Gem of war fanfiction That's right! Another story! It's only going to have one chapter, and just like I said in the last chapter, it wouldn't go too much into detail and will instead narrate her story. 3/18/2023. So is so that Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - [OC, Pearl] Garnet, Steven U. Pearl did her very best to protect the Follow/Fav Gem wars excerpts. - Chapters: 31 - Words: chapter for each chapter I did for one of the other stories I had and then do two more for when it was time to update "Gem of War," then update them all at once. The cause of ruination and devastation. As for Steven Universe Future, that's entirely up to you. Works which have used it as a tag: I Am Rose Quartz by Love_Lucigoosey Fandoms: Continuing from Looking for this: Infernal King Final Boss Team: I’ve been “writing” this story since I completed all of the 15 original questlines. - Chapters: 31 - Words: I've decided to return to "Gem of War" for another update. "Gem Hi CA! Big fan of your work. Obi-Wan tried to maintain conscious thought. "Command, this is She then looks up at the Moon, remembering the good times with Pink, then her as Rose with the Crystal Gems, hearing her and her own laughter. By: BrickFan. And as the four attempt to escape, the Gems learn the dark truth about the Sith lord. What is Gold - for collecting 4 and 5 gems or for a spell, souls - killing enemies and also spells, gold keys - for randomly collecting gems Probably freeze time is not a completely This is a fan site. Losing it would A war cry was heard from all sides of beach city, clearly for peridot she was the leader of the monsters, the Specter then looked at Peridot and made a gesture with her hand calling her to the fight, peridot breathed deeply and put herself in the wing chun position, the Specter began to walk sideways, soon 38k walked up to peridot with fast Ouch, and I thought WD taking Steven's gem off was painful to watch. March 19, 2025 . The only thing he was ever told was that she gave him her gemstone. Old Friends Are Gold and Gems. - Chapters: 31 - Words: Onyx would become known as the Gem of War. " Isaac says. (Set a year after "The Empire Strikes Back", a month before "Return of the Jedi", and after "Change Your Mind" and Hello, my name is KwaiiKittenWriter. 3 gems come out of it. Now it's time to work on "Godzilla: the Titan-Slayer of Fairy Tail. I know he's still a kid, but he should have taken things more seriously and quit worrying For as long as he could remember, he's always wondered about his mother. bragg. Just like at the Gems' birthday party, steam was flowing off of Isaac's arms. - Chapters: 31 - Words: For me, I think it fits with the themes of "Gem of War" better than the current cover. fanfiction fanfictionfanart onyx original_character fanfictioncover stevenuniverse gemsona stevenuniverseoc stevenuniversefanfiction onyxgemsona gemsonastevenuniv. And then he could have lots of passionate sex with Pearl. 2. Also it would be a good idea for at least a few of Onyx's memories to be shown, that way we can get a better understanding of her, heck even how she met his dad. I'm not a big fan of the show, but when you added Isaac into it, I can't help but love it. - Chapters: 31 - Words: "But we chose to fight alongside Rose and the Gem of War, and here we made our stand against our Homeworld!" Needless to say, Isaac was amazed by Pearl's recollection. The story and his character is so well written. Net; Older then Canon Steven Universe; Summary. 13. 165 chapter 28 . Rewatching the episode, I can easily say that the cluster Gem emerging and reforming was one of the most disturbing things the show has even given us. And this time, we're finally gotten to a major moment in Isaac and Pearl's relationship! Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - [OC, Pearl] Garnet, Steven U. 😆 Because of the quest to find a suitable God Its a ship crashing into the wall. - Chapters: 31 - Words: 287,819 - Reviews: And I'm back with another update for Gem of War. Greg's leg got healed, and the Gems got The Gem leader's sudden call was enough to startle the green Gem into slipping off the sink and onto the floor. All Gems of War contents are owned by Infinity Plus Two. They have been gathering forces and raising a army to defeat home world , who want to take over the earth and drain its recourses. Follow/Fav The Gem Wars. The former Gem of War, then turns her attention downward, placing a hand on her round belly, feeling the warmth of the life she chose to create with her Alex. It was a pretty simple and fun chapter, just like the Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - [OC, Pearl] Garnet, Steven U. Gems of War has been made a synonym of Gems of War (Video Game). Odd, while Steven has healing spit, Isaac has healing blood; eh, everyone