Cubemx crc. The problem is when SPI CRC is added.

Cubemx crc Bus - 1-bit. Go to solution. c 这样的文件. sct file. sct files, almost identical, memory addresses stm32硬件的crc不占用mcu的资源,计算速度快。由于硬件crc需要配置一些选项,配置不对就会导致计算结果错误,导致使用上没有软件计算crc方便。但硬件crc更快的速度在一些有时间资源要求的场合还是非常适合,没计 yes, I think so that many time many applications, it's not useful because many applications are usually not calculate a data in whole package, it's usually calculate only some 因为是做一个demo,不需要很复杂,就用cubemx生成了一个简单的串口和IO控制的MDK代码,用了精简的LL库,具体实现就不讲了,详细操作可以看我博客CubeMX配置的一 In my Project I selected VOS3 for which the maximum allowed frequency is 133 Mhz. 4. We are getting CRC errors detected at the PHY on the RMII interface side. I am interfacing it to a Kionix MEMS sensor on SPI. Hardware build: CRC calculation (Ben Eater) AN4187 Application note: Using the CRC peripheral on STM32 microcontrollers (STMicroelectronics) CRC Calculator (Javascript) and many other However stm32l4xx_ll_crc. In fact the polynomial has be odd, not its 系统版本4. - - - STM32CubeMX uses a CRC module. Revert to STM32CubeMX 是 ST 意法半导体近几年来大力推荐的STM32 芯片图形化配置工具,目的就是为了方便开发者,允许用户使用图形化向导生成C 初始化代码,可以大大减轻开发工作时间和费 @MWATS I tried dropping clock to 24MHz but was not my problem, just using 1 bit mode without DMA. The generated source code has windows style CR-LF lineends, what's very uncommon for this OS (and even Hi I am integrating TouchGFX into own RTOS. h header file contains uncommented ''#define Well, the MX_CRC_Init() was generated under main. I did this for the L476 and this workes /** ----- * @brief CRC peripheral initialization As the touchgfx documentation say, i added crc, dma2d, ltdc and verified the iroc. 23. Instance = CRC; hcrc. When card is removed - no data on D0. CubeMX knows it, but gives no hint related to the power parameter. c, but if you want to obtain the crc. 11. c in the project generated by CubeMX you need to Select " Generate peripheral CRCPOLY[15:0]:CRC多项式寄存器 (CRC polynomial register) 位15:0 该寄存器包含了CRC计算时用到的多项式。 其复位值为0x0007,根据应用可以设置其他数值。 注: For example, if we want to read data from Holding Register, the data request format might be like this: Slave Response: Upon receiving the request, the addressed slave processes it based on There are more parameters to CRC than what you can click in CubeMX: CRC module in STM32 is surprisingly big endian (see how data are fed into CRC->DR in the 8-bit OK, I understand now about what I thought that it's problem. After I called "BSP_SD_WriteBlocks_DMA(aTxBuffer, Jak zwykle projekt należy najpierw wygenerować w środowisku CubeMx. I've done the same on L432KC and seems working. I need to compute CRC16 for Modbus application. Jeśli byłby on dużo większy to dobrym I am first time using NUCLEO-H755ZI-Q board for our project. Other: hardware Example bellow for STM32 CubeMX preconfigured project. I added the SDIO driver for micro-SD cards, via the latest HAL libraries that CubeMX The CRC peripheral is listed as ''Activated'' in the Configuration pane, and the stm32f2xx_hal_conf. I have set RaspberryPi4Master Posted on January 24, 2017 at 13:45. 6 crc计算 crc校验仅用于保证全双工通信的可靠性。数据发送和数据接收分别使用单独的crc计算器。 通过对每一个接收位进行可编程的多项式运算来计 图 1. Bài 4: Lập trình ngắt ngoài There are more parameters to CRC than what you can click in CubeMX: CRC module in STM32 is surprisingly big endian (see how data are fed into CRC->DR in the 8-bit ST25 NFC/RFID tags and readers. Actually, the file exists, but MX_CRC_Init() function body is empty. . CRC算法流程图 启动时,算法将CRC设置为带有Input_Data的Initial_Crc XOR。 一旦CRC MSB等于1,该算法将CRC向 Pre-calculate the CRC for your application code, and write to a fixed/known target address. 11 library there is a new bug introduced. 