Little luffy fanfiction. " Luffy muttered, shrugging in the end.
Little luffy fanfiction Shanks laughed, his eyes softening when Luffy grabbed the pinky of his outstretched hand. However, leave it to Luffy to make the most loyal crew she has seen in years of hosting a pirate bar. You are joining your childhood friends, Monkey D. "Whatever" Luffy muttered, shrugging in the end. Of course, now that several hours have passed that dream began to be Luffy stared at Shanks with wide, curious eyes, giggling happily. " "Luffy didn't he doesn't have the time to wait for me to get my shit together. Because he was distracted, one of the monkeys attacked him. " And so Luffy is in the clear, stronger, smarter and armed with several new tricks that will be a huge help in the future! Next time, a canon-aged Luffy is about to set off only for a few more changes to set in! Until next time! Thank you all so much for reading! Feel free to leave questions or comments below. "Luffy is gonna do something funny again!" "What are ya going to do brat!?" "Go Liuffy!" Unexpectedly, Luffy stabbed himself under his eye, making the crew panic. Follow Luffy as he relives his adventures, protects his friends and deals with the consequences of changing the future. "It's been a while. Ace saw the sorrow, the love, the barely checked violence born in anger and hopelessness. During the 2-year training session with Silvers Rayleigh, Monkey D. Little Girl: HOLY CRAP!! Captain Teech!!! CAPTAIN TEECH, THEY WERE RIGHT!! LOOK! She shows the bounties to Teech. I fell asleep, Inside a barrel, Sailing across the sea. As for the girls "EH," exclaimed Minako with the two girls looking at Luffy in confusion. Robin loves Luffy. By: Master Owls 24. "Hop in, little brother. Just as Luffy's arm closed in, he pinned her to the deck; Zoro, on the other hand, was sent flying to the ocean, even staying in the same relaxed position, but now with an angry face. hieh. However, there was something that was bothering our little Luffy all along, something he heard in the bar and couldn't understand. They will mostly be pretty random. As the ship was only a mere few miles away from their closest base, everyone of the marine crew started packing up Even with Jinbei helping Luffy, Akainu still got his way and shot a liquid flame of magma at his little brother. Luffy grinned "Anyone that survived Grampa's training is strong! Ace is cool because Ace is Ace! Ace is smart because he knows a lot of things!" Everyone was silent for a few seconds again until Marco spoke "I have this weird feeling that I need to protect little Luffy from Ace. " Luffy said and Chopper looked at the girl he carried wide eyed. This sent Luffy over the edge and he punched Helmeppo to NaoRien: Whoop well twas a little chaotic but hopefully I gave an idea of who all is here to help out little Luffy. The cruelty of the universe playing with things at its whim, taking before it is time and leaving the weight of what's lost on the ones who still carry their memory "Chopper! A little help here. The One Piece universe. He didn't want Zoro to be where Luffy couldn't see him. "No. Then he blinked and he was in the big guy's hands. One Piece - Rated: K+ - English Rated T to be safe. He declared that he was going to eat here for free which pissed Luffy off a little. " "Is that so?" What Luffy didn't know was that just three months before the promised date to meet the others he would be leaving on a little trip. Luffy: Next Time: Escape from Loguetown!/Head for the Grand Line! I'M The next thing Luffy knew, Buggy grabbed his vest, and went up to his face, eyes shadowed. Luffy looked at his mermaid wife and couldn't help but see how she had changed over the last year, she had matured so much that her voice was now that of a woman and not a frightened little girl, the same could be said of her personality, she was braver and more confident, her gaze had changed a lot too, like a true ruler and Luffy was Notes —. "As you know, we're approaching Little Garden, an island situated on this side of the sea. Luffy is quiet and Luffy should never be quiet. Luffy is quiet and with that realization something akin to protectiveness and something within is stirred, burns; fury alight. The rest of the chapters should be probably weekly. "Idiot! Ace felt nostalgic. My first FanFiction. One Piece - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,038 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 35 - Follows: 36 When Luffy Went A Little Too Far – Chapter 7. " "WELL DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! THAT KID IS A LITTLE GENIUS! HE'S ONE OF THE MANY REASONS MY BUSINESS IS AS SUCCESSFUL AS IT IS! Set just post-timeskip. " One day Little Luffy got so frustrated that he went up to her and said, "I'll give you a 1000 belis if you will have sex with me. Teech: Well I'll be. " Luffy said as Zoro nodded going back to sleep easily. The Great Pirate Era has now come! People all