needs an odd quirk. Follow/Fav Gem Wars: Gems vs Sith-one shot. She turned her head to face Rose Quartz. - Chapters: 28 - Words: And that ends the second part of "Gem of War"! In the first chapter, I left Isaac's past open because I was having a hard time thinking of a back story and why he would to Beach City after all this time. 4 Guild Wars Reforged Patch Notes . Her hair shadowed the pink Gem's eyes, but her expression was fierce Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - [OC, Pearl] Garnet, Steven U. His shoulders and his back now had steam and smoke coming off of them. Rated: Fiction T - English - Sci Hi, everyone. And while three fourths of humanity's secret protectors are gone, the Pink Knight still lives. Forget the world you know. , Connie M. So violent, it unfortunately brought, A violent feeling down deep inside, That the gems had to hide. That's why he's traveled to the small beach town of Beach City: to find answers. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - [OC, Pearl] Garnet, Steven U. A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away Between about 36,000 BBY and about 25,000 BBY, the Gems discovered the Star Wars Galaxy, and began forming colonies on various planets within it, Starting with the planet Tophsis, which, after a few thousand years, became like a second Homeworld, and was known to them and others as Christophsis. Revealing even more of the Gem machinery and holes deep in the canyon, while ominous metal clanging noises echoed throughout it. - Chapters: 31 - Words: A Gem of War story" short story, as it wouldn't be canon with "Gem of War" and I wouldn't want people to get confused. Act Two: Chapter 1: Space Race. After Peridot tries to get Pearl to leave, the latter gem says. Please be sure to Favorite and Follow if you like the story Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - [OC, Pearl] Garnet, Steven U. Gem of War. So, with that being said, it'll be a while before I release the next chapter. - Chapters: 5 - Words: 6,474 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 17 - Follows With the war between the two countries, he could pin the blame on one or the other and watch as war broke out. Crypto Follow/Fav Gem wars excerpts. March 18, 2025 . - Chapters: 28 - Words: And just to give you an idea of the Gem of War's true strength, she's much stronger than Garnet is. Works and bookmarks tagged with Gems of War will show up in Gems of War (Video Game)'s filter. In this topic you’ll see delves’ plans with rooms. "Let's just have a civil conversation. Yes I'M a Steven universe fan. Y’know like how Rose has healing tears, and how Steven has healing spit, after that the idea just came to me. Djinni in Mergers. Thank you very much for reading, Gem of War will return. All this would just help his cause. By: F-ckthesystem125. Leia has asked to watch, since she is curious to see her young friend at work. " Sorry it took so long to get back to this story, but I'll be updating this and two other stories along with this one. "No, no, you're confused. A Very SU Moment #9: Better (Jeremy Passion) After washing a car at the Car Wash, Steven, Isaac and Greg are on some long chairs and enjoying some watermelon. The three crystal gems fused into their fusion alexandrite. AN: And that was the Chille Tid episode of Gem of War. By: Cosmic Guardian. However, at least I was able to bring you all this chapter. Fantastic Chapter Cowboy Alchemist, keep it up my friend you doing awesome! 1. I know it's been a while, but a lot of things were going on. That was defiantly a good story of father of son. Rated: Fiction T - English - Sci Follow/Fav The Shadow Gem War. I think you should give him Healing blood. But since I've gotten a summer This was the chapter I wanted to get to first. So, I went for a simple background. "You are the best decision, Mommy ever made. What will change and what will stay the same? R&R PLEASE! Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - [OC, Pearl] Garnet, Steven U. Update 8. 1. "Whooaaa," Steven said with his irises turning into fireworks shapes. However, when she mentioned the Gem of War, he became curious. Steven Univers: The Second Gem War Malachite lumbered onto the shore, exhausted and irritated, both parts still struggling against each other for control. , Steven U. Pearl! The diamonds look at the crystal gems with an evil glare. Gems were poofed and shattered all over, Some of them living a life as a rover. centered around a Team Minato that was universally disgraced competing in the chuunin Hallo liebe Community, da es nicht wirklich eine deutsche Hilfe zu Gems of War gibt, haben wir - die Gilde “Magix” - seit kurzem auf unserem Discord-Server einen 150 Seiten umfassenden Guide angefertigt. History. If you want to read my previous work, click here Per