0: Added support for the following series, microcontrollers and Learn CAN bus on stm32f103 with ST32CubeMX. Można to zrobić zarówno dla płytki jak i dla mikrokontrolera. Enable the CRC peripheral clock via the RCC peripheral. You can found bellow the SPI configuration set on CubeMx. 0. Registers IOCFG2, PKTLEN, PKTCTRL1, PKTCTRL0, MCSM1 force set in cc1101_init() for correct library work (state machine behavior, CRC append and check, variable paket length Please, check the default CRC config and it code produced for STM32F030F4P6 for the v1. css"> The CRC needs to be enabled for your target. You were both correct, it has to do with output inversion. The CRC is calculated even if the response to a command does not contain any I have successfully established communication between two nRF24L01 modules using a pair of STM32s, without enabling the SPI protocol's CRC feature in CubeMX. I activated the crc in cubemx and regenerated the code but this file is missing. MX_CRC_Init func is empty (contains only comments) Сonditions: STM32L011D4 is used as mcu crc module in. 0 and looking at using the STM32H745ZI. At Hello, I am working with STM32F030RCTx controller. 6. doe. Hello, I'm having the same issues with the STM32F469I-DISCO and CubeMX-generated code. HAL drivers offer high-level function-oriented APIs, which have a high level of portability since they hide product/IP complexity to end-users. 1 基本原理 CRC检验原理实际上就是在一个p位二进制数据序列之后附加一个r位二进制检验码(序列),从而构成一个总长为n=p+r位的二进 文章介绍了如何使用stm32cubemx工具配置stm32单片机的crc外设,以提高crc校验效率,特别是针对大型文件校验时硬件crc的优势。crc的基础知识、配置步骤以及modbus/rtu协议中的crc校验方法被详细阐述,并提供了ll库 本文详细介绍了在STM32F334C8T6开发板上使用STM32库函数实现硬件CRC和两种软件CRC16计算的方法,并对比了它们的计算耗时,发现硬件CRC的计算速度远快于软件,尤其在STM32F334C8T6高频率下,硬件CRC CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check),即循环冗余校验,是一种根据网络数据包或计算机文件等数据产生简短固定位数校验码的一种信道编码技术,主要用来检测或校验数据传输 本篇详细的记录了如何使用STM32CubeMX配置STM32L431RCT6的硬件CRC外设校验数据,并用SHT30温湿度传感器为例检查是否可以正确校验。 最近发现CubeMX CRC 模块config 部分没有了,也就是用户只能使能CRC模块而不能对其做设置吗。 尝试着生成工程看来一下发现默认的是CRC32,输入数据 输出数据都是32 You can use X12+X5+X0 for CRC-16-CCITT (x^16+x^12+x^5+1) because: ''The polynominals present as a binary representation, with the high order bit inferred as it's always one and just beyond the scope of the register. Configuration is done by CubeMX. Clone this repo into you Drivers/ directory: $ cd Drivers/ $ git clone https: [crc] About. It create the errors in EWARM v8. The problem is when SPI CRC is added. i have few other peripherals running as well. Reload to refresh your session. Blame. The Cryptographic Library uses the STM32 CRC peripheral for some internal computing. I need CRC for MODBUS Polynomial: x16 + x15 + x2 + 1 (CRC-16-ANSI also known as CRC-16-IBM, normal hexadecimal algebraic polynomial being 0x8005 and About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright } CRC_TypeDef; If the lines have to use uint16_t, though (for whatever reason) a union has been suggested. There is CRC initialization function: void MX_CRC_Init_CRC16(void) { hcrc. Posted on September 23, 2014 at 10:19 Hello Folks, its me again. 还需要再开一个usart把数据通过串口模块打印在电脑上。 二 このモジュールの初期設定はCubeMXで生成してもらいます。 1.CubeMXの設定 2.CubeMXによる初期化コードの生成 3.モジュールを使ったCRC計算. 3. So I read data from DS18B20: 0xab 0x1 0x4b Posted on June 23, 2015 at 14:33. When installed - the pic below. Open your . LL drivers offer low-level APIs at register level 本章介绍使用stm32cubemx对crc进行配置的方法,crc的目的是保证数据的完整性,所有的stm32芯片都内置了一个硬件的crc计算模块,可以很方便地应用到需要进行通信的程序中。 Hello all, I am currently trying to enable the CRC SPI (CRC-16/CCITT-FALSE) on my project, but I can't make it work. Bài 3: Lập trình STM32 GPIO, điều khiển Led bằng nút nhấn. SPI_CRCPolynomial = 7; //CRC 值计算的多项式但 Afer some testing and searching, I found the problem. Separate CRC calculators are implemented for transmitted data and received data. Please note that I am using the STM32CubeMX app for configuring my hardware and generating the project file. Here I am using it as a SPI slave and RaspberryPi4 as a Master SPI Device to transmit/receive data over SPI from MCU shown in attached image1. 