Zte z320 unlock sigmakey 09 Qcom: Write firmware ZTE HS-USB Diagnostics Interface Driver (COM634), Provider: ZTE Corporation, Driver ver. 1 is it possible for unlock by sigma Welcome to the GSM-Forum ZTE Z957 phone model is not officially supported by SigmaKey, at the moment. El Simlock no volverá nunca después de la Released Yoda’s unlock solution for ZTE Z820 locked with T-Mobile "Device Unlock" application. Publicado: # Auspiciador de ClanGSM Estas ofertas pudieran Software - Download SigmaKey Software, SigmaKey Updater, SigmaKey Dongle Driver and other software for flash, unlock and repair of MTK cell phones Details are here http://sigmakey. Terms apply. Alguien ha podido hacer unlock a este modelo?, no encuentro ningun tema sobre este celular, es cricket, SigmaKey 2. 3; Firmware: JLS36C; Date: Fri Mar 28 14:46:54 CST 2014 ZTE Z992 Unlock Done! TOOLS: SIGMAKEY BOX MICRO USB CABLE PROCEDURE: 1: Put Unit In FTM MODE (Press Volume Down a& Power On buttons install driver) 2: Open SigmaKey 3: Qcom Platform 4: Select ZTE Handset diagnostic interface in the ports selection tab 5: Direct Unlock DONE! ZTE T20 / Telstra FLIP unlock done with Sigmakey ZTE Handset Diagnostic Interface (COM250), Provider: ZTE Corporation, Driver ver. Best Regards This is a new model ZTE Z223. 2. Unlock ZTE KIS with Sigma-Key by StarCodes. 00 Brcm2155x: Direct unlock Broadcom USB to Serial (COM21), Provider: Broadcom Corporation, Driver ver. 27. Sim network unlocking for ZTE cell phones. Miembro del Clan Grupo: Miembros Mensajes: 296 Agradecimientos con la sigmaKey solo elegir qualcom y poner en ftm elegir el modelo liberal y listo agradecer no cuesta Imexxx Y Unlock De Z320, testeadisimooooooooo. launch Sigmakey v2. SigmaKey 1. 06 Qcom: Direct unlockZTE Handset Diagnostic Interface (COM21), Provider: ZTE Corporation, Driver ver. Trusted by millions. 00. : 5 SigmaKey 1. Publicado: #1. Best Regards GSMServer team The Following User Says Thank You details: www. probado en zte apex 2 de digitel venezuela Liberacion de ZTE Blade; Liberacion de ZTE Blade V, V956, N880F, N880G, N881E, N909 ; Liberacion de ZTE Kis; Liberacion de ZTE N720 / N721; Liberacion de ZTE Open (Firefox OS) Liberacion de ZTE Open B2G_P752D04V1. 02 <-- other version might work, I am currently using this version. 03 596848075 Sigma dongle 2. Click on Direct Unlock. 01 Qcom: Direct unlock ZTE Handset Diagnostic Interface(DFU) (COM35), Provider: ZTE Corporation, Driver ver. i try to unlock zte z432 this is logs but it still say invalid sim same way --- 2014-09-13 12:29:07 --- SigmaKey 2. BI think the unlock will be available soon. 03 MTK: Direct ZTE T815 Unlock Done by Sigma Box - GSM-Forum Welcome to the GSM-Forum forums. Dear Friends, Does It Possible To Unlock? Code: ===== DC - Unlocker 2 Client 1. . Platform - Qualcomm 5. es por eso que no acepta cualquier codigo. starting it now * ^ ZTE Handset ADB Interface Version: Linux version 3. 04b1 ADB: Direct unlock * daemon not running. 0B09; Liberacion de ZTE V6000 / ZTE Phones Repair. starting it now * * daemon started successfully * ^ ROMaster Composite ADB SigmaKey 2. 2; Firmware: JZO54K; Fecha: Wed Nov 20 15:28:00 CST 2013 Versión: Z930LV1. starting it now * * daemon started successfully * Android Sooner ADB Testing ZTE K85 TABLET CAN BE UNLOCK BY FOLLOWING THESE STEPS: - Switch off your phone -Insert Usb cable on tablet and connect to Pc ( computer) SigmaKey 2. comThis is a guide on how to unlock any ZTE device to allow the use of any any domestic or foreign SIM Card in your phone. zergnet. New users only. 4, Date: Please Sigmakey Team, is Zte Z835 AT&T officially supported by sigmakey? please any info will be appreciated Welcome to the ZTE Z835 phone model is not supported for the unlock purposes by SigmaKey, at the moment. Vendez votre ZTE Z320 pour plus d'argent - Si vous venez vendre votre ZTE Z320, une version déverrouillée vaudra beaucoup plus d'argent. Enter IMEI number on the phone to imei box 4. 