over the world are searching for the One Piece, the treasure of the Former King of the Pirates, Gold Roger. That made the pirate a little sad, thinking that his little anchor had outgrown him. " Luffy wasted no time in doing so. A 6 year old Luffy walked through the streets of Fuusha Village with a concentrated look in his face. It's a bit confusing that things with Luffy and the rest of the crew are happening on different days, so in the next chapter we'll find out what happened to Luffy between getting caught and now, at the same time catching up with the timeline. Sabo was pretty damn sure that they would all scar. What can Zoro do to help his precious little Luffy? WARNINGS: Yaoi, Lemons, Rape, Bondage, Language, Blood, did I mention lemons?, Toys, More LEMONS! Pairing: Zoro x Luffy. Other chapters won't be quite this long. The teen blinked, owlish eyes awfully reminiscent of their little brother's, before grinning and laughing the same way little Luffy did, shi-shi's and all. He smiles proudly . Watch as she sets sail 5 years early to become the Queen of Pirates. This young guy, Sniffeling and scared, Spoke to me about his dream. Tragedy strikes and Zoro can't do anything about it. He looked exactly like Ace remembered – the top hat, the goggles, the missing tooth. "Night, big brother. "COTELETTE!" "GUM-GUM GATLING!" "BLACK DIAMOND KNUCKLE!" "DRAGON'S THUNDERBOLT!" "GROVES OF WRATH!" Sanji used a series of rapid-fire kicks to Satori's large chest while Luffy slammed the priest's back with rapid-fire punches. Another bout saves his brother's life. On with the story. " Luffy and the others heard a voice coming from a car parked there. Normally it took a lot more than that to get Luffy to be quiet. Luckily, the winds of fate also gave him a compentent crew/harem to help him deal with all that power. "ACCCEEEE!" Luffy's voice snapped him out of his trance. Alternatively, just search 'Novus's Fanfiction Works' on Google or Bing and it should get you there ;-). Monkey D. Luffy said causing Zoro to smirk, and Sanji to shake his head, but smiling slightly all the same. Luffy: "And also! Twilight and her friends joined up with us too!" All (Spike/Twi/Luffy): "This is the story of friendship and adventure in the great Age of Friendship!" All (Mane Six plus Spike and Straw Hat 7): Come aboard and bring along~ all your hopes and dreams Together we will find everything that we're looking for~ One Piece! My Now the scene shows Garp sitting on a log, watching Luffy fight the monkeys. Remember, Luffy has been around for more than 20 years, he is basically a Japanese Hero, even though he isn't one. "Shishishi," laughs little Luffy with a Luffy was running an errand for Makino in the middle of town when a large hand suddenly grabbed him by the throat and constricted around in a rough manner, though leaving enough room for him to breath a little. "Whoaaa, look, Sabo!" Luffy exclaimed, pointing at something growing inside a hollow trunk of a fallen tree. Then, he returned to the Black Pearl. At that moment the blonde Ace and Luffy had the same thought about how he got caught. God, Shanks thought, this kid's melting my heart. Little Luffy let out a happy squeal, staring earnestly at the red-haired man. Inwardly he realized how stupid he was being, but he mini-Gomu Gomu no Rocketed himself onto the tabletop where he could see everyone. He knew too many people who lost themselves to the pure evils of the devil fruits, and now his little Luffy had taken a bite of one! However, Shanks had taken Luffy outside and apologized. "Owww!" Garp frowns FanFiction | unleash My Little Pony + One Piece Crossover. This is a story made by my sister and me. There wasn't any way that this imposter could prove that he was Luffy. Ace looks at the blond one they nod and untie Luffy and hide in a bush. The little Luffy's eyes were big and hurt, tears still pooling out of them uncontrolled. Luffy, the Primordial Chaos Dragon and future King of The Pirates! Remember my name. Another update. (Because Luffy is sunshine and perfect and loud and fills the silence with bright laughter and a curve of a mouth they can't help but love). One Piece - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 34 "Don't get so angry Luffy, here have some juice," Shanks hands Luffy a orange juice. And the bandits are helpless, Oh, did I mention that the whitebeard pirates are completely and utterly in love with adorable little Luffy? Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Family/Humor - Luffy, Ace, Whitebeard Pirates - Chapters: 13 - Words: 20,911 - Reviews: 139 - Favs: 1,478 - Follows: 1,468 - Updated: 5/31/2018 - Published: 5/28/2017 - id: 12507153 "That's right. They don't get chewed or ripped and he even plays with them gently. Nami loves Luffy. Authors Note: "Ooooh It's going to be that kind of story!" Yes indeed! Hi, there! Thanks for reading. "Jii-chan! I don't wanna fight anymore! I'm hungry!" Lil Luffy whines. " "Night, little brother. I only own the doctor and the plot of this story. " He said. The lengths people will go to for the sake of status and comfort, human nature at its worst. She'll gather her crew and explore every island they sail to. Sabo watched Luffy running around, pointing out various colorful flowers, weird-looking fruits, and even weirder-looking insects with childish glee. Baby Luffy, at the sight of Ace stood up wobbly and started to shakily toddle towards his beloved older brother. The crew looked at Robin for an explanation and Robin smiled a little but explained, "Luffy clearly knows Red Haired Shanks, it was shown in how Luffy reacted seeing him here, also I saw a flicker of recognition in Red Haired Shanks eyes when he saw Makino on the screen. You skip around anyway. Hope ya like the chapter. Nojiko assumed a firm posture, ready to share crucial information about the imminent Little Garden island, tasked with this by Luffy. Whitebeard continued to scour the forest for his beloved son, each step sending a resounding thud across the forest. " "I am strong, my punches are like pistols!" yelled A female Luffy begins her journey with one little secret. Her dream, is to someday become Queen of the Pirates, however every dream has its obstacles and she has to make decisions that will change the future for the better or worse. Luffy serves as your first mate, and, he still has Devil Fruit powers. "COTELETTE!" "GUM-GUM GATLING!" "BLACK DIAMOND KNUCKLE!" "DRAGON'S THUNDERBOLT!" Follow Monkey D. No, don't use your hair. "This flower looks like Dadan!" Sabo raised an eyebrow, stunned for just a moment. The Dark King braces himself as he begins to turn the Straw Hat Captain into the world's most ridiculous powerhouse. It was very funny that Luffy woke up laughing. " "Hey, you leave your plushie with Luffy?" Kaido asked her, putting on his backpack. When i woke up, Some noisy pirates, Were all surrounding me. Luffy then enters the same hole to continue the fight. Luffy was watching and listening to the two talk about how bad the pirate is. This is also a personal thing for me because I want to spout Luffy views on superheroes actions and his overall sense of power. Listen up we are looking for two other kids. The crew was utterly shocked seeing their Captain eating, it was certainly very weird for them not to mention so out of their used routine. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the My Little Pony and One Piece universe. I do not own anything it all is owned by the creator of One Piece: Eiichiro Oda. A towel would be best, but your clothes would be easier Shanks had to scowl at that since Luffy was kind of rightthat is until he heard a particular tone in Luffy's laugher that anyone wouldn't have noticed save for Ace who was the little trouble makers older brotherbut Shanks noticed it clear as dayhe had known the boy for nearly a year now and was good at keying in on these kinds of things. In a world where the winds of fate blew a little different, Luffy bit a little more than he can chew when he was young, giving him a few extra abilities that will shake the world. Robin and Nami are Best Friends. Just last night, he dreamed of finding a red-nosed boy hiding behind a dumpster and said boy was screaming his head off. Boy's already outgrown me. Luffy touched his face and try to it stretch out, but nothing worked. *cough*huh*cough* "Luffy was struggling to breath, he was stuck in a ravine that his gramps threw him in, he has been stuck for 3 days and has been forced to eat bugs and drink out of puddles, he's struggling and just ran away from a wolf, he got lucky and fell down a ditch ( not very lucky ) and got away but after all that he was choking underneath a FanFiction | unleash Luffy was a little surprised that they were coming after all, even after all the attempts the woman had made to speak with him. . You can either go read those first or just go on with the "Here you go Luffy!" Linlin dropped Katakuri into his high chair. He snuggled under the covers then looked at Ace with a big smile. Thankfully Luffy was still breathing by the time they reached the town, Foosha Village they think Luffy called it. Shanks smirks at Luffy and laughed, "Ha ha ha! Go for it! Let's see what you're gonna do!" The crew stared at Luffy with amusement. "You're not here to take him, are you?" "Um, I don't think so. Luffy examined his features, he looked at his now small hands. One Piece - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,403 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 56 - Follows: 28 A Nami x Luffy Fanfiction. Sniffling a little, Luffy bowed his head and muttered, "Thank you. Set just post-timeskip. FanFiction | unleash Luffy x Nami. Sorry about this little rant, let's start. Luffy: I do not! Nami: Please excuse this interruption. I got over excited with this one. But what really pissed Luffy off was that Helmeppo stated that he was going to execute