Userland vs termux vs ubuntu Jun 20, 2022 · 以前、AndoroidでNode-REDを導入するにあたってTermuxを使用してLinuxエミュレーションを行っていました。 uepon. 中途可能提示 termux 不是最新版,下个 F-droid 商店,把 termux 更新到最新 Andronix 会复制一个命令到剪切板,需要手动粘贴到 termux 中运行 pkg 等命令安装 Linux distro(笔者用的 ubuntu22) 运行完后在 ~ 目录会有一个 start-ubuntu22. Update termux: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y Install wget: apt-get install wget -y Install proot: apt-get install proot -y Install git: apt-get install git -y Go to HOME folder: cd ~ Exagear For Termux - Non official modified version of Exagear for Termux and proot based environemnts - Anlinux, AndroNix, UserLand and etc. It uses android base libs, the android filesystem, and you can hook into certain android device api's. Easy setup 4. In the question“What are the best ways to run Linux applications on Android?” Complete Linux Installer is ranked 3rd while UserLAnd is ranked 7th. This Tool Uses the ubuntu image provided by the termux package `proot-distro` Full Credit of the Ubuntu image goes to them . Then you can use a VNC client to connect to your running Linux distribution… and use it in full graphical mode. Then there's the fact that starting with Android 11 it's no longer necessary to first use ADB over USB to initiate ADB over network so, anybody can start ADB on the device itself, use apps like Shizuku, LSPatch (rootless Xposed), LADB, Termux (apt install adb) etc, automate the ADB commands (via Tasker, let's say) on system boot-up and so on (to let's say, disable the shitty OEM/carrier app Jul 7, 2020 · Using UserLAnd on an armv7l running Ubuntu 18. Folks who want a more traditional linux environment and libraries then what termux comes with might find proot-distro[1] to meet their needs. In fact I have installed Ubuntu 18. You signed out in another tab or window. Android applications are sandboxed and have their own Linux user id and SELinux label. Note: It’ll prompt you about an unencrypted connection. Forks. Its a very long detailed explanation broken up in to topics like Command Line Editing, History, Expansion and many others. In the question“What are the best ways to run Linux applications on Android?” UserLAnd is ranked 7th while Debian noroot is ranked 12th. 0+ devices (requires root) termux-api - Termux add-on app which exposes device functionality as API to command line programs. They update automatically and roll back gracefully. Apr 22, 2020 · Enable snaps on Ubuntu and install rpi-userland Snaps are applications packaged with all their dependencies to run on all popular Linux distributions from a single build. AnLinux and UserLand are proot environments, LinuxDeploy is a chroot environment. I do Web development locally on my Samsung S8. 64-bit 32-bit ARM64 ARM. Check the disclaimer before starting. No root needed 3. Dockie: manage unprivileged chroots like Docker in a few lines of POSIX shell Compare linuxdeploy vs termux-desktop and see what are their differences. Android. Mac OS X. Free and Open Source 5. Code-server allows you to run VS Code on a remote server and access it in your browser. vscodium - binary releases of VS Code without MS branding/telemetry/licensing UserLAnd - Main UserLAnd Repository termux-packages - A package build system for Termux. The most important reason people chose UserLAnd is: You signed in with another tab or window. With UserLAnd the power to do or create whatever you want will never be out of reach. The same thing as -->userLAnd, over 80% memory usage and yeah everyone, no way. Termux can be installed from F-Droid or downloaded as an APK from GitHub. For Android 12 & 13,before you install it , disable phantom process killer. From their user interface to thei connectbot vs AnotherTerm termux-app vs proot-distro connectbot vs tldr-flutter termux-app vs termux-wayland connectbot vs DoliDroid termux-app vs UserLAnd connectbot vs TBLauncher termux-app vs termux-x11 connectbot vs VectorCamera termux-app vs termux-api connectbot vs Stud. Nov 12, 2023 · 🇹🇼 中文版 This article introduces how to install Ubuntu with desktop environment on Android mobile phones without Root permissions. Report Userland is very good. Ubuntu + KDE Plasma on Android We will use the proot-distro provided by Termux to manually create the Ubuntu desktop environment. tmux - 🇫🇷 Oh my tmux! My self-contained, pretty & versatile tmux configuration made with ️ UserLAnd - Main UserLAnd Repository progressbar - Terminal-based progress bar for Java / JVM termux-x11 - Not released and unmaintained Termux X11 add-on application. Source Code. PowerTube - PowerTube - Youtube-dl client for Android UserLAnd - Main UserLAnd Repository NewPipe-legacy - NewPipe with support for older devices termux-x11 - Not released and unmaintained Termux X11 add-on application. We can't install Andronix Kali Linux distro without termux! Because Andronix uses Termux to run Linux Distros, and termux is customizable than Userland and has working package manager than Plain Android Terminal Emulator And I was just asking that, Is Andronix distro good for pentesting or the nethunter Dec 1, 2021 · proot-distro - An utility for managing installations of the Linux distributions in Termux. Because i have few extension installed (Including Download Manager extension) it's doesn't work inside Firefox Snap. ish vs UTM termux-packages vs nix-on-droid ish vs box64 termux-packages vs UserLAnd ish vs AltStore termux-packages vs Code-Server ish vs Blizzard-Jailbreak termux-packages vs xmrig ish vs Code-Server termux-packages vs chromium ish vs usbfluxd termux-packages vs AllHackingTools on termux terminal:$ pkg install xorg-xhost -y$ xhost +localhost$ xhost + on terminal logged in ubuntu of proot-distro:$ export DISPLAY=:1. hatenadiary. proot-me. Termux: Enhanced Terminal Emulator /Android 7. ly/3FwOebz• Vnc Viewer https://bit. com Termuxは、Androidの環境内にLinux的な実行環境を提供する端末エミュレーターアプリとなります。特に端末のRoot化などを行うことをせずそのまま使えるのが利点です。 ただ、この Andronix is way better Better Ui and preloaded desktop Smoother and faster Comes with pre-installed apps And for the paid version it's a pre configured operating system with custom drivers for performance its way faster and comes with a nice wallpaper Also comes with more preloaded apps like gimp and a better settings app Main UserLAnd Repository. – l3l_aze termux-wayland - Not released and unmaintained Termux X11 add-on application. UserLAnd is like a virtual machine app that can run Linux OSes, but can also run specific single apps. Install and run GNU/Linux on Android (by meefik) Install Full Ubuntu Desktop Easily in Termux Resources. Contribute to CypherpunkArmory/UserLAnd development by creating an account on GitHub. 6 watching. Readme License. I have apt already implemented because that's what Termux uses by default, so I wanted to know if people even use distros based on pacman or something else, so I know if it Top reasons why people like UserLAnd: 1. 04 with MATE Usage poll: proot-distro/Andronix vs plain Termux I'm working on a GUI package manager for Termux right now that should support also managing packages in proot-distro . XSDL、SSHで接続可能であることを確認 The number of mentions indicates the total number of mentions that we've tracked plus the number of user suggested alternatives. Apps that need and want root, can get it and do almost anything (even enumerate USB devices for direct access). So what's the point of having Termux with all the hassle of patching each package for Android and having too small repositories in comparison to major distributions like Debian, Ubuntu, etc? Nov 23, 2018 · I'm a heavy user of Termux. Running Ubuntu(Xcfe) with Andronix +Termux on Desktop mode (Still LG Screen+); // So far my experience has been kinda limited as the performance is sub-par and apps like VS Code or and GUI package manager just refuse to launch, YouTube videos are choppy at 720P, They have their "Modded OSS" so I expected it to be bad on the free OSS but not Geekbench - Native Android vs. Here is the list of some community-provided scripts: ubuntu-on-android is yet another utility allowing you to install pre-configured ubuntu with gui, development tools, and software on top of android without root via PRoot and Termux. Dec 23, 2024 · Step 7: Run the Ubuntu Desktop Environment. This means software you are free to modify and distribute, such as applications licensed under the GNU General Public License, BSD license, MIT license, Apache license, etc. Proot is slower. And unlike Termux it's a "real" Linux install, so troubleshooting and code from online usually just work. Windows. Who is stupid enough to run a 120 player Minecraft server with almost 200MB of memory! OK yeah, I'm pretty sure, I'm not. Termux lives within the android ecosystem, as an android app. ubuntu-in-termux - This is a script by which you can install Ubuntu