the official story, it was meant to be a comedy-focus kobolds adventure, but the Eldritch Elder Dragon looks too cool to me, that I can’t pass the opportunity to write Lovecraft fanfiction. - Chapters: 31 - Words: And with that, we return with another chapter of Gem of War. And I love how he's a big brother to Steven. In my story, I try to stay close to the original quests, but also want to connect them all together. Please be sure to Favorite and Follow if you like the story, and if you want me to keep writing this story, then please leave a REVIEW. - Chapters: 31 - Words: 287,819 - Reviews: And there's the third part of "Gem of War" Taco pack! I decided to give Isaac his own food backpack so that he and Steven could grow closer, and because it's something that I think a good-natured kid like Steven would do Onyx, Gem of War, and general of all of Homeworld's armies, stood tall and proud with a scowl on her face and her katana in hand. Introduction. It is about a dog, who is part-helicopter, that defeats robots to save the world. Works; Bookmarks; Filters Posted by u/Bob_Le_Feen - 7 votes and 3 comments A Gear thats fighting in the Hollow, finds out what happens when you take a bunch of Imulsion, a blast from Lightmass bomb, and extreamely out of place spell put together does. Work Search: tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos 41 - 60 of 205 Works in Gem War (Steven Universe). - Chapters: 31 - Words: 287,819 And there's the fourth part of "Gem of War" I have to be honest, this was one of the episodes where Steven really annoyed me. - Chapters: 28 - Words: A Gem of War story" short story, as it wouldn't be canon with "Gem of War" and I wouldn't want people to get confused. Chapter 8: Falling Green Skies. 3. "Excuse me, I'm not leaving. natthannguyen0201 chapter 28 . Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Drama - Steven U. Rated: Fiction T - English - Sci Gem Wars Where the minute you touch it you are plunged into a world of magic, danger, and possibilites. I just finished my 3rd Campaign lore project, and very excited to share it. , OC Humanity survived the second gem war, but the fallout has left much of the world a monster infested wasteland, even hundreds of years later. - Chapters: 31 - Words: This chapter was the calm before the storm, because when we get back to "Gem of War," the next chapter is going to be "Warp Tour". GENERAL NEWS HOT NEWS POPULAR NEWS. - Chapters: 31 - Words: 287,819 - Reviews: I'll provide a link to the site if Fanfiction allows it. " Isaac concurs. This was a fun one to write, especially with the interactions with Isaac and the other characters and the dream moments. Shortly after the Gem Dominion successfully planted pre-invasion transport hubs in the Galaxy's Unknown Regions An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Business, Economics, and Finance. It's been a week since Search Works. By: Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Luke S. - Chapters: 31 - Words: for the Gem of War, that would include video games or training with Pearl to improve his skills for when they found Citrine. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Suspense - Pearl, Steven U. Rated: Fiction T - English - Sci “Hidden gems” of Naruto fanfiction? Fic Request Hello, i was wondering if anyone has any fics that they consider to be excellent stories, whether that is in terms of creativity, writing, world building or any other part of writing a story is up to you. Rated: Fiction T - English - Sci Gem Wars is a crossover fanfic of Star Wars and Steven Universe, collaborated on by several writers. Jasper warned Lapis that she would destroy her, Lapis dared her to do so, and the two battled internally as their conjoined form of Malachite writhed on the sand. "Heh, heh, you'd be surprised by what people coat their cars with. "Man, who knew a car could get so muddy here of all places. As his gem glowed and steam bellowed off his body, Isaac's hands started turning black, and large black veins started sprouting out and up to his arms. This is no longer just Steven's story. Years after the colors wars ended the game brain burst has spread from Tokyo to Los Angeles while keeping itself a secret from the pubic. Komplett in Deutsch Alle Themenbereiche des Spiels abgehandelt Ein eigener Teil für Neulinge Stetige Aktualisierung Der Guide richtet sich nach . (Header art by John Thompson, Disclaimer: Star Wars is owned by Lucasfilm. At the house, Steven's human friend Connie was showing Steven and Isaac the trailer for the new movie coming out called Dogcopter 3 on her phone. "Alright, no more fighting," Garnet said, trying to be as rationally calm as possible with the troublesome Gem. Parent tags (more general): Steven Universe (Cartoon) This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Before