Zoro tomorrow, just because he was bored. Well Luffy? Luffy: HELL YEAH!! LET'S GO!!! Cricket: HAHAHAHA! Good luck you kids! Meanwhile The little girl who was following Teech soon notices the bounties. Now, enough talk, time for you to get beaten", Luffy says before charging forward, still in Gear Second mode. " He'll get Luffy married and then Luffy will *Latest chapters: ch1 - Have a little faith, Kohza , ch2 - On Luffy as Captain , ch 3 - What People see in Luffy feat. Still, with him When a mutated and virus infected Alex Mercer is thrust into Equestria, his life begins changing A short one shot Luna fanfiction about her real self behind the whole For those of you asking how Robin and Tashigi are able to breastfeed feed Luffy, here's my answer. Ace could see Sabo sending him an approving glance. And boy did Luffy, little Luffy, have a lot of wounds that looked agonizingly painful. "Apparently he was on Gold Roger's crew, or that's what Pops told me once. Pirates and Marines jumped in surprise when Ace once again screamed like a wild animal before attacking the Pacifistas with red flames coating his fists – making the number of cyborgs bursting in KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it! The battle between Luffy and Gohan has rages on that both of them went up from Super Saiyan 1 and 2, and with how smart Gohan is to know Luffy's strength being two times stronger than both his former full power Super Saiyan 2 and Dabura's power back when they fought Majin Buu combined, you know Luffy is awesome! Luffy was also much taller, now rivaling Shanks' own height, because the poster said Luffy was exactly six feet high, and Shanks was actually only 5 foot and 11 inches. Nothing too bad. Luffy stood up, put his hat on the floor, started unbuttoning his vest-"What are you doing?"-put his vest beside his hat, eyes still on her. Another long one. FanFiction | unleash Luffy's smile faltered a little, even he wasn't dense enough to not realize when the navigator was truly angry. "Luffy your brother is here to help you, accept it please. All of my baby Luffy fics are the highest read stories on and ao3. "All right kid. Disclaimer: Don't own OP or any of the characters. Luffy loves meat. How it all started Luffy and Nami by sara haruko takenouchi kamiya reviews. The fork was just shoved in his mouth as he looked at them innocently. Once everyone was ready, he went to the ships, began to shrink them, and placed them in an open box. Little Luffy said, "I'll be fast, I'll throw the money on the floor, you bend down, I'll be finished by the time you pick it up. Sabo, next to him, was hardly faring any better, though he was wiping his eyes now to get rid of his tears. " Later that night, after everyone had gone to bed, Luffy was woken up by his brother's crying. Way back in Fuchsia, when Luffy was still a newborn baby, Ace is the one who nursed Luffy, he is the one who fed, dressed and bathed Luffy back then. He turned out the light then got under the covers. What could go wrong? Bigger Crew Luffy has a bigger family. One Piece - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 782 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 7 - Published: 8/18/2015 - Luffy, Nami. "So this Crocus guy, is he strong?" Zoro asked looking up from his slight nap as Luffy smiled a little more. My sister and I have this small hope and theory of Nami and Luffy having already small feelings for each other, and this is going to be a story with little secret moments and thoughts between each other. Also, I got some awesome reviews again, and I wanted to answer them, so I put a little section at the end where I can do that. Luffy's execution is the event that spurs the Revolutionary Army into action, led by a father and a brother coping with loss but extremely capable none the less. "Nojiko, information," Luffy requested, and everyone looked at the woman at that moment. "Stop right this minute, Captain!" Luffy unbuttoned his shorts, unzipped it, and pulled it down. What happens when little Luffy finds it? Slight!OOC!Fem!Luffy, Mature Themes, Diff!DevilFruit!Luffy, Unsure Pairing, MA A bout of Observation Haki prevents Luffy from having his arms cut off by Mihawk during Marineford. Little Luffy laughed and clapped his hands, absolutely oblivious to exactly what he was laughing at. Luffy followed him inside and sat in a chair watching him work. " Giving his little brother an even bigger smile, Ace wiped away Luffy's tears. Luffy's mother Makino is single and looking for a job for her and when she gets hired for the Red-Haired company, it goes extremely well for them and their situation but as the title suggests Makino and the head of the company, Red-Haired Shanks start dating but he has a daughter that both don't know about Luffy was now eating at the bar when Helmeppo walking and sat at a table. Luffy as she becomes pirate queen. If this was a different world, maybejust maybe, I'd take A loud crash is heard through the window and Luffy goes to check it out. "Luffy, remember to dry your hands. My Little Pony and One Piece crossover fanfiction archive with over 13 stories. When Luffy Went A Little Too Far – Chapter 3. And it looks like the Straw Hats turn into gangsters when they're worried. If they tie together I will let you know, but they don't necessarily connect. Creating a Devil Fruit from the shattered remains of her once favourite Daemonette: The Masque, Slaanesh sends it out into the new world waiting to be discovered. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family - Luffy, Ace - Words: 1,357 - Reviews: 27 - Favs: 388 - Follows: 208 - Published: 2/24/2019 - Status: Complete - Little Luffy said, "Well, Dad, I don't know, but I'll think about what you said. "You would've done fine if you'd stuck around and had the chance to grow up a little. " One of the girls said as she did a little dance. Little Girl It explained that while death by blood loss wasn't exactly painful the wounds would be. One Piece = Eiichiro Oda Sensei's Another story! I have come to bless my readers with a baby Luffy fanfiction. I know I should just finish what I've started before starting something new, but I just couldn't help it. And just for those who aren't familiar with Japanese words, I use only a few that just sounds weird to me in any other language, like the devil fruit names and attacks, kairouseki (sea stone), Den Den Mushi Luffy grinned as he, Delphia, Hsiao, Lithos, and joined Sanji for the next attack. "Uh duh! Luffy is great with his stuffed animals. The poor captain had to take a step back when Nami grasped the collar of Hey Guys! HQV here with something a little different and new. Warnings: OP Luffy Smart Luffy. Irene Sharda: The bros have arrived to defend Luffy! Smiley-Nami: Thanks! Glad you liked it. -Eostia, (Land of the Dark Elves, Cave) - And from Rusukaina Island, which was full of very strong life, now we went to a different place, a dark place where life was not abundant. And judging by the looks of each one of the crewmates eyes as their gaze returned to the doors Luffy left Luffy age: 4" hu. ThePansexualFish: Glad ya like the story! Sorry ya had to Looking at the boy, and his pale features almost made him not care about the anger of an old witch if it meant saving his little brother. Little Luffy shouted at the Red-Haired Pirates. Then Little Luffy stops. ---Luffy and Usopp are temporarily out of service due to continued bludgeoning by a very grumpy orange points at the little Serenity Are going to marry me and become my queen!" " Baka (Idiot)," bemoaned Ace with Sabo sighing. Shanks slaps his hand down on the counter laughing at luffy "See! Still a little kid!" "Damn you Shanks!" Luffy screamed. The Pirate King, Is FanFiction | unleash Not only would the mutiny result in him being hurt, but little Luffy would be devastated if that happened. Luffy: Once again, why do I skip? Usopp: Because the author made it that way. Reaching Arlong, Luffy throws a 'Gomu Gomu no Jet Bullet' hitting Arlong square in the chest and sending him flying back through the hole he had previously emerged from. Just a cute little Luffy X Nami story. Upon further investigation, he found a dirty diaper. " Marco looked at Luffy who tilt her head in confusion, "Scratch that. " Ace unintentionally spat, before he blinked and smirked. Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or any of the characters. But something else will happen as well. . xD but umm violence, drinking stuff like that. " Eraser said with a bow as 2 heroines exited the car. Summary: After saving Luffy from Porchemy, Ace and Sabo decide to keep Luffy at their tree house. But I also really like shipping Robin x Luffy. " Luffy declared boldly, his The miniature Luffy stood as Zoro walked out of view to pour himself a drink, and for the first time in his tiny state, Luffy felt vulnerable. Our Only Little Brother. Prequel to One Piece Valentines Day. The reindeer dabbed little cotton balls dipped in a type of liquid Luffy didn't know and dabbed them on her bruises. "I was right in letting Luffy fight the monkeys. " Luffy said quietly, but it was loud enough to fill the room pulling Marco out of his thoughts. Luffy loves you, and that's all the proof you need. (A Luffy grinned as he, Delphia, Hsiao, Lithos, and joined Sanji for the next attack. " But Nami said no. Polyamorous!Mugiwara FanFiction | unleash Ace eyes widen as little Luffy once again tried to reach him. So this is me having my cake and eating it too) Essentially a harem fic that I attempted to make somewhat believable. the treasure of the Former King of the Pirates, Gold Roger. She just has to make sure that her elder brothers don't catch her first and drag her home. She wore a cat-centric hero outfit in the color red with medium brown hair. Luffy opened his eyes, now fierce and golden, and roared shifting atoms in the air, creating sparks that danced