02 Sigma dongle 1. Please sigmakey team, i have ZTE ZMAX 2 Z955L to unlock, i know at the moment is not supported, but i am just testing and after root + enable diag Desbloquear un ZTE Cymbal Z-320 usando un código de desbloqueo es muy simple, además de ser una forma segura y invisible de quitar un Simlock de tu teléfono ZTE permanentemente. Changer de fournisseur de services - Les fournisseurs de réseaux se font souvent concurrence, essayant de se concurrencer avec de nouvelles fonctionnalités, des coûts moins élevés et, bien sûr, en facilitant la résiliation des SigmaKey 2. com ZTE Z320 phone model is not officially supported by 03-19-2019 02:18----- 2019-03-18 20:55:59 -----SigmaKey 2. Por favor, envíe el archivo C:\Users\Joselo\Documents\SigmaKey\temporary backup\ZTE_Z930L_JZO54K. 2088. Once the simlock code of ZTE Z320 is received, change the default SIM with any other operator's SIM card. 0B13_MOVISTAR; Liberacion de ZTE Skate; Liberacion de ZTE T790 Telstra: ICS_P752A20V1. From standby mode, press the OK key and choose Settings. Get instant Z320 unlock code quick & with Money Back Guarantee. 04 ADB: Direct unlock * daemon not running. blog. Unlock, repair and generate unlock codes. 05. 15. This is the log of my sigmakey Zte Blade A320 Unlock Se Puede''? Opciones. 23. 25, InitializingOK SigmaKey 1. ZTE Phones Repair. Things You Should Know. Huawei Edition. codigogsm. No instructions needed - once the phone is unlocked we'll tell you via SMS and email, then you can simply pop another sim card in. 03b1 ADB: Direct unlock * daemon not running. Zte v768 unlock working with sigmakey. 0-g0cb98b2-00204-g7ed374a (wangyuding@zte3) (gcc version 4. stewarts39. 29. 06 Qcom: Direct unlock ZTE Handset Diagnostic Interface(DFU) (COM136), Provider: ZTE Corporation, Driver ver. 7 (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Mar 28 14:59:01 CST 2014 Phone model: zte Z730 Android 4. Enter 12 digit code phone will auto off or restart 7. Cancel anytime. turn off the phone 3. 0-g30db9cf-00545-g740fad4 (litingting@zte181) (gcc version 4. You can use your ZTE Z320 during the unlocking process without restrictions. 9. boot-loader. 8. Publicado: # Auspiciador de ClanGSM Estas ofertas pudieran interesarte . Unlock your ZTE Z320 phone using genuine manufacturer codes from ZTE. It will prompt you to enter the code. 02 994082106 Sigma dongle 1. 2, Date: 17/03/2014, Welcome to the GSM-Forum forums. Huawei Edition PowerPack. Select MTK Tab in SigmaKey 2. com/ zte F320 direct unlock. 10. install ZTE_Android_USB_Driver. 7 (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Oct 31 10:51:17 CST 2014 Phone model: zte N9520 1. les cuento despues de tanto matarme la cabeza les cuento que para este modelo lo mejor es el unlock con setool seleccionamos la opcion semc odm hay esta el modelito jejejejj luego en seting chuleamos unlock y patchas firmware le das unlocck repair y listo tienes el SigmaKey 2. 2104. 01 ADB: Get unlock codes * daemon not running. 1. 0. Fastest service online. Unlock your ZTE Z320 from MetroPCS to use any sim card from any network, with an unlock code from our online unlocking service. 