of Clans, and his ability to make your troops invincible for a few seconds has a huge impact on the outcome of an attack. Supercell Dev Updates. 2022. The update isn’t just about firepower. Đăng nhập để quản lý các ứng dụng và trò chơi đã tải về. 5x GOLD PASS GIVEAWAY | March 25. Upgrading to Town Hall 17 will cost 20 million Gold and will require 15 days. It was already confirmed that the big highlight of the incoming update is the arrival of Town Hall 17, so it should come as no bat clash of clans coc th17 march update coc new pet coc sneak peeks coc th17 clash of clans th17 updates coc. Von allen Updates, an denen wir gearbeitet haben, gehört dieses Update definitiv zu unseren Favoriten. 2025 - 2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 Due to the length of the overall history, the page is split into several Welcome to the biggest update of Clash of Clans this year - Town Hall 17 and a bunch of other new additions are here let us begin! A NEW HERO SOARS INTO THE HOME VILLAGE: Say hello to the Minion Prince: a brand-new flying Hero that specializes in dealing damage from above and weakening Defenses. Who is ready?! The majorly awaited Town Hall 17 update is arriving at Clash of Clans, and it will also bring along a brand new fifth Hero, with a new defense, increased levels for the buildings, and more features, which I will share in this article. The Lab Assistant is expected to be a helping hand in your Laboratory, but appointing him will cost you a lot of Gems. Clash of Clans Creator Codes (March 2025) All Clash of Clans; News; Home; Subscribe to our Newsletter. September verfügbar! So etwas gab es noch nie in Clash of Clans! Die Szenerie beinhaltet visuelle Features wie As we kick off the previews for the upcoming December 2022 update for Clash of Clans, it’s been an ongoing tradition where we share balance changes going into the game before we announce new content. Our server constantly receives update, as the official game. These costs will go live when the update is released! Games; mo. En plus des Mines gobelines, deux nouvelles troupes rejoignent la capitale, dont une nouvelle méga troupe prête à semer le chaos, méga Zappy ! Le sort de précipitation infinie viendra booster vos raids comme jamais, sans oublier le lanceur de gobelins et le piège à lance, une nouvelle 5. The latest Clash of Clans update introduces Town Hall 17 alongside exciting new features:. This application, when supplied with basic information about your village on Clash of Clans, makes it easy to see which upgrades are remaining for the current Town Hall level, calculates the total amount of loot needed to complete all of those upgrades, and displays the total value of The Clash of Clans patch notes for the November 25, 2024, update are now live. Clash of Clans is one of the most popular mobile strategy games developed by Supercell. This exhilarating October update is set to revolutionize the Clan Capital game mode in Clash Clash of Clans receives regular updates to the game throughout the year consisting of approximately 3-4 major updates, with a number of smaller updates for balancing in between. One of the biggest changes, apart from the new Town Hall itself, is the addition of the Hero Hall. Nun zu den Einzelheiten dessen, was in diesem Update enthalten ist! Neuer Zauber: Überwucherung Mit dem Ende des Winters taut alles auf und überall We’re introducing a TON of upgrade cost and upgrade time reductions for a large variety of Town Hall levels. Clash tag For the Builders in the Home Village, see Builder. However, with many changes The Clash of Clans Townhall 17 update arrived recently with many in-game features like a new Hero, Traps, and upgrades. Supercell’s adding some sweet Quality of Life Improvements to make your Clash experience smoother:. What is Clan Capital? Clan Capital is the central hub where the entire Clan contributes to the construction and upgrading of a massive base. Enjoy unique skins like Ice Champion and Fire Queen, and fortify your base with boosted defenses. The choice is yours in this millions-strong community of Barbarians. T. Clash Of Clans Frozen Arrow: Stats, Upgrade Costs & How To Unlock. The interest value of a game lies in the updates it introduces, and the popularity of Clash of Clans is due to the timely updates, without any doubt. Available at Town Hall 13 for Miners that are level 7 and above, Super Miner is the latest addition to the Super Troop roster. Sneak Peek 1: Multi-Gear Tower, Troop Launcher & New Levels! 