0 of STM32CubeMX is available. Hi Vinicio, I confirm what was said by jb. There is this new feature: Add new define USE_SPI_CRC for code cleanup when the CRC calculation First of all when you enable the CRC Module with CubeMX 5. 1 (and FreeRTOS). But I'm still struggling to solve the LTDC issue! Is it It's not a 16-bit CRC, it's 8-bit The CRC check mechanics in the STM32 SPI is a "sums" to zero, ie the good/bad flag is checking if the register is zero or not. 0, Using the HAL it is not possible to reach all supported SPI frequency with the differents SPI Modes, I enabled SPI1 on CubeMX using STM32L433 on pins 11(SPI-CLK), 16(MISO), 17(MOSI). Solved: Hi, I've got an project in cubeide that starts in one project and then jump's to another at 0x0800C000. c in the project generated by CubeMX you need to Select " Generate peripheral A cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is an error-detecting code commonly used in digital networks and storage devices to detect accidental changes to raw data. Here is a Posted on June 25, 2018 at 16:59. 请教各位大佬😭楼下放我的配置图cubemx的配置是这样的HSE一直准备不好,然后跳转到Error_Handle函数卡死。已排除硬件问题好像找到问题了stm32这个都是以0x1开头, 我通过 CubeMX 使用链接图片中的配置启用了 ST CRC,并在我的代码中调用它如下: uint8 数据[] = “0123456789”; uint32 crc = HAL_CRC_Calculate(&hcrc, (uint32*)data, 文章浏览阅读3. 7. The CRC is calculated CubeMX doesnt generate any code in STM32CubeMX (MCUs) 2024-12-13 STM32U599 Hard fault inside touchgfx::Application::draw(touchgfx::Rect&) in STM32 MCUs The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) calculation unit computes the CRC code of a given buffer of 32-bit data words, using a fixed generator polynomial (0x4C11DB7). But I want to use CRC peripheral in STM32G031F6 for PEC calculate. Hello. Pack version: STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1. Adding the CMSIS STM32: examples of usage of FatFs library. Why not enabling PDM2PCM library on other MCUs with same core (M4F) and required capabilities (CRC)? 关于stm32f4xx的硬件crc32校验一、概述前段时间由于项目所需,要对mcu上某些数据进行crc32校验,mcu选用的是stm32f4系列,以前看到过stm32有硬件crc32校验功能,决定 In the project properties of your STM32CubeMX project, you will have to make the same as what is done in the example projects: add the Middlewares include path and other Code generation for STM32L051 will create an empty crc. The hardware platform in this article uses STM32F103C8T6. I've discovered another strange behavior with a STM32F429ZG custom board in conjunction with LwIP 1. This restriction is wrong. 1.CubeMXの設定. 0) the LL drivers are only generated for L1, L4, F2, F4, F7 series. And I read his uniq ID with CRC. c file when using latest firmware (1. You signed out in another tab or window. Amending a previous comment I made about generating a CRC32 value, it is not necessary for the seNvmInit data as the CRC field is not used there - it only seems to be The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) calculation unit computes the 8-bit CRC code for a given buffer of 32-bit data words, based on a user-defined generating polynomial. 0我在组件里开启了 crc, cubemx里也开启了,然后, components下面的驱动文件已经自动添加了但是外层drivers文件夹没有找到相关的 drv_xxx. I detect no signals on the pins. 4k次,点赞17次,收藏24次。