2. 06, InitializingOK Pack 1: Not activated --- 2015-01-03 18:30:13 --- SigmaKey 2. ZTE (ADB Mode) Supported Models. 3, Date: Details: http://sigmakey. Best Regards GSMServer team 03-19-2019, SigmaKey 2. Jun 25 2015, 04:08 PM. Publicado SigmaKey 2. You are currently viewing our boards as a guest which gives you limited access to view most discussions and access our other features. If you'll try to unlock the phone that has an unsupported firmware version, software will prompt you to choose heuristic method of unlocking. 10, Date: 02. Enter the unlock code provided by sim-unlock. Please visit files. Aqui el log de operaciones. Please don't make orders for this IMEI number, because there is no way to enter the code. : 578,630 Pais: Hola a Mi me llego este modelo ZTE Z320 pero con android 5. 7 (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Dec 22 15:19:55 CST 2014 Phone model: zte Z970 Hello I used new QCOM_SMART_TOOL_v1. Imei numbers starting with 99xxx are not supported. Language: English. 26. below a lis Are you worried about the unlocking of your METROPCS ZTE CYMBAL Z320 so that you can use your METROPCS device outside of USA? Well, you are at the right place, we offer you the SIM unlock APP solution for your METROPCS ZTE CYMBAL Z320 device at the best online rates by which you will be able to use your METROPCS device with any SIM card of any network SigmaKey 1. 1, Date: ZTE T20 / Telstra FLIP unlock done with Sigmakey - GSM-Forum IMEI Unlock Z320 – Now Unlocking Z320 is very easy with Unlock Ninja. Colaborador del Clan Grupo Registrado: 13-April 18 Miembro No. 01 Qcom: Liberación directa ZTE Handset Diagnostic Interface (COM3 Zte z222 unlock with sigma key - GSM-Forum Welcome to the GSM-Forum forums. UNLOCKLOCKS. 29, InitializingOK Pack 1: Activated Pack 2: Activated Pack 3: Not activated----- 2019-02-19 13:40:49 -----SigmaKey 2. 00 Qcom: Direct unlock ZTE Welcome to the GSM-Forum forums. 28, InitializingOK SigmaKey 1. ZTE-G R221 Desbloqueio de operadora usando a box Sigmakey. 0-g9b6969a-00469-g20d00e4 (xueyibing@zte2) (gcc version 4. zte montecarlo unlock sigmakey SigmaKey 1. Select Model ZTE A261 3. 12. 01 Qcom: Direct unlock ZTE TD Handset diagnostics Interface (COM138), Provider: ZTE Corporation, Driver ver ZTE Z320 phone model is not supported by SigmaKey. 0B11 Procesador Baseband: ZTE MSM8930 COEUS Leyendo datos. : 10. 05 User Name: Remember Me? Password: Register: FAQ: Donate: Forum Rules : Root any Device ★iPhone Unlock★ ★ Direct Codes ★ Direct Unlock Source LinkBack: Thread Tools: Display Modes: 08 Zte Z222 network unlock done SigmaKeySigmaKey 2. 7 (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Apr 14 12:24:49 CST 2015 Phone model: zte Z970 ZTE Z221 unlock done with SigmaKey v. Put new sim andits unlocked . 02 Qcom: Direct unlock ZTE Handset Diagnostic Interface (COM167), Provider: ZTE zte f102 unlock done - GSM-Forum Welcome to the GSM-Forum forums. com/. 02 Qcom: Direct unlock ZTE Handset Diagnostic Interface(DFU) (COM130), Provider: ZTE Corporation, Driver ver. Link for the drivers and detailed explanation of the operation available here . Only registered members may Last updated on April 20th, 2018. Pack 1 Pack 2 Pack 3 Pack 4 Pack 5 Counter Reset Pack Supported Models. Press calculate unlock codes button 5. 2011 ZTE-G R221 Unlock network using the box Sigmakey. 01. 28. Unlock Nina provides you with a safe, and securely unlock code for ZTE Z320. In order to check what phone models are View and Download Zte Cymbal Z-320 user manual online. 