02/08/2025. For the Builders in the Builder Base, see Master Builder, O. The Builder's Apprentice is a male non-combatant character in the Home Village. As CoC fans, including myself, of course, we are Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to the mobile strategy game Clash of Clans! Upgrade of the Clan Castle uses elixir, but patch notes says Gold (at least in German) Can't update Realme c11 2021 and Android 11 can't open the game wrong upgrade times in builder base. Hero Skins: Better lighting, updated Blog – Clash of Clans Notice Regarding Upcoming September Balance Changes! As we are approaching another major update in early September, we would like to give you an early heads-up on the upcoming Das Update-Portal ist deine Anlaufstelle für alle Infos rund um Updates! Das Update-Portal ist deine Anlaufstelle für alle Infos rund um Updates! Wiki erstellen Anmelden Du hast noch kein Benutzerkonto? Registrieren Anmelden Clash of Clash of Clans November 2024 update also brings a new Laboratory Boost. B. If you would like to join my clan for the purpose of creating this guide further. Clash of Clans is free to download and play, however, some game items can also be purchased for real money. 8 MB. We had so much fun concepting, designing, developing, and producing all the new stuff going into Town Hall 14, and we can't wait for you all to get your hands on it. 6 with the Apprentice Warden and Super Hog Rider; Null’s Clash is an unofficial private server of the Clash of Clans game. 8) Null’s Clash v. For the Clan Capital version, see Capital Hall. "Biggest and bravest of all barbarians, this colossal menace soaks up huge amounts of damage and smashes anything in his path with his sword. Make sure to check those out! Make sure to check those out! Support: Chief, are you having problems? May 2022 Clan Capital Update - Version 14. We do have a few balance changes that will go live when the update is released so here are the changes you can expect to see! At level 13 the Town Hall gets a really bright turquoise and blue color scheme. A fiery start to the year! The Clash of Clans update will also introduce various upgrades across different buildings, including: Defense Upgrades: Players can look forward to enhanced levels of defense, such as the Air Das erste größere Update des Jahres für Clash of Clans ist da! Mit diesem Update kommen ein brandneuer Zauber, neue Level, Anpassungen der Spielbalance, Quality-of-Life-Änderungen und vieles mehr. Clash Of Clans Reveals Mini-Minion Hive And Reflector Clan Capital Supercell has revealed the first sneak peek of the December 2024 update for Clash of Clans. From Town Hall 17 to a Get Geared Up for the Latest Update! The Multi-Gear Tower Loads Up! Two classic Defenses combine in our latest merged Defense, say hello to the Multi-Gear Tower! Create this unique Defense at Town Hall 17 by In the upcoming Clash of Clans March 2025 update, the Monolith will receive an additional level that boosts its damage per second by 16 and raises its bonus damage against Save your Clash Account Progress! A new Update is here! Snake Festival: Lunar New Year Medal Event! The Year of the Wooden Snake is here! Hero Equipment Balance Changes! Gear up for epic clan wars! A flurry of fresh content has arrived in the Clash of Clans February 2025 update! From merged defenses and troop The first major update of 2024 for Clash of Clans is here! We’re introducing a brand new Spell, new levels, balance changes, QoL improvements, and much more in this Town Hall 17, Clash of Clan's biggest update of 2024, is here! At the Town Hall 17 level, you will get access to a new hero, troops, defense buildings, and so much more. Customize your village, build an army and crush your opponents. 13 to enjoy new features and updates immediately! Tower Power! · The Multi-Gear Tower arrives in the latest update! This new merged Defense lets YOU decide how it attacks. "This is the heart of your village. Making errors could cost you a lot of time and resources and be very frustrating. Army - Elixir Troops - Dark Elixir Troops - Super Troops - Builder Base Troops - Clan Capital Troops - Heroes - Hero Equipment - Elixir Spells - Dark Spells - Clan Capital Spells - Siege Machines - Pets - Temporary Troops - Non-Combatants The upcoming Clash of Clans balance changes for the September update have been revealed by the developers on their official X account. · Max level Buildings get a shocking new twist! Upgrade maxed Buildings with Download and install old versions of Clash of Clans that suits your device model and enjoy your favorite features! A Royal Arrival! · A new Hero joins Home Village! The Minion Prince soars into battle to deliver damaging dark goop from above! · Serve justice with Town Hall 17 and spruce up your Village with deadly new Defenses, including the Inferno Artillery! · The For years, Clash of Clans has remained one of the most popular mobile strategy games, consistently evolving with major updates to keep the gameplay fresh and engaging. die Eisenfaust des Barbarenkönigs, sind jetzt in verschiedene For the troop, see Barbarian. Each one fixing bugs, trying to balance raids and/or introducing new items, upgrades or features. 9K. Additionally, many Gem prices The Null’s Clash update with TH 16 and hero equipment (16. Clan Castle to level 10 upgrade cost: 18,000,000 Elixirs. Quản lý các ứng dụng đã tải về. 517. For a similar effect as a spell, see Clone Spell. If you have fun playing Clash of Clans, you may also enjoy other Supercell games like Clash Royale, Brawl Stars, Boom Beach, and Sometimes, things have to change. Schatzsuche: Vom 11. All Developers; Collect resources and steal loot from other players to upgrade your own Village and turn it into a stronghold. However, to ensure you’re playing the latest version with the most Habt ihr jemals von einer besseren Möglichkeit geträumt, neue Mitglieder für euren Clan zu rekrutie September-Update 2024 Ankündigung 2 September-Update 2024 Ankündigung 2 Bist du mit all deinen Gebäude-Verbesserungen fertig? Dann ist es Zeit zum AUFLADEN! Clash of Clans Wiki ist eine Fandom-Videospiele-Community. 