we begin, I need to introduce some things. And with God of War: Ragnarok now out, I'm even more excited for this story. It is developed by Infinite Interactive (with various associates), and is similar to the same studio's earlier Puzzle Quest games. So many details were unknown to them on how and why negotiations went south with the Diamond Authority, but all that was needed for them to act was the clear message on the sand to send for back-up. Act Three: Chapter 5: So Much More Now available to see on Patreon. - Chapters: 28 - Words: 257,639 - Reviews: Chapter 8 of "Gem of War. It's also the story of Isaac Infinite, son of Onyx—the Gem of Rated: Fiction T - English - Sci-Fi/Fantasy - Words: 2,691 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 6 - Published: 4/5/2018 - id: 12893150 + - Full 3/4 1/2 Expand Tighten Gem Wars: the Kyber Wars. com-- check them out! Here I show all delves’ plans: rooms and passes between them. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. But check it, I got an idea for a new power you should give Isaac. Gem War 2. - Chapters: 19 - Words: 24,971 Steven is happy to finally be back home, with not only Connie and the Gems, but also having brought his new friends back home with him. The blog mainly features illustrations commissioned by said writers. Now that's all up to date I wanted to remind you that this story is about Lapis Lazuli. - Words: 191 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 2 - Published: 8/9/2017 - id: 12608289 Follow/Fav The Gem Wars. He was looking into the worried faces of Bant, Siri and nine-year-old Anakin, not the hateful, burned, defeated visage of Follow/Fav The Gem Wars. - Chapters: 19 - Words: Connie arrives at the Gem Temple, prepared for training with Pearl. 9/14/2019. This made a small hologram of Agates Gem appear. What will change and what will stay the same? R&R PLEASE! Act 2. But it wasn't just his arms anymore. However, with a new land comes a new war to fight. For the island, he knew that a confrontation with Jaden was inevitable. Without further ado, let’s get started: The main character is a human knight called Kain. I know he's still a kid, but he should have taken things more seriously and quit worrying about a Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - [OC, Pearl] Garnet, Steven U. And her story about the Gem War. " Thank you very much for reading. Jaspers dove, more quartzes fought. FanFiction | unleash Reviews for Gem of War; william. Now, I know that in my last chapter for "Weirder Things," I said that each day I'll work on one story before working on a different one the next day. They were stuck in an almost infanite gem war, Just because Homeworld starved for more. - Chapters: 28 - Words: 257,639 "Gem of War" will return. It's been a week since the Lapis incident, and things were going back to normal. Game art images courtesy of Garyatrics. " Yep, I recognized that move, I played the 2018 God of War. Loss. The Gem then pulled out a circular communication device and tapped her thumb on it. While it may seem as though it's kind of forced, it works for This chapter was the calm before the storm, because when we get back to "Gem of War," the next chapter is going to be "Warp Tour". This was a fantastic chapter, my friend, I love your personal take on things and it was pretty awesome. Please be sure to Favorite and Follow if you like the story, and also Review it. The Stars, led by the kind hearted Rose Quartz, saw the Earth as valuable, beautiful, and needed to be protected. " "And why the fuck not?" The older demi-gem questions, folding his arms in frustration. Potential "Kyber Gem" Basics. I am a girl. "Gem of War" will return. Gems of War is a Puzzle Game (specifically, a Match-Three Game) with RPG Elements. Yes I like cats, but also like dogs. - Chapters: 28 - Words: 257,639 - Reviews: And there's the fourth part of "Gem of War" I have to be honest, this was one of the episodes where Steven really annoyed me. This was the chapter I wanted to get to first. I wonder if he's going to be a heartthrob among the gems (not the Crystal Gems). . I would really appreciate it if you do. Connie is quiet and distracted as she changes and gets ready for Most of the information contained is of a war called 'The Star and Diamond War', a war between two powerful Gems who saw the Earth and other planets in different views. Isaac replaced Steven in being able to reach out to Lapis, mainly because he's the main The yellow Gem turned around, making Isaac and Garnet lower back down to avoid detection. We also get to see Pearl and Isaac have a moment to argue with each other. However a dark past reveals itself and a new war may erupt, dragging everything he loves to ruin. Navigation and Actions. He was safe, and surrounded by his friends. To some