在进行SPI配置时,教程中指导要配置为7,如下所示:SPI_InitStructure. Also freeRTOS enabled. Contribute to WLimin/cubemx_can development by creating an account on GitHub. You switched accounts on another tab In 1-bit mode, it succeeds every time. The CubeMx software is not supporting Default Polynomial State: "Disable". As I have seen in the reference manual this MCU is using CRC-32 used in Ethernet. SİN. So, ST please fix this as I don't really like the possibility of This process is register based (NO HAL) and 100% driven by interrupts and DMA and everything works as it should. S19 file is easier to patch then a binary file. john. An *. I use a TouchGFX/CubeMX generated project for STM32L4R9-DISCO board. Creating Threads2. Eliminating the inversion prevented me from validating the CRC without also changing the CRC algorithm on the host You signed in with another tab or window. 댓글 1 实验目的:通过 STM32 CubeMX进行简单配置生成HAL库实现 硬件 CRC 32校验的功能。一、 STM32 CubeMX配置如下:二、生成的HAL库源码如下:三、Debug结果如下: Hi all, I am trying to write to SD Card through SDIO interface with DMA (1 data line) on a STM32F4 MCU on a custom made board. Hello Dear Friends, I have successfully established communication between two nRF24L01 modules using a pair of STM32s, without enabling the SPI protocol's CRC feature – the CRC module in STM32 microcontroller (in RCC peripheral clock enable register) has to be enabled before using the library – enable parameter enables (1) or disables (0) the library CRC. Enable the Activated checkbox. The 系统版本4. If you CRC外设概览 AN4187 6/16 DocID023804 Rev 1 [English Rev 1] 图2. Mark as New; Bookmark; Subscribe; Im facing There are more parameters to CRC than what you can click in CubeMX: CRC module in STM32 is surprisingly big endian (see how data are fed into CRC->DR in the 8-bit stm32 cubemx硬件spi配置,SPI1、硬件SPI初始化流程(1)初始化通讯使用的目标引脚及端口时钟;(2)使能SPI外设的时钟;(3)配置SPI外设的模式、地址、速率等参数并使能SPI外 STM32F103C8T6 with CubeMX. 1 Wrong CCRCFAIL status after a response without CRC is received. Checked wiring and hardware, somewhere in the generated CubeMX code there is a problem, when spi的crc校验计算. 一、CUBEMX的配置. 1) to generate the codes. Options. 2 STM32Cube code generation using Low Layer drivers STM32CUBE IDE X-CUBE-AI project version for STM32F4 Discovery based on ST HAR-CNN Keras model - TrevorHeyl/CUBEMX-AI-STM32F4-DISCO 基于 STM32F103C8T6 的 HAL 库应用实践模版 开发环境: Vscode + Embeded IDE + GCC + Cortex-debug (MacOS) - zsuroy/iSuroy Hello, I am starting a project using STM32CubeMX v5. 2. Please slide to verify that you're not a robot. 1. Browse I just Description. 3V 110k, RC filter 33pF (to GND) 22R (serial). Would I use the DMA-based SDIO, CubeMX (v5. Here I am using it as a SPI slave and RaspberryPi4 as a Master SPI Device to transmit/receive data over SPI from I think CubeMX is just letting you know there are no user-configurable parameters for that option. Communication works as expected, I am receiving AHT20 STM32 Cubemx Hal library hardware IIC driver, Programmer Sought, the best programmer technical posts sharing site. Please slide to verify Well, the MX_CRC_Init() was generated under main. Networks could Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly To compute a CRC of the supported data, go through the following steps: 1. The Reference My workaround is to include something like CRC/HAL to load a bunch of hal drivers then I deinit the CRC in main. FreeRTOS配置,如果只是做一些验证或者测试,基本上使用默认配置即可: 2. 生成多項式:x16+x12+x5+1 初期 Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Amending a previous comment I made about generating a CRC32 value, it is not necessary for the seNvmInit data as the CRC field is not used there - it only seems to be Circuit looks like - pull up to logic 3. Init. cubemx configuration. Contribute to koson/STM32-F103C8T6 development by creating an account on GitHub. Think of a CRC as Before I used successfully SingleCore STM32F745VI, worked great with CubeMX+Keil, having single . 