around his form. "Hey there Eraser. Luffy, who wants to be the New King, as And I think I'm stopping here. FanFiction | unleash Here is a shorter chapter but it's kinda what everyone sees now that Luffy has his bounty :) I added a little touch of the people Luffy had come to meet in his adventure so I hope I did well there :) I'm pulling an Oda with Black Beard, I've introduced him again but I have other things needing to be done before bringing "Wow what a great story Shanks! Take me on your next adventure I want to be a pirate too!" exclaimed the little raven-haired boy. Since the words 'self-insert' were turning a lot of people away, they were taken out of the summary because they don't fit the story well - the self-insert exists in the loosest sense: Luffy has received some of my memories (knowledge of the OP world) and a few of my traits that are common amongst people in general, such as the tendency to favour logic over brashness. I think you did a good job Kiddo. She wants to conquer the Grand Line and be the freest person in the world. Ace is known to be over protective to his little brother. Venus stood up, and watched him disappear from the A little poem about Luffy and the start of his adventure. "Prove it. He takes Luffy to the mirror that was in his room and show how Luffy looked like. "Luffy!" He untied his loincloth and stood naked in front of her. Luffy was sitting there normaly eating like any normal person would do. Little Luffy looked up when he felt the stares on him. Warnings: I'm writing this afterwards and don't remember anymore. " FanFiction | unleash The little village was calm as usual and Luffy's dream had gotten even weirder. Shanks, Garp, Smoker, Ace, Dragon POVs. He watched warily as the girl got up from the pile of tangled limbs and practically flew down the stairs to where Luffy was standing. "Don't you laugh at me!" Vivi's ability to bypass normal security was honestly more than a little broken, Luffy thought. "La ba goo" Ace immediately smiled at the sight of his Seeing his own brother -because Luffy was possibly his little brother- in shock after Firefist's death made him react sooner than he would have if he had just seen Portgas dying. Luffy believes himself to be Here we finally find out more about Luffy's whereabouts and catch up with the timeline, after that everything should be a little clearer. Luffy washed his little hands, but forgot to dry them and dripped water all over. Problems ensue. He smiles. So. "Thanks Shanks!" Luffy greedily slurps the orange juice down smiling like a kid the whole time. "This is a weird magic mirror Zoro, did Franky put it in?" SUMMARY: Luffy fails to protect his nakama from the combined might of the Yonkos and the World Government, but luckily he's been given a second chance to go back and correct his past. "Hahaha, you're still a kid Luffy besides you're probably not strong enough. Luffy struggled a little bit before he looked up and a hoarse voice spoke "Been getting a little too comfortable have you Monkey D. The day before, he had promised Makino that he would go and have breakfast at her bar, and so he did. Multiple Devil Fruit!Luffy. Not a very long one this time, but it's important that this is separate from everything else. Follow/Fav The Age of Pirates. "Make sure to take care of your little nephew. "Thank you, Ace. Of course, you also Little did she know that both Luffy and Zoro had seen dark things in their young lives. Knowing Luffy since you were younger has made your patience towards him a little easier. If onlyif only I have more power to save him then I will use it But it was too Indigo has spent five years stuck on a random island after a chain of unfavorable events, when a chance meeting with an unbelievably hungry young pirate leads to the adventure of her life. Monkey D Luffia or Luffy is a 12 year old half dragon runaway. But at Ace's harsh words, Luffy instantly sucked in his breath to stop crying, taking the boys, as well as the Straw Hats, by surprise. Anyways, this is a series of one-shots about Luffy and Zoro. Luffy and his mentor make a discovery that will push Luffy's training to a whole new level. Yes I know the title seems a bit weird but I'll explain Basically. Zoro doesn't want Luffy fully exposed, you could only see his chest. Chopper turned into his Heavy point and took her into the infirmary. Though the fact that she'd needed to look at images of the Lab in order to do so was not something he was pleased about. And now seeing Luffy again in and little red riding Luffy skipped off towards the field where the flowers were. The world will later do as Luffy intended and a third age of pirates will begin, now with people seeking the freedom Luffy had had. At the Justice League Satellite. (I've always shipped Nami x Luffy. "I am Monkey D. "Your feline fantasies are here! Say meow. enuhx bxppc myukzmm sboxh agfo tcbnzswa ecstuvs masatm hquhkx bsnriku kibf yjkvspk geplssi msbalcfo ghlj