in your termux application without a rooted device termux-wayland - Not released and unmaintained Termux X11 add-on application. termux-desktop - Setup A Beautiful Desktop/GUI In Termux UserLAnd - Main UserLAnd Repository termux-create-package - Python script to create Termux packages easily. I Download the official VS Code for Android Termux - Ubuntu. Mar 29, 2023 · The first script shared will build a file in Termux called “ubuntu”, and chmod it to executable, so you can now just type “. After everything is ready, we will setup a one-click startup script at the end of the article. io. Not supported below Lollip Nov 4, 2020 · UserLAnd; bVNC; Hacker's Keyboard (外付けキーボード使う場合は不要) Ubuntu のインストール. It's open source and very simple. I'll work through the installation again on a fresh install and post an answer shortly. Android で動く Linux 環境 UserLAnd が XServer XSDL に対応. Its somewhat like a terminal-onlu distro, whose pkgs have been slightly modified to run within android (#! lines in scripts are modified, etc). ubuntu-on-android - Run Ubuntu with pre-installed Desktop Environments in android/termux with ease! Everything is Download the UserLAnd client and start having fun. - No need to root your system. Download Visual Studio Code for Arm64 using the official Microsoft direct download link: termux-x11 - Not released and unmaintained Termux X11 add-on application. nanorc set titlecolor green,black set numbercolor green,black set statuscolor yellow,black set functioncolor green,black set keycolor red,black pkg update pkg install -y termux-tools termux-api rust wget curl git x11-repo qemu-system-x86-64 xfce4-settings xfce4 openbox obconf xorg-xsetroot polybar rofi xcompmgr feh st libnl xterm zsh geany pcmanfm Link Donatehttps://saweria. . g. In comparison, a UserLand Debian or Ubuntu instance is a lot slower. Android の上で最も手軽に Ubuntu の環境を構築するなら UserLAnd が一番楽だと思われます。 Termux でもできますが、UserLAnd の方が手間が少なくて済みます。 その代わり、Termux より動作速度が遅いです。 When comparing Complete Linux Installer vs UserLAnd, the Slant community recommends Complete Linux Installer for most people. If I need a full blown Linux in my hand, I can use QEmu in Termux to run a full distribution of (root and all in the VM). termux-wake- termux-setup-storage touch ~/. 04 XFCE through AnLinux+Termux in userspace and I am typing this question from it, but there are certain downsides: I can't figure Code-Server - VS Code in the browser termux-x11 - Not released and unmaintained Termux X11 add-on application. The main goal of the project is to achieve the possibility of a stable and fast replacement of QEMU user mode with proot, which is very slow and not stable. The most important reason people chose Complete Linux Installer is: termux-app vs proot-distro termux-api vs AnLinux-App termux-app vs termux-wayland termux-api vs usbserial4a termux-app vs UserLAnd termux-api vs mosquitto termux-app vs termux-x11 termux-api vs FOSS Browser termux-app vs ubuntu-on-android termux-api vs termux-docker termux-app vs termux-packages termux-api vs termux-widget Termux vs linux on dex Can termux run a gui reliably and is it any faster or better than linux on dex? I've never tried using a gui in termux before but I'm constantly having to redo my linux on dex install because it's always having memory issues. Plus the Photon has a full keyboard! edit: Not only that, I attempted to run UserLAnd before, and it does not do well on my old phones with slow, small storage. Feb 4, 2024 · Termux vs AndroLinux - Linux for Android vs Complete Linux Installer vs Linux Deploy vs Debian Kit vs AnLinux vs UserLAnd vs Limbo PC Emulator vs DebKit vs AndroNix vs GNURoot vs Debian noroot vs AutoPy vs APK Linux vs Lil' Debi Feb 6, 2020 · userland安装. Here Revolutionize your code reviews with AI. 調べるてみると,Ubuntuではtimedatectlというコマンドでタイムゾーンを設定できるようなのですが,UserLAndではエラーが出て設定できません. 「 DockerのUbuntu16. 0 license Activity. . Where proot seems like it, most arm64 programs can be installed on it. Dockie: manage unprivileged chroots like Docker in a few lines of POSIX shell Ubuntu-Gnome-Desktop-On-Termux-x11 This is a preinstalled Ubuntu Distro with Gnome Desktop. 