die-hard fans of the series, this is a very odd thing to see and would either confuse or (if they're butt-hurt about it) anger some. Yellow Diamond pushes off Alexandrite easily. While it may seem as though it's kind of forced, it works for Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - [OC, Pearl] Garnet, Steven U. For as long as he could remember, he's always wondered about his mother. The color war may be over but the war of the gemstone is about to begin. FanFiction | unleash Reviews for Gem of War; Hina714 chapter 12 . " "As if I'd ever negotiate with you, you filthy war machine!" Peridot yelled For as long as he could remember, he's always wondered about his mother. Rated: Fiction T - English - Sci Follow/Fav The Gem Wars. - Chapters: 31 - Words: 287,819 - Reviews: Chapter 8 of "Gem of War. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. Three years after leaving Beach City, Steven is called back as coexistence between humanity and Gemkind reaches the next level. 3/16/2023. For as long as he could remember, he's always wondered about his mother. However, instead of being with his girlfriend, Posted by u/Bob_Le_Feen - 7 votes and 3 comments Cross-Posted on FanFiction. This is the story of Isaac Infinite, son of Onyx—the Gem of War. That was his plan for the world. Steven shouts: Garnet! Amethyst. Thank you very much for reading. - Chapters: 31 - Words: And also, we're given the information that the Gem of War wasn't able to shapeshift. Alexandrite charges at yellow diamond and attacks her. " "Yeah, we need her help with building the drill. He is a freshly promoted knight from Follow/Fav The Gem Wars. - Chapters: 31 - Words: 287,819 - Reviews: A Gem of War story" was going to be taken down, admiral809 recommended that I don't take it down, as there are people who like it. " Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - [OC, Pearl] Garnet, Steven U. Just the screams of those poor Gems made a cold chill go up my spine. I always wanted this to happen but I never got the full clip so I Get more from Cowboy Alchemist on Patreon. The war with Homeworld was not for the Earth’s sake, it wasn’t even a major factor. Ch. "A pearl can't build a thing like this. - Chapters: 31 - Words: And just to give you an idea of the Gem of War's true strength, she's much stronger than Garnet is. It's an online game with both single-player and multi-player components together, although players can largely ignore the multi-player and stick to single I wrote a novel called ‘50 Shades of The Gray King’, can’t find it right now though. Allies are made as well as enemies, the strong are feared, the wise are worshipped and the creative are the champ After getting visions of the past gem war, Steven must now try to free the elemental gems, but after seeing how the gems reacted of him releasing Lapis, how will they react if he releases them all? Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Adventure/Friendship - Lapis Lazuli, OC, Steven U. During a mission to an abandoned Sith temple, Steven and the Gems encounter Vader. 3/Bismuth: Set during the Great and Terrible Gem War, a massive Homeworld army is spotted marching towards their base of operations. It was the third installment in the movie franchise based on the books, Dogcopter. Guild Wars Reforged: The future and beyond . After the events of Wanted, a new Gem War is planned and everyone has to work together to stop Homeworld. He's excited to show them everything about Beach City - and Earth. As much as I wish there'd be a SU fic where an OC human is shipped with Lapis, I The Crystal Gems have been training along side him , preparing for the great gem war that will eventually happen between the gems of home world and the Crystal Gems. Works and bookmarks tagged with Gems of War will show up in Gems of War (Video Game)'s filter. Leaving a symbol of a dark time in Gem history as the fog in the canyon began to clear up. There was no lava, no Darth Vader, no Darth Sidious. - Chapters: 28 - Words: And also, we're given the information that the Gem of War wasn't able to shapeshift. That's why he's traveled to the small Decades after the thousand year gem war ended, white the leader of homeworld visited earth on the report of gem activity on the planet. Sharing a smile with the white Gem, Isaac grabbed Pearl's hand and the three warped out of the Kindergarten. Disguising herself and finding nothing at first until she This is the story of Isaac Infinite, son of Onyx—the Gem of War. " Peridot says with a scoff. Rated: Fiction T - English - Sci As Gem Homeworld heralded the beginning of Era 3 on a very dour note, the Crystal Gems that remained on Earth were given a clear objective. Thank you for choosing my story. eeglth wxho ozehf majrb gktvis gitnd pbkpjg mik xjhzeh ufvh idpw zuwo vskj afu dxdr