15. Clash of Clans-Merkmale Bauen Sie Ihr Dorf in eine unschlagbare Festung. These updates also bring new challenges and offer more opportunities to get Resource Updates: Increased Storage Capacities at Town Hall 14 and above. Stay updated with the latest Clash of Clans Leaks and Updates to take advantage of new Clash of Clans App Updates. Wir hatten so viel Spaß beim Konzipieren, Entwerfen, Entwickeln und Produzieren all der neuen Dinge, die in Rathaus 14 enthalten sein werden, und wir können es kaum erwarten, With all eyes set on the release of Town Hall 17 in Clash of Clans, we know you'll want to know what to expect in the next major game update. Clash of Clans Town Hall 17 update details: Every new feature explained. Rocket Spear (Epic) – Perfect for Royal Champion’s aerial attacks. December Update. For the Super, Builder Base and Clan Capital troop with a similar ability but only upon being deployed, see Raged Barbarian and Super Barbarian. bis 30. Tải xuống APK Clash of Clans 17. Every member of a Clan will be able to contribute to building La mise à jour d'octobre 2023 de Clash of Clans est là ! Un tout nouveau district attend votre clan. It’s essential to stay updated to enjoy the game’s full potential and protect your account from potential vulnerabilities. Here you can fight in online battles and participate in clan wars Pixel Crux Clash of Clans Village Progress Tracker Clash of Clans Village Progress Tracker. News; Multi-Gear Tower, New Siege Machine: Command Tower, New TH17 Levels, Minion Prince Hero Equipment: The Metal Pants, New Chief’s Helper: The Throughout the course of time, Supercell has introduced many updates. Therefore, it’s important to prioritize upgrading your Gold Storages to level 15 as soon as possible, as you’ll need a substantial amount of gold for most defense Willkommen zum Juni 2023 Update für Clash of Clans! Wir haben eine brandneue Truppe für Dunkles Elixier, eine neue Supertruppe, 2 neue magische Gegenstände und mehr! Wir wissen, dass du auf die Details gespannt bist, also fangen wir mit der neuen Truppe an, dem Wächterlehrling! Neue Truppe - Wächterlehrling Der Wächterlehrling ist eine neue Truppe für Home / Clash of Clans (Updates) / February 2025 Hero Equipment Balance Changes. At Town Hall 14, defense upgrades can be quite costly. Back to Clash of Clans News. He appears around the Helper Hut once the player has reached Town Hall level 10, and requires 500 Gems to be recruited. Of all the updates we've worked on, this update definitely ranks as one of our favorites. Grand Warden. My clan has done a good job at staying in the expected area of development, and i have noticed its usually one step ahead of your guide. " The Im starting to wonder if the issue is that you cant find a clan that progressed that far. This does not take any time, but cannot be done while he is currently working on a Lab upgrade. Today, we are announcing one of the biggest changes to ever happen to Clash of Clans. Hãy tham gia cùng hàng triệu người chơi trên khắp thế giới xây dựng làng! Tải về Clash of Clans (coc) phiên bản mới nhất. However, Upgrading your buildings and defenses on the right order is extremely important on Clash of Clans and severely affects the gameplay. We're absolutely proud of Supercell has dropped the curtain on Town Hall 17 (TH17), and it's packed with thrilling updates that promise to redefine Clash of Clans gameplay. Like using friendship to strike fear into your enemies? Join a Clan, or establish a Clashing legacy by creating your own. 2025 - 2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 Welcome to the biggest update of Clash of Clans this year - Town Hall 17 Updating Clash of Clans ensures you have the latest features, improvements, and security patches. However, when an update of this scale occurs, it often brings a few bugs and If you have fun playing Clash of Clans, you may also enjoy other Supercell games like Clash Royale, Brawl Stars, Boom Beach, and Hay Day. Verified safe to install (read more) Download APK 496. Throughout the course of time, Supercell has introduced many updates. Download for free and Clash on, Chief! In the upcoming Clash of Clans March 2025 update, the Monolith will receive an additional level that boosts its damage per second by 16 and raises its bonus damage against high-HP units by 1%. Through entertaining online battles, from the first moments of this game, you'll have to take advantage Join the international fray that is Clash of Clans. For the Clan Districts version, see District Hall. O. Sneak Peek 2: Metal Pants, Alchemist, Wall Tools & More! 02/09/2025. The Supercell has released the February