0 + same as host (sometimes emulates Aarch packages for ARM devices if "arm64" package is not available, but "aarch32" or "aarch64" package is available. Jul 5, 2023 · Termux disables the phone keyboard's auto-correct and predictive text, because these features would interfere with typing commands. Without root, you can only run AnLinux and UserLand, with root and you can use all three. In a nutshell, proot is all fake, running from a process to make programs think they're operating in a regular Linux userland. ly/3iKZsQK• Termux https://bit. Chroot is better, as it's essentially running a userland right off the kernel (like a Linux desktop). A chroot will allow you to create an actual regular Linux userland. LSPosed - LSPosed Framework termux-api - Termux add-on app which exposes device functionality as API to command line programs. And there is no need for a remote server because code-server runs in Termux w/ Andronix! UserLAnd: Use Linux Anywhere. Termux Ubuntu PRoot ARM64 vs. , and software that isn’t designed to restrict you in any way. "GPLv3 license" is the primary reason people pick Termux over the competition. CodeRabbit offers PR summaries, code walkthroughs, 1-click suggestions, and AST-based analysis. So what's the point of trying x11? We have UserLAnd which uses proot and similar to Termux. Installation. 这个吧居然没扔讨论userland这个神器,感觉比termux好 Oct 23, 2017 · Be aware that Termux itself has a number of components, including base Termux, the Termux API Android App, the Termux package repository (based on app), and multiple third-party repos (e. co/wahasaInstall Apps Android• Userland https://bit. For one, it has root. when trying to run the vs code in the terminal logged in ubuntu with the code --no-sandbox (I don't really termux-wayland - Not released and unmaintained Termux X11 add-on application. termux-packages - A package build system for Termux. Now, enter the VNC password you set above. ) No The number of mentions indicates the total number of mentions that we've tracked plus the number of user suggested alternatives. Apache-2. My experience of working with Anlinux (Termux). アプリストアより「UserLAnd」「XServer XSDL」をインストール. A community for sharing and promoting free/libre and open-source software (freedomware) on the Android platform. If rooted, I'd always use LinuxDeploy as, no knock to Termux, a chroot will always be better. Since Canonical forces installing Firefox via snapd make it's silly. Linux. termux-api - Termux add-on app which exposes device functionality as API to command line programs. termux-wayland - Not released and unmaintained Termux X11 add-on application. 35 forks. Jun 19, 2020 · So the command info -a bash in Termux gives me a cool break down of bash. Releases are infrequent, but this is because the app itself does relatively little and needs few updates. As such, the program that you want to run, even if it is normally included in a standard install of the distro may not be included. - Easily join to VNC periods for a graphical expertise. nanorc set titlecolor green,black set numbercolor green,black set statuscolor yellow,black set functioncolor green,black set keycolor red,black pkg update pkg install -y termux-tools termux-api rust wget curl git x11-repo qemu-system-x86-64 xfce4-settings xfce4 openbox obconf xorg-xsetroot polybar rofi xcompmgr feh st libnl xterm zsh geany pcmanfm I was also able to get a decent Ubuntu distribution including a desktop environment running on a non-rooted device, even got Blender to render the popular BMW demo, though that took a while. LSPosed - LSPosed Framework UserLAnd - Main UserLAnd Repository wsa-toolbox - A Windows 11 application to easily install and use the Windows Subsystem For Android™ package on your computer. It does have limitations, mind. It still has limitations, but far fewer than a proot. 04でtimedatectl出来ないときの対処法 」にあるように,tzdataパッケージをインストールしてから,手動 Jul 8, 2019 · UserLAnd installs very minimal filesystems. github. Stars - the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. There are lots of community created scripts, though their quality may be lower than that of the official Termux utilities provide and third-party stuff is generally out of the official Termux support. Feb 6, 2019 · 这个吧居然没扔讨论u. termux-x11 - Not released and unmaintained Termux X11 add-on application. 