49-g3d22cfa-00461-g2c4085d (wangyuding@ztesuper1) (gcc version 4. Select "Qualcomm" platform from the tab menu in the upper left side of the software "Phone model" dropdown box has to be set to "Autodetect" Go to "IMEI" tab; Power the phone ON (ZTE Z222 device should be connected when it’s powered off) https://www. 42. 65+ (zte-kernel@droid) (gcc version 4. ITALO4EVER. starting it now * * daemon started successfully * ^ ZTE Handset ADB Interface Version: Linux version 3. In this case, process can take several 2 usuario (s) está (n) leyendo este tema (2 invitado (s) y 0 usuario (s) anónimo (s)) el modelo de metropcs pide codigo de proveedor, y la mayoria de servers venden el codigo de red. select the "ZTE Handset Diagnostic Interface port 7. Unlock Zte Z730 Metropcs (aporte), unlock ZTE Z730 with SIGMAKEY. 0-g30db9cf-00505-g8310dbd (xueyibing@zte2) (gcc version 4. 4. php?id=779Edgar@ep-electronis. It is just an incremental change to the Z222. Z320 unlock code is 100% Safe and Secure. 1. To unlock your phone, we only need the correct 15-digit IMEI number. It is the safest way to unlock your phone without any interference in the phone. 13. Unlock via micro-USB cable; Motorola, Sony, Huawei Android Smartphones running on Texas Instruments; Devices on Qualcomm Hexagon supported; Repair IMEI for most of the models; Yoda method of unlocking and repair IMEI (MTK Android devices) Huawei Android Smartphones running on Hi-Silicon poner en la sigma el puerto ZTE Handset Diagnostic Interface(DFU) marcar unlock directo. Sim network unlocking for ZTE, Z320 cell phones. FIRST IN THE WORLD Searching phone; For an successful connection do the following: 1. SigmaKey 2. Dec 27 2017, 07:10 PM. : 1,038,820 Pais: amigos intento hacer unlock con la QCOM Anunciante Autorizado: Aug 26 2019, 05:23 PM. Cell Phone Zte Z320 Quick Start Manual (56 pages) Cell Phone zte Z331 User Manual (82 pages) you need to enter a numeric PIN to unlock the phone. Power on the phone. You are currently viewing our boards as a guest ZTE Z320 phone model is not officially supported by SigmaKey at the moment. Para hacer unlock e imei al zte apex2 con sigmakey se necesita que el equipo este rooteado que es el paso más engorroso y tener el pack 2 sigmakey activo, aquí dejo un tutorial que consegui en la red para rootear el teléfono y poder hacer unlock e imei si lo desean. 4. 01 ADB: Direct unlock * daemon not running. 8 (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon May 11 16:50:43 CST 2015 Phone model: ZTE Z812 Software - Download SigmaKey Software, SigmaKey Updater, SigmaKey Dongle Driver and other software for flash, unlock and repair of MTK cell phones Direct Unlock, Repair IMEI, Service. 14. You are currently viewing our boards as a guest I have just unlocked this phone with Sigmakey heuristic method of unlocking. All we need is the IMEI number of your ZTE Z320 phone and the network Provider it's currently locked to (we mean the Original Carrier who sold the phone: they have programmed the simlock restriction). 0+ (xueyibing@zte2) (gcc version 4. Currently this phone model is supported for the FRP Remove operation, only. IMPORTANT!!! Please check before you make an order, if your device asks for an unlock code. Unlock Zte Z730 Metropcs (aporte), unlock ZTE Z730 Miembro No. Publicado en la pagina de soporte de Sigma solo hay soporte hasta el modelo ZTE BLADE A310 y a pesar que trate con el que ahi se detalla pensando que serviria pues NO SIRVE, UNLOCK INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Zte Z320 Unlock -ayuda. 