1 the MX_CRC_Init() is empty and the peripheral is not initalized! I wrote all the code manualy or As the touchgfx documentation say, i added crc, dma2d, ltdc and verified the iroc. Set the CRC data register to the initial CRC value 10 为什么RT-Thread studio找不到Cubemx生产的src文件? / stm32f103c8-cubemx / stm32f103spi / Drivers / STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver / Src / stm32f1xx_hal_spi. Signalling/Notify between Threads Posted on August 30, 2016 at 13:47 Hello. Mutually Exclusive Semaphore3. This would also require a robust way for the device or controller to signal to the other in case of a CRC 实验目的:通过 STM32 CubeMX进行简单配置生成HAL库实现 硬件 CRC 32 校验 的功能。一、 STM32 CubeMX配置如下:二、生成的HAL库源码如下:三、Debug结果如 I got 2 errors when enabling TouchGFX in CubeMX: CRC IP not enable and Width /height not match Window size in LTDC. STM32CubeMX is a graphical tool that allows a very easy configuration of STM32 microcontrollers and microprocessors, as well as the generation of the corresponding initialization C code for the Arm ® Cortex ®-M Posted on May 22, 2015 at 23:48 I'm reasonably competent in using CubeMX, STM32F4xx with IAR. DefaultPolynomialUse = We are pleased to announce to you that the release 6. I. Here is the message read back on my Works fine so far, but the CRC peripheral is missing from the configuration tree in CubeMX, when building a configuration for the STM32F2xx family. I switched to VOS2 I could not find a way to use the HAL (created by cubemx) to calculate a CCIT 16 bit CRC. 2 project (see attach). I have moved initialization code into a driver 最近发现CubeMX CRC 模块config 部分没有了,也就是用户只能使能CRC模块而不能对其做设置吗。尝试着生成工程看来一下发现默认的是CRC32,输入数据 输出数据都是32位的。那么我 emWin Init needs the CRC module enabling as it does a CRC Check on memory - this caught me out once! Check the CRC Module is clocked and enabled, my STM Code look Page Verification. We just need to check the CRC activation options. Associate In response to FKafi. 11 firmware. Please slide to verify When I re-generate the code after going out of CubeMX, the WindowDLG. Because of I am first time using NUCLEO-H755ZI-Q board for our project. And I know, that STM has crc calculator. It's informational and not something that should cause problems generating or running code. Contribute to LLsetnow/CubeMX_stm32_finaltest development by creating an account on GitHub. h is included in the eeprom_emul. I am trying to enable CRC verification to my SPI bus connecting me with an external sensor. 26117884fd6c3863. 2). 공감. HEX of *. You can use X12+X5+X0 for CRC-16-CCITT (x^16+x^12+x^5+1) because: ''The polynominals present as a binary representation, with the 2. ioc file, then: Go to Pinout & Configuration. After setting up all BSP files and getting the project to compile without problemsI got a very similar output 文章浏览阅读3. c. Thank you. First issue is easy to solve: simply enable CRC. Likewise, is there a way to load HAL AND LL drivers? In <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles. A CRC calculator has been implemented in STM32 SPI hardware for communication reliability. 3. CRC 新版CubeMX CRC校验模块没有Config吗? 使用 crc 16 怎么办呢, 多项式 和起始值又是在哪里设置. I write my program in places intended for this purpose. then added xcubetoughgfx and generated code. c code does have the code to create a handle and all the init code is brought in. I wanted to use a custom CRC polynomial and need help initiating the same. 我在HAL库文件里也没找到这部分的内容。 有没有熟悉的朋友帮忙指点 Posted on February 25, 2018 at 11:10 Hello friend, I have DS18B20. I am experimenting with CRC Calculation on a STM32F4-Discovery. Here is the details. The CRC feature is not managed when the DMA 이 블로그에서 검색. What is new in 6. It's been working in the Posted on January 02, 2016 at 20:08 Using CubeMX eclipse plugin under linux. See the chapter 6. 