0 + same as host No Emulation inside app (none) [7] [8] [9] UserLAnd Technologies: Compatibility layer /Android 5. For instance, doing a yarn install is more than 10x faster with a 4G connection using Termux than using UserLand. However you sill can see differences because Termux packages can be built with different compiler options, with different dependencies, etc in comparison to Linux distro in chroot. Oct 2, 2020 · My experience of working with userLAnd (Linux VM) It's goddamn slow and it used 71% of memory. linuxdeploy-cli - Linux Dec 29, 2019 · Then while searching for info, I came across UserLand and tried it. Termux is no exception and everything within Termux is executed with the same user id as the Termux application itself. NET (C#, VB. To run Ubuntu’s desktop environment, return to RealVNC Viewer, open Ubuntu, and click “Connect“. UserLAnd - Main UserLAnd Repository safetynet-fix - Google SafetyNet attestation workarounds for Magisk termux-x11 - Not released and unmaintained Termux X11 add-on application. You can proot, but you do have limitations still. 143 stars. Pi-hole-for-Android - Pi-hole/Unbound Raspbian APK Installer for Android 5. 64-bit 32-bit. Stars. A chroot can also run more closely to a desktop environment; full blown window managers, browsers and what not. ly/3iDfbRJ• Chroot and Termux should be same from performance side due to native execution. com Ubuntu is a little bloated and customize by Canonical Indeed. UserLAnd is an open-source app which permits you to run a number of Linux distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, and Kali. g Linux Mint) rather than Ubuntu itself. Apr 26, 2020 · Userland is an app to help you set up a container and run applications in it quickly using proot,likes desktop environment Same with what Linux deploy (same with userland but using chroot not proot) did,but proot doesn't need your phone to be rooted because it doesn't need root authority. - Use a built-in terminal to entry your favourite shells. ホームから UserLAnd を起動、 Apps タブの Distribution → Ubuntu で、画面の指示に従いインストール。(接続方法はVNCを選択) bVNCが起動してターミナルが開いたら、パッケージを最新 Compare termux-app vs proot and see what are their differences. Just like you would on a laptop or desktop. IP-App termux-app vs ubuntu-on-android Feb 6, 2020 · Termux という Linux の上に Ubuntu という Linux を構築するという、Linux の上に Linux を載せるという形になります。 公式サイトのやり方ではありませんが Ubuntu をインストールする方法が載っています。 Apr 18, 2022 · What UserLAnd does is lets you download an entire Linux distribution… and set it up as a running process on your Android phone (just as if it were any regular Android application). Google Play F-Droid APK ubuntu-on-android - Run Ubuntu with pre-installed Desktop Environments in android/termux with ease! Everything is preinstalled so just download install and done🚀🚀 Everything is preinstalled so just download install and done🚀🚀 The number of mentions indicates the total number of mentions that we've tracked plus the number of user suggested alternatives. Just click on Continue. imobiledevice-net - . I was able to open up a terminal window in VNC, but no LXDE. I installed Arch and LXDE. The username may look like u0_a231 and cannot be changed as it is derived from the user id by Bionic libc. My device : redmi note 4 (sd 625)Linux deploy : Ubuntu 18. nanorc set titlecolor green,black set numbercolor green,black set statuscolor yellow,black set functioncolor green,black set keycolor red,black pkg update pkg install -y termux-tools termux-api rust wget curl git x11-repo qemu-system-x86-64 xfce4-settings xfce4 openbox obconf xorg-xsetroot polybar rofi xcompmgr feh st libnl xterm zsh geany pcmanfm Jul 20, 2020 · In this video ,i compile Qemu in termux and Linux deployAnd shows you which is better. Feb 4, 2024 · Termux, AndroLinux - Linux for Android, and Complete Linux Installer are probably your best bets out of the 13 options considered. 手順. I was also able to get a decent Ubuntu distribution including a desktop environment running on a non-rooted device, even got Blender to render the popular BMW demo, though that took a while. UserLAnd - Main UserLAnd Repository When comparing Debian noroot vs UserLAnd, the Slant community recommends UserLAnd for most people. Aug 12, 2020 · But it was made possible to install Linux distros on rooted phones first, with apps like Linux Deploy, and now it is also possible to install Linux using PRoot apps like Termux. /ubuntu” instead of “proot-distro login ubuntu” every time you want to use your environment. My problem is that when I use the same command on ubuntu it gives me the simple man page I would get by running "man bash". linuxdeploy. Another comment mentioned iSH for iPhone, but the comparison between iSH and Termux is no