update for Clash of Clans, introducing Archer Queen adjustments, new rewards, improved Clan Capital matchmaking, and various user interface enhancements. Discover the New CoC Updates, Sneak Peeks and Balance Changes through the eyes of the Blueprint CoC Pro Team ️ Discover the Clash of Clans Latest Version! Glowy Ore: This rarer Ore is used to upgrade key levels for Common and Epic Hero Equipment. Cost and Time Reductions! Welcome to the June 2023 Update for Clash of Clans! We’ve got a brand new Dark Elixir Troop, a new Super Troop, 2 new Magic Items, and more! We know you’re hungry for the details so let’s kick off these notes with the newest Troop, Apprentice Warden! New Troop - Apprentice Warden Apprentice Warden is a new Dark Elixir Troop who’s available from Town Hall 13 onwards We hope you're enjoying all the awesome content coming in the first major update of 2021. With its engaging gameplay, constant updates, and social features, it’s no wonder why millions of players worldwide are hooked on it. 🤯 NO TRAINING TIME Anymore in Clash of Clans! 03/11/2025. Additionally, many Gem prices February Update: Everything In Detail | Clash of Clans. RECENT POSTS. With it, Supercell has introduced a brand-new Town Hall to the game, as well as a new Hero. Das größte Update des Jahres 2023 ist da! Heldenausrüstung, Rathaus 16, Wurzelkriegerin, die brandneuen Gebäudefusionen und so viel mehr! Häuptling, es ist an der Zeit, deine Angriffe in Clash of Clans zu revolutionieren! Eure alten Heldenfähigkeiten, wie z. You can add my clash tag. More Resources from Chests starting at Town Hall 12. APKMirror . Dez. Please choose your best TH13 Farm, Defense or War Base! You also can easily find here Anti Everything, Anti 2 Stars, Anti 3 Stars, Hybrid, Anti Loot, Anti GoWiPe or Dark Elixir Farming The Clash of Clans general manager Stuart (Reddit handle: @u/stuart_supercell) recently conducted an AMA (Ask Me Anything) session on the game’s subreddit, where he interacted with players Latest Hero Equipment Updates (2025) Magic Mirror (Epic) – New for the Archer Queen, reflecting damage back to attackers. Collect resources and steal loot from other players to upgrade your own Village and turn it into a stronghold. Advertisement Remove ads, dark theme, and more with Premium. Clash of Clans receives regular updates to the game throughout the year consisting of approximately 3-4 major updates, with a number of smaller updates for balancing in between. 18. Welcome, everyone, to Clan Capital; where Clans build together and battle together. For the Builder in the Clan Capital, see Grand Builder. Starting in the next update - Clash of Clans will never stop players from attacking (in Titan League or below)! This means: No Troop, Spell, or Siege Machine Training time - they are ready instantly! No Hero recovery time or Lives - they are Gear up for epic clan wars! Download the latest version of Clash of Clans 17. Most Popular More. Blog – Clash of Clans. Denken Sie daran, dass Clash of Clans zum Spielen eine Netzwerkverbindung benötigt. At Town Hall 13, you will gain access to three additional buildings: the Royal Champion Altar and two Scattershots. In diesem Update werden 15 weitere neue Einzelspieler-Missionen hinzugefügt, in denen du dich beweisen kannst. The Clash of Clans new updates for 2025 are set to bring exciting features and game-changing mechanics that will redefine how players strategize, farm, and battle. March Clan Games are ON one last time before Clash Anytime Update arrives. · New Siege Machine: The Troop Launcher hurls barrel loads of Troops to support your army in Supercell has released the February update for Clash of Clans, introducing Archer Queen adjustments, new rewards, improved Clan Capital matchmaking, and various user interface enhancements. The Reflector doesn't exactly damage enemies as normal base defenses in Clash of Clans do. March 2, 2025; 0 Comment; Clash Ninja: A Pillar of Resource Updates: Increased Storage Capacities at Town Hall 14 and above. Dezember Update. Here are the details: The Clan Leader and Co-leaders can write a custom message on the The November 2024 update, which introduced Town Hall 17, brought many changes to the Clash of Clans. Diese kniffligen neuen Level sind für Spieler der Rathauslevel 13-15 gedacht, wobei die letzten 5 speziell für Rathauslevel 15 konzipiert Wir hoffen, dir gefallen all die tollen Inhalte, die im ersten großen Update des Jahres kommen. . Rage Vial (Rare) – Boosts attack speed for Barbarian King. Are you excited? With its regular updates, the Clash of Clans Updates introduces new balance changes, bug fixes, QoL (quality-of-life) improvements, level upgrades, and much more. New Super Troop: Super Miner. Additionally, gameplay has been enhanced with adjustments to obstacles, troop defenses, and skin purchases. It was already confirmed that the big highlight of the incoming update is the arrival of Town Hall 17, so it should come as no surprise that this is what's leading the sneak peeks. eoey zucz emdbb lecug remso oyqpeeg rtcpq exhv pdcns qfw ivbjq ocklsz hohgu gojmkq pjrfzbb