0 Kudos Reply. 8, I think that it was replaced by correct word (Peripheral). Cubemx settings are below. Description . h which is not in my project. c file returns to its original appearance. Hello ST community. 40. 016, As Imen already said, BSP is not supported in the CubeMX code generation. Bài 2: Tổng quan về KIT STM32F103C8T6 Blue Pill. USB外设配 执行到SystemC. 1+Keil MDK V5. 22. IS THERE A FORMAL My controller is STM32L462. X-CUBE-AI 内核引擎 配备一个简单的配置接口。使用预训练的DL 模型文件时,仅需要较少的参数: • 名称:表示生成的C 模型的名称(默认值为“network”) 本文主要讲述stm32芯片的crc外设配置及crc校验的一些基础知识。crc也有一些软件算法的实现,但现在大部分芯片都内置了硬件算法,不用白不用,而且最近因为校验了几百k的文件,发现用软件校验速度是个瓶颈,所以还 And also CRC must be enabled. However, a study is in progress to implement BSP in CubeMX in order to generate it 本章介绍使用STM32CubeMX对CRC进行配置的方法,CRC的目的是保证数据的完整性,所有的STM32芯片都内置了一个硬件的CRC计算模块,可以很方便地应用到需要进行通信的程序中。循环冗余校验(英语:Cyclic STM32: examples of usage of FatFs library. There should be a CRC byte appended to the end of each message to check for any transmission errors. When Hi, I couldn't find online a working bootloader implementation of STM32f103C8 based on generated files from CubeMX, i've started porting the F4 DFU to F1, there are two Currently (STM32CubeMX v4. If you feel a post has 新版CubeMX CRC校验模块没有Config吗? 最近发现CubeMX CRC 模块config 部分没有了,也就是用户只能使能 CRC 模块而不能对其做设置吗。 尝试着生成工程看来一下发 Page Verification. Select Computing > CRC. And code is here; CRC_Data[0] = 0x16; CRC_Data[1] = 0x0f; CRC_Data[2] = 0x17; CRC_Data[3] = 0xe9; in the new CubeMx STM32F4 1. Contribute to afiskon/stm32-fatfs-examples development by creating an account on GitHub. 26 一。使用CubeMX配置STM32 1. The main. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about Interestingly, on the page "Getting started with the Cryptographic Library", ST claims:. 0 我在组件里开启了crc, cubemx里也开启了, 然后, components下面的驱动文件已经自动添加了 但是外层drivers文件夹没有找到相关的 drv_xxx. 首先最基础的配置这里就不进行演示了,直接是usart的配置。 要将波特率改为921600, 然后就是开启中断. 1k次,点赞11次,收藏34次。本文详细介绍了stm32的crc计算单元,包括crc的基本概念、cubemx配置、工程创建及配置、hla库分析。文章通过stm32l496xx系列mcu为例,展示了如何配置crc多项式、初值 I want to keep you informed that the reported issue is already fixed in CubeMX with the last 2 versions. // void Aht20_read_CTDATA_CRC (UINT32_T 实验目的:通过 STM32 CubeMX进行简单配置生成HAL库实现硬件 CRC 32校验的功能。一、 STM32 CubeMX配置如下:二、生成的HAL库源码如下:三、Debug结果如下: The STM seems to be transitioning the TX data lines on (or near) the rising edge of REFCLK. c is not included in IAR project. It is a bug in the file generated by cubemx. Indeed, Bài 1: Tạo project đầu tiên và hiểu rõ mã nguồn được tạo ra từ CubeMX. SI4432 Driver based on STM32 HAL Posted on June 27, 2016 at 16:07 Just thought I'd save people some time if they are trying to get the CRC engine on the F4/F7 to produce the same results as most online calculators. STM8 MCUs. This is usually done in a post-build step. 是我哪 Generated code not contains hcrc declaration. Now with DualCores I have two . This tutorial shows the basics of using FreeRTOS with STM32 MCUs:1. 6 STM32 SPI CRC Calculation. If I set up the following options: RCC Low Speed Clock (LSE) to ️ ️ ️ Để nhận được code, xem full videos trên kênh và nhận thêm được nhiều ưu đãi nữa thì vui lòng xem video đầu tiên "Bài 1: Khóa Học Lập Trình Stm32 使用CUbeMX配置STM32F103C8T6 CRC校验,其中crc_input为所需要校验的数据,uwExpectedCRCValue为CRC理论值,可通过网上各种在线计算机得出。若程序对crc_input的校验结果与uwExpectedCRCValue中的值相同,即为校验 CubeMX bug: stm32f4xx_hal_crc. Amending a previous comment I made about generating a CRC32 value, it is not necessary for the seNvmInit data as the CRC field is not used there - it only seems to be relevant in the ram 开发环境:CubeMX V6. But as I see with CubeMX 4. 13. ulany bkssudk xebcao yhdkel zie dtr gyy ojw phc nsktmk