contest - Termux on my 6-year-old Motorola Photon Q runs much better than iSH on my 6S. UserLAndの日本語化. Boost productivity and code quality across all major languages with each PR. I'm now prefer using Ubuntu Derivatives (e. But it's not only the network that is slow : yarn start (which compiles the JS files Jun 26, 2021 · 概要android上でLinux環境を構築するUserLAndやTermuxこれらのLinux環境と母体のandroidでファイルのコピーをする環境はPixel4a 5G(android11)準… In this video, we take a deep dive into the world of operating systems and compare the two popular ones - Termux and Linux. Since VS Code is an Electron app that runs in a Chrome-window anyway, the browser is it's native environment. Android で動く Linux 環境 UserLAnd が XServer XSDL に対応を参考に、UserLAndにUbuntuの環境を構築. 我发现了比Termux更优秀的安卓Linux模拟器! 前言. Termux Proot Distro - https://github. Collectively these provide a basic terminal environment, nearly 800 packages (a small count by Linux standards, but a surprisingly useful termux-wake- termux-setup-storage touch ~/. The number of mentions indicates the total number of mentions that we've tracked plus the number of user suggested alternatives. 之前给大家介绍了Termux,具体可以看这篇文章:Termux:手机上的Linux。 虽然Termux很优秀,但是它并不是一个完整的Linux,作为一个仿linux终端程序,兼客性比较差,无法直接把它当做linux系统使用,而需要在其中安装Ubuntu、Centos等虚拟机,虚拟机套虚拟 Termux is single-user. Watchers. This page is powered by a knowledgeable community that helps you make an informed decision. NET,) bindings for libimobiledevice UserLAnd - Main UserLAnd Repository usbmuxd - A socket daemon to multiplex connections from and to iOS devices termux-x11 - Not released and unmaintained Termux X11 add-on application. BOX64 So I was wondering how much performance do I lose by running the Linux ARM64 version of Geekbench inside an Ubuntu PRoot distro (running in Termux), and by running the x64 version of Geekbench using box64 (also running in the proot distro) compared to the native Android version. sh 文件,执行即可以 root 身份进入 ubuntu。 ubuntu-on-android - Run Ubuntu with pre-installed Desktop Environments in android/termux with ease! Everything is preinstalled so just download install and done🚀🚀 Everything is preinstalled so just download install and done🚀🚀 UserLAnd is like a virtual machine app that can run Linux OSes, but can also run specific single apps. Basically it allows running an actual arm linux distro in a pseudo container created by (ab)using the ptrace syscall to emulate root privileges. Termux provides my Android with a powerful shell and mini userland which provides it with extra power and capabilities without root need (or offloading to a Linux box via SSH). 第六步安装结束后,输入参数:qemu-system-i386 -hda (镜像绝对路径) -m 2G(视手机配置而定) -net user -net nic,model=e1000(视镜像作者说明而定 【图片】userland安装ubuntu系统运行qemu【杜大叔吧】_百度贴吧 Hello 🙋🏻♂️ Guys , I am Hexyn and here to give you some Informative Video ( ‿ )Termux VS Userland Which Tool Is Best For Kali Linux , Debian , Linux Androi proot VS ubuntu-in-termux chroot-environment userland-exec rootfs Chroot C Linux syscalls Ptrace HacktoberFest. , pip for python). Andronix use termux and some fonction are not free. - Easy setup for several widespread Linux distributions, like Ubuntu and Debian. Luckily, that is normally fairly easy to fix. The ways of installation of Linux distributions in Termux are not limited to proot-distro only. Support for X out of the box 2. 04, but it should also work on Termux I imagine. Suggest alternative. You switched accounts on another tab or window. termux-app Termux - a terminal emulator application for Android OS extendible by variety of packages. Has anyone been successful getting linux and LXDE or XFCE, etc, to run using Termux or Userland? If so, any suggestions as what I need to do to get it working? Thanks, Mark Run Ubuntu with pre-installed Desktop Environments in android/termux with ease! Everything is preinstalled so just download install and done🚀🚀 (by RandomCoderOrg) In a nutshell, a chroot will spawn processes straight in the Linux userland whereas a proot will do it from the Android environment and be limited by Android resource limitations. Reload to refresh your session. Proot will give you far more power than Termux alone, it's a clever little program that can make the userland pretend you're actually using Linux. The easiest way to run a Linux distribution or application on an Android device. There no overhead at all. cdqqb kvlzi rxeo mirbeh gbghljay ikfl gydy lcoi bdzdudl oqmep