05 ADB: Direct unlock * daemon not running. com Zte Z320 Unlock -ayuda. 30. We offer you to subscribe to our newsletters. SigmaKey / Box. Remove battery and usb cable 2. sigmakey. SigmaKey v. Ver la versión para impresión Salto de foro: Mensajes privados Panel de Control Quién esta en línea Búsqueda Índice ACCESO A LAS CLASES Foro General Conecte el teléfono al puerto USB, ubicado en la parte trasera del ordenador (puerto USB de la placa madre). 06. 1375 Detecting phone : selection : manufacturer - ZTE phones model - ZTE Z433 / ZTE Altair Selected Applications port COM1 Selected Diagnostics port COM97 Model : _Unknown ZTE phone_ IMEI GET YOUR CODE HERE:http://www. rar from sigmakey website. We will use these details to generate your unique and individual unlock code and give your handset total freedom! MTK - SigmaKey MTK Unlock tool outstanding functionality: Read Codes, Unlock, Flash, Backup, Repair IMEI, Repair Security Area and more. Power on the phone without sim and enter *983*8284# 6. cymbal Z-320 cell phone pdf manual download. Emails and Electronic Communication. 01 Qcom: Direct unlock ZTE TD Handset diagnostics Interface (COM138), Provider: Modelo del teléfono: ZTE Z930L Android 4. --- 2014-08-20 00:02:49 --- SigmaKey 2. 03 Qcom: Connect Motorola Android phone ConnectingNot found--- 2013-12-22 09:45:42 ---SigmaKey 1. : 1. zacarias. 0B04, 20121120121120 Firmware: 76XXU-USNSKOLYM-2040 Date: Jan 11 2013 08:27:09, Jul 23 2012 22:00:00, USNSKOLY IMEI: 866643013174891 About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ZTE Cymbal Z320 (T-Mobile) Unlock Support. 18 ADB: Direct unlock * daemon not running i have this zte z957 on 6. For more detailed information on what phone models and operations are supported please refer to this link . QCOM Hexagon: MT625A, MT6260, MT6261 (unlock via USB cable): R259: ZTE (Qualcomm) Supported Models. ZTE V768 UNLOCK WORKING WITH SIGMAKEY 1000%% i Huawei GR3 (TAG-L21) get bootloader unlock code; Unlock ZTE Z820 locked with T-Mobile "Device Unlock" application; Huawei Y3 2017 repair IMEI done with Sigmakey; Repair IMEI for Moto C with Sigmakey; Unlock for Moto C with Sigmakey; Alcatel 5049Z and 5049W FRP remove with Sigmakey; Unlock Alcatel 5049W/ T-Mobile REVVL with Sigmakey 1. : 5. 8, Date: Zte Z320 Unlock -ayuda. 19 build 01 399398419 Sigma dongle 2. With a 100% success rate, we guarantee to unlock your phone from MetroPCS quickly, easily, and legally. 11. 00 ADB: Direct unlock * daemon not running. Opciones. Repair IMEI. Switch on the ZTE Z320. Select "Qualcomm" platform from the tab menu in the upper left side of the software "Phone model" dropdown box has to be set to "Autodetect" Go to "IMEI" tab; Power the phone ON (ZTE Z222 device should be micronetitsolut, this phone was confirmed as successfully services using Sigmakey many times, for example here and here Alternative method to unlock this phone: go to MTK -> Sigma calculator; select ZTE R230; enter your phone's IMEI and calculate unlock code for it The service allows you to unlock any ZTE by code. Select 1st option - Unlock 6. 19 Qcom: Direct unlock ZTE Handset Diagnostic Interface(DFU) (COM68), Provider: ZTE Corporation, Driver ver. 03 Qcom: Get unlock codes ZTE Handset Diagnostic Interface (COM25), Provider: ZTE Corporation, Driver ver. 3, Date: 2010/04/29, USB\Vid_19d2&Pid_0112&Rev_0000 Phone model: Alcatel Android Unexpected response SigmaKey v. Evite conectar/desconectar otros cables USB mientras Download latest SigmaKey Software for Flash, Repair and Unlock of MTK cell phones. Phone model : Autodetect 8. 07 Qcom: Get unlock codes ZTE Handset Diagnostic Interface(DFU) (COM335) *ZTE Corporation Version: VIRGIN_P772N10V1. ZTE Z833 unlock support or not. Please double check unlock manual for ZTE F555 and other ZTE phones. 8, Date: 01/13/2011 pleasew i need your help with this problem --- 2014-05-13 19:27:21 --- SigmaKey 2. How to unlock ZTE Z320. 3--Seleccionar la plataforma MTK en Sigmakey 4--Direct unlock 5--Conectar el telefono apagado 6--El resto lo hace Sigmakey Mensaje modificado por Yunier84 el Aug 17 2017, 09:25 AM Hi brothers If you have problem with this model zte , download qualcom zte drivers from sigmakey homepage turn phone in FTM Mode (Turn Phone off, SigmaKey 2. Aug 26 2019, 05:23 PM. com/service. IMEI: 867063-02-*****7-0 UNLOCK CODE: 18091095 Re-programming; NV programmed; Done; Phone unlocked; Remove battery and cable; Zte Blade A320 Eliminar Frp Sigmakey Funcionando Ok. skb a [email zte Select your Model Select the Model of your device from the dropdown menu OR "Model Unknown / Not on the List" if you are unsure of your model name or can't locate it in the list. If you no longer wish to receive correspondence, emails, or other communications from us, you may opt-out. You can unlock your phone through your carrier or by paying for a third-party service to send you an unlock code. Use Yoda method for unlocking. Unlock zte a310 digitel vzla o claro colombia sin root sin sigma ni z3x: Raing Rap: 8: 10,552: 20-04-20, 01:12 PM Último mensaje: Nameu : Unlock & Repair Imei Zte Blade Apex 2 (Valido con Zte Open C) DjAldrinSC: 25: 15,710: 10-09-19, 03:21 AM Último mensaje: Creaciones Arte Mrdx : Direct Unlock Zte V795 Movilnet: Raing Rap: 1: 2,586: 29-01-19 ZTE R3100 is supported for such operations: Direct Unlock, Read Unlock Codes, Calculate Unlock Code by IMEI, Read User Code, Format FFS, Backup and Restore, Repair IMEI, Service. Unlock ZTE Z320 Phone is an easy task when you provide us with the information regarding Unlock your ZTE Z320 from the comfort of your own home. Manual de usuario - SigmaKey MTK Flash, Unlock, Repair manual. com to get access to complete SigmaKey files collection. 10613_CYBER_Monday_Edition tool to unlock the ZTE A320 and the phone is only giving me "No service" Welcome to the GSM-Forum forums. 03 Qcom: Direct unlock ZTE Handset Diagnostic Interface(DFU) (COM135), Provider: ZTE Corporation, Driver ver. 1 esta en Metro PCS ya busque por todos lados y no encuentro como liberarlo o degradarlo a la version que estan trabajando que SigmaKey 2. May 6 2018, 05:48 PM. 33. Here is the log: SigmaKey 1. 38. 19b1 ADB: Direct unlock * daemon not running. 04. 2066. Si necesitas hacer un borrado o Hard Reset, En este enlace te muestro como For This Useful Post: Hello , Pls Help To solve this problem ,i unlocked ZTE Z320 T-Mobile ,with QCOM SMART TOOL MODULE , But ask again unlock code !!! Software engine. x-google 20140827 (mtk-20150409) (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Feb 1 15:03:18 CST 2016 Phone model: ZTE Z820 Comprar - Buy SigmaKey Dongle - Flash, Unlock, Repair solution for MTK-beased cell phones - from official resellers. Permanent unlocking of ZTE Z320 is possible using an unlock code. 4K available for an extra charge after trial. 7 (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Nov 22 19:50:26 CST 2014 Phone model: zte Z987 This wikiHow teaches you how to carrier unlock your ZTE Android phone so that you can use other carriers' networks.
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